Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 116 Don't Treat Orcs as Humans

Lao Niu is a bull orc. He has no name, and everyone calls him Lao Niu.

Most orcs have no names.

He is the oldest of these bull orcs, in his forties, but he can't remember the exact forties.

Following the Rat Beastman and his family to Hongye City, he didn't complain. He had experienced too many such migrations since he was a child. Already used to it.

Compared with the previous ones, the only difference is that this time they came to the place of human beings, and they even want to live in peace with human beings.

Lao Niu doesn't know much about human beings. He just heard from others that human beings are smart, treacherous, weak, etc., and he thought so before yesterday.

But now he doesn't think so.

He doesn't know how other humans are, but the humans in Hongye City, the lord of Hongye City, are definitely the kindest humans!

He not only gave himself three meals a day for these orcs, but also built a house made of stones for himself, and even gave himself a job that could make money!

For some orcs, this literally saved their lives!

Although Lao Niu thinks he can survive this winter, he is not sure that his family can also survive, especially his child who is less than one year old.

It is very common for orc children to die young. Lao Niu has seen it a lot, but he does not want to see his own child suffer such a bad luck. If there is a chance, he is willing to give the best to the child and let him live in peace Can take care of themselves.

And now, just have this opportunity.

"As long as you work hard, food and housing are just the most basic, and I will give you a salary that you can freely control every month. Also, I'm currently recruiting more educated people to start a school. Teach children how to read and write numbers, whether they are human children or orc children can come to learn, of course, the premise is that you work hard and don't cheat!"

Seeing the city lord talking on the stage, Lao Niu knew that if he wanted his children to be promising in the future and not as useless as himself, then learning was essential.

Just like now, Master Fox is the most knowledgeable of these orcs, followed by Rat Orcs, and they are the leaders of the orcs.

The old cow tightened the cloth strips tied around his body,

A child was tied with cloth strips around his chest.

At first glance, the child is no different from a human baby, but if you look closely, you can see that there are two very small horns on his forehead, the same color as the old cow's head, but the horns on the old cow's head are longer Thick and intimidating.

Although the calf orc was tied very tightly, it may be because of the better technique of tying him. He didn't cry or fuss. His big eyes stared at the old cow's chin, and he even babbled, wanting to use his hands. Pulling the old cow's beard, but unfortunately, his hands were tied and he couldn't stretch them out.

The old cow looked down at the child and said nothing. He turned to look at a bull orc who was a few sizes smaller than him beside him.

Compared with the two-meter-high old cow, this bull orc is much slender. It should be thinner and fatter. , not as scary as Lao Niu's.

This is the old cow's wife, a female bull orc.

"Lao Niu, we must work hard later, and we must live up to the expectations of the city lord!"

The wife holds the old bull's hand.

"Don't worry, I know!"

The old cow answered in a low voice.

Following these humans to the city wall, Lao Niu was still shocked to see such a high city wall again.

He couldn't imagine how the city wall could be built so high, human beings are amazing.

"At present, your task is very simple. It is to transport some materials from outside the city and put them here."

The construction workers pointed to the base of the city wall.

The old cow found that some stones had been piled up here. Through the opened city gate, he could see a large open space outside the city, where there were many big stones.

It's really easy to move things!

The old cow thought to himself.

"Okay, let's get to work, everyone, each of you will be assigned a trolley."

Pushing the trolley to the door, the old cow imitated a human being and moved a few stones on the trolley.

Seeing the grunting pusher away pushing the cart, the old cow gave it a push.

too light!

He remembered what Zhang Feng said - if you want to work seriously, just push these few stones over, is it considered serious?

It must not be counted, so the old cow added a few more stones.

Still light.

No, add more.

Finally, when the twelfth stone was put in, the old cow nodded. He was actually not very satisfied, but this two-wheeled hand wooden cart was so big that it couldn’t fit any more.

It's just that Lao Niu just started pushing.


The cart fell apart.

It was crushed by stones.

The old cow looked at his hands, his eyes were a little dazed, didn't he get into trouble on the first day of work?

But that's not too much!

The calf orc in his arms didn't know what happened, and after hearing a loud noise, instead of being afraid, he yelled happily.


"Eh? Something happened?"

As soon as Zhang Feng returned to the castle, he heard the news from the soldiers.

"Yes, a bull orc broke our cart."

The soldier quickly answered.

"What exactly is going on? No one was injured!"

"It seems that the bull orc man felt that there were too few stones in the cart, so he only put a few stones in, and then..."

Zhang Feng was a little speechless, it shouldn't be a matter of putting in a few extra bucks.

He participated in the design of this two-wheeled trolley. Although it is made of wood, its bearing capacity is quite good. It is no problem at all to pull half a ton of weight.

Obviously, the bull orc is overloaded.

"Let's go and have a look first."

Zhang Feng has to remind the orcs that there are tens of thousands of roads, and safety comes first, and overloading in violation of regulations is not allowed.

However, when he came to the gate of the city and saw the current situation, Zhang Feng was so surprised that his mouth opened wide, and he could stuff an egg.

A bull orc man with a height of about two meters is trotting. He is carrying several stones with a height of at least four meters on his shoulders. After stroking his chest, Zhang Feng realized that there was an orc child tied to his chest, which seemed to be a calf orc.

