In the fourth quarter, Green Wind High School did not resist, and went directly to the full substitute lineup, and Xiangbei also played as a full substitute, and finally won the first round-robin match of the finals with a score of 96:59!

It's really the first time I've watched a high-school competition, and it's a national championship competition as soon as it comes up, and I instantly feel that there are so many masters in high school!

But this is also what Momoi is looking forward to in May, she took Aomine Daiki and Kuroko Tetsuya to watch the game in Kanagawa Prefecture, just because Kanagawa strong teams gathered, if you go to watch the game of a team like Ma Gongnishi, I'm afraid that if it's not Aomine Daiki, I'll think I'm okay with me, the most outrageous thing is that maybe he can, he's really good!

Momoi May saw that the game was over, and also got up and said, "Let's go!"

Aomine Daiki said strangely, "Where are we going? Didn't you say that there is a match between Hainan and Lingnan in the future?"

Momoi May blinked and said, "Let's go meet Senior Lin Chen!"

When Aomine Daiki heard that he was going to see Lin Chen, he nodded hurriedly and got up with Momoi May, and Kuroko Zhe also got up and followed.

The people in Xiangbei didn't have anything to celebrate, after all, for them, it was normal to win a county competition round-robin!

Everyone was talking and laughing and preparing to watch the game between Lingnan and Hainan, but they happened to bump into the three of Momoi May, and after Momoi May saw Lin Chen, he hurriedly smiled and waved his hand, "Lin Chen's senior!"

Ayako and Akagi Haruko were both very puzzled, could it be that Momoi May still had a connection with Lin Chen in private? So the two girls turned their heads to look at Lin Chen, and found that Lin Chen was also confused, but the two girls looked at the majesty of Momoi May, and they were also a little jealous, how could this woman develop so well!

The other people in Xiangbei looked at Momoi May, who greeted them and called Lin Chen's name, and they were also confused, in their memory, the captain should be the kind of person who doesn't enter the female sex, why did such a friend suddenly appear!

But everyone got a little closer and found Aomine Daiki.,Uh,Kuroko Tetsuya's presence is too low.,Except for Sakuragi Hanamichi,No one notices him.。。。

When Lin Chen saw this trio, he suddenly realized, and said with a smile, "You guys also came to watch the game!"

Momoi May smiled and said, "Yes, Ah Da wants to come and see how the seniors played, so we came over!"

Kuroko 883 Tetsuya and Aomine Daiki also politely greeted Lin Chen, and a few people exchanged a few words, and Momoi May took Aomine Daiki and Kuroko Tetsuya back.

Sakuragi Hanamichi put his arms around Lin Chen's neck and said, "Brother Lin Chen, tell me honestly, how did you know such a beautiful girl!"

The other Xiangbei team members also looked at Lin Chen with gossipy faces, and Lin Chen said speechlessly, "Last time I went on a date with Ayako, I met them on the way... "

Lin Chen told him what happened last time, and Hinata Shunhei was surprised, "What? That Aomine Daiki is one of the Miracle Generation, is it still the ace player of the Miracle Generation?"

Sakuragi Hanamichi complained, "I said Xiaoshun, didn't you say that you want to defeat the miracle generation? Why don't you even know what the family looks like! Also, people are obviously two people, how did you become one person in your mouth?"

"Huh, two of them, where is the other one?" Hinata Shunhei said strangely.

Lin Chen was also speechless, good guy, the presence of the sunspot is too low, standing in front of them, these people didn't find it, only Sakuragi Hanamichi alone discovered the existence of the sunspot!

Thinking of this, Lin Chen glanced at Liuchuan Feng, no, it's not a person, this facial paralyzed fox should have also found out, but he didn't say it!

Lin Chen also discovered that the misdirection (sight inducement) of the sunspot seems to be ineffective for himself, it should be said that it is ineffective for the three of them of the three illusion gods, this should be a special effect of divinity!

Thinking of this, Lin Chen was also very happy, after all, this effect is really a bit of a pain, Kuroko Zhe is indeed a miracle generation-level player, but there is a problem, that is, he can't control his talent, and no one in the other miracle generations knows how to control his talent, Akaji Seijuro is still delusional about creating a new type of phantom sixth person, this is completely nonsense, if it is so easy to replace Kuroko Tetsuya, then the whole world can be the sixth person of illusion!

