Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

Chapter 1203, Letter of Voting (4)

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In terms of personal strength, Lang Meng, who has experienced hundreds of battles, is stronger than Lang Teng.

But tonight, Lang Meng drank too much wine. The alcohol paralyzed his body. Even if he had used self-mutilation to make himself sober, he could not completely recover from his alcohol-paralyzed body. come over.

With this kind of physical condition, it is basically impossible for Lang Meng to have any chance of winning against Lang Teng, who has maintained 100% of his combat effectiveness.

However, there are no absolutes in the world. Just when Lang Meng's personal guards were all sweating for him, it was Lang Meng who was in very poor physical condition, not Lang Teng who was in good physical condition, who had the slightest advantage on the battlefield.

"Lang Teng, are you pitying me?

What I usually teach you is that there is no father or son on the battlefield. Except for comrades, everyone else is the enemy.

I am your enemy now, and I am going to kill you tonight. Do you still want to show mercy to an enemy who wants to kill you? "

Lang Meng also saw that Lang Teng's moves were very messy, and that the opponent was deliberately letting off steam, so he increased the intensity of his attacks while roaring.

Seeing the furious Lang Meng, Lang Teng sighed secretly and shouted sternly: "Brother Meng, please forgive me for taking advantage of someone else's danger. You are on your way."

As he spoke, Lang Teng changed his previous messy moves and began to launch a wave of attacks on Lang Meng.

I saw him attacking Lang Meng's vital points with one knife after another, all trying to kill Lang Meng.

Facing Lang Teng who was going all out, Lang Meng, who was in extremely poor physical condition, soon felt powerless. He kept using his scimitar to block Lang Teng's attacks. His face turned pale every time he blocked it. After a minute, his face was soon covered with sweat.

"Brother Meng, goodbye."

Seeing that Lang Meng was getting weaker and weaker, Lang Teng saw an opportunity and directly hit Lang Meng with a overwhelming move.

Facing Lang Teng who was slashing at extremely fast speeds with his sword, the scimitar in Lang Meng's hand was too late to block.

Lang Meng, who knew he could not escape death, did not panic at this time. He opened his arms directly, closed his eyes with a smile, and waited for death to come.

The moment he closed his eyes, scenes from the past appeared in Lang Meng's mind, and his face was peaceful.

He remembered that when he was young, he was spanked by his father for being naughty, and he slept on his stomach for a whole week.

He recalled that when he was a child, he led a group of snot-nosed kids to steal the eggs from the village chief's house. One of the slugs was the current Lang Teng.

He thought of the reluctant eyes of his parents and sister when he left his hometown.


Suddenly, Lang Meng felt a heavy object hit him hard, and his memories were immediately cut off.

"General, general, are you okay?"

Just when Lang Meng thought he was dead, the guard's concerned shout suddenly came to his ears.

Opening his eyes and taking a closer look, Lang Meng's eyes immediately became moist.

At this time, Lang Teng was lying on his body, the scimitar in his hand was embedded in Lang Teng's chest, and hot blood kept pouring out from Lang Teng's chest and dripping on his body.

It turned out that when Lang Teng launched a killing blow at Lang Meng, he saw that the scimitar was about to fall on Lang Meng's head, splitting the wolf in half. However, Lang Teng suddenly let go of the scimitar and let it fall. The scimitar passed over Lang Meng's head, and then he directly hit the scimitar in Lang Meng's hand with his body.

When Lang Teng collided with the scimitar in Lang Meng's hand, Lang Meng happened to open his arms, so the scimitar in Lang Meng's hand slashed hard into Lang Teng's chest, and then there appeared what Lang Meng saw when he opened his eyes. The scene that arrived.

"Lang Teng, my good brother, why are you doing this?

Didn't I say that before? If you don't agree, you can choose to leave. Why are you so upset about it? "

Looking at Lang Teng who had blood foaming out of his mouth,

Wolf Meng suddenly burst into tears.

"Brother Meng, this is the first time I've seen you cry. Promise me that you won't cry again in the future, okay?"

Looking at the tearful Lang Meng, Lang Teng raised his arm with difficulty, trying to touch Lang Meng's cheek.

"Good brother, Brother Meng promises you that you will never cry again in the future."

