Panic For 10000 Years

Chapter 410: kill

Those who are qualified to enter the Undead Secret Realm are all under the age of sixty.

With this age limit, the upper limit of the participants' cultivation base can be basically determined, and it will kill the sky-level bone forging!

Promoted to Yun Dirty Realm before the age of sixty, just kidding!

This is impossible!

Even if you are a peerless genius, with great talent, you have practiced martial arts since childhood and enjoyed the best resources, breaking through to heaven-level bone forging in sixty years is the limit.

Even if you are the one...

Even if you are the child of luck...

You can never be young in the dirty realm. When you are in your 50s or 60s, you enter the secret realm of immortality. The annual ring breath emanating from your body will attract the Nian beasts around you. You have no chance of survival.


As a result, when the four surnamed Gu saw Dian Wei revealing the genuine protective cover, they were immediately shocked.

The four of them are actually quite famous, known as the "Four Heroes of the Mixed Yuan Dynasty", Gu Changchun, Li Haoyuan, Pei Yuan, Liu Zhongjun, and the proud sons of the sky who were vigorously cultivated by the Mixed Yuan Academy.

In addition, the unique skill "Ming Yuan Gong" of the Mi Yuan Academy is unique. The method incorporates the method of formation, which can be coordinated by many people. The offensive and defensive powers are superimposed on each other. The power is huge, and the battle is invincible.

If an opponent of the same rank wants to crack this skill, there is only one way, and that is to defeat them individually.

Or, at least eight or more of the same rank join forces, and it is possible to suppress it.

But it doesn't stop there.

In this trial, Miyuan Academy carefully selected four people with the surname Gu and gave them strict training.

And the four people surnamed Gu lived up to expectations, all of them were Heaven-level Bone Forging, and at the same time, they performed Mixing Yuan Gong, their combat power was comparable to Yun Dirt Realm, and it was not a false legend.

They will never part, nor give anyone a chance to break through, nor put themselves under siege.

It is for this reason that Miyuan Academy has great ambitions for this trial, and the four surnamed Gu also believe that their strength surpasses the previous predecessors and will definitely achieve better results.

Where did you think!

An unexpected monster suddenly appeared in front of them.

Although the four of them have a combat power comparable to the Yunxie Realm, they are comparable after all. Compared with the real Yunxie Realm, there is actually a big gap.


At the moment when they were stunned, Dian Wei did not pause, grabbed the shard of the magic blade, and advanced forward.

too fast!

The white-faced man Gu Changchun saw a flower in front of him, and immediately felt a chill on his neck, and his head lifted back.

A great man's head fell to the ground!


The face is full of incredible expressions!

However, not a drop of blood was spilled!

"Ah Senior Brother Gu..." The square-faced man Li Haoyuan screamed in horror.

Dian Wei twisted his body, swung his arms, and swept back.


Another head flew to the ground.

In this way, before Li Haoyuan screamed, his head moved, and his death was quite sudden.

With two simple moves in a row, Dian Wei brutally killed two Heavenly Levels in seconds.


This is the complete crushing of strength!

The opponent has no resistance and is left to be slaughtered.

The next moment, the other two Pei Yuan and Liu Zhongjun finally reacted. At this time, they were horrified and made the same action.

Rampage backwards!




This was the only thought that echoed in their minds!

The corners of Dian Wei's mouth twitched, his shoulders swayed, he disappeared from the spot in an instant, and then appeared in front of Liu Zhongjun.

That picture, like the goshawk pounced on the weak and helpless little sparrow.

"Forgive me..."

Liu Zhongjun opened his mouth, and then he saw his body fall to the ground, with no head on his neck.

Then, there was a whirlwind.

"So this is what it feels like to be beheaded..." Liu Zhongjun's head rolled on the ground and got out of the way.

After killing Liu Zhongjun, Dian Wei stomped his feet abruptly, twisted his body to change direction, and pounced on Pei Yuan.

"Grass, I'm not running away."

Pei Yuan was already in despair, and found that three of his four teammates had died, and his mentality had completely collapsed.


Dian Wei gave him a different experience.

In a blink of an eye, the Minyuan Academy team was destroyed!

"Little Master Uncle..."

Yu Xueting watched Dian Wei kill as easily as chopping melons and vegetables, and she was shocked beyond words.

She knew that Dian Wei was strong, but she didn't expect him to be so strong, it was so terrifying.


Yu Xueting's pupils shrank, and the four corpses on the ground quickly turned into mummified corpses, and then turned into dust and dissipated.

One after another, fresh blood flew towards Dian Wei's hand like a beautiful rainbow.

Dian Wei immediately sat down with his knees crossed.

Yu Xueting felt an evil aura bursting out from Dian Wei's side, which made her tremble and get goosebumps all over.

After a while, Dian Wei breathed a sigh of relief and stood up with a happy smile on his face.

"Little Martial Uncle, could it be this thing?" Yu Xueting's eyes fell on the fragments of the magic blade.

Dian Wei nodded: "Magic blade fragments, very evil things."

Yu Xueting said in her heart as expected.

But she found that Dian Wei was calm and uncontaminated by the fragments of the magic blade, and her mind relaxed.

After all, only the Dirty Realm can freely use the fragments of the magic blade.

The powerful and brave little uncle is fully qualified!


Yu Xueting was relieved and no longer worried.

At this time, Dian Wei picked up the two treasured bones on the ground, which were left by the four people surnamed Gu, as trophies.