Kuroko Tetsuya's sight induction is not an acquired Xi practice, he is born, if Kuroko Tetsuya finds the key to control the sight induction (CBCH), he can exert his true strength!

I don't know if you know that Mr. Liu Qian, a famous magic master in my country and also a world magic master, Mr. Liu Qian's sight inducement has been used for decades and has never failed.

Moreover, Mr. Liu Qian is a special existence, Kuroko always says that he is a shadow and needs to rely on light to play a role, but Mr. Liu Qian has both the ability of light and shadow, he is his own light, and at the same time his own shadow, so this is also the reason why his sight inducement has never missed! The most critical point is that Mr. Liu Qian's sight induction is not innate, he is Xi the day after tomorrow, since the acquired practice Xi can be so powerful, what about Kuroko Tetsuya, who is born with this talent?

Kuroko Tetsuya has been playing for a long time, and the line of sight induction will be ineffective, not the problem of line of sight induction, it is that he will not use line of sight inducement!

Completely controllable line of sight inducement, you can use it however you want, Dai Qianhiro doesn't have this talent, but Kuroko Zhe also has it! This is the difference between innate and acquired Xi!

So Kuroko Tetsu can also develop a series of moves similar to the disappearing dribble, but Dai Chihiro can't do it!

Of course, this doesn't mean that the sight induces invincibility, there are no invincible moves, only invincible people, for example, your own backward jumper and the old rascal's backward jumper, is that the same thing?

In fact, Kuroko Tetsuya actually has a lot of potential, but none of these people will use it!

In other words, Kuroko Tetsuya's low sense of existence is completely that he automatically uses gaze guidance all the time, and if he can control his ability to achieve gaze guidance that can be switched on and off at any time, then the strategic value will be greater than one percent!

Light and shadow are always interdependent, light can also be used as shadow, and shadow can also be used as light, which is why Lin Chen told Kuroko Tetsuya that if he still wants to play basketball in high school, he will come to him, he really wants to see what kind of existence Kuroko Zhe will be when he is fully developed!

Lin Chen estimated that when Qingfeng Dahui and them bloomed one after another, the Diguang basketball club would enter a state of discord between the face and the heart, regardless of personal relationship, it was the difference in basketball concepts, and then Kurozi Zhe would definitely come to him!

Hmm, how does it feel weird, Lin Chen feels like a big villain, waiting for Kuroko Zhe to send it to the door by himself!

Don't think about the problem of Kuroko Tetsuya for the time being, everyone in Xiangbei came to the stands, ready to take a look at the game between Hainan and Lingnan, Hainan and Lingnan have changed their new lineups, last year's Hainan won Lingnan, but I don't know if this year's Hainan can still win, or Xiandao Zhanghui will be ashamed and take Lingnan to victory.

Lin Chen also looked at Xian Dao Zhang, who was warming up on the field, and probed to see if he had made any progress this year!

Name: Akira Sendo

Height: 193cm

Weight: 79kg (read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Strength: 90

Speed: 96

Stamina: 97

Bounce: 96

Talents: Perfect Ball Sense (Intermediate) (Combined)

Wild: Cranes

Badge: Crane Immortal Stream

I have to say,It's worthy of being a man who can fight with Liuchuan Feng all day.,The attributes are really not bad.,And the third-grade immortal Dao.,Or the third-grade Amu is even stronger.,It's the benefits of the version update.,Wildness and talent are all there.,It's this badge.,It always gives Lin Chen a feeling of play.。。。

Crane: When you play the ball, the style will become elegant, +10% speed when not making physical contact with the opponent, +10% dribbling fluency, +10% strength when making contact with the opponent, +30% anti-interference ability!

I have to say that the wildness of the fairy road belongs to the high-level wildness, even the wildness of Kiyota Nobunaga is not as powerful as him, and his talent is also a little higher than that of Kiyota Nobunaga, which is an intermediate talent.

Crane Immortal Flow: Xiandao's style of play is very elegant, smart, as a point guard, pass accuracy +20%, pass speed +10%, as a small forward, breakthrough ability +10%, bounce +10%.

