Overturned Tower

Chapter 12 Protection and Surveillance

Most of the passengers on this empty boat seemed to be very familiar with the interview style of reporters from Happy Island.

——It can even be said that he turned a blind eye.

After seeing the iconic pink helicopter, those passengers who had already gone out even immediately turned back and returned to their seats.

Of course, it won't be too boring.

Anyway, the moment they successfully landed, they were connected to the public WiFi on Happy Island and could access the Internet normally.

The chip implanted in the back of everyone's head and providing a personal identity verification code also has a considerable degree of convenience in daily life.

You don’t need to bring money when you go out, you don’t need to sign any documents when traveling, and you don’t need to bring any documents to sign a contract or handle business. Everything can be authenticated by chips.

At the same time, it also provides the "brain curtain" function.

Just like a "screen" or a "screen"...pictures and text are directly reflected in front of the eyes, and sounds are transmitted into the brain.

You don't need to carry any equipment, you can browse the web, check information, or listen to music and watch videos anytime and anywhere.

You can also call out the keyboard and tap in the void or on the desktop to reply messages to relatives and friends. Of course, there is also a daily chat mode with pure thought input, but if you want to use written language, it still requires some thinking.

Although most people returned to their seats to entertain themselves, there were still a few people who seemed to come from other empty islands and had never been to Happy Island.

They stood curiously at the door of the airship, looking at the three helicopters that were gradually landing, and turned on the recording mode.

Russell actually understands them quite well.

Under normal circumstances, how could several armed helicopters fly over and land on the face of a civilian airship?

There was probably some dangerous person in the airship, or there was some kind of accident. In that case, it may be dangerous to hide in your seat, so it is better to stand at the door.

Or else they are welcoming some big shot... Maybe they can take a photo together if they stand at the door. If you post it on social networking sites, you can gain a lot of fans.

Soon their curiosity was satisfied.

Twelve men in black, wearing explosion-proof helmets with tactical goggles and anti-gas filters, and heavy insulating bullet-proof suits, jumped out of two large helicopters pulling rope ladders.

They hold submachine guns for firing rubber bullets, hang around their waists "guard sticks" that can be lengthened or shortened, and can also be powered up to become stun batons at any time. Their left arms are all modified into mechanical prostheses.

Russell even recognized the model of the prosthetic limb—it was a new model of prosthetic limb called the Three-Fist Iron Claw.

This was developed by Russell's teacher three months ago and designed by Russell himself. Russell even knew the entire innards of this model of prosthetic arm.

In addition to being able to be equipped with three pop-up blades, it can also fire three flash bombs, smoke bombs or shock bombs in a pre-loaded sequence. It also has four common interfaces.

This stuff isn't cheap.

After all, it is still a new product, and there are no pirated, imitation, or second-hand goods. Currently, all goods are shipped directly from Sogo Island by air.

Because the supply is too small, the price cannot go down at all.

Just like the latest air-based graphics cards in another world, they are all good things that belong to the air system.

Those who can purchase and install them immediately must be at least directly affiliated companies of the Seven Giants.

With the surrounding people filming and watching, this group of heavily armed strong men got off the helicopter and rushed towards the surrounding crowd.

They did not use stun guns, but raised the stun batons that expanded into long sticks and shouted loudly——

"Back off!"

"No video recording!"

"keep quiet!"

The crowd quickly retreated in fear, and soon formed a large empty circle, and the noisy noise gradually became smaller. But even so, the people watching near the landing pad still did not disperse.

Moreover, although these strong men in black shouted "no video recording", Russell looked at those people who looked straight ahead with their heads motionless as if in a daze, and knew that they must still be recording.

But these people didn't really care about this.

After driving the crowd out into a large open space, the six men in black stood in various corners of the open space, put away their electric batons, raised their rifles in their backhands and looked at the crowd outside, entering a place where they could shoot at any time. Alert state.

The remaining half of the men in black turned around and rushed into the airship.

They waved "guard sticks" that were not powered and retracted into the shape of short sticks, ordering the passengers standing at the door to step back and sit back in their seats.

"Don't affect the news gathering behavior!"

"Personal codes causing trouble will be recorded!"

"We're going to videotape, stay quiet!"

Only a dull middle-aged man with a frog-like face didn't realize what was happening.

He stood at the door, watching the people around him retreat and looking at them mockingly.

——Then, without any warning or warning, he was suddenly slapped on the back with a stick.

