Su Ran naturally knew about the leaderboard.

But he didn’t take it to heart.

Rather, that’s what he wants.

“With SSS-level talent, I am destined to need obscene development.”

“At least, before Area 404 is invincible… It has to be done.

Su Ran sighed, it is not a good thing that the talent is too strong.

As long as you reveal a little, trouble is bound to follow.

Su Ran’s heart moved, and a personal status bar immediately appeared in front of his eyes.

[Name]: Su Ran

[Level]: Level 3 (100/300) [Strength]: 19 (

You can increase with 1 all-round value!) [

Agility]: 23 (Agility has been increased by 1 point using the Almighty!) [

Physique]: 20 (Use 1 all-around value to improve!) 【

Spirit】: 30 (Use 1 all-around value to increase!) [

Main Talent]: SSS level – all-round sublimation (current permission 1, 10000 all-round points required for upgrade)

Feature 1: The experience gained by killing the enemy has a certain chance of generating 2-10 times the critical hit.

Feature 2: The experience held can be transformed into an all-round point.

Feature 3: It can convert substances of certain value into all-round values.


D level – berserk, active characteristics: within one minute, the strength and agility attribute is doubled! (Not activated yet, required all-around value 12)

G level – strength increase, passive characteristic: 5% increase in strength when fighting! (Not activated yet, required all-around value 3)

G class – speed increase, passive characteristic: 5% increase in speed when fighting! (Not yet activated, required all-around value 3)

G level – physique increase, passive characteristic: when fighting, physique increased by 5%! (Not yet activated, required all-around value 3)

G class – greased soles of the feet, passive characteristics: double the speed when escaping! (Not yet activated, required all-around value 3) [All-round value

]: 121 [

Strength assessment]: Seventh rank

“Got rich!”

Su Ran looked at the personal status bar and was excited.

In this battle for survival, he is the biggest winner!

In addition to the all-around points he got from more than 100 slimes, the rest of the experience points were also converted into all-round points by him!

Get rich in ten minutes!

“These G-level talents are chicken for them, but they are the icing on the cake for me.”

“With these all-around values, can’t I directly improve my attributes?”

“For example, the strength is directly increased by 100 points?”

Su Ran was ecstatic, and his heart moved.

【Warning! Strength boost exceeds limit! 【Warning

! Your level is insufficient! 【Tip

: Your body is not enough to withstand sudden strengthening, it is recommended that you adapt to it for a while and use this ability after a while!

Su Ran was stunned.

Actually failed?

“Isn’t the attribute added by the upgrade also suddenly strengthened?”

[Hint: The experience energy required to level up has already been integrated into your body, not suddenly enhanced! ]


Su Ran suddenly realized.

Does this seem to be a late-stage talent?

It only takes 100 experience to upgrade from the first level to the second level, and the attribute can also be +20 points!

If you use the Almighty Value, you need 20 All-Around Points!

“2000 experience points, only 20 attributes, the early stage is too worthless!”

“In this case, it is better to upgrade the level and activate the talent in the early stage!”

Su Ran secretly said in his heart.

He had no choice but to retreat.

“Activate it all for me!”

A multi-line tooltip appears.

[G-level talent – physique

increase activated, all-around value -3] [G-level talent – speed increase activated, all-round value -3] [G-level talent – strength increase activated, all-around value

-3] [G-level talent – foot grease activated, all-around value -3] [D-level talent – fury activated, all-around value -12] [24 all-around

values have been used, and 97 all-around

points remained! The

talent was activated quickly.

Su Ran has 5 great talents at once!

And at this moment, a prompt box popped up in front of his eyes again.

[Tip: After the talent is activated, you can evolve for a certain amount of all-round value! ] 】

【G level evolves to D level, each level requires 10 all-around points! 】 】

【D-level talent Berserk can evolve into C-level talent – madness, the required all-around value is 100! ”

Can the all-around point still strengthen the talent level?!”

Su Ran was shocked in his heart.

He knew that his talent was very strong, but he never expected it to be so strong.

It’s as if someone else is playing a game normally, and he’s hanging up….

“With 3 all-around points short, I will be able to have another C-level talent!”

Su Ran’s heart was pounding.

That is, joy and apprehension.

He remembered that the mysterious voice said that the highest talent that could awaken was S-class, and he was obviously an outlier!

“My talent must not be known by others, maybe I can strengthen my Berserk Talent to B-level A or even S-level!”


While everyone was still immersed in joy.

The mysterious voice and the bulletin board reappeared.

[Announcement: New mission ‘Beast Tide Coming’! ] 【Mission

: In seven days, a large number of monsters will appear from the deep mountains, please do your best to protect the village 10 kilometers east of here! 】 】

【Reminder: The beast tide after seven days is extremely powerful, I hope you try to improve your strength to protect the village within seven days, once the village falls, your journey will end here! 】

When the mysterious voice dissipated along with the announcement in front of them, everyone was stunned in place.

“Isn’t it… This is really playing with us!

“It’s hard to survive, and the task after seven days is actually more difficult!”

“Even the hint says that the beast tide is extremely powerful, can we really hold it?”

“Does the end of the journey mean we can go back?”

“Are you thinking about farting to eat? This obviously means that if we can’t resist, we will all die, of course, it will end there!

“It’s numb, people are numb!”

Morale is low!

It had just been finished fighting the slime, and before everyone had time to rejoice for too long, they came to the mission again.

And the difficulty of this mission is obviously much higher than the last time.

Many people have died this time, and it’s hard to imagine how difficult it will be next time!

“Seven days…”

Su Ran was not too worried.

Seven days is enough time for him to be much stronger, and although he doesn’t know how difficult the beast tide will be after seven days, he feels that there should not be much problem.

“The only problem is that this mission is to guard and not to fight…” Su

Ran frowned slightly.

If it is a crusade mission, with the strong talent of the SSS level, he can also be confident alone.

But if he guarded the entire village, he would definitely not be able to do it alone.

“You can only do your best.”

“Set a small goal first, strengthen the berserk into a B-level talent, and at the same time pull the attribute points above 100 points!”


The red moon hangs high.

The crowd could only starve tonight.

When the first rays of sunlight came down, the people were already awake, or they simply could not fall asleep.

Not only hunger, but also fear of the unknown.

“Let’s go, hurry up and get to the village.”

“I wish there was food there, I didn’t eat all night, I had a fight, and now I’m so hungry that my chest is pressed against my back.”

Without any hesitation, everyone set out towards the eastern village early in the morning.

After all, you need a place to stay anyway, at least the problem of food must be solved first.

When everyone left, Su Ran stayed alone.

He stood at the edge of the jungle and looked into the depths.

From time to time, a low roar sounded there, startling a flock of birds.

“Those slimes are coming from this direction, go see first.”

Without too much hesitation, Su Ran stepped into the jungle.

With his current strength, he can barely protect himself.

In the event of danger, he can also use the remaining all-around points to improve his strength.

Su Ran’s physical functions had surpassed the others, and he easily jumped onto a ten-meter-tall tree.


“How did it get so quiet?”

“Something is wrong!”

Su Ran’s heart was cold, and a chill suddenly appeared behind him!

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