Such a meal of Qingshui hotpot, which Yin Li thought was completely unattractive, made several orcs belly bloated. Males are always rough, sitting on animal skin cushions, patting their bloated stomachs, laughing at each other. The female is more reserved. They both smiled and commented on the special taste of the dipping sauce just now.

Nara held Yin Li's hand as if she had discovered gold, "Yin Li is so smart!" She has completely admired her, this female must have been born in a particularly wealthy and developed tribe, He knew more than any orc she knew.

Yin Li was born **** and was not used to having physical contact with women. He smiled and took his hand away.

Nala did not feel lost. Orcs, both male and female, are relatively straight people. After expressing her sigh, she began to ask about the making of the kang. In fact, Kula has already said these things, and Kula knows more, but she still hopes to hear it again from Yin Li's mouth, and always feels that more wonderful ideas will emerge.

In the narration, Yin Li also mentioned the erection of the new house, which is exactly what Nora wanted. She looked at each other with bright eyes and nodded in approval.

Nara is good at getting others to explain her ideas and is willing to give affirmation, which is an excellent listening ability. The tribe leader, as a superior, is better at turning other people's ideas into reality, and measuring the effort and gain in it. They have been married for many years and can reach a certain tacit understanding through their eyes.

"Awesome! Before the cold winter, all the tribes have to put on kangs!" Unlike the orcs who often play with Yin Li, the tribe leader is accustomed to the tongue-in-cheek Chinese pronunciation. It was a little awkward when he was on the kang, but the enthusiasm in his eyes was enough to offset this shortcoming.

The males are talking loudly, and they have already begun to figure out how to assign tasks in order to complete this goal more quickly. It must be known that there are many members of the tribe under the mountain, and there are many houses.

The females looked at their big confident eyes, just smiled, and talked about the cold winter in the future, no need to be afraid, life is always moving in a better direction.

In the small stone house with alopecia areata, there is a thriving scene, and everyone is full of hope for life.

Building a kang for all members of the Shanxia Tribe is not something Yin Li should worry about, but as the initiator, he will always receive tribal members for a long time after this Grateful gift. Everyone was full of gratitude and admiration for him, which made him feel like he could fit into the tribe better.

Here I have to mention that the orcs are really sincere, and the gifts they bring are usually whole heads of prey, enough for Yin Li and Gubei to eat for more than a day, and the burden of alopecia areata is significantly less. Alopecia areata not only takes advantage of this, but also guides and moves stones from time to time, and because of this, he has more contacts with the orcs in the tribe.

Yin Li also taught everyone how to make pottery, but he kept his mind and did not teach other females to make exquisite pottery.

Mula and Kula have seen the beautiful females made by Yin Li, but they didn't teach it. After all, it was made by Yin Li. Naturally not to say.

Yin Li thought about making some beautiful pottery by himself, and selling it at the fair next year, he will definitely make a lot of money. Because Yin Li helped teach how to burn pottery, he didn't need to pick the fruit. In return, the females will offer fruits and vegetables they have picked.

After five days of marriage, the newlywed females also resumed their usual work. Taking advantage of the bumper harvest of vegetables and fruits in autumn, the females went out early and returned late to hurriedly pick fruits and vegetables. With Yin Lijiao's method of cooking vegetables and drying them, females are not afraid of picking too many things, and they will spoil before they have time to eat.

Hessen is good at finding the hive, Yin Li has been thinking about it. The fruit is directly marinated in honey, it can be stored for a long time, and it tastes great! The fruit is mashed with honey and it becomes jam! Anyway, fruit and honey are a natural pair.

In the past, Yin Li, like half of the young people, liked Korean things, including honey grapefruit tea, which he made himself. This stuff is very easy to make, just have salt, sugar and fruit. I didn't see grapefruit here, but I can definitely make it with other fruits!

The alternative to making the Orc World version of honey citron tea is the orange from another world, which is as small as a fist and as big as a grapefruit, and is especially sweet and juicy. Alopecia areata did what he said, and directly called Hesse to find two large beehives, and the honey was poured out and placed in a clay pot. The orange peel was peeled, because the orange peel was thin and there was no white scoop. He simply cut it into thin strips, soaked it in warm water and salt for an hour, and then put it in a clay pot to cook for half an hour to remove the bitterness. The pulp is broken into small pieces, the orange peel is washed with water, and then the clay pot is heated, the two things are put in and an appropriate amount of honey is added, and it is almost the same after boiling for a while. After it's done, it will be quite a lot. One third will be given to Hesse and Mura, and the remaining third will be split into two, one for Kura and one for Buddy, and the rest is himself.

