Path of light

Chapter 96 Expedition 97

Chapter 96 97.Inspection Team

Roy bought a bottle of grass ointment from the pharmacy, opened the door and walked into the living room.

Ms. Belinda was seen sitting in the living room.

She held a magic belt in her hand, with a magic pattern cloth bag sewn on it.

The cloth bag is about the size of a palm, and there is a buckle on the front, so you can quickly put your hand into the bag.

Roy knew that this was Ms. Belinda's magic waist bag. Her waist bag usually stored some personal items, carving knives and stones.

"Roy, you have to take part in the college's outdoor practical class. It will be more convenient to bring a magic waist bag!"

After saying that, Ms. Belinda planned to tie the fanny pack around Roy's waist.

Roy took a half step back and did not accept the gift from Ms. Belinda. He turned around and pointed at the canvas satchel hanging on the wall and said to Ms. Belinda:

"I've prepared my backpack, and I'll also bring my tent and pan with me..."

With that said, Roy took off the satchel from the wall and carried it on his body, then took out the bundled tent bag and carried it behind his back.

Even the frying pan is hung on his waist, making him look like a traveler.

Ms. Belinda squinted her eyes and looked at Roy, who was dressed in traveler's attire, feeling an indescribable sadness in her heart...

"I am going to participate in outdoor survival exercises this time. It is not a picnic. I have to carry a picnic basket with me."

"If I wear a magic waist bag, even though I can carry more luggage and tools with me, it will also reduce the difficulty of outdoor exercise. Belinda, I want to experience a different world outside. Believe me, I can Take good care of yourself.”

Roy said as he put the grass paste into his satchel.

When the first ray of sunlight shone into the room in the morning, Roy got up early and packed his luggage.

When he walked out of the courtyard, Ms. Belinda stood at the entrance of the courtyard and watched him quietly walking along Brown Street towards the intersection.

Roy was carrying a shoulder bag, a tent bag and pots on his back, and an ordinary dagger on his belt.

After waiting at the street corner for a while, a long carriage arrived. The carriage pulled Roy to the gate of the Elf Academy. Two rows of long carriages were parked on the street in front of the academy. Each carriage had no carriages. Passengers and coachmen were all gathered together, talking quietly.

This activity is specially prepared by Elf Academy for new students to complete a month-long outdoor experience in the Malaga jungle.

Roy rushed to the entrance of the academy and saw Claire squeezed out of the crowd. He was wearing exquisite light leather armor, with a long dagger on his waist, a short dagger tied to his leg, and a combat short bow and quiver behind his back. , with a magic fanny pack tied around her waist. Probably to adapt to jungle life, Claire actually cut her hair short.

"Roy, why are you here so late!" Claire complained as she walked over.

As expected, the entrance of the college was crowded with freshmen, and there was already a long line of freshmen boarding the carriage.

When a long carriage is full, one carriage will leave the Elf Academy.

"Follow me, I saw them..." Roy waved to Claire and said.

The two had agreed before that they would first go to Castle Ellington for a three-day inspection, and then do the geography class tasks and complete the outdoor survival in the martial arts training class.

The tasks that Claire needs to complete are almost unlimited and relatively free.

Roy took Claire and found the members of Group 16 in the crowd. The group of Silver Moon Elf girls surrounded Edith and were chatting happily.

Seeing Roy and Claire, Edith came up to them with a sweet smile.

When Claire saw Edith, she was a little surprised and asked, "How could it be you?"

Roy also planned to introduce Claire to them. When he heard Claire say this, he whispered to him:

"Do you know them?"

Claire and Roy whispered in a low voice: "We are all Silver Moon Elf nobles in Castletown. How could we not know each other... It's just that we are not familiar with each other. They usually have their own small group, and it is difficult for outsiders to join... …”

Edith walked over gracefully, stretched out her delicate hands with lace white gloves, smiled at the two of them and said:

"Roy, Wagner, welcome to join us!"

Roy and Claire politely held the tips of Edith's three fingers.

In fact, the Sixteenth Group's trip to Castle Ellington included not only the ten members of the group, but also several Silver Moon Elf students from outside, both male and female, all of whom were Elf nobles...

Except for Roy, everyone wore light leather armor and did not carry any luggage. Each elf student carried a magic waist bag, and each one was more exquisite than the last.

Roy and Claire joined in, and the expedition team gathered.

Edith, who was wearing beige leather armor, walked at the front, followed by elf girls in the same dress. She was extremely eye-catching even at the entrance of the academy.

Wherever he passed, the elf students gave way.

