Overlord Wizard

Chapter 91 Exploring the Secret Land (6)

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Most of the rocky hills are composed of stone needle forests up to 30 meters high, mixed with some huge rocks, which looks like a huge hill.

Li Luo ran wildly, and even more than a dozen bottles of swift medicine were drunk by him one after another.

The speed potion can only temporarily increase the speed for one minute. In this rocky hillock, it is unknown how much slower than the forest.

And the huge crow in the air was approaching constantly, and it was obvious that Li Luo had discovered his trace through the blood-colored mana in his body.

As the speed increased and subsided, the man with the scar behind him also gradually drew closer to him.


There was a loud explosion, and Li Luo felt as if he had been hit by countless bullets behind him, and the burning pain spread all over his back. Where the shoulder blades were split, it was as if the bones were being crushed continuously, and Li Luo was in pain, and cold sweat kept breaking out from his forehead.

With this impact, Li Luo jumped forward for a certain distance.

"Run away in pain. I will torture you to death bit by bit, Jie Jie Jie Jie" the man with the scar yelled frantically while laughing strangely.


In this way, the scarred man bombarded Li Luo for nearly ten minutes. In the end, Li Luo seemed to lose consciousness on his back, and finally came to the edge of Luanshigang.


Looking at the hazy entrance of the canyon, Li Luo's expression suddenly brightened, as if he had grasped the last straw. His figure almost doubled its speed in an instant, and it was about to rush in with a whoosh.

"Huh ha ha ha ha, do you think you can escape and ascend to heaven? Die!" The scarred man laughed wildly, his face full of madness.

Li Luo glanced back, his pupils shrank. While the scarred man laughed wildly, one black and one red energy ball condensed out of his left and right hands, and bursts of electric light began to appear in the void where he was, crackling and exploding, and a gust of hurricane spread from around him. Come.

Before the energy ball was activated, the entire chaotic hillock was blown by turbulent rubble, and smoke and dust billowed.


The man with the scar had a grim expression on his face, and was about to throw his hands forward, when suddenly the soles of his feet were empty, and he fell directly from the air.

Li Luo thought he was doomed this time, but the comedy scene of the man with the scar directly left him dumbfounded.

Visually, the giant blood-red energy crow is at least seventy meters high from the ground. Even if a formal knight falls from this height, he will at least end up with a broken bone and a serious injury! Li Luo hesitated for a moment, then turned back in the direction of the man with the scar.

The two were only more than fifty meters away, and Li Luo quickly came to the place where the man with the scar fell to the ground.

I saw the scarred man who had tortured him crazily just now, sitting there with his legs folded, tremblingly about to take out another bottle of blood-red potion.

Li Luo's eyes lit up, and he flipped his hands over, holding three daggers in his hands.

Whoosh whoosh!

Chi Chi Chi!

The three flying knives glowed coldly in Li Luo's hands, and with a flick of his arm, the three daggers drew three straight streamers of light in the air, and they were accurately inserted into the two arms and chest of the man with the scar.

"Ah! Bastard, if it weren't for this bloody blood that can crow so fast." The man with the scar wanted to say something, so he clutched his neck and fell to the ground.

Li Luo stepped forward, took back the four daggers, searched the scarred man for a while, and got two interspatial bags. Only then did the body of the scarred man be put into the space bag.

Glancing at the figure chasing him in the distance, Li Luo didn't hesitate any longer, and rushed directly into the canyon of the giant anaconda.

"Bastard. Where's the Kaluoji? Could it be that he chased that bastard from the Tatar Wizard Academy into the Giant Boa Canyon?" At the mouth of the canyon, several Scarlet Raven wizards came over, one of them with a hooked nose The man said with some complaints.

"What should I do, Deputy Rojak, should I continue to chase?" Another skinny apprentice, the Scarlet Raven, asked the man with the hooked nose.

"Fuck me, official wizards may not be able to come out alive in this giant anaconda canyon. We guard the canyon mouth, and that Tatar guy will probably come out!" Logak pondered for a moment, then said slowly.

"Yes." Hearing this, several wizard apprentices squatted down and began to set up spell traps on the ground.

Inside the Giant Boa Canyon, Li Luo smeared three layers of stinky wormwood juice on his body before walking slowly along the canyon wall.

What came into his eyes was a faint green mist, Li Luo took a breath, and felt a little stuffy, obviously it contained some kind of toxin.

While activating the secondary invisibility technique, he moved the Thunder Dou Qi up and down the whole body and then restrained it, only then did he speed up a little.

Soon, feeling that there were no more pursuers behind, Li Luo took out a spell scroll and opened it.

Infused with some mana, he pressed the scroll directly against the canyon wall.


The rock with a radius of fifteen meters melted in an instant, and a large cave was created in an instant.

The scroll was also burned by mana and turned into ashes.

"This first-order witchcraft that turns stones into mud is really useful." Li Luo muttered to himself, and walked inside.

After walking in, he took out another spell scroll and injected it with mana. In an instant, Li Luo put his hand on the muddy rock liquid on the ground of the cave entrance and immediately wriggled, gradually rose up, and solidified into a layer of rock wall again, leaving only a half-meter-sized cave entrance before stopping.

At this moment, Li Luo breathed a sigh of relief.

The next moment, he only felt a sharp pain all over his body and passed out.

