Overlord Wizard

Chapter 60 Custom Dragon Leather Armor

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Li Luo's transformation for Aianna was very smooth, and the latter was in a coma in the medical room for seven days before waking up.

After seeing Aianna wake up, Li Luocai left with a tired face. He didn't realize that as soon as he left, Aianna narrowed her eyes and laughed.

Luo Li went straight back to Charlei's wizard tower, and fell asleep after entering his room.

This sleep lasted for a week. Although I woke up and ate some Warcraft barbecue, most of the time was spent in sleep. When Li Luo woke up again, he could feel that the restless mana in his blood was continuously flowing to every corner of his body. Li Luo snapped his fingers, and a half-meter-sized flame disappeared in a flash. The whole room roared, and the temperature increased by more than three or four degrees.

Li Luo looked happy, and after washing up, he walked outside.

As soon as he stepped out of the room, Hua Yin walked over.

"Li Luo, the instructor asked me to remind you that you haven't completed the small tasks of the academy for two months. As a punishment, the higher authorities decided to let you complete a C-level task to offset the punishment of two absenteeism."

The silver-haired Hua Yin looked very elegant. If it wasn't for being in a wizard's tower full of demons' limbs and arms, Li Luo would have thought that he had met the young lady next door. But at this moment, Hua Yin's words calmed him down.

"I don't know what task the mentor assigned me?" Li Luo said slowly as he approached Hua Yin.

"Let's go to the instructor together." Hua Yin said as she walked towards the teleportation array on the far right.

Soon, the two of them appeared in front of Charlei's room with a flash of white light.

The door opened automatically without being knocked.

Li Luo and Hua Yin walked in.

"Teacher." The two said in unison.

Charlei glanced at the two of them, and finally fixed on Li Luo. After scanning for a moment, he was stunned.

"Mentor, I have successfully conducted the absorption experiment of the fire phoenix bird's bloodline factor." Li Luo immediately said respectfully after seeing Charlei's glowing expression. Then he hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I want to use the finished fire phoenix bird bloodline factor evolution potion in exchange for the teacher's one-month course and experiment fees."

Charlei smiled slightly when he heard the words, and said: "You know how to calculate, you kid. Forget it, those old fellows in the academy planned to assign you a specific task. But in this way, you will be in great danger Some. How about it. You are ready to prepare and find a way to hunt and kill two dark wizards. I will give you four months. As for the wizard, you can think about it yourself. If you really can’t think of where to hunt, just Go back to that Rand and help him open up a territory. In that case, the probability of encountering a dark wizard will be higher."

Li Luo breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and quickly said, "I will definitely not disappoint the teacher's expectations." Then he walked out of the room.

After Chaerlai sent Li Luo away, he turned around and said with a smile, "As a senior sister, you are about to be surpassed by your junior brother."

Hua Yin bit her lip and said, "Teacher, I'm going to participate in the blood test!"

Hearing this, Charlei didn't nod or shake his head, but just turned around and looked out

Li Luo quickly came to the experimental platform on the first floor.

"Four months? Let's use one month first to refine the magic grass given by Teacher Guiche into a soul-forging potion! In this way, the soul power will become stronger, and I will have some confidence in the next action."

Thinking of this, he put his head on the first two crystal balls that Guiche re-entered, and began to carefully understand the mysteries in them.

After half an hour, he lifted his head from the crystal ball. His complexion was a little ugly. The experimental content is a little more. But he still seemed to understand.

After putting away the crystal ball, Li Luo pondered for a moment, and then began to verify the experiment step by step.

a month later.

Li Luo returned to his bedroom with a tired face. At this time, although he successfully produced more than thirty bottles of soul forging medicine, the failure rate still reached about 50%. It's not that Li Luo's potion talent is not good, but that the refining of this soul-forging potion not only requires extremely precise control, but also consumes a lot of mental power and mana. This is the second time Li Luo has refined a potion that can only be refined by wizards besides Scarlet Fantasy. He was even thinking about how he refined those five bottles of soul-forging potions in the first place. Who knows, at that time, he didn't use his mental and mana powers to extract the balance of the two medicinal properties. He was really lucky.

