But it doesn't matter, the tribe leader stood in front and said to Yin Li: "Yin Li, follow the guidance of the beast god, after today, the bones will be your size, and you will be the soil. Duo San of the bone."

Without waiting for Yin Li to say anything, Buddy, who was watching the excitement next to him, was the first to say: "The tribe leader, the bones have not come back yet." The little snake has always refused to part with him, and now he has learned to go around On the man's neck, it rubs Buddy affectionately.

The chief of the tribe is elected by all the members of the tribe. He has the responsibility to protect all members and the right to arrange the work of the members, and the orcs who are over 25 years old must accept his finger marriage , this is not to show his rights, but to better allow single orcs to survive the cold winter. "Do you have any objections?" As a member of another tribe, it was very rude to Buddy rashly to say something that seemed to question his decision.

Second brother pulled Buddy, "Don't talk nonsense."

"The chief of the tribe, I don't want to be a duosan." The things he doesn't want have to be entrusted to others to speak up, Yin Li only thinks that Buddy is speaking for him.

The chief prototype of the tribe is a tiger, so at night there will be a green light, and being stared at by such a pair of beast pupils, Yin Li was blunt and immediately restrained. "Yin Li, Hessen and Mura have already got married. They have formed a new family and can't continue to take care of you. How will you get food? After the cold winter, Hessen will have his own child, and you should be a child too. Are you being taken care of? The cold winter is coming soon, and a female can’t survive the winter.” He didn’t have the refuted anger that Yin Li imagined, he just said bluntly that Yin Li would encounter difficulties if he didn’t get married, and These are all things Yin Li has no way to solve.

Yin Li has many fantastic ideas given to him by modern civilization. He probably knows how to make pottery, he knows the shape of weapons, how to build houses to keep warmer, and change the primitive life that simply depends on picking The method is changed to the cultivation and cultivation of captive animals. However, in the past, he was only responsible for enjoying these ideas to make life better. It would be too embarrassing for him to really say it clearly.

However, can the whimsy, which is limited to the conception stage, be exchanged for the ingredients voluntarily provided by the orcs? This kind of idea, which still needs others to practice and explore, can really make a group of orcs who are not satisfied with their food and clothing really be moved?

It is difficult for him to express these naive ideas, just like the spice cooking at the beginning, Hesse ignored it, just like the empty description of the loom, so far only the female weaving method has been changed. He didn't cross the "Golden Finger" nor did he have the "Protagonist Halo" in the novel. He didn't seem to have the capital to fight for the freedom of marriage in this dangerous orc world.

Yin Li is unwilling, as Hessen and Mula, who are closest to him, are also very embarrassed. The tradition of Yin Li has indeed reached the age of marriage. "Yin Li, Tugu is a good orc." Mu La persuaded.

They were still at a stalemate on their side. The skeletons who had been on their way back to the tribe just returned to the tribe at this time. He looked at the people gathered in the square and knew that the autumn celebration had begun. After Tugu entered the tribe, he turned back into a human form. He quickly placed the animal skin scarf on the list, but his footsteps did not stop because of his anxiety and fear that the marriage session had ended.

Fortunately, he walked through the crowd to the center point, and saw the tribe leader and the marriageable orc still there. Buddy also walked closer to the front for some reason. He was overjoyed to finally see someone, "Buddy, you're still here." Tugu is usually indifferent and doesn't speak emotionally, but this time everyone could hear the excitement in his voice. .

"Tugu, you came just right. I have made Yin Li your Duosan." The tribe leader has a good impression of this tall orc. Although he is an alien orc, his strength cannot be underestimate.

"I don't want Yin Li." Hearing this, Tugu subconsciously refused, "Clan leader, I want Buddy to make Duosan." With his long arm, Buddy entered smoothly In his arms, the bones are tall enough, even if Buddy is 1.8 meters tall, he can make a bird-like gesture in his arms.

Buddy was stunned at the moment, and didn't understand why Tugu said this suddenly.

The second brother is more rational, so you can't post a younger brother just because you are kind enough to return the cub! "what do you mean!"

However, the two little snakes were meeting, and they immediately attracted the attention of the parties.

Little Snake’s younger brother has been sleeping with Tugu for the past few days. They are all rough-raised. Because he is relatively timid, he did not go to his mother to stay with Tugu. This may be his short-lived snake. The most regrettable thing in my life. It yelled at Buddy in a milky voice: "Mother! Mother! Hungry! The little snake is hungry!" "It imitated his brother to get on Buddy's neck, and the two little snakes reunited after three days, so naturally they had to have a good kiss.

However, the taste of the egg custard in the little snake's mouth made the little snake lose a rare temper. The little guy twisted his slender body and said, "The little snake is hungry! I want to eat it. It's delicious! Don't give it to my brother!"

Buddy has already treated the two little snakes as treasures, and naturally picked up the little snake brother with pity, "Okay! I'll cook you a delicious egg custard later!"

