Overlord Wizard

Chapter 54 Entering the Academy

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Li Luo ran all the way to the laboratory before stopping. Seeing that Oni Toru was reading his experiment log, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"How is it? How does it feel to be a first-level wizard?" Gui Che glanced at Li Luo's embarrassed look and asked with a smile.

"It's terrible, I almost confessed to the barracks." Li Luo said with lingering fear when he thought of the power of the fireball just now.

"Don't envy how powerful the wizard is. Wizardry is just a means of attack. Although it is very strong at high-level positions, you can't rely on it absolutely. The path you are taking is correct and suitable for you." After speaking, the ghost Toru remained silent and continued with the experiment at hand.

Li Luo looked thoughtful when he heard the words, and then asked: "Senior Guiche, did the wizard suffer from his physique when he fought against the devil back then?"

Guiche glanced at Li Luo, neither agreeing nor denying, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Creatures that have reached the seventh and eighth levels can no longer be killed by witchcraft, so we must find a way to increase the power of spells. Either increase the strength of the physical body. It takes a lot of time for ordinary wizards to increase the level of a body, so there is so much time to increase the strength of spells and physical strength. We humans are creatures of order, and if we want to become as strong as demons, They need to pay three or four times the price or higher, if it is not for the local battle, I am afraid that I have lost."

"In addition, there are too many mortals in our human race, and most of them became the rations and promotion nourishment of little devils back then, so the next time the devils come again, we must raise the strength of mortals. And the only one who can do this, You can only rely on your future lord Rand. As for the transfer of technology to others, it is impossible. In this world, letting all your technology leak out is undoubtedly an act of courting death. I have sensed it from afar before, that Rand is really diligent, if you can cultivate a large number of wizard apprentices, and carry out the benign evolution in your experiment on a large number of mortals, you don’t even need too many great wizards to sit in the town, and you can directly fight people to death.”

After listening to Gui Che's words, Li Luo thought for a while, and seemed to understand. Some said with lingering fear: "In the beginning, I thought that if I became a demon hunter full-time, I would be invincible in the world. Now it seems that it is a bit whimsical."

"You can't say that. If you raise your physical body and wizard level to the limit, and kill the demon king directly, it's a different matter. So you can continue on your own path, and these wizards with blood knowledge Let me train it." Guiche looked at Li Luo and said slowly.

Li Luo nodded, then walked towards the side room. After entering the room, he locked the door and lay on the bed tossing and turning for a long time before gradually falling asleep.

The next day, Li Luo didn't bother to check the cyclone in his lower abdomen.

Feeling it carefully, the entire cyclone seems to be condensed a lot, turning into a mist, and the size has shrunk to the size of a thumb. But what Li Luo felt was that there was a steady stream of grudges moving through his body, strengthening every part of his body. This reinforcement was gentle and sustained. Li Luo believes that his physical strength will definitely make a big leap in the future!

Because there is still some sub-dragon meat in the space bag, which is enough to strengthen the body, so Li Luo plans to spend the rest of the time in Merlin's alchemy room until he meets Rand.

On this day, as soon as Li Luo woke up, he sensed that there were two people standing outside Merlin's alchemy room.

After walking out of the alchemy room, Luo Li found out that it was Rand and Guiche.

"It's time for school to start. Irene and Ai Wei are responsible for the escort. You'd better not leave me too far in the next few days." Seeing Li Luo coming out, Gui Che said to him lightly.

"Those two crazy women?" While Li Luo cursed secretly, his heart became more and more disturbed. But there was no change in his expression, he just nodded slightly and walked towards Rand.

The two didn't need to talk much, they hugged each other directly.

Sometimes the friendship between men cannot be expressed in one or two sentences. And this world is no exception.

This time, because of the special identities of Li Luo and Gui Che, they can directly enter the Wizard Academy for further studies, so the step of going to Tap Rock Castle is missing.

Soon, Li Luo said goodbye to Rand, walked into a carriage with Gui Che, and followed the golden carriage at the front to the distance.

Along the way, Irene and Aiwei surprisingly didn't bother Li Luo. The latter even gave Li Luo food a few times, which really made him a little dazed. Later, he realized that Aianna, whom he had harmed, and Ivy, who was in front of him, had actually Very difficult to deal with, usually always struggling to earn that. And Aianna, relying on her status as the daughter of the academy, dared to go against Ivy, who was one level higher than her, and it was actually a must-talk topic for the apprentices of the Wizarding Academy after dinner.

Two months later, the horse-drawn carriage team came to a group of white buildings.

Luo Li and many wizard seeds got off the carriage and stood behind Irene and Ivy.

The building complex was tightly surrounded by white city walls tens of meters high, and Li Luo also saw the scenery inside through the wide open gate tens of meters high.

What catches the eye is a series of white circular buildings, neatly arranged on both sides of the street. Looking along the city wall, one after another tall towers stand in the white circular buildings, and there seem to be transparent ripples rippling towards Li Luo. Come, full of a sense of mystery.

"This is a wizard~!" Li Luo looked at the huge lingua franca words on the plaque of the Wizard Academy --- Tatar Wizard Academy, exhaled a long breath, and said from the bottom of his heart.

