Under the gaze of countless people, huge boulders crashed down from the sky





Densely packed damage values filled the entire live broadcast room

“Damn it!!!”

“Damn it!!!”

“Damn it!!!”


In a sudden scene, the entire live broadcast room almost became a repeater.

The whole screen is full of shit… the splendor of this moment cannot be described in other words.

Even the commanders of the three major guilds of Crazy Blade were stunned and lost their minds.

Nai’s mother, who was responsible for adding blood at the back of the battlefield, was immediately stunned when he saw the dense boulders in front of him and the dense damage numbers on the heads of the soldiers below.

In just such an instant, the front row, which was unable to receive any compensation, suffered heavy casualties.

In just a few seconds, the number of people was reduced by nearly one-third!

“I am CNM, what is the pastor doing?!! Hurry up and give me more blood, I can’t hold it anymore!!!”

On the battlefield, battle tanks with plummeting health roared.

Countless boulders fell from above their heads. Each boulder could cover three or four people. The boulders in the sky almost completely buried everyone.

Values appeared one after another, and each one was unlucky. The warrior died suddenly on the spot.

Hearing the roar from the front, the priest behind him quickly reacted and hurriedly added blood to the tank.

However, it was obvious that their blood recovery speed was far inferior to that of the elite giant stone monster. Output.

The health of the front row tank is still plummeting at a speed visible to the naked eye!

“Zhen Zhenzhen, output machine.”

Beside a rock somewhere, Yun Feng watched the live broadcast with great interest.

Only now did he realize that the damage of these elite giant stone monsters was actually group damage.

One stone could hit three or four, or even more There are many people. If you go down a large area, the front row of the three guilds will be indispensable!

If there is a distance between the mages behind and the tanks, if these big rocks touch each other, it will really be a loss.

“Assassins, archers, what the hell are you doing? Are you pigs, guerrilla harassment, guerrilla harassment for me!! The front row can’t stand it anymore!!”

The top leaders of the three major guilds roared in command one by one.

Hearing this, the assassin archers looked at the rolling stones in the sky and gulped down their saliva one by one.

Even those Blood Ox battle tanks couldn’t bear it. If this thing falls on their heads, They were killed on the spot in a matter of minutes!

No one wanted to go up at this time, but under the roar of the higher-ups, they had no choice but to rush up.

A group of crispy people with an average level of three or four went up to an average level of nine. When he charged into a group of rough-skinned and fleshy elite giant stone monsters, the result was predictable

– an assassin had just appeared, and a boulder several times his size fell. He didn’t even have time to react, and he instantly turned into flesh. Jiamo.


An archer on the other side had just set up his bow and shot an arrow, and several boulders as big as him roared towards him. Although he had tried his best to escape, he still couldn’t escape the fateful sound. , he also directly followed the footsteps of the assassins and turned into a piece of fresh meat.

The same thing happened all over the battlefield, with assassins and archers turning into pies with a look of fear on their faces. , but even the defense of the elite giant stone monster can’t be broken.

For these rough-skinned guys, it’s just a tickle!

As you can see, in just a few minutes, the assassins of the three major guilds and There are not many archers left.

The top leaders of the three major guilds feel their hearts bleed when they see this scene.

These assassin archers are the backbone of their guilds, and now they seem to be here!

Under the attack of the heavy turret, they didn’t even have a chance to fight back.

This time, even if they succeeded in taking down the boss, they had already suffered heavy losses!

At times, they almost wanted to order a retreat! After that, they not only suffered heavy losses, but also gained nothing. The most important thing is that they also started a live broadcast!

If they failed to win the Boss this time, they would not only lose their troops, but also lose their face! Throw it to the ground and trample it!

How will they recruit people in God’s Domain then?

“Hold on, hold on! All mages, lock a few targets and focus fire output!!”

They couldn’t retreat, so they had no choice but to attack.

Even though they knew they would suffer heavy losses, as long as they could win this boss, it would be worth it.

With the title of the first silver boss, they still worried about not being able to recruit them. People?

When the second batch of players entered, they had as many people as they wanted!

The losses became more and more heavy. Later, the three major guilds even called in the members who were responsible for guarding. They were all cannon fodder anyway. The players were all wiped out, so it was better to let these low-level players go in to fill the hole. The three major guilds almost made the same decision.

The valley that was originally three steps and one sentry suddenly became deserted.

Yun Feng became even happier when he saw this scene.

The fewer people there were, the higher the chance that he would leave safely later.

“Mist grass!! Daddy was so scared that he peed”

“Mist grass!! Fortunately I didn’t join them”

“Mist grass!! Fortunately, I didn’t agree to join them yesterday.”


In the live broadcast room, dense fog and grass are still flowing.

Everyone was shocked by these heavily armed forts.

Originally, they all thought that these elite stone monsters were just thick-skinned. According to the previous situation, the three major guilds only needed to slowly grind them down, and they would be able to grind them all to death in a short time.

It’s just that the scene that happened now has completely subverted everyone’s views.


Ps: The author Jun went to send the contract today. If he said he didn’t know how to be a eunuch, he wouldn’t know how to be a eunuch. Those who like to keep books can feel free to collect them.

Finally, I ask for all your support, thank you!

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