This badge is very suitable for the playing style of the Immortal Dao, and it can improve the ability of the Immortal Dao to bring teammates!

However, Lin Chen glanced at Xiandao's teammates, uh, no!

Although the new small forwards and centers are good, but the cross-country Hongming color pen is still in the team, Fukuda Jizhao doesn't know whether he has practiced the COSCO pitch, anyway, Miyachi Kiyoshi and Taisuke Otsubo have no long-range throwing ability, if Fukuda Jizhao is not good, then the entire Lingnan's COSCO pitch will depend on Xiandao alone!

Lingnan's lineup is a little better than that of Green Wind High School, because Green Wind High School's mid-range shooting is concentrated on the role player of Kemei Ichiro, and he is very easy to target, but Lingnan's medium-range shooting is focused on Xiandao, Xiandao is a player who is not easy to target, and it is not so easy to restrain him, such a place where Lingnan is stronger than Green Wind Middle School.

Green Wind High School is also unlucky, and he met Xiangbei in the first game, and with the intelligence ability of Haruko Akagi and Ayako, he almost didn't pull out the bottoms of Green Wind High School, and was directly held down by Xiangbei!

The other teams in the top four of the county competition don't need to find other plans at all, just copy the tactics of Xiangbei, although the inner strength of Lingnan and Hainan is not as strong as Xiangbei, but it is not to be underestimated, these two teams are strengthened on the inner line!

This is actually prepared for the Sakuragi Flower Road! Look at Hainan here, a card position, a board grabbing expert, it is clear that he is coming to the Sakuragi Flower Road!

Lingnan is the same, Taisuke Otsubo is a slightly shorter Yuzhu Chun, and his temper is not as short-tempered as Yuzhu, and there is a meat shield sitting on the bench, which is clearly to restrict Sakuragi Hanamichi!

It's just that what Hainan and Lingnan didn't expect is that this year's Xiangbei has found a Muji Tieping, with the existence of Muji Tieping, you can't arbitrarily wrap the cherry blossom road in the inner line, although the five generals without crowns are not so strong, but compared to the ordinary inner line, it is already a strong existence!

It's just that the development direction of Kiyoshi Tetsuhei and Akagi Gangxian is different!

Hainan's lineup is relatively better, although Yukio Kasamatsu on the guard line is definitely not as good as Amu, but he is also a defender above the level, and he is only a little weaker than Miyagi Ryota.

The inner line is completely strengthened, and the strength of the combination of Mitsuhiro Hayakawa and Hiroshi Kobori is not weak! After all, it is going to Sakuragi Hanamichi.

In Lin Chen's cranky thoughts, the game began, this year's Hainan and Lingnan did not have a training match, both teams also only played a preliminary final, as soon as they came up, the two sides gave each other a big surprise, first of all, Hainan here, Kiyota Nobunaga became famous in the county competition last year, and after seeing the off-road Hongming this year, it was like a cat seeing a mouse, and he was so happy that he couldn't do it, and he directly turned his back to single the off-road Hongming, and won a good start for Hainan!

Xiandao was also very surprised, he didn't expect that this kid Kiyota Nobunaga had evolved, and he scored with a shot as soon as he came up!

Although Amu for Kasamatsu Yukio is a weakening, but in terms of projection, Amu is definitely inferior to Kasamatsu Yukio, and Hainan's outside firepower is much stronger than last year!

However, Kiyota Nobunaga practiced the mid-shot, and Fukuda Yoshio was not far behind and played a block with Xiandao, and after receiving the pass from Xiandao, he showed his hand in the frame!

This is something that no one expected! The players on both sides of the world all want to give each other a dismount!

Obviously, neither team wants to lose this game to fight against Xiangbei!

As soon as it came up, both teams wanted to take the lead, which led to the first quarter of the game becoming a battle of offense, Ashen and Kiyota Nobunaga made a force, Xiandao and Fukuda Yoshizhao made a force, and finally the first quarter of the game was a 28:28 draw!

And the pace of the game on both sides is fast, and the physical exertion of both sides is a lot!

Lingnan completely changed the tactical system, and after the Yuzhu retired, they actually started the run-and-bomb tactics!.

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