Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Vol 6 Chapter 497: One after another...

The 479th chapter is another piece...

Such as the violent shock, the ground under the feet was also crumbling, and there was a collapse. Finally, everyone in the Holy Land has already prepared for it, and they have all flew up, and they have swept a few dozen feet of space, which is considered to be stable again.

Looking at it again, the ground that he and others originally stood now is now landslide and there is no big piece.

On the side of the mainland coalition, except for a slight spread, it was once again stable. But on the other side, there is no sign of stopping at all. With the temper of Jun Da, how can it stop the collapse there?

What's more, there are four thousand holy emperors' self-explosive impacts? If it is really forcibly stopped, it will become the young master of the Grand Master!

Thanks to this unprecedented huge boost, the power of the earth was fully launched, and the whole piece collapsed.

The typical boat pushes the boat. Jun Da dreams want to create such a thing. Now it seems to be in front of you. If you can’t catch the opportunity, then it’s not Jun Moxie...

Under the command of the North Island, the interracial troops have begun a strong charge! Prepare to open the channel in the four thousand martyrs who use the extreme self-explosion sacrifice, and the army will use this as a point of entry to drive straight into!

Everyone in the eyes of the aliens is so excited that they will finally open the Xuan Xuan channel, wow haha...

Driven by such a state of mind, everyone is very hard to charge.

So when the front was found to have changed, the leading troops had swiftly sprinted to the edge of the black hole. It’s too late to stop moving forward.

A lot of people shouted and rushed to the past, but in the midair they were surprised to find that they were already stunned. Actually, because of the rushing momentum, it was like a volley. I woke up to God, danced and screamed and fell, with an extreme transition from extreme excitement to extreme fear...

A little later, of course, I found the specific change in the front, and immediately stopped the pace of the move. It was able to repeat the mistakes of the former people, and shouted louder and informed the team behind.

But in the midst of a noisy ruin, who can hear what the front people are saying? The footsteps of the latter army have been fully activated. The rushing up the sea, the majestic grandeur of the momentum, is directly invincible! There is a stop to stop there!

So these people who are in front of them are ‘destroyed’ and don’t want to repeat the same mistakes!

While shouting loudly, one side couldn't help the Lord's forward, until it rushed into the black hole and turned into a trapeze, and the hula dumplings fell down in general. The spectacular spectacle was really rare.

Many people also want to work hard to live and die. They are not going forward, but the situation in front of them has become a tiger ride. It is almost instantaneously pushed to the ground by the giants behind them. Then a group of colleagues step on his body and step on it. The servant of the meat rushed into the black hole, and the bones fell down.

Jun Moxie saw that the situation was good, and the four thousand people’s self-destructive aftermath was still more than enough. Just do not do it all the time, the force of the earth re-acted, and the whole piece of land instantly became a deep black hole! As a result, there are too many interracial soldiers who are still confused and do not know what is going on. They screamed and screamed ‘killing chickens to give’ and fell off.

With the first face full of fierceness and then the endless confusion and finally the face of the fear of the twisted face...

It must be said that the combination of chaotic fire and earth power is a perfect combination!

The terrorism caused by this strong alliance is by no means as simple as one plus one and two.

The long-term burning of more than one hour, after the chaotic fire that has been accelerated by nine secluded fourteen, has actually burned this black hole to a space of several thousand feet! Suddenly launching the power of the earth under such a **** is directly a matter of half the effort! Not to mention the unprecedented impact of a total of 4,000 people on the peak of the Holy Emperor's collective self-destruction!

If there is no long-term burning of the chaotic fire, it is the limit to create a hollow of hundreds of feet with the current ability of Jun Moxie. And the empty area must not be as wide as this.

If so, I believe that many masters will not die, and at most they will be able to climb up.

But now there are a few thousand feet high... and there are also their own comrades behind them, like stones, squatting on their heads, and even more numerous stones and dirt that are constantly falling down...

Survival rate...

Amount, only the burning incense to worship Buddha, the kind of pious prayer for more than a lifetime can still have a glimmer of hope.

Everything else must be the widow who died of the only child, not expected...

Chuangshangbei Island faced a sudden change, and once again widened his eyes and looked at it, only feeling that everything in front of him was dreaming! Dreaming... Even if it is a nightmare, it seems that there is no such cruelty!

It is not only the aliens, but the people who seem to be in the entire battlefield have become mud sculptures at this moment!

