Overlord Wizard

Chapter 504: The Zerg World Comes to an End

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"Harold is dead!"

Several half-orcs rushed in, looking at the ancient wizard who had been reduced to ashes in the distance, with indescribable surprise and fear on their faces.

Li Luo's heart sank. Now that his energy has been drained, if these orcs make trouble, he will be in danger!

But with his usual expression on his face, he just walked towards the orcs step by step.

"How many of you know this Harold?"

Li Luo asked in fluent wizard language.

Several half-orcs obviously showed a look of fear, watching Li Luo approaching, with unspeakable greed brewing on their faces.

Li Luo walked over, looked at the bear man, werewolf and tauren in front of him, and shook his head.

"How long have you guys been enslaved by this guy?"

The orcs looked at each other and said, "It's been three thousand years."

Hearing this, Li Luo muttered to himself: "Has it been three thousand years?" Then he raised his head and said, "Three thousand years, I'm afraid you have reached the limit of your lifespan? If the human race is okay, you are now."

"Hey. It's okay, when we devour you, your vitality will naturally increase!" The werewolf licked his mouth with scarlet eyes, and continued, "If I'm not mistaken, your mana is exhausted now, right?"

Li Luo looked at the werewolf in front of him, didn't speak, but appeared in front of the werewolf in a flash, and punched him hard.


With a loud noise, the werewolf slammed into the far wall, and the whole person slid down from the wall.

"Hey hey hey hahahaha" After the werewolf landed on the ground, instead of showing any signs of pain, he laughed maniacally.

"Sure enough, as I guessed, this guy's mana has been exhausted! Everyone, if you don't do it now, when will it be!" The werewolf stood up slowly, and his hair turned blood red at this moment, oh With a long howl, seven or eight wind blades condensed out in front of the door in front of him, and with a few whizzing sounds of piercing the air, they shot towards Li Luo.

Seeing this, Li Luo not only did not show any signs of fear, on the contrary his face was filled with joy. But seeing his palm slightly raised forward, under a wave of ripples, it seemed that the space was folded at this moment, and the seven or eight wind blades just stirred up a wave of ripples in front of his eyes, and then turned into dots of blue light and entered Li Luo in the body.

After the werewolf released the spell, his figure rushed towards Li Luo in a flash. The speed was as fast as teleporting. But then, Li Luo raised his hand in the air, and a crimson wave of fire gushed out all over his body instantly, turning into A turbulent wall of fire pushed away in all directions.

The few half-orcs only felt their bodies suddenly hot, and immediately the skin was torn apart, and the smell of roasted meat was released, and a piercing pain came to their hearts.

"Damn! Rilla! You bastard, why did you attack the master!" After standing still, the tauren roared and stomped his feet suddenly. The head shrugged and pulled down.

Li Luo saw the right moment, and the thunderbolt salamander in his hand flickered with lightning. With a flicker, he came in front of the werewolf. With a flash of silver light in his hand, the three half-moon sword lights were like meteors chasing the moon, instantly enveloping the werewolf.


After the three buzzing sounds, under the three bloodstains on the werewolf's chest, there were three muffled chi chi chi chi sounds, and the entire chest broke apart, followed by a scream like a barking dog, and soon there was no sound.

"grown ups."

After the bear man came over, he glanced at the werewolf's corpse, his eyes twitched slightly, and looked at Li Luo.

"My lord, you will be our master from now on."

Li Luo hummed, didn't answer much, and said lightly: "I need to rest, do you know how to break the restriction here?"

"Every time that bastard Harold opened the restriction, he moved the stone at the center of the array. I remember moving the four stones in the middle to the four directions."

The tauren came over and said so. At the same time, he walked to the front of the array and began to move.

After a while, the surrounding blood mist gradually dissipated, and under the flash of white light in front of the eyes, a portal emerged.

Li Luo nodded, his eyes swept around, and at the same time, his mental power spread.

After a while, he frowned, walked towards a pile of rocks in the distance, reached in and fumbled for a while, and he took out a black interspatial bag.

"So, are you two willing to follow me?"

The two half-orcs hesitated, the bear man shook his head, but the tauren in front of him thought for a moment, and said in a low voice: "Master, I am willing to follow you. This sacrificial circle can not only improve a person's strength, but also Absorbing the vitality of bugmen through fighting, but after such a long time, staying in the same place is really boring. I want to go out with you."

Li Luo looked at the tauren appreciatively, hummed, turned to look at the bear man, and said, "I'll leave this to you."

After saying that, he walked into the teleportation array.

The tauren followed closely, and the two of them flashed white light, and when they reappeared, they had already returned to the previous bloody forest.

Li Luo sat down cross-legged and directly entered the state of meditation. After three full days, he opened his eyes. After he took out Harold's space bag, he began to examine it carefully.

Over the long years, the contents inside were almost exhausted by Harold, and the only thing left was a book and a crystal ball. Li Luo first took out the crystal ball to investigate, and there was no surprise, it was about the inheritance of the Grand Arcanist. As Li Luo guessed, the so-called Great Arcanist is the process of engraving the arcane totem on the basis of the star wizard, devouring and absorbing the enemy's spellcasting talent in constant battles, and finally turning into a super spellcaster. .

In this regard, Li Luo thought that his mysterious totem should have surpassed this kind of arcane totem. The reason is that the mysterious totem has been fused with his own divine pattern, and it is extremely compatible with him both physically and spiritually. .

The book is very different, it is in the shape of a jade slip, leaving aside the fantastic environment around it, it actually gives Li Luo a sense of illusion in the fairy world. After sticking the jade slip on his forehead, a wave of information came into his mind.


After Li Luo understood the contents of the jade slip, he was immediately taken aback. There is no other reason. What is described in this jade slip is an extremely grand world, no less than the world of wizards. Similarly, there are also demons and disasters rampant there. Unlike demons, the monsters there are all ghosts, spirits, and choosers. A monster that devours people.

What's even more bizarre is that this Harold turned out to be a time traveler, and his soul came from this world. Seeing this, Li Luo tilted his eyes and said, "What a coincidence?"

Shaking his head, he glanced at the tauren playing with the frog in the distance, and the corners of his eyes twitched even more.

You are the Bull Demon King, okay? What the hell is playing with frogs?

After looking away, Li Luo pondered.

This Harold only left a mark of the remnant soul in the jade slip. He only said that he could use this mark to find this world in the turbulent space, but he didn't say how far this world is from the world of wizards.

After withdrawing his thoughts, Li Luo put away the jade slips, took out the communicator, and several messages in a light curtain came into view. Li Luo looked at the coordinates given to him by the undead avatar, and led the tauren to flee all the way, flying off and on for a month, and finally stopped in front of a chaotic rock hill.

Seeing the teleportation array already set up in front of him, Li Luo took one last look at the zerg world, sighed, and led the tauren into it.

As the surrounding space distorted, a circular wormhole emerged out of thin air. The two of them flashed white light, and then disappeared into the wormhole.

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