Part-time BOSS

Chapter 38 Professionals (Additional update for leader Wushang Zhonglin)

Mo Fei didn't pick up the pen and looked at the document directly.

The content of this agreement was obviously not the one he proposed last night, but it was also not the one Wang Ziheng showed him before.

The general content of the agreement has not changed. Because the anchor Mo Fei violated the company's regulations, the company wants to take back Mo Fei's game account and terminate the relevant contract. There is no mention of compensation in the agreement, but a compensation clause is added - the company wants to In recognition of anchor Murphy's work performance, he was given a 1 million severance package.

One million, haha, that’s really generous.

He sneered, "This is different from what we talked about yesterday."

The supervisor looked at him with a proud expression, "Come on, Murphy, you are not stupid. You don't really think that what you did yesterday can change everything, do you? I admit that you are indeed a ruthless person. , what you did at that time really shocked me.

But times have changed, young people. Now is a society ruled by law, and it is no longer an era where problems can be solved by being brave and aggressive.

We don’t have to worry about what happened yesterday, and we can also give you an additional 1 million in severance pay, but the good words stop here.

You have only two choices now, sign this agreement, or we can go through the legal process. Of course, you can also choose to continue fighting, but let me tell you, this will never lead to good results..."

The supervisor wanted to continue talking, but as soon as the middle-aged man raised his hand, the supervisor suddenly became silent.

"First of all, let me introduce myself, Situ Cheng, the legal advisor of Shining Star Group." The man stretched out his hand towards Murphy.

Mo Fei did not shake hands with the other party, "Where is Wang Ziheng?"

Situ Cheng didn't care, "After what happened yesterday, his father was very disappointed with him, thinking that he didn't have the courage and courage that a businessman should have, and acted recklessly and impulsively without considering the consequences. Wang Ziheng has been dismissed from his position by his father.

Now the relevant matters are handled by me, and what you have in front of you is the best condition I can give. "

Murphy was a little surprised, "Does the boss know about this?"

"Of course, otherwise, do you think this is some bloody drama about the rich second generation misbehaving and bullying their subordinates in their own company? Haha, you have read too many novels. This matter was set by the boss himself."

Murphy was a little unbelievable, "The boss wants to get my game account personally?"

"It's not your account, it's the account of all the anchors."

"Let me give you some popular science, Mr. Murphy. The reason why capital is capital is its unremitting pursuit of interests, and the pursuit of interests will inevitably involve risks. This risk may be losing money or may be a threat to personal safety. .

Every year, news breaks out about migrant workers who angrily kill real estate bosses when they fail to get wages. But the wages should still be owed. Why? The answer is simple, because capital is betting that migrant workers will not dare to do this. After all, they dare to risk their lives. After all, people are still in the minority.

And usually capital always wins the bet.

Sky World is currently the hottest game on the market, and the value contained in it is immeasurable. The boss will never give up control of the game account no matter what.

I have already understood Mr. Murphy's methods, and it really opened my eyes. There are very few people as bloody as you in this era, but it doesn't make much sense. Business is business. If you can't make high profits, , so what’s the point of the contract?

I carefully studied the contract signed by Mr. Mo and the company's regulations.

The demand for compensation of 27.5 million is indeed ridiculous, and it is probably unlikely to be tenable legally. However, Mr. Mo did violate some of the company's regulations. According to the content of the contract, we have the right to fire Mo Sir, and take back all Mr. Mo’s financial gains during the live broadcast, including your game account.

We will never lose in a lawsuit.

Mr. Murphy, don’t think that you can negotiate terms with us by threatening force. This is absolutely impossible. Even if the boss spends money to hire a team of lawyers like me, he won’t give it to you, because it will reveal something very bad. The signal will make people feel that they and capital are really on an equal footing and can trade fairly.

You can dig out a piece of meat from capital in a desperate way. No, no, no, this is absolutely impossible. Capital has its own rules of the game. You either abide by it or become its enemy.

In fact, this matter could have been solved in a better way. We could privately give Mr. Mo a large amount of compensation, and on the surface it would still be to withdraw the account character for one million, so as to ensure that we would not project a bad signal.

But after what happened yesterday, this possibility has been killed. This was Wang Ziheng's mistake, and he has paid the price for his impulse. Now it is your turn, Mr. Mo.

If Mr. Murphy feels angry, of course it is understandable. As the head of the legal team, I am right in front of you. I can responsibly say that I can take full responsibility for this matter. If you really want to find someone to fight for it, Just ask me, I can even provide you with the tools. "

The man said and took out a delicate knife from his pocket, with a sharp blade and a gorgeous handle. "Believe me, this thing is much easier to use than a pen."

He pushed the knife directly in front of Murphy, and then picked up the pen, "Or maybe Mr. Murphy doesn't intend to do this, accept our proposal, and accept this million."

He placed the pen on the other side of the contract.

Then he held his hands and looked at Murphy. There was neither pride nor fear on his face, he just looked at him like this.

Murphy looked at the knife and pen on the table, then looked at the man's calm expression, and thought to himself, you are really frank enough. Should I praise you for being aboveboard or scold you for being shameless?

He reached out and picked up the knife. The lawyer's face changed slightly, but he did not move. The security guard next to him wanted to take action, but the lawyer waved his hand.

"I'm a very good judge of people. Mr. Mo is definitely not the kind of person who acts on impulse. If I'm wrong, I'm willing to pay the price for my mistake."

(Kill him! What are you waiting for.) The voice came out again.

Murphy seemed to see the red eyes in the reflection of the blade, and the air suddenly became hot.

(Go ahead, kill him! Pass through with one knife, those useless security guards can’t stop us!)

Murphy felt a trance in front of his eyes. He immediately closed his eyes and tried hard to resist the idea that was trying to control him.

(Kill him! Kill him! Why not kill him! Waste, garbage, if you dare not let me do it...)

"Shut up!" Murphy said through gritted teeth. Situ Cheng was slightly startled, glanced at the supervisor, and thought to himself, you are really right. This person's spirit may be a little abnormal.

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