Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

Chapter 1209, Daluo Town Storm (5)

"It's just three thousand dragon warriors, nothing to show off.

Commander Gou, I am not bragging. If you don’t join the Condor Empire, you will never know how profound the Condor Empire is.

What you see now is just the tip of the iceberg. Our Condor Empire still has many secret weapons that have not been used.

Our boss said that those secret weapons are used to make the final decision, and they must be used on the edge.

If the enemy doesn't have the strength to force out our secret weapon, then we would rather keep them in the warehouse to eat dust.


Seeing that Gou Xiaoyun and others had indeed gone wrong, Ning Yuan immediately started to brag while the iron was hot.

Hearing Ning Yuan bragging about how powerful the Condor Empire was, Gou Xiaoyun said with a smile: "That's right, that's right, if you don't have some trump cards, you won't dare to open multiple battlefields at the same time!

Brother Yuanbao, after listening to your words today, I feel more confident.

Don't worry, I will stay in Daluo Town and wait for your army to come over. When the time comes, as long as you give the order, I will immediately lead five thousand ape-men players to help you capture Daluo Town.

Originally, I came here today to meet General Ding Baocheng, but after this exchange with you, Brother Yuanbao, all my purposes for coming here were achieved.

The excuse I made when I came out was that I wanted to personally inquire about your reputation and find out how many of you were here.

Now my stay here is not short. In order to avoid making Li Chengfeng and others suspicious, I have to rush back immediately.

Brother Yuanbao, we will see you later.

Come on, give the carriage to the brothers of Tenglong Army, and we will retreat. "

After hugging Ning Yuan, Gou Xiaoyun ordered the ape player to hand over the carriage filled with iced fruits and sour plum soup to Gao Fei and his group, and then led the team directly towards Luo City.

Watching Gou Xiaoyun and others' figures gradually shrinking, Ning Yuan suddenly waved and shouted loudly: "Commander Gou, have a safe trip. I will definitely send someone to find you when the time comes."

I heard Ning Yuan’s shout from behind,

Gou Xiaoyun immediately forced out a smile, turned around and waved to Ning Yuan.

After turning around, he immediately ordered the ape-man players beside him: "Everyone, speed up and stay away from Ding Yuanbao's two hundred and five."

Gou Xiaoyun was completely afraid of the careless Ding Yuanbao, because the other party didn't play according to common sense at all.

Although he told the other party that he wanted to surrender to the Condor Empire, this was just an idea and had not been implemented. Whether he would eventually surrender is still unknown.

But that Ding Yuanbao was better, telling him directly in front of him a series of plans of the Condor Empire for Daluo Town, and did not treat Gou Xiaoyun as an outsider at all.

It was not that Gou Xiaoyun had not suspected that Ding Yuanbao had told him the story on purpose, but that Ding Yuanbao had told the story with a nose and an eye, and was not beaten at all. He could not conclude that the other party must be lying to deceive him.

Because his decision to leave the city this time was completely impromptu, it was impossible for the other party to know in advance that he would definitely leave the city, and then have a set of words to deal with him in advance.

However, any normal person would know that Ding Yuanbao's words cannot be fully believed, because if the Condor Empire really had so many killer cards, Ding Yuanbao and the others would not appear in Daluo Town now.

"Forget it, let's go back to Li Chengfeng and the others to study it together. I won't waste these brain cells myself."

It was very difficult to distinguish which sentence in Ning Yuan's words was true and which sentence was false. Gou Xiaoyun just thought about it for a while and felt his head was a little big, so he immediately gave up his own analysis and prepared to go back and use his brain with Li Chengfeng and others. .


"Boss, do you think that comrade puppy really wants to surrender to us?"

On the way back with the carriage, Gao Fei couldn't help but ask.

"I don't think so." Ning Yuan shook his head gently.

"Boss, how did you figure it out?" Gao Fei looked curious.

Looking at Gao Fei who looked like a curious baby, Ning Yuan smiled and said: "I was always dubious before because the performance level of that little comrade was quite good.

But when I asked you to go to the creek and reveal your identity as a dragon warrior, I still caught the flash of frustration and worry on that little comrade's face.

Think about it, if he really wants to surrender to us, then the stronger we are, the happier he should be. But why did he have a look of frustration and worry on his face at that time?

There is only one answer, and that is that this comrade puppy does not really want to surrender to us. He just takes the opportunity to spy on the true identity of our team.

Didn't you see those ape-man players looking into our eyes like thieves when they brought us iced sour plum soup?

They must have suspected that our army was a monster army, so they asked this little comrade to go out of the city to inquire about the situation.