Claire and Roy were at the back of the team. Claire saw Roy carrying a bag and asked in a low voice:

"Roy, why don't you bring a magic waist bag? That thing can carry a lot of things. It's very convenient."

Roy couldn't help complaining: "How much does that thing cost?"

Claire answered without hesitation: "The most common magic waist bag can be purchased with only six magic crystals."

Roy spread his hands helplessly and said, "Well, if this outdoor practical class is held three weeks later, maybe I can afford it..."

Seeing that Roy was wearing a set of linen clothes, Claire couldn't help but said, "Roy, you should wear light leather armor. Light leather armor is not very expensive."

"I took the time to go to the store and check it out. The only leather armors that are suitable for me are hard leather and heavy leather armor sets. However, I feel that this kind of heavy leather armor will not be used in this outdoor practical class, so I didn't buy it, because it's so stiff when I wear it, it won't be very comfortable wherever I lie down..." Roy whispered.

Edith found an empty long carriage almost as fast as she could. There were sixteen people in the castle inspection team.

After everyone boarded the long carriage, there were still four empty seats in the carriage.

Edith just waved her hand impatiently, and the door of the long carriage was closed tightly by the coachman from the outside. The long carriage followed the convoy westward and quickly left the city of Castletown.

"This time we plan to spend three days to complete the inspection of Castle Ellington..."

Edith stood at the front of the long carriage and said to the members of the investigation team in the carriage.

After the carriage drove out of Castletown, the road outside the city was not so smooth. There was still a winding mountain road outside, so it was very bumpy along the way.

Fortunately, the scenery along the way is very good. The roadside is covered with blue irises, and dark blue berries can be seen in the bushes farther away.

Rainy season in Castletown.

The hillside is lush and green, and some temporarily formed creeks can be seen everywhere. Some creeks even fall from the stone cliffs on the roadside, forming a small waterfall.

After driving out of the mountains, Roy stretched his head out of the car window and saw a large highland jungle in front of him.

"The Malaga jungle is ahead. The long carriage can only take us to the edge of the jungle. We have to walk 20 kilometers south to reach Ellington Castle. But thankfully, although it is the rainy season, But the mountain road leading to Castle Ellington is not difficult at all.”

Edith would occasionally stand up and introduce the surrounding situation to the members of the expedition team in the carriage.

Roy felt that she was very familiar with the Malaga jungle ahead...

The long carriage came all the way to the edge of the Malaga jungle. There were more than a dozen long carriages parked on the roadside, almost all of them empty.

Roy's castle expedition team also quickly assembled next to the carriage. Edith didn't even look at the map. She took two steps on the roadside wearing long leather boots, glanced at the scenery in the distance, and pointed. To the southeast, I say to everyone:

"Fort Ellington is over there. We walk all the way over there from here. There is a forest trail there."

After saying that, she took the lead and walked towards the jungle over there.

Roy followed the team at the end and immediately took out a map to mark the path pointed out by Edith.

The vegetation on the edge of the Malaga jungle is very dense. If Edith hadn't led the way, it would have been difficult to find this path hidden in the dense forest...

There were a total of six boys in the expedition team. Roy and Claire were assigned to the second group. Each group had to be at the front of the team, using a knife to cut down some weeds and vines blocking the road, and also scare away the bushes. There are poisonous insects, snakes and ants.

Roy couldn't recognize the names of many plants in the jungle.

However, there happens to be an elf girl in the expedition team who studies plants. She will record the plants she encounters along the way.

Many big trees in the jungle are more than 20 meters tall, but only as thick as an adult's thigh. These trees are closely connected in the jungle, with almost no branches visible on the straight trunks, and only the tops of the trees have dense leaves, Roy You can even see clusters of berries.

The forest was covered with various spiky vines, and Roy picked out a mamba snake from the grass...

The members of the expedition team became nervous and began to pay attention to their feet when walking.

This path was less than two kilometers long, and everyone found a thoroughfare that could be used by horse-drawn carriages.

Edith led a group of expedition members covered in dew and tree sap out of the jungle. They rested for a while by the road before continuing to move forward.

It's hot and difficult to walk in the jungle, and you can feel the cool breeze while sitting on the road.

Several elf girls took out a few red fruits from their magic pockets and shared them with everyone. When they handed them to Roy and Claire, they refused and swallowed as they watched them eat...

Roy checked the directions marked on the map and confirmed that the expedition team had not gone in the wrong direction.

The expedition team continued walking along the road. When passing a creek, Roy and Claire took two bottles of water...

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