Overlord Wizard

Chapter 297 Sowing and Harvesting (Revising)

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"Scan. In the target space, there are a total of twenty-three wizards." Hearing the ethereal voice of the mechanical heart in his mind, Li Luo nodded, "It seems to be the temporary stronghold of this team of wizards."

Immediately, his figure flashed, and he fell into the slowly sealed hole.

Surrounded by shimmering mushrooms, there is a slanting staircase passage under his feet. Li Luo walked all the way down, and gradually saw the glowing entrance. The materials are being tested.

"Master Gulla, can the potion you mentioned really transform the true meaning in our body?" A skinny wizard at the side turned to look at the leading wizard and asked eagerly.

The other wizards also stopped their experimental movements and looked at Gulla frantically.

"Nonsense, could it be that you didn't see me killing those bastard powers of the Red Lotus Sect!" Gulla glanced around with a little anger, and put down the experiment in his hand.

"No, no, no. We are just a little excited, and we have absolutely no doubts about the power you have obtained. After all, we are only third-order wizards that have been catalyzed. Even these experimental knowledge are poured into our minds with the help of crystal balls. Recently, It’s only because of the experimental techniques you taught us respectively that I’ve become more proficient.” The skinny wizard just now explained hastily.

"Kadan, you really talk a lot, just do the experiment with peace of mind." A tall wizard's expression turned cold and he scolded.

"Yes. Yes." The skinny wizard shut his mouth immediately, and concentrated on the task that Gujaras had given him.

Li Luo just watched quietly, not intending to disturb them, and wanted to see how they obtained the true meaning of destruction.

As time passed, bottles of potions were refined, and many wizards took them.

Gulla watched them take the potion and nodded with satisfaction.

"Nothing seems to have changed."

The eyes of many wizards were full of doubts.

"Of course, of course it won't change immediately." Gulla walked slowly to the center of the hall, and the runes on the ground lit up one after another, "Now, it's different."

As the runes in the hall lit up one after another, they quickly connected together, and a strange light suddenly lit up in the room.

"Now, I will share the marks of destruction in your body with you, so that you will be able to transform." Gulla took a deep breath, and strands of pitch-black energy emerged from his body, turning into a black mark, slowly Float over to these people.

Immediately, Gulla's aura quickly weakened.

Soon, from the late stage of the third-tier wizard, it fell back to the middle stage of the third-tier wizard.

"Master Gulla." Most of the twenty or so wizards accepted the imprint into their bodies without any hesitation, but four of them hesitated for a while, and blocked the imprint in the midst of their true intentions.

"You don't want to gain power?" Gulla frowned slightly, and slowly took back the four marks, "That's right, after all, accepting this power will take a lot of pain, so don't accept it."

After the imprint was withdrawn, Gulla's aura strengthened a bit, turned to look at the others, and said: "Then, next, you will be in great pain, the wizard's strength will regress, but you will gain extremely powerful true power!"

After Gulla's words fell, the witch array on the ground suddenly lit up with a dazzling dark red light, and soon the nineteen wizards who had accepted the mark all half-knelt down, screaming like beasts, and were swept away by a wave of The sincerity like a pitch-black flame enveloped his whole body, curling up on the ground.

Their wizard strength has also gradually retreated from the late third stage to the middle stage of the third stage, and even stopped at the early stage.

It took a full hour for them to stand up. All the true intentions on their bodies were gone, only a jet-black true intention circulated in their bodies. The mana in their bodies boiled at this moment, and the void trembled at this moment.

"So, you don't know the name of this true meaning yet?" Gulla's voice was full of indescribable bewilderment, "Yes, it is to destroy the true meaning, the super true meaning mentioned in the wizard alliance! Today, you are At the price of retreating in strength, I got it easily!"

The nineteen wizards all showed a hint of ecstasy. They are not fools. The strength of wizards can be cultivated back, but they can clearly feel the power of the true meaning of destruction. Even if they have just realized it, it is no worse than their previous understanding. where.

You must know that they were all third-order late-stage wizards before! The true meaning has already been comprehended to a high level. If the true meaning of destruction comprehends to a high level, their strength is not strong enough to be extremely terrifying?

These people looked at Gulla gratefully, and their eyes almost became fanatic.

Gulla twitched his mouth, swept towards these newly changed people, and said lightly: "The best way to improve the true meaning of destruction is to fight, so let's go, let's find the mines occupied by the Red Lotus Cultists and destroy them !"

Soon, Li Luo retreated to the side, watching these wizards walk outside, but they didn't follow, and put Xiao Jin in the hall to watch, while he entered the laboratory hall, found a side room, and shouted loudly. to sleep.

The next day, Li Luo woke up and came to the experimental tables one by one. He looked at the experimental notebooks on the experimental tables and began to read them.

"Scanning records." Li Luo gave such an order with a mechanical heart.

Soon, groups of data appeared in Li Luo's mind, and he memorized them bit by bit.

After all the data was recorded, Li Luo looked at the rune array on the ground, and let the mechanical heart firmly record it. Looking at the surrounding ground, a silvery light glowed in his hand, and a large illusion circle was gradually engraved by him.

After finishing all this, Li Luo nodded in satisfaction, chanted a few unknown incantations, and the magic circle quickly disappeared on the ground.