Now, we can no longer hide our identities as dragon warriors. I estimate that when Comrade Puppy returns to the city, he will talk about his experiences here in detail, and the players of the Alliance of Beasts in the city will definitely have trouble sleeping even more.

Hahahahaha... "

At the end of the analysis, Ning Yuan could no longer control his joyful mood and burst out laughing on the spot.

In this meeting with Gou Xiaoyun, Ning Yuan adopted the strategy of playing hard to get and confusing the real with the fake.

He first took advantage of the invulnerability of Jiaolong (Dragon) blood to directly drink the ice-cold sour plum soup handed to him, which made Gou Xiaoyun think that they were very arrogant and their vigilance was at an extremely low level.

Then he followed Gou Xiaoyun's pretense of surrender and began to set up a psychedelic array for Gou Xiaoyun, mixing some true and false news together, so that Gou Xiaoyun could not tell the true from the false for a moment.

In the end, Ning Yuan directly asked Gao Fei to reveal his identity as a dragon warrior, in order to scare Gou Xiaoyun, who was already bloated, and make him even more confused.

After Ning Yuan hit this combo, Gou Xiaoyun was immediately made dizzy.

I believe that Li Chengfeng and others who were waiting for news in Daluo City would also have a splitting headache after hearing the news Gou Xiaoyun brought back.

Seeing Ning Yuan smiling happily, Gao Fei laughed with him. After Ning Yuan stopped laughing, he immediately asked: "Boss, do you think they will eventually think that more than 3,000 of us are a dragon army or a demon clan?" What about the army?"

Hearing Gao Fei's question, Ning Yuan smiled and shrugged, "How do I know what they think?

I only know that our goal has been achieved, and we just need to wait for the opportunity.

As for what Li Chengfeng and Gou Xiaoyun think, that is their own business.

If they choose to defend the city, then we can rest here for a few more days and relax.

If they dare to take the initiative to attack, then we have to give them some color.

All in all, this time I was sure of them. "

At the end of the sentence, Ning Yuan couldn't help but licked his lips, as if he saw a naked beauty waving to him.

“Boss, there’s one thing I haven’t been able to figure out for a long time. Why don’t the defenders of the Alliance of Beasts in Daluo Town voluntarily give up Daluo Town to us?

The current Daluo City is an isolated city. It is no longer possible for them to obtain any support from the outside world. When the food stored in the city is consumed, all the defenders inside will starve to death.

Considering the current domestic situation, there is actually no need for the Ten Thousand Beasts Alliance to defend Daluo City.

Because when Daluo City is in their hands, the entire situation in Xishuangbanna is most beneficial to our Condor Empire. Their insistence on defending Daluo City is equivalent to helping us block the army of Myanmar players.

As long as Daluo City is not in the hands of the Alliance of Beasts, no matter whether it falls into our hands or into the hands of Myanmar players, a shocking battle will definitely take place here.

Because it is impossible for us to watch Myanmar players invade Xishuangbanna, and it is also impossible for Myanmar players to let us occupy the entire Xishuangbanna so smoothly.

Even if it is for their own benefit, they will definitely send out an army of players to compete with us.

I know that the Alliance of Ten Thousand Beasts cannot bear the responsibility of losing its territory, so they will definitely not give up Daluo City to Myanmar players.

But they can give us Daluo City!

They will not be blamed for giving up Daluo City to us, because we are all Chinese players. No matter which side occupies Daluo City, Daluo City will always be named Huaxia.

After they give up Daluo City to us, the army of Myanmar players located southwest of Daluo City will no longer stay there and stand still. They will definitely attack us before we have a firm foothold in Daluo City. Luo City launched a fierce attack.

If the city of Luo is lost, the entire Xishuangbanna area will be threatened by the army of Myanmar players.

As Chinese players, we cannot sit back and watch Xishuangbanna being invaded by foreign players. When the time comes, we will definitely send heavy troops here to fight to the death with Myanmar players.

Although this is only a local war, it is also considered a national war for both the enemy and us, so the scale of this war may soon exceed other domestic war zones.

As a result, most of our energy may be diverted on the Yun-Mian battlefield, which is definitely a happy thing for other domestic player forces.

Those people from the Alliance of Ten Thousand Beasts and the Northern Expedition Alliance are all old foxes who have become spirits. It is impossible for them not to understand this truth, so I can't figure out why they don't give us Daluo City?

Because doing so is beneficial to them without any harm, and is the best choice at the moment. "

Gao Fei spoke out his doubts and analysis of the current situation in one breath. After finishing speaking, he stared at Ning Yuan intently, hoping that Ning Yuan could answer his questions.

After listening to Gao Fei's analysis, Ning Yuan said with a smile: "Ah Fei, your analysis is very reasonable and in line with the current situation, but you only analyzed it from a strategic perspective, not from a ruler's perspective. Perform analysis.