I don't know how long it took before Li Luo woke up again.

Touching his swollen left shoulder, Li Luo frowned.

"Could it be inflammation? There are no anti-inflammatory drugs in this world. No way." Li Luo felt his injury with an ugly face, and took out six or seven bottles of healing potions and took them down.

Then, he jumped onto the five-meter-high hole and landed in the canyon again.

"I can only find some alien versions of garlic. I'm lucky. If the inflammation doesn't worsen, an antibiotic can be purified. The garlic here is called Mo Rong. Let me see what it looks like." Li Luo pondered for a moment, then took out the magic herb encyclopedia, and began to read it.

After a while, he turned to the page of the Mo Rong illustrated book.

After careful identification, he carefully searched around.

After searching for a full day, Li Luo carefully activated the stealth robe three times, and after avoiding giant anacondas three times, he finally picked the fifteen living magic rong. Looking at Mo Rong who looked a little like Garlic, Li Luo was speechless for a while. Garlic is useful at the root, but this magic rong is good, because the head has grown into garlic. This also saved Li Luo from carefully identifying among the weeds, the more he looked at the magic rong in his heart, the more pleasing it was to his eyes.

Soon, Li Luo returned to the cave. After drinking several bottles of healing potions, he added some food and water. He simply took out the bed in the space bag and fell asleep.

The more inflammation you have, the less you can stay up late. This is common sense that every biology bachelor in the previous life knew, and Li Luo will naturally not forget it.

After waking up, Li Luo touched his head and felt a slight fever. He didn't dare to delay any longer, took out a set of experimental equipment, and started his own experiment.

This magic rong also plays the role of earth garlic in other worlds. Generally, the poor will prepare two ends before eating, so that it is not easy to get sick.

Li Luo directly peeled off the skin of the magic rong, ground it into juice, exposed it to the air, and began to oxidize.

After a whole morning, the torch was almost burnt out, and Li Luo drank the refined magic rong antibiotic with a tired face. After eating and drinking briefly, he fell on the bed and fell asleep.

This time, Li Luo woke up groggy after sleeping for more than three days.

Touching his head, he found that the fever had subsided a lot, but he didn't dare to delay, and continued to rush out towards the entrance of the cave, and started another round of magic Rong's search plan.

With his own life at stake, Li Luo also had to dive a little deeper into the canyon.

Two days later, the surrounding trees gradually became thinner, and the terrain also began to decline.

After walking about five kilometers, Li Luo's heart trembled, and with a neighing sound, a green shadow blocked the way.

Looking up, it is a small giant anaconda. This giant anaconda exudes the aura of a first-order peak monster. It is very similar to ordinary snakes in appearance, but it has a few more eyes. It also looks round.

He neighed, opened his mouth and sprayed towards the open space where Li Luo was, and a mouthful of green liquid came, scaring Li Luo and jumped out into the distance. With the sound of hissing, a huge depression appeared on the ground, and bubbles and green mist continued to emerge from it.

"If it splashes on the body, it can be GAME OVER!" Li Luo swallowed, staring at the giant anaconda tightly.

After it struck, Mudi stopped, and pointed at the direction where Li Luo jumped out, uttering snake letters. Although Li Luo stood there and disappeared, the giant anaconda obviously found him.

Seeing that the robe of invisibility was not working, Li Luo simply stopped the mana supply of the robe and put it away.

Li Luo backhanded a few daggers and flew out, the cold light flashed, the green boa dodged slightly, but still three throwing knives were stuck in the three eyes of the boa, the next moment, the boa neighed, His body grew by three points, and he sprayed out a thick green mist, and everything around him became blurred.

The next moment, Li Luo's eyebrows tingled, and a warblade dashed forty meters away.

Chi la la la

After a burst of corrosive sound, Li Luo's mental strength sensed that the original ground had three times more holes than the ground just now, and Li Luo was frightened for a while.

The giant anaconda was obviously excited to go berserk, and the speed was so fast that even Li Luo had to use the displacement skill to dodge.

Knowing that he couldn't drag this beast down, Li Luo pinched a few daggers in his hands again, and flew out with a shake of his hands.

"Chi Chi Chi!"

This time, the giant anaconda was only hit by a flying knife, and the three eyes were intact!


Another jet of green liquid sprayed towards Li Luo, and while moving sideways, Li Luo shot out as many as six or seven throwing knives one after another. This time, there was only one eye left in the giant anaconda. Li Luo looked happy, but the next moment, his face collapsed.

Because he found that the daggers in the interspatial bag were all gone.

Without giving Li Luo too much time to panic, the giant anaconda didn't plan to attack Li Luo from a distance this time, and it rushed towards Li Luo frantically relying on its extremely powerful body.

The speed was so fast that the weeds on the ground were washed to pieces.

With a tense expression, Li Luo picked up a stone, and threw it low with a wave of his hand.

Afterwards, he stomped hard again, and moved another forty meters away.

Hiss hiss!

The giant anaconda neighed in the distance, and although all seven eyes were blind, it still rushed towards Li Luo.

Li Luo's complexion changed, and he cursed: "Damn bastard, forget that you rely on snake letters to locate you!"

Li Luo didn't dare to stay longer, so he fled back towards the cave with his legs.

But the giant anaconda was faster and chased after him, and a strong crisis enveloped Li Luo.

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