Five days later, there was finally movement outside. Li Luo put on the Phantom Lost Cloak, walked to a corner, and waited quietly.

After a while, the team of wizards walked into the hall.

"Master Gulla! This time, you have to give us this power no matter what!" The four wizards who did not accept the mark before hurriedly begged.

Gulla frowned, and said: "But in this way, my newly recovered strength will go backwards again. How about this, you and others stand in the center of the magic circle, and comprehend the true meaning of destruction they have obtained, this way Come on, maybe you can understand it yourself."

"Do you comprehend it by yourself? We really don't have that talent, Master Gulla, can you see if a newcomer will come over next time, and we can accept this gift together?" The four wizards looked at each other, and one of them blinked , asked slowly.

"Yes." Gulla said lightly, and then looked at the others: "Then, let's start. Sacrifice the souls of the wizards you destroyed here, so that the true meaning in the body will be further sublimated!"

Soon, everyone stood in the center of the dark red magic circle, and the runes flashed one after another, and they quickly joined together. Immediately, a strange jet of black air spread, and then sank into the bodies of these wizards one after another.


These nineteen wizards howled miserably, curled up, and the strong air of true meaning drowned them down. Gradually, the screams of these wizards became louder and louder, but it sounded more like an excited roar similar to that of a wild beast.

Li Luo looked at all this with surprise in his eyes. He found that the aura of these wizards dropped rapidly, even down to the level of first-order wizards, but even he himself felt a little pressure from the true meaning of destruction lingering around his body.

"This destructive energy is not enough, not enough, I want more! Sooner, sooner, I will break through to the late stage of true destruction!"

"I want more!"

"Give it to me!"

The wizards roared one by one, the flesh and blood on their bodies disintegrated and melted continuously, turning into a stream of air and condensing in the center of the hall, only then did the light of the dark red magic circle fade away. At this time, the four wizards were finally moved, and as soon as they turned around, they were about to rush outside.

next moment,

Gulla glanced at them with a sneer, and this energy group of true intention rushed towards them like a phantom.

Li Luo quickly chanted a few spells, and suddenly the surrounding ground lit up with colorful light, and Gulla stood there frozen. The four wizards looked at the motionless destructive energy group, swallowed dryly, and were about to make a move, but they also froze there.

At this time, Li Luo came to this jet-black destructive energy group, slowly held it in front of his chest, and was swallowed by a burst of silver light. Then, his figure flashed, and he came to Gulla, swung his arm suddenly, and knocked him out with a bang.

After pressing his hand on his head, it took a full half an hour before Li Luo took it back with satisfaction. From the memory of this Gulla, I know that his set of sowing and harvesting techniques are the core members of their Black Wind Brotherhood. Inspired by the imprint of the evil god, he communicated with the evil god in a chaotic world. At that moment, everyone's strength was gathered to seriously injure him, and with the imprint power developed by themselves, they penetrated into the body of the evil god and stole the power of the evil god's rules of destruction.

Li Luo took a deep breath and muttered to himself, "I really underestimated you bandits."

Glancing at the magic circle not far away, he threw Gulla into the center of the magic circle, and chopped off his limbs directly.

"Ah!" Gulla howled miserably, his eyes swept around, and finally fixed on Li Luo.

"Who are you?! How could you set up an illusion magic circle that even I can't break free from!" Gulla stared at Li Luo, chanting an unknown spell.

A dense black light suddenly lit up on Li Luo's chest, as if something was about to break free, but then everything calmed down under a flash of silver light.

Li Luo didn't intend to reply to Gu Erla's words, but secretly asked the mechanical heart in his chest: "How is it?"

Immediately, an ethereal voice sounded in his mind: "This mechanical heart can only imitate the interpreter to activate the magic circle with the absorbed energy breath, and the success rate is expected to be 80%."

"Very good, let's start." Li Luo smiled lightly, and with a flash of the sword in his hand, Gulla's tongue flew out with a few broken teeth.

He slowly withdrew from the dark red magic circle, and the magic circle lit up with a strange black light again. Gulla snorted, and was horrified to find that his own magic circle was running again uncontrollably, and soon his body was gone. It began to dissolve slowly, turning into jet-black streams of air that condensed towards the center of the magic circle.

"Uh uh."

Gulla was coughing blood, trying to say something, but soon the room became quiet, only a pitch-black energy ball floated in the center of the magic circle, and a strange black light flickered in and out of the hall. Four lights and shadows were reflected on the top, but soon, the four reflected reflections walked not far away. After a few sounds of the door opening, everything became quiet again.

Li Luo flicked his hand to the ground, and after a burst of colorful light, the magic formation quickly dissipated. Afterwards, he shot the black ball of light with his hand, plunged into his chest, turned around and left here quickly.

A month later, in a remote cave, a figure in a black robe sat here.

This person is none other than Li Luo. At this time, his eyes have turned into a purple color. A purplish red true meaning suddenly swept out, scraping off the entire cave with a thickness of three meters out of thin air, and the gravel and soil clods all over the ground disintegrated and dissipated inch by inch.

"There is no energy added, but the spiritual power with the true meaning of destruction is rolled out, and it has such a great power!" Looking at the gravel on the ground around him, the purple light in Li Luo's eyes gradually faded, and he stood up.

"Only 93% of the fusion, my true intention of destruction is so strong, really."

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