Grabbing Lang Teng's hand and placing it on his cheek, Lang nodded vigorously.

Looking at Lang Meng with a sad face, Lang Teng gasped and said with a smile: "Brother Meng, if you have the opportunity to go home and kowtow to my parents for me, say that I died in the battlefield with honor. Qian Don't tell them the truth.

If you get married and have children in the future, you must tell your children stories about our childhood and let them know that they have an uncle named Lang Teng. "

"Why are you so stupid, why?"

Listening to Lang Teng's last words, tears kept falling from Lang Meng's eyes, and his face was full of sadness.

"Lang Yuan once saved my life. Brother Meng, you have taught us since childhood that we should repay our kindness. I can neither be sorry to Lang Yuan nor you, so I can only give my life back to him.

Brother Meng, don't be sad. Our fate in this life has ended. In the next life, we will be brothers for life. "

Looking at the grief-stricken Lang Meng, Lang Teng breathed heavily and slowly revealed the reason.

After hearing Lang Teng tell the reason, Lang Meng gently stroked Lang Teng's forehead and said softly: "Silly brother, if you want to repay your kindness, you can tell me directly. For you, I will let the wolf stay away and still have a way out." What's the big deal?

Why don't you tell me, why are you so stupid? "

"Brother Meng, if you let the tiger go back to the mountain, you will leave troubles in the future. I don't want to see you in trouble, let alone hurt other brothers because of me."

Lang Teng held Lang Meng's arm tightly, and a stream of heat slowly flowed out from the corner of his eyes.

As more and more blood was lost, Lang Teng's face became paler and paler, and soon his consciousness began to blur.

However, even so, he did not let go of his hands holding Lang Meng's arm. When he was dying, he kept saying, "Brother Meng, I don't want to die, I want to go home with you."

Finally, he lay in Langmeng's arms and slowly stopped breathing.

Staring at the corpse in his arms that gradually began to lose its temperature, the wolf wiped away his tears and said in a deep voice: "Good brother, you can go with peace of mind. From now on, your parents are my parents, and I will take care of you." Give them a pension until they die."

Gently placing Lang Teng's body on the ground, Lang Meng took a deep breath, adjusted his grief, and shouted loudly: "Brothers, when we left our hometown together, I promised you that I would take you with me I hope you will make great achievements and then return home in glory.

So many years have passed, and many of the brothers who came out together back then have passed away, but we are trapped here with a home and cannot return.

I know that many of you miss your relatives and friends in your hometown very much, and you always want to go home and see them.

Why am I not the same as you?

But as soldiers under the Alliance of Ten Thousand Beasts, we have no choice but to do so!

Now that the Condor Empire is about to take over Yunnan, I heard that in this mysterious country, soldiers have the highest status and treatment. So as long as we can join the regular army of the Condor Empire, not only can we realize our wish to go home, You can also return home in fine clothes.

The biggest problem preventing us from joining the Divine Eagle Army now is that those led by Hu Qingshan do not trust us.

This time Hu Qingshan asked us to come back and occupy Menghai County. It was actually a test for us and asked us to pay our vote to the Shenying Army.

I know that many of you know Lang Yuan's men and are even familiar with them.

But I want to say that we are not on the same road as them.

They have done all the bad things and have no way out for a long time. But because of our previous pride, we are lucky enough to still have the right to choose.

Now the other brothers are drunk and they can't make a choice. Only more than three hundred of us are still awake, so we have to make this extremely important choice for them.

Just now, our good brother Lang Teng couldn't bear to embarrass us because he had been favored by Lang Yuan before, so he finally chose to return his life to Lang Yuan.

Tonight, I don’t want to see Lang Teng’s tragedy happen again to other brothers, so before taking action, I give everyone one last chance to choose.

Among the more than 300 of you, those of you who want to join the Condor Empire with me, stand on my right side. In a moment, we will submit the certificate of nomination to the Condor Army together.

Brothers who don't want to kill Lang Yuan and others, all stand on my left side. I will ask someone to prepare some dry food for you in a while, and then send you away so that we can all get together and relax.

I will give you a stick of incense to consider. Whether to stay or go is entirely up to you. "

As soon as Lang Meng finished speaking, hundreds of werewolf warriors walked to his right without hesitation. Immediately afterwards, other werewolf warriors also walked over, and no one chose to leave.