Fortunately, the stick was not electrified, otherwise he might have been knocked unconscious immediately.

Just as the man was about to get angry, he was immediately targeted by six black holes with gun muzzles.

A thin red light suddenly shot out from above the tactical eyepiece of the man in black, leaving six moving red spots on the man's body.

The middle-aged man immediately became quiet at a speed visible to the naked eye, and returned to his seat with a polite smile.

After driving everyone away, they left two people behind. Like door gods, one on the left and one on the right blocked the hatch on the inside of the airship, not allowing anyone to pass through, and they were careful not to reveal any of their bodies - —At least from the outside, you can't see that there are two people hiding here.

Soon, all the standing passengers were scolded and rushed back to their seats.

Except Russell and Amirus.

When these people saw Amirus - or to be precise, when they saw Amirus' elf ears, they immediately restrained their indifferent attitude.

Except for the two people standing guard, the remaining four people took turns to come over and salute Amirus.

As for Russell...

Perhaps it was because Amirus blocked him behind him and did not take the initiative to introduce him to them.

After the old elf showed this attitude, these men in black seemed to have not seen Russell at all, and did not even glance at him. Not to mention looking at him curiously or asking about his identity.

There were even two people who stood in front of Amirus very consciously, holding up the stun guns in their hands, with guards on the left and right in front.

The last two remaining people patrolled back and forth in the two corridors between the first class cabin and the public cabin.

It looked like they had hijacked the airship. Much more professional than the previous group of mercenaries.

These men in black, all wrapped up in black, remained absolutely silent. No matter whether those passengers are chatting on the Internet with a calm face, or they are whispering curses in fear, or they are confused and whispering to the people around them to ask about the situation... As long as the sounds made by these passengers do not spread outside and affect the filming, they do not escape. To rush into the picture is to turn a deaf ear.

Make room, keep quiet, and protect the elves' personal safety--other than that, they didn't ask these passengers to do anything, and they didn't do anything to these passengers.

...Just to do such a small thing, could they dispatch three armed helicopters and two teams of fully armed security personnel?

Russell was stunned.

Although the weapons in the hands of these security personnel could only fire rubber bullets, just by listening to their unusually heavy footsteps, Russell could directly judge that their prosthetic body modifications had exceeded at least 70%.

They may not die even if they are shot by machine guns or bombed by missiles.

But listen to Amirus...

These people were not specially chosen by him to protect him?

"This is normal."

Amirus read the surprise and consternation from Russell's expression, so he spoke directly and patiently explained to Russell: "In the past, there were many incidents of hijacking, attacking, and assassinating reporters in Happy Island, and there were also kidnappings of reporters to control them. , affecting the content of the interview.”

"...Why do you have to do this?"

"Because on Happy Island, Happy Daily's 'reporter interviews' are synchronously broadcast online. And like the rules of other empty islands, all public interviews will be synchronously archived in the sect's server. Although people who happen to see the live broadcast of the news It must be a very small minority, but those who see it may not save this live video - they also have the right to forward or edit it."

The old elf replied: "However, 'Happiness Daily' itself does not have the right to cut or modify the news content it has interviewed in any form. In the comprehensive daily report the next day, they will at most choose to publish or not publish this paragraph. Interview recordings cannot be selectively released as part of the content. This is because anyone with a little authority can enter the sect's server at any time to query and download these public interview recordings.

"This means that once a reporter is hijacked or induced to ask unfavorable questions, or a sudden and discordant environmental noise is recorded during an interview, it cannot be modified. It will be permanently archived.

"These professional security personnel are designed to protect journalists closely so that they will not be bribed, controlled, induced, or attacked, assassinated, or kidnapped. Not only at work, but also in daily life. will terminate."

The old elf said with a smile.

Although his expression was quite gentle, he looked like an old gentleman, civilized and calm. There was no disrespectful word mentioned in the words, but Russell could clearly feel a very faint but clear enough ridicule.

It's like the oil stains on a white shirt, so inconspicuous and yet enough to be an eyesore.

Although Amirus' words were more tactful.

But Russell clearly realized that Amirus had another meaning hidden in his words.

——This kind of protection is also surveillance. It's even more of a threat.

In order to ensure that reporters are not held hostage and say "things that should not be said", two teams of fully armed prosthetic troops are dispatched to protect them around the clock...

So, what if the people who sent these guards... personally controlled, induced, and bribed these reporters?

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