This scene completely shocked Zhang Feng.

This unscientific!

Let’s not talk about how he stacked these super-large stones together, nor how he can walk steadily to prevent the stones from falling, but just talk about how he could carry these large stones of!

According to the density of common stones, one cubic meter is about 2.5 to 3 tons. The stones on the shoulders of the bull orc, according to Zhang Feng's visual inspection, are at least 4 cubic meters.

In other words, this bull orc man is carrying something weighing more than ten tons, and even if he walks like flying, he still has time to take care of the child in his arms?

Not only Zhang Feng was shocked, but all the humans here were shocked.

Everyone has a deep understanding of how heavy a rock is. Can you carry something weighing more than ten tons for a trot? You read that right!

But those orcs had normal faces, and some even imitated the bull orc, put down the small wooden cart in their hands, and went to carry the stones themselves.

How fast you can carry it yourself! That little cart is a nuisance!

After the bull orc man delivered the stone weighing more than ten tons safely, Zhang Feng had someone call him over.

"City, Lord City Lord?"

Seeing that Zhang Feng actually came, Lao Niu was no longer the same stalking in the garden just now, he was a little nervous, after all, he just broke his small cart.

"My lord, I'm sorry, I took your cart..."

Lao Niu's voice was husky, but Zhang Feng interrupted him before he finished speaking.

"Are you hurt?"

Lao Niu was stunned for a moment, and then realized that what Zhang Feng asked should be when the trolley was damaged, and suddenly there was a warm current in his heart.

"No, no, my skin is hard, I won't get hurt!"

After finishing speaking, Lao Niu seemed to remember something and quickly continued:

"Thank you, Lord City Lord, for your concern. Don't worry, I will definitely pay you back that small car after I save money!"

Zhang Feng didn't answer his words, but looked at the lack of sweat on his buffalo's forehead, and asked in surprise:

"Aren't you tired from carrying those rocks just now?"

"Tired? Are you not tired?"

Lao Niu scratched his head, not knowing why Zhang Feng would ask such a question, why would he be tired just carrying this few rocks!

If it weren't for the fact that these stones were not so easy to put, he would have no problem carrying a few more.

Zhang Feng was a little amazed. He circled around the old cow twice and found that he was no different from humans except that he was taller and stronger!

Zhang Feng even poked the bulging muscle on the bull orc's arm, except that it was a little harder, it was similar to his own!

The little orc in his arms looked at Zhang Feng curiously, and Zhang Feng made a face at the little orc when the big cow orc was not paying attention.

But the calf orc was not afraid, and even opened his mouth.

Lao Niu didn't know why the child in his arms suddenly became happy. He was afraid that Zhang Feng would be upset, so he hurried to appease him.

Looking at this orc daddy, Zhang Feng fell into deep thought.

He had already overestimated the orcs as much as possible, but unexpectedly he still underestimated them!

Seeing the performance of this bull orc, it kind of meant that Zhang Feng opened the door to the new century.

He had always regarded these orcs as human beings before, but now it seems that he can stop treating them as human beings at all!

As a machine, there is no problem at all!

Looking at Zhang Feng who was lost in thought, Lao Niu was a little nervous, wondering if Zhang Feng would punish him.

After a while, Zhang Feng came back to his senses and said:

"You did a great job, you don't need to pay for the cart!"

Zhang Feng reached out and patted him on the shoulder, then said to the soldiers next to him:

"If the orcs feel that our tools limit their work, they can choose the way they like."


The soldier quickly replied.

"By the way, what's your name?"

Zhang Feng looked at the Niu Beastman and asked.

"I don't have a name, everyone calls me Lao Niu."

The bull orc scratched his head.

Zhang Feng frowned, and then asked:

"Then how do you tell each other apart? If you bull orcs are all called Lao Niu, how do you know it's you?"

"I don't know, anyway, if my wife calls me, I can definitely hear it!"

A somewhat shy smile appeared on the face of the bull orc.

Well, forced to eat a mouthful of dog food.

"I don't know how you distinguish each other, maybe there is a special way, but for us humans, names are still more important, and if you don't have a name, it's inconvenient, and I can't remember it. I will call you in the future... Go hard!"

Zhang Feng felt that the name he had chosen was very good. With such great strength, it would be no problem to call him Dali.

"Niu...Niu Dali?"

The old cow was stunned for a moment, and then thanked him very gratefully:

"Thank you, Lord City Lord, for giving me the name, thank you, Lord City Lord, for giving me the name! From now on... I, Lao Niu, will also have a name!"

Seeing Niu Dali happy like a child weighing more than five hundred catties, Zhang Feng waved his hand.

"Okay, you go first and work hard!"


Niu Dali walked away happily, saying that he had a name while walking.

Zhang Feng looked at the back of Niu Dali leaving, and then looked at those orcs who were carrying stones like Niu Dali.

Some crazy ideas gradually appeared in Zhang Feng's mind.

He thought of the modern industrial equipment, such as big trucks, excavators, mixers, cranes...

There are no such things in other worlds, and the speed of construction will not be so fast.

But what about these devices?

no engine? These orcs are completely humanoid engines!

"Go and call the Marlowe knight and the rat orc to meet me in the castle!"

Zhang Feng ordered the soldiers.



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