n6bqr^~)v){ 0 hxh b)^}lhi^The player's knight army joined the battle, instantly pushing the battle to a fever pitch;

Xiong Zai, Ribs and the others each divided their labors, each with a few thousand knights, and surrounded a dozen or so single NPCs;

Ribs and Xiaobai simply jumped off their mounts and acted as a temporary role to resist the hatred of np;

Fortunately, they had chosen their targets before they charged, and they were surrounded by shield-type NPCs. Although their defenses were thick, they would not be able to cause danger to the players if they attacked for a while;

Above the sky, Qingluan and Xiaohuo brought a hundred thousand Qinghes, continuously releasing magic skills to attack the NPCs on the ground;

One hundred thousand blue cranes hovered in the air and flapped their wings, and a burst of wind magic blew to the ground, forming a wind wall 300 meters away from the city wall, making it impossible for the enemy to move forward! NPCs were not to be outdone, archers and mages fought back at the same time , Advanced magic and skills come and go, the scene is so lively;

Xiaohuo's defense is far inferior to Qingluan's. When encountering enemy feather arrows and magic attacks, she immediately flies high above her head, using her huge body as a shield to avoid the enemy's attack;

The dense feather arrows and magic shot at Qingluan, and outside her beautiful body, the flaming flame shield automatically began to protect the countless feather arrows. When they hit the burning fire ring, they instantly turned into ashes! Not even countless magical attacks could pass through. Wang Kai stood on the tower to watch the battle, and immediately reminded Xiaohuo to tell Qingluan to concentrate on attacking the long-range occupations of np first, and then deal with those melee types;

Xiaohuo immediately complied and told Qingluan his thoughts;

Chirping Qingluan immediately uttered a long cry, as if giving an order;

One hundred thousand blue cranes immediately changed their attack direction and attacked the enemies in the rebel camp who were still fighting back with all their strength. Within a few minutes, they suppressed the enemy's attack! Accompanied by the sound of dense footsteps, the giant ape sitting on the ground Xiao Ning, who was on his shoulders, had already led a large force of reinforcements up, "Nurses, give me some milk, I'm about to die!" Seeing the rescuers coming, Xiong Zai immediately shouted;

"Brother Xiong, don't worry, I'll feed you;

"The domineering nurse said fiercely;

"What does my wife care about him, I will treat him;

"The domineering dad said jealously;

Everyone burst into laughter, quickly joined the battle group, and started to deal with those high-level NPCs together with the knights. The reinforcements came, and each profession performed its duties, and the knights immediately relaxed;

Ye Xuan and a group of main forces took away the hatred of one np respectively, and under the meticulous treatment of the nannies, they started to carry the monsters to the city and outside the city with ease. !" While outputting, Xiao Ning paid attention to the situation in the NP formation, and found that in the center of the remaining tens of thousands of NP corps, two big guys in shiny clothes were particularly recognizable;

"Help me keep an eye on them, don't let them escape, the task I received is to kill them;

"Wang Kai hurriedly exhorted;

"Understood, be careful yourself;

"Xiao Ning replied, and began to watch their movements carefully;

Watching the players playing lively, Wang Kai finally understood the reason why most players are unwilling to choose the Summoner profession. The Summoner profession purely relies on pets to attack and has no attack power. to the fun of attacking monsters;

Just like what Wang Kai is doing now, everyone else is fighting monsters hard, and he is left standing on the tower with his hands behind his back to play handsome;

However, he feels good now. He also serves as the commander-in-chief of the alliance, which just gives him the opportunity to observe the battle situation from a high place, and he can issue orders to mobilize troops according to changes in the situation;

He stood on the tower, directing everyone to adjust their formation. Half an hour later, the situation on the scene changed. Above the sky, Qingluan, Xiaohuo, and 100,000 Qinghes had wiped out the long-range occupations of the np army exhausted;

At this time, in the enemy's formation, no enemy can threaten them anymore;

Qingluan let out a long groan, and immediately led the Qinghe group to attack the remaining NPCs;

But a strange thing happened, these NPs started to retreat regularly. Wang Kai could see clearly that these NPs were indeed retreating! This situation is not good, because Qingluan is the guardian beast of the palace, and their Duties will not attack enemies beyond the range;

Wang Kai was very anxious, once the NPCs were allowed to leave the warning range of the imperial city, the players led by Xiao Ning would be besieged! "Be careful, the NPCs are going to escape!" Wang Kai immediately told her about Qingluan's attack range ;

"I see, don't worry, I'll leave the matter here;

"Xiao Ning laughed;

Knowing this situation, she immediately issued an order on the alliance channel to order all the dozen or so NPCs who were under siege to be blocked at the junction of Shiti Avenue outside the imperial city. The terrain here is narrow, which is convenient for blocking the road! And smart The Ice Goddess commanded them to pull the NPCs together and use their bodies as materials to block the road;

Wang Kai couldn't help but give a thumbs up when he watched from the tower, he couldn't think of such a clever idea;

This method is really wonderful, the np blocks the way of his own people, and the players have no risk at all, just feel free to fight monsters;

Even if the NPC blocking the road is hung up, there will be the next batch of NPCs to serve as shields until the monster dies. At this moment, the good news comes again. The reinforcement Zhen Guo Princess was beaten away! He suddenly realized that the reason why the np army is retreating now is probably related to this news. Then arrange for masters to capture the Emperor! As long as the Emperor is caught, no matter how powerful Xuanyuan Xuening and Qingyan are, they have to obediently submit to Fan Hao's vicious tactics! No wonder they guarded outside the imperial city to attract air attacks and let themselves People don't retreat even after being massacred, so they actually have such thoughts;

A trace of cold sweat broke out on Wang Kai's head. If he didn't think that the emperor was not pleasing to his eyes and let Long Ying secretly find out what happened, today's task would have been suspended! But now it's a fluke. Xuanyuan Yangfeng and Shangguan just decided At the moment of retreat, this mission is already a sure thing;

In the flickering light and shadow, Xuanyuan Xuening's peerless figure reappeared on the city wall;

"Thank you for protecting my brother, I will thank you after I kill all these traitors;

said the beautiful princess gratefully;

Before Wang Kai could answer, she jumped down the tower again, chasing the rebels in front of her and killed Xuanyuan Xuening. She had already launched a murderous plan! The 150th-level Princess Zhen Guo made an angry move, and the scene was quite different;

I saw earthy yellow light covering the audience, groups of huge rocks fell from the sky, and countless NPCs were directly hit, turning into stone statues! All the players were dumbfounded when they saw this beautiful white-haired princess for the first time up;

"Wow, Kaizi, you know beautiful women again!" the fat man exclaimed;

"Are you envious?" Zhang Jing's little hand had already gently grabbed his ear;

"I don't envy, even if I'm beaten to death, I don't envy;

"The fat man changed his words so quickly that everyone was ashamed;

Amid the laughter of the crowd, they still stared at the silver-haired beauty without blinking an eye, watching her brilliant skills unceasingly, and the np soldiers fell down one by one, "She is a thousand times more powerful than the baby dragon!" Xiong Zai said in surprise;

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