Oath Cape, Jean blinked, what's going on? At this moment, the Fatui had retreated and left, and the traces of the battle had basically sunk into the sea.

"Could it be that Klee blew it up?"

Rosalia muttered, this has been cut so big, I'm afraid only Klee's high-explosive doodoo has this power.

"No, Klee's high-explosive doot has been confiscated by me."

Qin shook his head, the ordinary Dudu can be fried fish, but such a large stone wall obviously can't be blown up.

"Won't Klee steal it again?"

Rosaria said in her heart, Klee is a chicken thief, especially for Dudoke.

Jean nodded slightly.

In the bathhouse of Dawn Winery, Diluc was lying on his back, his hands outstretched, and his whole body was soft.

It was most comfortable to take a hot bath after using the Demon King's armament, and Diluc didn't want to move at all.

A long snow-white leg walked in, and Eula walked in wrapped in a snow-white bath towel, and saw Diluc lying on his back, showing a happy expression, and his eyebrows were slightly raised.

This guy is still enjoying here, and he doesn't know that the Goethe Hotel almost got into a fight?

Diluc tilted his head slightly, and when he saw his beautiful wife, he couldn't help but swallow a handful of saliva, but unfortunately, the beauty is like jade, but he has no combat power at the moment.

Eula looked at Diluc's appearance and felt very proud, after all, she was still very confident in her figure.

Jade Foot stepped into the water and lay down next to Diluc.


Diluc ripped off the towel and pulled Eula into his arms.


Eula pinched Diluc's waist and grumbled.

"I'll rub your shoulders for you."

Although Diluc is very tired and doesn't want to move, it is every man's duty to serve his wife.


Eula breathed a sigh of relief, Diluc's massage skills are still very good, if there are any shortcomings, it is that this guy is not honest, and he will make small movements according to it.

"Husband, why are you so impulsive and have such a strong conflict with the Fatui over a bottle of red wine?"

Eula complained a little, after all, under normal circumstances, the guards of Dawn Winery could not defeat the elite of the Fatui.

Of course, Eula didn't know that the Fatui had forty-eight elites who had been beaten by Noelle, so she thought Diluc was too reckless and inconsiderate.

"Do you think it's just a matter of wine?"

Diluc leaned in and licked Eula's swan neck.

Eula's body instantly felt like she had been electrocuted, and her whole body became hot.

"It's not for the wine, but for what?"

Eula turned her head to ask, and was instantly attacked by Diluc and kissed her.

Eula sighed, pushed Diluc away slightly, and gave Diluc a blank look, every time he raided like this, I wrote down this hatred.

"I had a fight with the Fatui rooster, and he was injured and ran away using the unique teleportation array of the Solstice Kingdom, so I had people besiege Goethe's winery, what a treasure of fine wine, just a cover."

Diluc hugged Eula and explained.

But he said that he beat the rooster away, and he felt a little empty, after all, it was Noelle who really blew the rooster!


"Of course it's true."

Eula nodded, if the rooster was seriously injured and besieged Goethe's winery, it would not be a reckless act, but a knock on the mountain and a tiger.

This is to tell them the Fatui that Château Goethe is not a safe place, and that if they mess with it in the future, it will be a violent beating to rush in every minute.

"Then why didn't you make it to Mondstadt?"

Eula asked, and saw that Diluc's face was not very good.

"You're not going to get hurt, are you?"

Eula was in a hurry.

"It's not that the injury is not enough, but the consumption is too great, and the body is a little weak, in order not to let the Fatui see the clues, so not showing up is more deterrent than appearing."

Diluc quibbled.

"Since you're so tired, why do you still give me a massage, really, quickly, turn around, I'll give you a massage."

Eula broke away from Diluc and left him lying on the edge of the bathhouse.

Diluc's head was clasped on the edge of the bathhouse, his hands were outstretched, and Eula knelt in the bathhouse, leaning on Diluc's back, a pair of slender hands like jade, gently rubbing Diluc's shoulders.

"Wow, it's comfortable, my wife's craftsmanship is so good."

Diluc praised.

"Flim tongue, my hand strength is a little big, you can say it when it's heavy."


crooked his mouth, it's strong, it's so comfortable!

Jean returned to the cathedral, looked left and right vigilantly, then said hello to the guards and walked in. This used to be the place where the Sky Lyre was collected.

Jean confiscated Klee's high-explosive dook, so naturally she had to choose a safe place.


Entering the cathedral, the Knights of Favonius all stopped to greet Jean.

Qin bowed slightly, walked to the side, came to the wall on the right, Qin looked left and right again, and then raised her hand, the breeze followed her hand, floated to the wall, and in an instant, a green magic array appeared.

A window tinged with purple magic opened slightly, revealing a storage box that looked like a wardrobe.

Jean stretched out her fingers and nodded earnestly. After counting, she touched a handful of hair, no less?

In the dark, a strange ripple appeared on the wall, and a pair of eyes appeared.

Jean tilted her head slightly and looked at the wall, but found nothing.

"Captain Qin, is there any problem?"

The Knight of Favonius came up and asked nervously, after all, the Sky Lyre was lost last time, and their year-end bonuses were all gone. He didn't want to lose anything this time.

"No, it's fine."

Qin closed the magic array, and said in his heart, maybe I thought too much.

At the Goethe Hotel, the rooster's hands are bandaged, and Anas is holding the bowl and carefully feeding him medicine.

This time I was lucky enough to survive, thanks to that big clever ice fat, she wrote down this kindness, and next time she was promoted, she must give priority to this big clever.

The rooster's face is ugly, but fortunately, his legs are not injured, but these hands are broken, or this is the magic world, it is estimated that these hands will be scrapped.


The rooster scolded angrily, thinking of the precious purple thunder red wine, his heart was dripping blood.

"Lord Rooster, don't be angry anymore, as the saying goes, stay in the green mountains, don't be afraid of no firewood, didn't Diluc was also beaten by you back then, and lay in bed for half a month?"

Anas was reassured.

The rooster blushed, and when Diluc slashed them at the Winter Kingdom with a lion's head sword, the empress was furious.

They were surrounded by seven executives, and the Balladeer interrupted Diluc's lion-headed knife with his lightning pass, and then he was finally responsible for hunting down Diluc, and finally having people save him, which was definitely not a matter of pride for him.

On the wall, there was a fluctuation, and the debt handler appeared half-kneeling on the ground.

"Report to the Executive, I've found the location of the high-explosive Dudok, but that magical space is too complicated for me to start."

Debt processing is reported to.

"Very good-"

Rooster praised, he still has studied the magic array, he is confident that he can open it, but, after glancing at his hands, Rooster is depressed.

With his current state, it is obviously impossible to open the magic array, it seems that he has to wait for his arm to be good before acting! That damn Diluc, that damn maid Noelle!

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