Putting aside all kinds of thoughts, Li Luo tidied up and returned to his room to rest.

This sleep lasted for a day and a night. Although Li Luo also took a lot of rest during this month, this kind of experiment, which consumes quite a lot of mental power and mana, really made him a little overwhelmed. Even now when he got up from the bed, he looked sleepy.

After Li Luo yawned greatly, he tidied up the space bag at his waist. Now he has nearly twenty space bags alone. After sorting out the various potions and magic weapons. Roughly divided into four room-sized space bags hung on the waist, respectively containing potions and potion materials, magic tools, drinking water and food, experimental equipment, and several wizard robes.

He quickly walked towards the trading area.

Before coming to the trading area, all you can see is thick mist, and it smells a little fragrant, which makes you feel refreshed. Li Luo spread out his mental power, but it was less than ten meters away, as if blocked by something, and could no longer extend.

Because the fog was too thick, Li Luo hesitated for a moment. Although he has the confidence to get lost, he will come out by himself. But that's also quite a waste of time. Just as he was considering whether to rush in like this, a brown hamster about one meter in size rushed over.

"Hello, young wizard apprentice."

The brown hamster seems to be well-nourished and looks round. There is a black sign with the number 3458 on its chest. Seeing its appearance, Li Luo suddenly had the urge to go up and pinch it.


Li Luoan was impulsive, and then nodded slightly.

It seems that this should be a magic pet raised by a wizard, or simply a creature raised in large quantities by the academy.

"Young wizard apprentice, it seems that you are not familiar with the trading area. If you go in so rashly, you will get lost. The academy set up this fog circle in order to keep the materials in the hands of the apprentices confidential. You only need to pay the price of one magic stone, and I can be your guide, leading you around the entire trading area in a short time."

The big hamster wiped its mouth with its forelimbs, and a shrill voice came over.

Li Luo threw a magic stone over without hesitation, and said, "Lead the way. I want to sell some space bags."

The big hamster held the magic stone in its mouth and said, "Wait where you are." Then it sprinted and disappeared in one direction, but returned soon.

"Thank you for the magic stone, young wizard apprentice."

"plz follow me."

The big hamster jogged forward, and Li Luo easily chased it. At the same time, the big hamster began to introduce some situations in the trading area, saying: "This trading area is directly under the jurisdiction of the director, and it is very large. There are weapons workshops, enchanting shops, treasure shops, fur shops, pharmacists' pharmacies, etc... ...And the space bag you want to sell, we can go to the treasure store to have a look."

Li Luo walked slowly, listening to the big hamster's words, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Take me to the treasure shop first."

"Okay, young wizard apprentice."

The shrill voice of the big hamster came over, and it jogged out in another direction. Li Luo followed closely, one person and one mouse soon came to an attic.

The words "Treasure Pavilion" are written in the common language on the attic, and there are constant figures coming and going in and out of it, which looks very lively.

"Okay, young wizard apprentice, here we are. I'll be waiting for you not far away, go in and have a stroll."

The big hamster wiped his mouth, yawned, and ran out into the distance.

"It's such a cute pet. If I have time some other day, I'll raise one too." Looking at the big hamster that disappeared into the mist, Li Luo couldn't help but smiled softly, and then a big hamster involuntarily appeared in his head. The figure of the black mouse.

Shaking his head, Li Luo secretly smiled, "If I raise a hamster like this, how would Guiche feel when he sees it? Hehe"

He stepped in.

"Welcome, welcome, please, what kind of transaction do you want to make here?" A young man with a handsome face and long red hair saw Li Luo walk in, and immediately stretched out his hand to signal to a counter inside.

Li Luo glanced at the position where his hand was stretched out. It was a counter more than ten meters long. There were more than a dozen young people receiving wizard apprentices in front of the counter. These wizard apprentices took out one item and placed it on the counter, and then picked out a few items from the counter and put them into their own space bags. Although the counter was very long, it was full of wizard apprentices, and it was difficult for Li Luo to even get in with his strong physical body. Judging from the situation of the various shops along the way, this Zhenpin Pavilion can be regarded as the most prosperous trading place here.