Seeing his brothers make their choices quickly, Lang Meng nodded happily.

After looking around at all the werewolf warriors, Langmeng said loudly: "Okay, since everyone has chosen to stay and share the joys and sorrows with me, then I will never let you down.

Here I solemnly promise to everyone that as long as I, Langmeng, still have my breath, I will definitely find ways to bring everyone back home in glory. "

"Boss Langmeng, we believe in you, and we are willing to live and die with you and never leave you."

"We live and die together, never leave and never abandon each other, share blessings and bear hardships together."


Seeing that the three hundred werewolf warriors were all of one mind with him, Lang Meng immediately felt that everything he had done was worth it. He glanced at everyone and said loudly: "Okay, everyone is good.

Tonight we are only one step away from success. In order to avoid a long night and many dreams, I declare that the killing night has officially begun.

Brothers, for the sake of our relatives who are waiting for us to return home in the distance, and for our own sake, we must not be kind to women. Well, let’s start taking action! "

After saying that, Lang Meng walked towards Lang Yuan who was collapsed on the stone slab with his scimitar in hand, and then stabbed Lang Yuan on the neck.

As the wolf raised the knife with Meng's hand, a human head immediately rolled to the ground, and blood suddenly spurted out from the headless body. The whole scene was extremely bloody.

After Langmeng gave the demonstration, the other werewolf warriors also took action waving their scimitars.

Facing those people of the same race who were already drunk and unconscious, they had no mercy in their hearts. Every time the knife was struck, a head would immediately roll to the ground. The whole set of actions was very clean and neat.

As a strong smell of blood filled the inner city, soon, Lang Yuan and more than 3,000 of his men fell into a pool of blood and would never wake up.

Looking at the blood and headless corpses on the ground, Lang Meng said expressionlessly: "Lang Yingjun, you immediately lead a group of people back to the mysterious valley along the underground tunnel, and tell Hu Qingshan that we have taken Menghai County. Kill all the defenders and ask them to send people over immediately to confirm. "

"Yes, General.

You guys come with me. "

With that said, Lang Yingjun led ten werewolf warriors and ran towards the entrance of the tunnel outside the city.

"Lang Yingqi, you lead fifty brothers to guard the gates of the inner city.

Lang Yingxiu, you take the other brothers to find some quilts to cover the drunken brothers to prevent them from catching cold. "

After giving two more orders, Lang Meng slowly walked towards Lang Teng's body.

Looking at the body that had long since lost its breath, after hesitating for a moment, Lang Meng ordered people to find some firewood to build a wooden platform, and then placed Lang Teng's body on the wooden platform.

"Lang Teng, I said I would take you home with me. Brother, I keep my word. You have to be aggrieved for a while. After I get home, I will have you buried in glory."

After bowing three times to the wooden platform, Lang Meng slowly walked towards the wooden platform holding a torch, and then directly threw the torch up.

As the torch ignited the dry firewood below, the entire wooden platform soon burst into flames, and Lang Teng's body also began to burn.

The flames on the wooden platform continued to burn until the sky turned white before they began to gradually extinguish. While the wooden platform was burning, Lang Meng stood quietly nearby, looking at the sea of ​​​​fire with tears in his eyes, looking at Lang Teng's body. Bit by bit engulfed in flames.

Lang Meng, who had not slept all night, was now full of exhaustion, but he still had no intention of leaving.

After taking a few sips of water from the guard, Lang Meng sat on the chair moved by the guard and continued to stare at the wooden platform that had been burned to ashes.

Every once in a while, Lang Meng would get up from his chair and come near the ashes to feel the temperature there.

When he repeated this action many times and finally waited until the ashes had completely cooled down, he immediately took out the sheepskin bag that had been prepared and put handfuls of ashes into the sheepskin bag with his own hands.

After collecting Lang Teng's ashes, Lang Meng, who had worked hard all night, finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He sat down on the chair, closed his eyes, and soon fell asleep.

At this time, the inner city of Menghai County was filled with headless corpses and blood that had begun to dry up. Among the corpses and blood, a werewolf warrior with a scar on his face was sleeping soundly.

This scene was quickly observed by a Seraph scout located high in the sky.

After carefully examining Scar's face, the Seraph scout flew directly to the north.

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