Countless elite monsters rushed over from all directions, and the momentum was huge, as if the sky was falling apart.

The crows beside Su Bai soon fell into a bitter battle.

Each crow can only attack 12 times before returning to Su Bai's body.

As for the outermost line of defense, there are already signs of a rout.

Elite monsters aren't very powerful, but there are too many of them!

Su Bai commanded tens of thousands of crows to check and fill in the gaps, barely supporting the defensive circle, and did not let the elite monsters break through.

For each Elite monster killed,

The hexagonal block will have a slight increase in the collection level

"If this continues, tens of thousands of crows will definitely not be able to support it. "

Su Bai looked at the elite monsters all over the sky.

After they were resurrected, their HP skyrocketed again, making them very difficult.

"If I can kill you once, I can kill you a second time!"

Su Bai clicked on his property panel:

ID: Tyrant

Level: 50

Class: Fusion Mage

HP: 15 million/15 million

MP: 1.2 million/1.2 million

Magic Attack: 325000

Defense: 187000

Talents: Full Firepower

Attributes: Strength 49713, Intelligence 102800, Spirit 51970, Agility 46189, Lucky 3

Skills, etc. (omitted).


Some people may not know what it is to slaughter half of the Killing City.

This kind of person is generally described in three words: the strongest!

Back then, Yan Eclipse used level 50 to kill half of the killing city, and the four-dimensional attributes exceeded 10,000!

It's not a problem for my Su Bai to break 100,000 in intelligence attributes!

The mutated elite monsters would have provided more attributes.

Coupled with Su Bai's slaughter efficiency, it is even more terrifying than Yan Eclipse!

Most of the monsters in the killing capital died in the crow's mouth.

Su Bai's four-dimensional attributes are all around 50,000,

Intelligence has exceeded 100,000!

Now he can be promoted to level 100 at any time, complete the transfer trial, and become a first-class martial artist!

If the real combat power is calculated,

The three-rank martial artists, I'm afraid they are not Su Bai's opponents!

With such a strong four-dimensional attribute, Su Bai looked at the crows who were in a bitter battle on the periphery.

A bold idea came to mind.

The shape of the body changed, and Su Bai appeared on the outermost part.

Raising the staff high and facing a kobold is a dog-beating stick method!

A flurry of high damage floated out of the dog's head:



Kobold: I'm cracked!

looked at the split dog's head, and then at the staff in his hand.

"So Ping A is so easy to use!".

The super high strength and intelligence attributes allow Su Bai to inflict excess damage when he is flat A.

Plus Kill Instinct's 40% True Damage Bonus.

Every shot, it's tons of damage!

In comparison, the crow's attack is a bit weak!

Before you know it, your attributes have grown to the point of terror!

Su Bai shifted his body again.

He came up to a wolf-headed stitcher.

Su Bai remembered this wolf's head stitching monster.

The other party provoked him, was counter-killed, and was the first boss to die under Su Bai.

This time,

Su Bai still chooses to practice with it!

Still a familiar recipe, or a familiar taste, Su Bai raised his dog-beating stick high....

The wolf's head stitched monster and howled, and he turned around and ran away with his tail between his legs!

No matter how the voice in my head urges.

The wolf's head stitching monster refused to fight against Su Bai!

It didn't get far before it was struck by a red light and turned to powder.

These monsters can be resurrected because the Ninth Evil God relies on his real name to cast spells and spread evil thoughts throughout the city.

Those who refuse to attack the damned will be punished!

Su Bai on the side rolled his eyes.

As for it!

I'm not a demon after all.

A dignified BOSS, what does it mean to run away when you see me Su Bai!

It has changed.

It's no longer the foul-mouthed boss it was back then, and its edges and corners have been smoothed out with a bang.

A small episode in the battle.

Su Bai quickly turned his attention back to the battlefield.

His figure kept moving, and everywhere he went, the staff thundered and struck with a heavy fist!

The speed is so fast that it even leaves an afterimage!

From the outside, it seems that Su Bai has a doppelganger technique, attacking from all sides of the battlefield!

The originally crumbling line of defense was stabilized in an instant!

And that's not all,

Su Bai's killing efficiency is too high, and a rare vacuum has been formed in some battlefields!

Su Bai became more and more courageous the more he fought.

The whole person has entered a state of excitement, whether it is the command of the crow flock, or the control of Ping A, after continuous training, the technique is becoming more and more skillful!

Not only that, Su Bai also turned on the Magnetic Flame Fire Lotus.

In the gap between flat A, the Magnetic Flame Fire Lotus keeps accumulating damage.

When the damage was stored to the upper limit of 1 million, Su Bai held a fire lotus in his right hand and threw it casually.


After the explosion, a weak and helpless boss returns to the west again.

May hell not explode and no Subai.

Be a person!

Su Bai is killing heartily here, and there is quite a kind of grandeur of Sun Wukong carrying a watermelon knife to cut from the South Heavenly Gate to the Cloud Treasure Palace!

The team of seven is here

Wushuang, Fireworm, Skin Broken Leg, Nian Xiaoyao, are hiding in a corner and shivering!

They did not dare to look directly at the evil gods.

Can only turn their backs to the center of the storm.

Before killing all the monsters in the city to resurrect, this super-large-scale mutation naturally attracted their attention.

"It's over! Now any boss can wipe us out!".

The talent for skin and broken legs is invalid, and at this point it enters a state of weakness.

Even if he was weak, his mouth was not idle, and he kept talking about it.

Firefly even suspects that Skin's broken leg will explain the process of death to him.

The only two people in the team who still have combat power are in front of everyone.

When a thief is armed with a double blade, gives up the advantage of stealth, and takes the initiative to choose to fight the enemy head-on.

She's been cornered!

"Something isn't right!".

Wushuang, who regarded death as home, was surprised to find that all the monsters didn't care about them!

Elite monsters, bosses, they only seem to care about one target.

Ignore the seven-man squad at all!

"This .....


Tonight, too much is happening beyond common sense.

Wushuang's brain is rarely down.

For a while, I didn't know what was going on.

It was Nian Xiaoyao who was the first to react.

"Sister Wushuang!".

"They don't hit us, we can beat them!"

"That's right. "

An enemy that won't fight back, and there is also an attribute bonus after killing.

Isn't this still a human being?


After going through ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties,

The seven-member team is finally blessed by Lady Luck.

Skin's broken leg dragged his weak body, raised a utility knife, and roared

"My broadsword is already hungry and thirsty!".


(The fifth is sent!Brother Meng is too fierce.,The author stewed for you to make up for your body!


The code word is gone, and there are two more, rush to rush!)

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