After waiting for half an hour, it was finally Li Luo's turn.

He handed over seventeen space bags and said, "I want to sell seventeen space bags."

The person in charge of receiving him was a girl with long hair reaching her waist. After seeing Li Luo take out so many space bags at once, she froze for a moment.

Then, she said with a smile on her face, "Hello, young student, are you a wizard apprentice who has comprehended the space rune? Can you make so many space bags at once?"

Li Luo touched his nose when he heard this, and said cheekily: "Yes. How much magic stone are these worth?"

The little girl looked happy, and said: "Generally, a one-meter-sized space bag is worth a hundred magic stones. Our store charges 20% off, but considering that you are a space rune inscription master, the 20% off fee will be waived for the first transaction." Yes, we will get it back in full."

The little girl's voice was very pleasant, and Li Luo was very comfortable listening to it, so he agreed directly. Before leaving, Li Luo gave the little girl twenty magic stones as a reward.

Soon, Li Luo walked out of Zhenpin Pavilion. The big hamster quickly ran over again.

"Where to go next, young wizard apprentice."

Li Luo thought for a while and said, "Go to the leather shop, and ask for a place that can make dragon skin armor."

The big hamster's fat head nodded, and jogged out into the distance.

Soon, Luo Li was taken to another brown attic. On it was written 'Karen Leather Shop' in large characters in the common language.

Li Luo stepped in.

There were far fewer people in the leather shop, and only a few people were here to discuss business with the shopkeeper.

Li Luo stepped forward and said straight to the point: "Hello, I have a whole piece of Velociraptor skin. I don't know how many magic stones are used to make a set of leather armor in the shortest time."

The shopkeeper was a middle-aged man in his forties, who looked ordinary, but Li Luo still felt a powerful energy fluctuation of grudge from him.

Hearing Li Luo's words, several young wizard apprentices became interested and gathered around.

The middle-aged shopkeeper was overjoyed when he heard the words, and said, "Five hundred magic stones can be made by hand in three hours."

Li Luo frowned and asked, "Why is it so expensive?"

The middle-aged shopkeeper smiled and said, "Because in the entire trading area, I am the only one who can process dragon skins!"

Li Luo glanced at the middle-aged shopkeeper speechlessly, and threw the Velociraptor skin over. The middle-aged shopkeeper picked up the dragon skin, stepped back more than a dozen steps, and looked at Li Luo in shock.

At this time, several young wizards also tried to smooth things over, and said with a smile: "Isn't it just five hundred magic stones, and our brothers paid for this brother."

The shopkeeper gave Li Luo a blank look when he heard the words, and then walked into the back room with the dragon skin.

"Look, this shopkeeper is really black-hearted. Our brother will help you dig out the magic stone. Let's make friends~"

Several wizard apprentices said this to Li Luo eagerly, their eyes full of some kind of longing.

"The rest of the dragon skin is for you." Li Luo nodded, not understanding what these guys meant.

Several wizard apprentices were overjoyed when they heard the words, and quickly made a pot of tea from the tea set next to them, took a cup and gave it to them.

Li Luo took the teacup, sat on a chair, and chatted with these apprentice wizards, one by one.

Three hours later.

The shopkeeper came out with a tired face, and handed it to Li Luo with a big bundle in his hand.

Li Luo untied the burden, took off the wizard's robe, and put on the leather armor one by one.

"It's ok, the shopkeeper. I didn't measure my figure, so I made it so suitable!?" Li Luo felt the comfort, and he couldn't help admiring in his mouth.

"Hmph! When I was hunting dragons, you didn't know where it was!" The middle-aged shopkeeper seemed still angry at Li Luo's disrespect just now, and snorted coldly.

"Uh, I'll leave the rest of the dragon skin to them. We will cooperate more in the future." Li Luo smiled lightly, turned around and walked out of the attic.

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