Overlord Wizard

Chapter 926 Source of Chaos

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After more than a year.

At the entrance of Wanjian Xianzong, a figure walked over quickly. It was Li Luo who had rushed all the way.

Looking at the building in front of him, he let out a soft breath. Tianjuezi has been a Taoist ancestor for many years, so he must know some secrets of the Taoist ancestor and how to improve the Taoist ancestor's realm.

Li Luo stepped in and was about to speak when he was startled suddenly.

The surrounding space was distorted for a while, and things changed in front of his eyes. When he saw things clearly again, he had already appeared in a blue hall.

There is a table and two chairs in the hall, and Tian Juezi is sitting beside him with a smile.

Li Luo swept his gaze away, and his eyes lit up slightly.

In a potted plant not far away, there is a green spirit grass, which is more than one meter high, and it is a heavenly spirit grass.

Li Luo looked away, walked to the chair, and sat down.

Immediately, a strong aroma of wine rushed to his face, Tian Juezi's complexion was red, his drunken eyes drooped slightly, and he held a green wine glass in his hand.

"Young friend Li Luo, sit down quickly. You really surprised me." Tian Juezi drank the Qiong Niang in the cup, smacked his mouth, and said with some admiration.

After saying this, he hiccupped, picked up a jade jug next to him, filled the other prepared jade cup, and handed it to Li Luo.

"Little friend Li Luo. Come on, I'll fill it up for you, let's have a drink together." Tian Juezi laughed, filled his glass again, and drank it down in one gulp.

Seeing this, Li Luo immediately raised his head and drank the contents of the cup.

This sip of Qiongjiu entered the throat, it was sweet and refreshing, it felt cold first and then hot, a hot current rose in the dantian and spread towards the limbs, the whole body felt warm and stretched.

This feeling is like lying in a hot spring suddenly, surrounded by fairy music and full of corruption.

"Good wine!" Li Luo blurted out.

"Haha, it seems that you have really cultivated the three qings in one breath to the final state! Ordinary people drink this wine and sleep for at least a year and a half, but you seem to be fine, and you seem to be three points better than me. However, this If you want Daojiu to taste well, you still have to use your spirit power, otherwise you will lose the ingredients of this day's spirit grass! Come on, continue." Tian Juezi laughed, and for himself and Li Luo Poured a full glass.

When Li Luo heard this, his heart couldn't help but move.

Since this wine is brewed with materials such as Heavenly Spirit Grass, it will definitely improve his understanding. Naturally, he has to taste it carefully, and it may also improve his strength.

Immediately, the power of Li Luo's soul spread, and the Dao wine began to spread to every cell, which made his understanding suddenly improved.


Li Luo only felt that everything around him was no longer void, but a world made up of runes, and everything around him was no longer invisible, but turned into laws and appeared in front of his eyes.

Carefully observing everything in the world, Li Luo suddenly fell into a state of epiphany.

I don't know how long it took for Li Luo to end this epiphany. Looking at the time, he actually sat here for five years.

"What a powerful Taoist wine!" Li Luo admired in his heart, his understanding of the laws of the universe had improved by more than 10%.

"Little friend woke up?" Tian Juezi asked with a smile as he appeared beside Li Luo out of thin air.

"Yeah." Li Luo stood up with his fists clasped, "Thank you, fellow Taoist Tianjuezi, for the wine."

"Hey, I haven't thanked you yet for drinking with me." Tian Juezi waved his hand with a look of indifference.

After a while, Tianjuezi's face straightened, and he said, "Little friend, some of our masters in the fairy world are trying to break through the Dao ancestor because of the great increase in the source energy of this interface. I believe it will not take long to have results."

Li Luo was a little surprised, and said: "This is a good thing, we have a better chance of winning against Zeus."

"Hey, little friend, how do you feel about your comprehension of the laws of the universe and the improvement of your strength?" Tian Juezi asked with a noncommittal smile.

Li Luo frowned, and said, "I didn't feel much at first, but now I have some eyebrows."

After a pause, he continued: "Every time I understand the laws of the universe, I feel that my strength has changed drastically. I am afraid that the further I go, the more difficult it is to comprehend the laws of the universe."

"That's right, that's why Zeus is obsessed with devouring the blood and law power of other god kings." Tianjuezi nodded and said with a soft sigh.

"Is there no other way?" Li Luo frowned and looked at Tian Juezi.

Tian Juezi smiled mysteriously and said, "That's right, that's exactly what I want to say."

"It is said that when the universe first opened, there was chaos until the big bang, giving birth to thousands of worlds. And only the center of the universe has the source of chaos, which is the power of the most original law of the universe. When we get there, we The place where Daozu should go most."

"Not only is the power of law easy to comprehend, but also the comprehension will be improved a hundred times or even a thousand times because of the cleansing of the power of chaos."

At this point, Tianjuezi sighed and said, "It's a pity that the original place of the universe is full of dangers. Not only are there star beasts at the level of Taoist ancestors, but even law storms are all over every corner of the starry sky. If you are not careful, Just end up in ashes and annihilation."

Li Luo's face became serious when he heard the words. After a while, he sighed and asked, "Where is the center of the universe and how to get there?"

Hearing this, Tianjuezi sighed, handed over a stone slab, and said, "Sure enough, I didn't misunderstand you, that's all, this is the teleportation stone slab in that void. If you really want to go, I'll take the refined one The Qingfeng Linglong Armor is given to you."

After saying that, Tian Juezi handed Li Luo another set of blue fairy armor.

Putting on the armor, Li Luo's complexion changed, and he exclaimed, "This is... a Taoist-level armor!"

"That's right. I've been to that place a few times. This armor is specially made for law storms. Unfortunately, my physical body is not strong enough. I can't get close to the source of chaos." The muscles on Tian Juezi's face visibly twitched. down, said.

Li Luo looked at Tianjuezi's heartache, smiled, and touched his nose.

"Hmph! It's cheap for you, boy." Tian Juezi flicked his sleeves, and disappeared into a blue light, leaving only a pot of Dao wine.

"Little friend, it will take some time to comprehend it. It's too early to go now. By then, these Daojiu will help you break through to the early stage of Daozu, and you will have a certain amount of self-protection power." The voice echoed.

Li Luo immediately sat down cross-legged and began to meditate.

Time passed by like this bit by bit, and in a blink of an eye, another ten years passed.

Inside the mountain gate of The Fairy Trail of Thousand Swords, a soaring gray-white beam of light pierced into the sky, and it slowly dissipated after a quarter of an hour.

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