Jun Moxie squanders the power of the earth with all his strength. The backing of the 4,000-year-old sacred emperor is a slap in the face. Every wave is a hole that only has dozens of squares. This kind of hollow has a distance from the black hole. The Holy Emperor's saints did not have much effect, but the alien soldiers under the gods were all dumplings, and they fell down.

One after another!

For a time, the young master of the Grand Master called a heart-filled, unforgiving poem, and shook his head and swayed, saying: "One piece of three or four pieces, five pieces of six pieces of seven or eight pieces, nine pieces of ten pieces of eleven pieces..."

Then in the eyes of the nine secluded and fourteen watching monsters, it is very lyrical and added the last sentence: "...fall into the black hole is not seen!"

吟 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The road: "Four brothers, how is my poem?"

Nine secluded fourteen round eyes, no moments, watching the monsters look at Jun Moxie, and then look at the scene of a **** on the ground, opened his mouth, actually did not say anything for a long time, for a long time, Finally, I shook my head and sighed: "The world has said that I am a devil of the world, or a madman killing madman, but when I see you today, I feel that this son is really a frog at the bottom of the well. Today I see the bigness of the world, the true self-defense, and the downwind! ”

It seems to be a bit more addictive: "Compared with you, what qualifications do I have to be called the devil?"

"The award is over! The 14th brother is really too prized." Jun Mo evil arched his hand, very modestly said: "Actually, I feel that I am doing... not good enough."

Nine secluded fourteen little neck twisted, turned his head aside. Biting his teeth: "Compared with this guy in front of me, my mother is a good man! At least it is a good man of Baishi practice! Grass!"

On the ground, the first person of the aliens created a scream of the North Island, slamming a blood, squirting a dozen feet away, and smashing the heart of the big scorpion: "Bage! Bage! Wang Ba Gu I, I, I, I... I, I, I..."

Under the urgency, anger and anger, the first person of the aliens could not even say a complete sentence. It’s just that the hands and feet are shaking in the same strength, like a sly, and it’s like a stroke...

Do not blame the creation of the North Island, the fact that the loss of this war is too heavy. The effort of this meeting has fallen by more than a hundred thousand people... and it will never come up when it falls.

There are indeed many people participating in the interracial field, but they can't die like this in 100,000 units, especially if the other person is not dead. This is really too unbalanced...

At this moment, the creation of the North Island, the whole body is shaking like the leaves in the wind, like a poor little girl who has been rice by a hundred big Hans...

"Oh... this guy won't be a cerebral thrombus..." Jun Moxie looked at Chuangshangbei Island far away from the sky, and some pity said: "Poor!"

Nine secluded fourteen suddenly have an impulse to vomit blood.

I have seen cats crying and mice, and I have seen gloating.

But in front of this goods...

You guys have smashed a whole 20,000 sacred emperors, and by the way have killed at least 100,000 interracial warriors! There is no hair on your own side, you are still... still... what? ......

It’s justified that Jiu You Xie Shao really feels a word: the book hates less when it comes to use!

At the moment, I can't find a suitable word to describe this guy who laughs like a hippo...

It is said that this son is a demon, but the son of this son who has been killed for thousands of years is not as good as he killed half a day today... oh... I am too pure with him...

Howling is mean, shameless, screaming, and today is the standard!

The entire battlefield is silent and can be heard!

Regardless of the mainland coalition forces, or the aliens, everyone has held their breath. Everyone is squinting like a cramp, staring at the giant pit that has been enlarged at least twice in the middle! A black hole seems to be still black (like a mouthful of a great devil, breathing in greed...

"Change the direction! Kill the chicken and give it to the chicken to give it..." The sound of the creation of the North Island is like crying, and there is a tragic feeling that this guy will spit a blood every time he says a word. "The remaining 10,000 people give me a rush! Kill them! Kill them! Kill and kill..."

The remaining 10,000 people naturally refer to the last card. The more than 10,000 true saints of the Holy Emperor, these people have turned their eyes at the same time, and from another direction, they began to make further progress toward this side. . Although at least a few hundred miles of roads must be detoured, it is always better than standing here.

Even if these masters are all killed on the other side, they are always more valuable and meaningful than being scared to death here.

After losing more than a hundred thousand strikers, the army of the opposite races renewed their fighting spirit and neatly followed the 10,000 people back in the other direction...

However, this time the attack seems to be a lot of silence. The excitement of the previous momentum is no longer knowing where to go...

As for the creation of the North Island itself, it is the other six sacred kings who are in the same race as the rockets. In the position where Jun Moxie and Jiu Xing Xie are less, I rushed over!

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