Daluo Town is really useless to the Alliance of Beasts now. If we take the initiative to attack, then they will hand over Daluo Town directly to us. This is indeed a good choice.

Because in this way, our Condor Empire will directly border Myanmar, and a large-scale war is likely to break out between us and Myanmar players.

But have you ever thought about it, if the Alliance of Ten Thousand Beasts voluntarily gave up Daluo Town and gave it to us, how would they explain it to the players within their gang? How do they explain to the Chinese players who helped them fight against us?

Players may be a jerk sometimes, but no one is a fool.

All Chinese players know that Daluo Town is the gate of the country. Once the gate of the country is opened, the people in the country will suffer and the land that belongs to us will fall.

If the Alliance of Ten Thousand Beasts deliberately gives up Daluo Town to us, then they will be charged with colluding with foreign forces and suspected of collaborating with the enemy and treason.

Because when Daluo Town was in their hands, the Myanmar player army chose to stand still. But after we occupied Daluo Town, the Myanmar player army outside immediately launched a fierce attack on Daluo Town.

We don’t need to label them for this. Anyone with a discerning eye will know that they must be colluding with Myanmar players, so as long as they dare to do this, they will never be able to take off the label of collaboration with the enemy and the country.

As you said, Zhu Qi and Ye Ziqing are both old foxes who have become spirits, so they have already seen all the details here clearly.

Ah Fei, do you know why I led you all the way to attack Daluo Town? "

While talking, Ning Yuan suddenly asked Gao Fei a question.

"Boss, I really can't figure out the thoughts of you rulers. Logically speaking, we should work hard to maintain the current situation and let the defenders of the Alliance of Beasts in Daluo City block the eager army of Myanmar players for us. yes!

We took the initiative to launch an attack on Daluocheng. Didn't this play into Zhu Qi's plan? "

Gao Fei shook his head gently, expressing that he could not understand the thoughts of rulers like Ning Yuan.

Looking at Gao Fei with a question mark on his face, Ning Yuan smiled and said: "Daluo City is now an isolated city, and the Beast Alliance has no ability to provide it with any support or help, at least on the surface.

The food supply in Daluo City is limited now, and within a few months, the city will run out of food.

As Chinese players, even if Burmese players were willing to provide them with some support in terms of food and grass, the Beast Alliance defenders in the city would not accept it.

Since we are hostile to the Ten Thousand Beasts Alliance, it is impossible for us to provide them with food support. Even if we were willing, the Ten Thousand Beasts Alliance players in the city would not accept it.

So the final result was that the Beast Alliance defenders in Daluo City held on tenaciously until the last moment, until they ran out of ammunition and food.

This result is what Zhu Qi and the others want to see most, because in this way, not only will they not bear any responsibility for the loss of Daluo Town, but they will also be able to defend the land.

Even if they don't blame us for the loss of Daluo Town, domestic players will automatically help them blame us.

Because it was our offensive in the Xishuangbanna area that put the defenders of Daluo Town into desperate situation, we bear the unshirkable responsibility for the fall of Daluo Town.

Those old foxes like Zi Ziqing are very good at guiding public opinion, and the facts are basically like this, so when the time comes, we will definitely be unable to argue.

The threat from Myanmar players has been there since we launched the attack on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. With our series of victories in the Yunnan region, this threat has become bigger and bigger.

If the League of Beasts finally saves Yunnan, Myanmar players may choose to temporarily cease their activities.

Once the Alliance of Ten Thousand Beasts is completely defeated by us, the Myanmar players will definitely not sit still and wait for death. They will definitely send troops to intervene at the critical moment.

As for when Myanmar players will send troops, we don’t know.

Since the threat from Myanmar players cannot be eliminated, instead of passively defending, we might as well take the initiative directly into our own hands.

This time I brought you all the way here just to take the initiative into my own hands.

Zhu Qi and the others thought that I would not attack Daluo Town at this time, so I didn't do what they wanted.

What’s wrong with the lack of people?

Our three thousand people can support thirty thousand or even three hundred thousand people.

We must not only eliminate the 20,000 Beast Alliance defenders guarding Daluo City, but also kill more Burmese players on the walls of Daluo City.

I want players all over the world to know that our Tenglong Army is invincible, and the players of the Tenglong Army are the real elite among players. Our number one is not just a vain name, but a real weapon achieved through strength. of.

If anyone is not convinced, we will just beat them with our fists and do TNND. "

"Yes, if anyone refuses to accept it, TNND will be done until he is convinced."

Ning Yuan's words successfully mobilized the fighting spirit of Gao Fei and others. At this moment, they were all proud to join the Condor Empire.

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