Online Games: Peak Summons

Chapter 494 The Unicorn Retires

The divine fire monster introduced in the materials was so obedient at this time that it was lying in Wang Kai's arms and dozing like a kitten.

Wang Kai and Xiao Ning stared at the Chiyan Cub for a long time, their eyes were nothing but surprise or surprise, nothing but love or love.

"Wang Kai, put it back in the pet box first, let's start the mission. Boss Junlin and the others are already waiting at the south gate." Xiao Ning said.

"Let's go." Wang Kai took the Chiyan Cub back and followed her out of the pill shop.

The two found out their mounts and rushed towards the south gate of Xuanwu City while chatting.

From a distance, the two saw more than a dozen people standing at the city gate, waiting for them.

"Brother, this time we will complete this task at once." Jun Lin Tianxia laughed, after the second turn at level 40, everyone's strength has improved a bit, and they are more confident in this task.

"Boss, I need good equipment for this mission. You have obtained two artifacts in a row." Qi Bai said.

"No problem, as long as you have enough reputation, I will give you the artifact." Wang Kai thought of Zhentian Tai'a Sword, which happens to be usable by Berserkers, but the 1 million reputation requirement is too scary.

Everyone laughed, no one believed that Wang Kai was telling the truth, they only thought he was joking.

"Let's go, hurry up, I still have important things to do." Ye Xuan patted her mount and rushed out of the city gate first.

She was stuck at the part-time professional training task, and hadn't slept well for a few days. Tongmu Zhize was still forced by Xiao Ning this time.

Everyone hurriedly moved their mounts, followed her out of the south gate, and walked towards Tongmu Zhize. . .

While running, Wang Kai sent the gold-level equipment and weapons in the package to a few confidants, and at the same time asked Fatty and Xiong Zai to go to Fengming City when they had time, and go find out the details of that boss according to the coordinates given by the vicissitudes of life. .

Because he wasn't sure how long it would take to clear Tongmu Zhize, someone would help him find out, and he could try to knock it down when the time comes.

A group of people rushed on the road bored, and asked what kind of treasure the artifact Wang Kai got today was.

Because Wang Kai closed the private chat at that time, it made everyone feel itchy. Now that he is caught, he must ask what happened.

He had no choice but to tell what happened today, and posted the attributes of the Qiankun bag to the team channel, so that the 13 teammates could see clearly.

There was a burst of exclamation, and everyone shook their heads and was speechless. This guy's luck is so good that he can get artifacts in every market!

"Throw all the things that can't fit in the future to Brother Wang Kai, who made him make such a big package." Liu Hong said with a smile.

"He was very lucky today. Not only did he get the artifact package, but he also got a perverted pet." Xiao Ning couldn't help but join in the ridicule of the crowd.

This was impossible before, but after meeting Wang Kai, the ice beauty melted.

Xiao Ning kept his sense of humor when joking, and didn't reveal anything about the sailing treasure seal. Pets don't matter, Wang Kai will summon them sooner or later, and everyone can see them.

"What pet? Hurry up and take a look?" Ye Xuan kept frowning and hurried on her way. At this time, she heard that Wang Kai had changed to a new pet, and finally became interested.

At the unanimous request of everyone, Wang Kai recruited the Red Flame Beast.

I saw a fiery red light flashing, and the little guy covered in pale blue and white flames appeared in Wang Kai's arms again, with his black eyes open, he looked curiously at the running group of people .

"It's so cute, it's so cute!" Zhang Jing wished she could jump on Wang Kai's mount and grab it and hug her.

"It's so cute, it still has flames." Ye Xuan's beautiful big eyes widened.

"Brother Kaizi, can you give me a hug, little guy?" Liu Hong begged.

"If you're not afraid of burning all your clothes, I'll hug you." Qi Bai said jealously.

Ha ha. . . Everyone laughed, but they didn't move their eyes away, staring at the cute little guy in Wang Kai's arms.

"Brother, let's take a look at the attributes." Jun Lintianxia is completely immune to this guy's glorious deeds, and since he met him, he has never seen him live normally.

Wang Kai nodded, and the screenshot went directly to the team channel.

In an instant, everyone was shocked by the little guy's attributes again!

"Such an awesome pet is worth 100 million gold coins!" Junlin Tiantian said looking at the attributes.

"But its attributes are so good, why can't it be seen on the pet list?" Zhang Jing flipped through the pet list in confusion, and there was no place for the red flame beast among the 100 rankings.

"The system didn't notify me?" Wang Kai also felt something was wrong.

"You guys are stupid, level 0 pets just want to be on the list, and you still make others die." Ye Xuan complained.

That's right, Wang Kai suddenly realized that the pet list is ranked according to the pet's combat power, and the red flame beast is only level 0, so it must not be on the list.

"Look, this little guy is completely immune to fire damage!" Xu Xiaoyi exclaimed immediately when he saw the note on the Red Flame Beast in the last row of attributes.

"Completely immune to fire!" Her reminder shocked everyone.

"Doesn't that mean that the forest of wind and fire can be passed casually?" Jun Lin Tianxia immediately realized.

"Not necessarily. The forest of wind and fire is not completely fire damage. The whirlwind should also have wind spells. The red flame beast is of a low level. I'm afraid it can block the fire, but it can't block the wind." Xiao Ning analyzed.

"Then find a place where there are many monsters first, and increase the level of the Red Flame Beast, and then we go to the mission." Ye Xuan suggested.

