Online Games: Peak Summons

Chapter 930: A Fierce Confrontation

Following Wang Kai's deployment, the Taoist priests and archers of the brigade have just arrived at the designated positions

At this moment, the enemy's fast-charging cavaliers had reached a distance of less than a few hundred meters from the wall of the summoned beast!

The ground trampled by countless iron hooves was like countless big drums beating, and it was also like a small earthquake, which made the players of the gods and men standing on it unsteady!

Even Wang Kai, who was watching the battle from a high altitude, was startled by the terrifying momentum that he had never seen before, and his heart jumped wildly!

Seeing the mighty army of enemy cavalry charging, Wang Kai didn't even know whether these summoned beasts could withstand it

But it's too late now, and if you can stand it, you will have to try it again!


bang bang bang!

Amidst the sound of horseshoes, countless demon knights rushed towards the wall of flesh made up of summoned beasts!

Amidst the violent noise, countless white lights suddenly appeared

One by one, the knight players and the summoned beasts died together, and the white light flickered continuously

In just a few seconds, the two camps that collided immediately paid a heavy price!

The ten-meter-thick wall formed by the summoned beasts was immediately reduced by half, but the enemy's cavalry vanguards were all killed!

Damn, what a tragedy!

Before Wang Kai could react, the monster cavalry players who came one after another continued to crash into the city wall composed of summoned beasts

There is no way around this, once the knights charge, there is no turning back.

Either rush forward and die with the enemy, or turn around and be knocked off the mount by your own people, and then be trampled into a pulp!

A group of knights rushed towards the summoned beast as if they were dead, and white lights rose one after another

Dingdong Godman camp commander [God's War]: Taoist priests and archers, why are you standing there, attack quickly!

Wang Kai looked at the Taoist priests and archers of his own camp on the ground, who were so attracted by the tragic situation ahead that they forgot to launch an attack

He immediately began to use the general order, shouting at the top of his voice

Wang Kai's shout finally reminded these players that countless players pulled their longbows and countless players waved their staffs


boom boom

The dense rain of arrows was like a large black cloud, instantly covering the 500-meter range in front of the summoned beast!

Red fireballs, blue water columns, and yellow stones. The skills of countless Taoist priests formed a colorful cloud, drawing a beautiful arc like a rainbow, and quickly smashed towards the enemy knights.


When the skill landed, the ignorant knight was shot into a hedgehog, and he fell to the ground before he could figure out what was going on!

There are also countless knights, whose bodies were dyed into colorful shapes by magic skills, and turned into white light and returned to the distant Reincarnation Pillar.

However, there were too many knights, and the speed was too fast. As soon as the players in front fell to the ground, the knights behind immediately rushed up, passing through the arrow rain and the magic group, and directly hit the summoned beast's body!

"" is the fastest update, and the whole text is hand-typed

Amidst the loud noise, bursts of white light rose, and the wall of the summoned beast was once again reduced to a thickness of only four or five meters.

To suffer!

Wang Kai could see clearly from the sky that the enemy knights were still rushing here, but the first defensive circle formed by the summoned beasts could no longer sustain several attacks!

Dingdong Godman camp command [God's War]: The summoned beast can't hold on anymore, and it urgently needs the support of shield warriors!

Now there is no other way, Wang Kai shouted this sentence helplessly, as to whether any shield fighters dare to go up to serve as the city wall, it is unknown.

clang clang clang

Within a few seconds, there was a sudden sound of iron armor knocking on the ground, and countless shield warriors were seen carrying large shields and holding long swords, walking to the front step by step!

At this time, there were constant crashing sounds on the field, and they persisted for the last minute, and all the summoned beasts were killed on the city wall!

Boom, the demon knight rushed into the summoner's camp like a flood rushing into a dam

The spear kept waving, screaming one after another!

Each summoner player was picked up by the spear, thrown back behind the demon knight in an instant, and then trampled into meatloaf by the knights who continued to come

In only ten minutes, millions of summoner players, together with their summoned beasts, were all real Wang Kai, and only the last few tens of thousands of summoners were still retreating quickly

The situation is extremely critical. If all the summoners die, there will be archers and Taoist players behind them!

The skills in the long-range attack array did not stop for a moment, and the demon knights fell one after another. Among the charging troops behind, they finally saw the end of the enemy knight's charge!

Wang Kai was overjoyed, as long as they survived a few more rounds of attacks, their knight charge would be over.

At this moment, countless shield warriors strode forward, holding their shields high, immediately blocking the last row of summoners behind them

ding ding ding

The spear pierced the large shield, except for countless sparks, it could no longer hurt anyone!

Driven by the shields behind them, countless shield warriors moved forward step by step, like a round of black waves, pushing back the few enemy knights

With the strong support of the shield warriors, the large group of Taoist priests and archers behind them immediately settled down, locked on the remaining knight army immediately, and began to uninterruptedly release their skills!

Another ten minutes later, the first batch of demon knight players rushing in relying on their speed advantage were all cleared away!

But Wang Kai didn't dare to be careless, because what he killed was the player, not the monster.

Monsters have a refresh time, players don't.

Once they are given time to prepare, I believe it won't take long before the same charge will come again!

Dingdong Godman camp command [God's War]: Shield fighters move forward collectively, all players keep up, compress the enemy's attack space, and we hit their reincarnation pillars!


Among the crowd of players from the god-man faction, there was a burst of answering voices that shook the sky!

This is what Wang Kai has said in his life and has received the most responses from people!

I'm afraid even the head of state will be treated like this

Wang Kai thought proudly.

In the sound of rushing footsteps, a large group of players began to maintain their formation and move forward according to Wang Kai's plan

But among these people, the players who formed the encirclement circle of the five major alliances were not included.

No matter how tragic the battle situation is, Wang Kai knows in his heart that the encirclement cannot be withdrawn, because

In the south of the imperial capital city, under the moonlight, a large group of armored troops shone coldly, and the legions that came in a neat line also entered the Great Plains!

These people are the key to the success of this mission, and they are the reason why Wang Kai dare not remove the encirclement!

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The fixed update time is around 00:01 every day. Read "Baidu search for the title of the book + listen to Chaoge to see the fastest update reader subscribers, don't forget to throw out the gold medal in your hand. Discussion group number: 287582039. VIP subscription group: 283547649 [Subscription screenshots must be shown when applying] At the same time, I recommend my friend Hiroko's book "Online Games: The Merry Prince"

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