"Two treasured bones, whoever sees them will have a share, you and I will have one." Dian Wei smiled and gave one to Yu Xueting.

"Thank you little uncle."

Yu Xueting was not polite and accepted it readily.

Dian Wei reminded: "There are only three chances, so be sure to concentrate on your memory. You remember first, and I will protect the law for you."


Yu Xueting's expression softened and she became serious.

Afterwards, the two began to take turns taking turns on the contents of the treasure bones, paying full attention.

"Nian Beast Secret Skill: Overturning the Sea!"

"Special effects: overturning the river and the sea, the waves are raging."

Dian Wei has obtained a secret water attribute skill, which can only be practiced by those who have practiced water attribute exercises.

Of course, for Dian Wei, who has cultivated Zhou Liushui Jin, there is naturally no problem.

"Nian Beast Secret Skill: Mysterious Finger!"

"Special effects: how many things have happened in the past and the present, and one can designate the universe!"

Yu Xueting has acquired a secret finger technique, and after practicing it, it is very powerful. If she hits a specific part, her strength may be imprisoned or even broken.

"This mysterious finger is also suitable for you."

Dian Wei nodded and smiled, remembering that Yu Xueting used to attack others with her fingering, and she had practiced similar martial arts.

"Well, I really like it." Yu Xueting rarely showed a smile, smiling sweetly.

The two walked together.

Unconsciously, they came to the center of Stonehenge and were attracted by the sound of fighting.

I saw a piece of ruins filled with smoke and dust, roaring one after another, and a group of people were besieging a Nian beast, the one that Dian Wei and Yu Xueting had tracked before.

Counting down, there were thirteen people at the scene.

"Well, at least four teams have joined forces..." Dian Wei glanced at him and found an acquaintance by accident.

Extremely high mountain villa, superb technique Xu Jingjing!

Heavenly Fire Sect, a hot girl lately!

When Dian Wei was urged to marry, there were the two of them, but they didn't expect to meet here.

In other words, the group of people in front of them are all under Tianyuanmen, and they are all their own.

Among this group of people, there is one person who is too old, probably over fifty years old, and Nian Beast has become ferocious because of the existence of this person.

Thirteen of them had been fighting fiercely against this Nian Beast for an unknown period of time. Nian Beast was injured, and they were not much better.

Both sides fought hard.

"Little Martial Uncle, those are our people, I'll go help." Seeing this, Yu Xueting immediately asked Ying.

Dian Weiluomo, shook his head and said, "I'll go, you try to maintain your physical fitness and leave it for the decisive battle."

Yu Xueting vaguely understood something, but still felt that the little uncle was really gentle and considerate.

The next moment, Dian Wei had already rushed into the battlefield.

"Back off all."

With a roar, Xu Jingjing and the others were shocked, and hurriedly stepped back.

Dian Wei's figure soared, and he stepped on the Nian beast's back, click!

Giant Suppression!

Nian Beast, who was in his fifties, directly broke his old waist, and then was caught by Dian Wei's big hand on the back of his neck, and his head was torn off.


Seeing this scene, everyone sucked in a breath of cold air and gaped, nothing but shock.

They have been fighting with Nian Beast for so long, they even feel powerless, pills.

As a result, the terrifying Nian beast was killed in seconds. The shocking effect brought about by this huge gap is indescribable.

"Senior is..."

"Hey, aren't you that little uncle?"

Xu Jingjing and the others had all met Dian Wei, and they recognized him quickly, and they were all overjoyed.

In this dangerous and secret realm, there is nothing more satisfying than meeting a strong person who can protect you.

Dian Wei, however, ignored them, inserted the fragments of the magic blade into the Nian beast, madly devoured the huge life essence, and then poured into his body to strengthen his heart.

"I didn't expect this to work..."

The shards of the magic blade are really sinister. They not only devour the life essence of the warrior, but also the beast of the year. It seems that it is a magic soldier that devours all things!

It was over, Dian Wei could clearly feel that his heart had been strengthened and his inner strength had increased.

At the same time, the shards of the magic blade grew larger, becoming larger than Dian Wei's palm, and filled with evil spirits.

"Kill kill kill..."

"Kill Xu Jingjing, her life essence can make you stronger..."

"Kill Wanwan, peeled her skin, her skin is really moist..."

"Hurry up and kill Yu Xueting, she's a spy, she wants to kill you..."

The chaotic noise hit Dian Wei's mind.

The shards of the magic blade released terrifying spiritual pollution, which continued to erode Dian Wei's mind.

But Dian Wei just shook his head and suppressed all the noise, and his mood remained calm.

Dian Wei looked down.

It is a pity that this Nian Beast did not give birth to a treasured bone.

This kind of thing actually depends on luck, not every Nian beast will produce treasure bones.

Dian Wei stood up and looked at Xu Jingjing and the others who were waiting silently in the distance.

"Meet the little uncle!"

Everyone immediately gathered up and bowed respectfully.

"You are Welcome."

Dian Wei waved his hand casually, "How did you get together?"

"Go back to what my uncle said."

The hot guy answered lately, with a chattering voice, "Our teams happened to land near the same hill, and they all converged on the mountain, and then we acted together, destroying several teams and losing three teammates on the road. ."

Dian Wei understood and said lightly: "Then you can move freely, or you can follow me."

Wan Wan did not hesitate: "We are willing to follow the little uncle."

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