Chapter 231: Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning’s confession, the boss lady is also a profession!!

Ye Mu was also stunned for a moment, in the quiet corridor, Ji Zhiguo Ning seemed to be exempt, as he said before, all things, only the beginning is the most difficult.

As long as you decide to take that step, as long as you decide to open your mouth and say a word, then after that, there will be no problem, because the burning feelings in your heart can no longer be suppressed.

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning was like this at this time, after she said the first sentence, her mind was empty, she was completely controlled by her own irrepressible feelings Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning said softly: “You are my salvation. I don’t know when it started, but my world just permeated with a touch of sunshine. ”

“Warm, glowing, shining, I chased like this, gradually, I knew, it was a figure.”

“The more I chased, the closer I got, the clearer I could see, until finally I knew, the warm light that shone into my heart, the one who gave me a new life…”

“It’s you”

Ji Zhiguo Ning looked at Ye Mu, and his eyes were full of gentle whisper: “I don’t know what will happen if I say this, but I do.” ”

“When I put all my efforts to make this dish and finally stand by your side, I felt like I could no longer suppress the feelings in my heart.”

“Ye Jun, I like you, I like it very much, no matter what kind of answer it will be, I will like Ye Jun, because it’s like there is only one sun.”

“In my heart, there is no place for a second person, Ye Jun, do you remember? You said that if my efforts can be recognized by you and I can have good results, you will grant me a wish, remember? ”

Ye Mu smiled and nodded and said softly: “Of course I remember. Because I rarely promise others. ”

“Then, Ye Jun, do you remember the previous question? Did I disappoint you Ye Jun? ”

“Not at all…”

“Then I think that the second place in the autumn election should already be considered a good result, Ye Jun, do you want to fulfill my wish?”

Ye Mu nodded and said, “Of course, as long as it doesn’t involve personality, within the scope of my ability, I will satisfy one of your careful wishes.” ”

Ji Zhiguo Ning folded his hands in front of his legs, showed a smile and said with a smile: “Ye Jun, I won’t force you to like me, so my wish is.” ”

“Ye Jun, can you leave me a little place in your heart? In this way, when I chased Ye Jun, I also had a lot of motivation… I guess it doesn’t involve personality.”

Ye Mu smiled and walked to Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning and said with a smile: “I thought you would cry out.” ”

“Actually… I can’t hold back the tears, Ye Jun. Me huh? ”

Before Ji Zhiguo Ningning’s words were finished, he saw Ye Mu gently put one hand against Ji Zhiguo Ningning’s lips, bent down slightly and said softly: “Ji Zhiguo, children who don’t cry have a reward…”

“Huh? Hmm…”

Ji Zhiguo Ningning’s whole person froze, her beautiful eyes suddenly widened and looked at the deep eyes in front of her in disbelief, she wanted to say something but couldn’t say it at all.

She suspected that she was dreaming, but this touch and temperature would not lie, Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning had never felt her heart beat so fast, and she had never been so excited.

As Ji Zhiguo Ningning said, she couldn’t hold it anymore, her tears were uncontrollable, Ji Zhiguo Ningning slowly raised her arm, slowly hugged Ye Mu and closed her eyes, and the uncontrollable tears finally slipped down.

The hallway is quiet, but there is a scene of a quiet kiss, maybe too quiet, maybe empty, maybe this feeling has been suppressed for too long, no one knows how long time has passed.

After a long time, Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning said softly with a slightly red face: “Ye Jun… You you”

“Ji Zhiguo, remember what I said?”


“You’re very up to standard.”

Ji Zhiguo Ning was stunned for a moment before being woken up by this surprise, she knew what it meant, but she still smiled and said, “Ye Jun!” I like you! ”

Ye Mu wiped Ji Zhiguo Ningning’s tears and said with a smile: “You still have to work for me.” ”

“The boss lady is also a position.”

Ji Zhiguo Ning was stunned for two seconds and the next moment he directly showed a smile and said with a smile: “Yes!” Ye Jun! Please let me work for you! ”

Saying that, Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning threw herself into Ye Mu’s arms, how many times she longed to be able to throw herself into this embrace, now, she finally did it, her feelings got a good result, this is the medal she really wants to get today.

After a long time, Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning said with some curiosity: “Ye Jun… Senpai Kobayashi and Senpai Akane Kubo and you are a couple. ”


Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning said with some worry: “Then I won’t be angry”

“Of course not!”

Ji Zhiguo Ning was stunned for a moment, and when he poked his head out of Ye Mu’s arms, he saw two beauties coming out of the corner, it was Akane Kubo Momo and Kobayashi gentian.

When he saw these two people, Ji Zhiguo Ning was still a little panicked, standing a little nervously, Xiaolin gentian came over and hooked Ji Zhiguo Ningning’s neck and said with a smile: “Don’t be nervous, you, except for yourself, it is estimated that everyone can see that you like your husband.” ”

“I… Senpai Kobayashi…”

Xiaolin gentian said angrily: “What Xiaolin senior, let me ask you, do you like your husband?” ”


“Then call Sister Gentian to listen.”



“Dragons… Sister Gentian…”

Xiaolin gentian smiled and said, “Isn’t this good!” Everyone will be sisters in the future! Don’t be sloppy, the two of us have been watching you for a long time! Luckily, you qualified! ”

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning was stunned for two seconds before looking at Kobayashi Gentian and Akane Kubo Peach in disbelief, and Akane Kubo Tao said with a smile: “Is it okay to call you Ning Ning?” ”


“Hee-hee… Unexpectedly cute, Mu, very powerful! ”

“Huh? Is this praise? ”

“Poof. See for yourself! Little Peach won’t tell you! Hum! I won’t tell you anymore! Ning Ning, you come with Little Peach and Gentian. ”


“Don’t be nervous~”


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