Three flowers and three who received gifts came to the door the next day. During this time, the females were either keen to burn pottery or busy picking. It is really true that they can be as idle as Yin Li. No. Even Buddy, who is a male, has been assigned the job of picking. As an orc, he has good physical strength and can pick the most every time, and he can also take care of the task of protecting females. This is what Nora did on purpose. To say that being calculated like this, Budison is not angry, that is certainly not the case, he is a little embarrassed at most, his hunting ability is good, but his hunting ability is almost the sky, and he doesn't need his help at all. He made too few friends here, and he still got to know more people, so he was happy to do this job.

Because she received a gift, Duo San also brought a gift in return. They came here mainly to ask how the sweet thing was made. It is not surprising that females like sweets, but the strange thing is cloth Di also likes sweet things, but the two little snakes also love sweets, and Buddy uses the little snake cub as an excuse not to mention himself.

I heard that my friends dipped it directly, and Yin Li couldn't help laughing and laughing. In the future, he would have to teach him how to eat it by copying the food of the earth. Don't make a joke. But such a joke, only he himself knows.

Unlike orcs, Yin Li drinks water from the river directly. He has to boil the water to drink. Gubei and alopecia areata are used to it. Boiling water, everyone drinks this. Yin Li and Mu La lived together in the past, so this habit is also found in Hesse and Mu La's house.

Yin Li's hot water has not moved away from the earthen stove, he took out four clay cups, put a spoonful of honey orange tea at the bottom of each cup, and poured enough hot water . As soon as the hot water is put into the cup, the smell of honey and orange is released, and the sweet scent of honey and oranges rushes directly into people's nostrils.

Mulla couldn't wait any longer, took a cup and took a sip, "It's so hot!"

Kula laughed at his friend, "Look at you in a hurry!" Having said that, he also wanted to taste the taste quickly, because the whole body of the hot water inside was hot, He glanced at the golden orange peel floating in the light yellow sugar water. "It turned out to be like this." Thinking about it, he was making a joke, and his face flushed unconsciously.

"Eating into the stomach, it's the same." Yin Li reassured him, but he thought of other places. If there is bread with some jam and honey orange tea, it must be delicious! He can't make bread, the key is that there is no flour in this place! Ugh…

"Why are you unhappy?" Buddy asked Yin Li when he saw Yin Li's face was not good.

Yin Li shook his head, "I have something to do, you guys help." Instead of worrying about what can't be done now, it is better to recruit these workers to make the jam and candied fruit that I thought before, anyway There are so many fruits and vegetables sent by others, and they are left in vain when they are not needed.

"Okay!" Mu La was very excited, this honey orange tea was delicious, and he was still waiting to learn what Yin Li did, he must first honor 'Master'!

The method of jam is very simple. Gather the same type of fruit into one piece, peel and core, mash it, add honey, boil it, and finally seal it up. This is the simple version of jam. The sauce made from too sweet fruit will taste better if it is properly added with a little sour. At this time, Yin Li will use the lemon juice from the orc world and put a little in it. For some small fruits, Yin Li simply did not mash them, but put them in and mixed them with sugar and boiled them together. When they were boiled, the skins became transparent, like amber, so they looked beautiful.

Females like this kind of food. It is very exciting to make. I originally thought of doing a day's work, but I finished it in half a day. When Yin Li saw this, he thought about pouring the 'wine' when he felt uncomfortable? The method is similar to making jam, except that it does not need to be boiled. The grapes in this world are very large, and a bunch of twenty fruits is as big as Yin Litou. Yin Li has made this kind of simple wine before, so he confidently made several more large clay pots. This thing is really made, and it is estimated that orcs also like to drink it!

Everything is done, Yin Li naturally wants to leave some helpers to eat, and give them some things as a thank you. Yin Li likes this kind of back-and-forth communication, but he hates it if he simply takes advantage of it!

A few Duo learned to deal with the fruits of their own family after going back three times. They were all happy and busy all night. The sad eyes of the few who were alone in the empty room, biting the animal skin quilt, were about to turn into actual ropes. However, Duo San, who is doing things, will ignore these tall and majestic males who pretend to be pitiful.

Buddy is special because he has two little snakes at home. Usually, the little snakes are imprisoned by the bones in the newly built small house next door. Dila went back to the kang and took the cub to sleep with. The little snake brother was particularly in trouble, and called to Buddy's back: "Mom! Mom!" After a few calls, Buddy surrendered voluntarily, washed his hands, packed up, and went back to bed to sleep. Tugu hugged Buddy, Buddy hugged the cub, and the family of four slept beautifully.

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