Second brother sees that there is nothing to say here, brother, this has obviously been posted, and it is the kind that cannot be taken back. It was still an orc who didn't know to refuse, and the little snake called his mother and coaxed it. The second brother has lost his sight.

It is not surprising that the brothers of Tugu would suddenly marry an orc. Anyway, Tugu now has a son. What is the difference between marrying a male and marrying a female? To be a brother, you must not take off your hind legs! The particularly sensible anaconda brothers immediately hooked their shoulders and dragged the second brother to the fire to have a relationship, a mouthful of broth, a mouthful of beef, anyway, it made the second brother completely forget that he was stupid and sold himself. younger brother.

The tribal leader has a very good relationship with his own Duo San, and naturally it is easy to see from the relationship between Buddy and Tugu that these two may have been interested in each other for a long time. The tribe leader is an adult beauty "That's fine, since you already have someone you like, Yin Li won't be your Duo San." If he can fulfill a pair of grudges, it's better to be granted the sudden request of Tugu, although he said the words. He swallowed it back by himself, and it hurt his face. However, Tugu got his favor, so he naturally had to listen to his words elsewhere.

The tribal leader's thoughts are not paid attention to at this moment.

The earth bone used the little snake cub to fool Buddy to eat with himself.

Yin Li thought that the earth and bones had a target, and he was out of danger. As everyone knows, the tribal chief was shamed by him and pointed at a disabled orc at will, "Then Yin Li should marry him."

Yin Lisheng lives in a modern society, where everyone is equal, at least on the face of Yin Li would not dislike orcs having disabilities, but is face worth eating? He refuses blind marriages! "I do not want!"

Hessian interjected: "Clan leader, this is not good." Yin Li is a very good female, he should be matched with a good orc.

"Then what do you say?" Let him choose an orc, he doesn't want it, alopecia areata offers him flowers, he doesn't want it, the best of the remaining orcs is the earth bone, the blind but the ability is good, however Earth bones do not want Yin Li. The tribe leader didn't do this on purpose, but he really didn't have a choice.

Hesse has always respected the chief of the tribe, and he did not know how to answer this question. After all... he glanced at the orcs in the field, and he really had no good targets. Knowing this earlier, it was abducted at first, and he would also abduct a good one for Yin Li.

"The chief of the tribe, I want to marry Yin Li, please give me another chance."

The tribe leader nodded. Compared with disabled orcs and widowed orcs, alopecia areata is slightly better.

"Yin Li, please, be my Duo San! I will definitely treat you well!" Alopecia areata held flowers to confess to Yin Li like just now, his expression was clumsy, even is humble. He lowered his head, as if afraid to see Yin Li's disgusting expression.

Yin Li bit his lower lip. He didn't know that in this primitive tribe, the tribe leader had such a great right to appoint someone else to marry. Do you want to refuse again? This familiar face, this may be his only 'old friend' in the orc world. Yin Liming knew that the previous rejection and rejection were all because this one was exactly the same as the one who caused him pain, and he had no confidence that he could get along with this person in the future. Do you want to refuse again? And then with strangers? In this country that promotes loyal love, once you nod it is a lifetime.

Yin Li hesitated.

"Yin Li, I'll be nice to you, be my Duo San." The language-poor orc repeated clumsily, he didn't even know how to make a promise to make Yin Li a This moved.

Yin Li bit his lower lip and seemed to have made a decision, "Can you promise me to only listen to me? You won't separate from me because of what others say?" He and his ex-boyfriend overlapped each other, thinking that it was rare to find an ex-boyfriend who had similar interests at the beginning, and then the two fell in love passionately. For this reason, they moved away from their respective families, and they indeed lived a very sweet life. It's a pity that when he thought he would have each other with him for the rest of his life, his ex-boyfriend's mother came to his company to make trouble, causing him to lose his job, and then there was an unreasonable breakup. In a country that doesn't approve of male-to-male love, their union is like a nightmarish taboo.

Yin Li's question was in Chinese, which he could not understand with alopecia areata, but this did not prevent him from understanding the hesitation and tentative tone in Yin Li's eyes. Alopecia areata knew that Yin Li came from a foreign country, and even the tribe Yin Li was born from was much more advanced than the tribes down the mountain. He could tell by looking at the clothes Yin Li was wearing when he arrived. It's no surprise that Yin Li can speak a language they don't understand. Alopecia areata is afraid that no one will be left, but he knows that Yin Li can't go back, so why can't he bravely fight for the person he likes?

"Okay!" As long as Yin Li is willing to stay, what can't you agree to with alopecia areata?

"Liar." Obviously don't understand Chinese, what is promised. Yin Li opened a miserable smile, which seemed to be a compromise, but also a little moved, more of which was to finally admit to himself that he would take root here from now on. He took the flower of alopecia areata, and the flower that symbolized the true intention was finally delivered to the right person.

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