And at this moment, a small amount of commotion appeared in the group of wizard seeds behind.

"Is that the guy?"

"That's right, it was him. He tortured the dean's daughter for nearly a month!"

"Hey hey, tell me, how about we join forces after entering the academy and teach him a lesson?"

"Don't be kidding, I am not only a wizard apprentice, but also a formal knight. When I get close to that man named Li Luo, I can vaguely feel a wave of fighting spirit and mana. You say, this guy who can harm the dean's daughter , can it be a simple character?!"

"Hey, I'm just talking. It was originally to teach him a lesson so that he can get along better in the academy. Now it seems that there is no chance!"

"Not only that, when I delivered food and water to Irene and Ivy a few days ago, guess what I heard?"

"What. Tell me quickly, don't sell the lawsuit."

"This Li Luo and the official wizard named Louis actually joined forces to rob the two colleges! Although the space bag was returned later, the dragon corpses of the ten velociraptors are gone!"

"So, just relying on these dragon meat, this Li Luo should at least be a mid-level knight?"

"Otherwise, what do you think? In addition, he and Luis love brothers, so don't be so stupid as to spiral into a series of factional struggles in the academy!"

"Scared me to death, I almost went up to find some trouble with this monster just now."

The words of many wizard apprentices are weak and weak. But it still fell into Li Luo's ears, his face twitched, and then he returned to normal. From a distance, the look of looking at the nose and the heart with the eyes, actually gives people a very low-key sense of non-existence.

"Louis, now we can no longer call you junior, we are older than you, so let's call you younger brother." Irene smiled and said to Gui Che beside her.

The latter, like Li Luo, twitched his face, but agreed with a smile.

"That's very good. Let's go." Gui Che said with a smile, and Li Luo saw his sideways smile, and for some reason, his heart felt a lot better.

This is probably because I am unlucky, and I really want to see others stumble. The Guiche in front of him, who has lived for an unknown number of years, is an out-and-out great wizard, and is called his younger brother? It's really suffocating in my heart!

Thinking of this, Li Luo pressed his nose with his fingers, and smiled gloatingly.

Gui Che turned his head and gave Li Luo a blank look, then walked towards the academy with Ivy and Irene.

"Stop coming! Please show your identity."

As soon as everyone reached the gate, the eyes of the two tall stone statues at the gate shone with dazzling red light, and a loud voice came from nowhere.

Li Luo looked up, and the statue on the left was a four-meter-high yellow stone statue with a lion's head and a human body. He bent down and looked at Li Luo and the others.

"Stupid Shihu, can't you even recognize Irene and Ivy? Hey, Louis has actually been promoted to an official wizard."

The stone statue with the head of a lion in front of him yelled in surprise, and then looked at Guiche as if he had discovered something extraordinary.

The latter nodded, and said with a smile: "I happened to meet a good inheritance, and I was lucky enough to advance. Long time no see, Luba."

"Don't dare to dare. You have already been promoted to be an official wizard, so don't call us that anymore. Just call me Demon Lion. Lu Tianba, you haven't activated the magic circle yet, what are you doing there?" The stone statue with the head of a lion and the body of a man said with some humility, while turning to look at the other golem beside him.

Li Luo followed his line of sight, and found that it was a golem with the head of a tiger, and it was scanning back and forth in front of Guiche and his figure.

"Lu Tianba, still get out of the way?" Gui Che frowned, and an invisible wave spread, covering Li Luo and his own aura.

Lu Tianba's stiff face twisted for a while, as if showing a hint of doubt, he asked slowly: "Senior Louis, forgive me. How did you spend your birthday last summer?"

Guiche's face twitched, and he said loudly: "And Luna! That's enough!"

When everyone heard it, they fell silent for a while. There were nearly fifty wizard seeds in total, all of them were silent like a cicada. Most of them are the sons of nobles or capable subordinates. They don't know how terrifying it is for an official wizard to get angry!

Sure enough, while speaking, Guiche's body glowed red, and the surrounding elemental energy began to rush towards him. For a moment, lightning flashed all over his body, crackling, and even the void was shaken to explode.

At the same time, waves of hurricanes spread in all directions.

Ivy and Aileen quickly stretched out a large protective shield to protect Li Luo and others.

It was also the first time that Li Luo saw that Gui Che seemed to be really angry, and while his heart was palpitating, he had to admire the strength of this senior.

Lu Tianba and Luba shrank back into the corner in fright, and the red light in their eyes also receded.

Guiche snorted coldly, and led the crowd to start walking inside.

In the office of the dean of the college, a huge light curtain appeared on the wall, revealing the figures of Li Luo and others entering the college.

In front of the desk in the office, an old man with full hair looked at the direction where Li Luo and the others disappeared, turned around, and said to the void where there was no one around him: "Shadow Dance, go and keep an eye on this Louis, especially pay attention to him and the others." What will happen when the boy who bullies my daughter connects?"

"Yes, Mr. Dean Galland." A pleasant female voice came over, and after a ripple in the void, it calmed down.

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