"This method is feasible. This pet has high basic attributes, and its defense life should increase quickly every time it is upgraded. As long as it can pass through the forest of wind and fire." King's Landing agreed.

Everyone agreed, and while the horses were running non-stop, 14 people watched the two sides of the road, looking for the place where the monsters gathered.

"Brother Wang Kai, give the little thing a name, it's always called by the little guy, it's not very nice." Liu Hong suggested.

"You can choose the name. Whoever gets the most votes will be elected." Wang Kai was ridiculed for naming the Dan Pharmacy, so he quit the job.

"Call Xiaoguai."

"Call me a little bit."

"It's called Xiaoqiang."

Each name was rejected by the crowd, and the votes were not more than half.

"Let's call it Fireball. This little thing is small now. As soon as it is upgraded, it might become a huge monster. It's not good to bring small characters." Xiao Ning participated in the naming conference on a rare occasion. In the past, she just stayed quietly, watching The teammates are hilarious.

"Fireball is good. It's very appropriate. When I was young, I called it Little Fireball. When it grows bigger, I call it Big Fireball. It's not bad." Ye Xuan nodded and agreed.

The other beauties are fine, and the big men are even more difficult to fight for anything, so the name of the Red Flame Beast was decided, and it was called "Fireball".

The crowd continued laughing and running for a while, and finally found a large group of level 30 monsters --- tiger dart frogs on the grass by a river.

This place is really a good place for low-level players to level up. There are at least a thousand densely packed monsters. In addition, ordinary monsters refresh quickly, which is just right for the fireball to level up.

"Wang Kai, don't be reluctant to give up the Immeasurable Celestial Pill. Take one each for the special effects and the normal one. Let's quickly upgrade the fireball so that it can do the task." Ye Xuan jumped off her mount, swung her long sword, and slashed at the poor frog.

Wang Kai quickly ate two pills, adjusted the experience distribution of the fireball to the highest 80%, and then put it on the grass to wait for the experience. He recruited three divine sculptures to give free attack orders, and began to help his teammates attack monsters.

A group of 40-plus players started to chop up mobs frantically in this low-level monster spawning area.

Above the heads of the 14 players, a series of 10 points of experience floated up. At Wang Kai's feet, the fireball was shining continuously. . .

It is continuously upgrading. In less than 10 minutes, the fireball has been upgraded to 13 levels!

The current fireball is just like what Xiao Ning said, it is no longer a small fireball, it has grown into a big buffalo!

Its whole body is shrouded in raging fire, and its majestic dragon nose and lion mouth spew out blue-white flames from time to time, and a pair of curved dragon horns more than one meter long on its head are as sharp as blades!

Its huge body is covered with countless fine and dense red scales, and the muscles of the whole body are bulging, as if it is full of infinite power. With four thick unicorn-like hooves, with just a random kick, it can dig a big hole in the ground!

The originally sharp thorns on the back of the fireball had disappeared at this time. This was specially received in the body of the fireball as a combat mount for the convenience of the owner when riding.

Its slender dragon tail also turned into a long and thick one and dragged on the ground, covered with gleaming dragon scales, and the flames kept burning on the dragon scales!

Fireball is a descendant of the Fire Clan mythical beast, and at this moment, the mighty image is finally revealed to everyone.

And it is only level 13!

Everyone looked at the mighty appearance of the fireball, and they were even more motivated to kill monsters. Anyway, Wang Kai's elixir has not yet expired, and it is a level to help the fireball to level up more.

Wang Kai stared at its attributes. After reaching level 10, the second skill of Fireball was unlocked.

Thunderbolt: Swing the long tail, forming a flame whip to attack the surrounding enemies within a 10x10 range, causing damage equal to 110% of the physical attack with 800 points of fire damage. The skill cools down for 10 minutes and consumes 1200 mana.

Awesome, the second skill is group attack!

Wang Kai knew that the time had come for the unicorn to be laid off gloriously!

Because of the attributes of the fireball in front of him, whether it is attacking life or defense, as long as the level is rushed up, level 30 can fully surpass the defense and blood volume of the unicorn!

Among Wang Kai's several pets, the unicorn is used to defend against mts. If this aspect is weak, then it's time to retire.

Wang Kai's three divine sculptures fought monsters hard together with everyone, and the fireball would be upgraded to a level every once in a while!

Gradually, an hour passed, and the super-high efficiency of killing monsters and the experience bonus of the elixir, the fireball continued to absorb experience. . .

Finally, when the time of Wang Kai's elixir was about to expire, it was upgraded to level 30!

System: Your pet Red Flame Beast has entered the third place in the pet rankings. Is the player's name displayed?

Do not show. Wang Kai quickly replied to the system, he was too flamboyant now, and he didn't dare to show off anymore.

It may be that the fireball level is still low, but it is only ranked third. The first two are the same as Wang Kai, and the player has concealed his name.

The first place is an epic black bird, and the second place is also epic, a white deer.

It's a pity that the attributes of the two pets cannot be checked, which made Wang Kai's idea of ​​comparing them with fireballs come to naught.

At this time, the dual defenses of fireball, physical and magic have completely exploded, up to 5000+!

"Everyone, prepare for the mission. The fireball should be able to withstand the attack of the whirlwind now." Wang Kai shouted loudly, beckoning his teammates to leave this place and continue the mission. Everyone's time is tight now, and upgrading is the key.

Everyone got on their mounts and continued to head towards Tongmu Zhize.


Thank you readers for your awesome red envelopes.

Thanks to Ling Xian'er and Sagittarius Xing Xiaogong for their support, this chapter will be updated.


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