With Ron being so good at figuring out people's minds, he quickly guessed what Big Mom was thinking.

Quietly give this thing to Brynn, and tell her to help pass it on to Ron. Brynn would have wondered why she was going to give someone a gift suddenly.

Auntie will say, you have been with others for so long, we, as a family, should show our hearts to others.

Brynn will accept it. The aunt will say that you have to stand in front of him and watch him take things apart in person, and you know what to do.

Auntie's plan is to let Brynn watch herself get tricked in front of her, Brynn may be shocked, confused and overwhelmed, but she should know what to do.

Maybe you can kill him directly, maybe you can take this time to hurry up and see if the memory fruit ability can work for him, or maybe you can directly bring him back to the Big Mom Pirates and let Big Mom do it herself.

Either way, it's good for the Big Mom Pirates, and it's not good for Ron.

But Big Mom ignores a question, will Brynn really do what she says?

She is still too confident in herself and too ignorant of others.

But from this point of view, think about it from another angle, Brynn didn't plan anything with her aunt when she went back this time, which means that Brynn didn't have any different intentions.

Although her heart is wavering, at least she is not completely bewitched by her aunt.

Ron understood. On one side is his mother and family, and on the other side is the team that he has willingly followed. However, there is a contradiction between the two sides...

The other party must kill one party, and the key person is her.

There will definitely be a tangle in Brynn's heart, Ron knows it, so the key now is to see how Brynn chooses.

Ron wasn't the kind of person who liked to use little tricks, but this time he decided to use some tricks.

Sometimes it is necessary to fight for yourself properly.

And Ron felt that there was a lot of hope for this fight, because Brynn himself was not very resolute, and to a certain extent, he was on his side.

It's not that Ron is narcissistic, it's Ron's sixth sense that tells him that's what it is.

Preconceived notions while Brynn is still swaying from side to side will increase the odds of success.

Ron was very calculating about this matter, because he felt that it would not take a lot of effort to achieve the desired effect, so he wanted to start this matter.

Ron never fights unprepared battles, nor does he do things that he is not sure of.

If this matter is difficult for Ron, Brynn himself only wants to achieve his family's goals so he came here, he will not waste his time trying to win over Brynn, because in the end, it may not be worth the loss.

Big Mom really annoyed Ron completely. Ron knew about her before, but he didn't do anything, and Ron didn't bother with her.

Sending Brynn to the affair ended with Ron leaving Brynn. Because Ron felt that he had gained something because of this incident, he didn't bother with Auntie, thinking that she would restrain herself, or change her mind and understand something, but she didn't expect Auntie to stick to her original idea.

Only you surrender to me and want to defeat me?

"I've given you a chance, and if you don't take advantage of it yourself, then don't blame me for being unkind. There is only one more time for me, and there can be no second time. "

During this time, Ron's place has been peaceful, and no one has come to find fault or cause trouble for Ron. He was bored with the little things he was doing every day, and he just had something to do.

Do you want to play with me? Then I'll play with you to the end.

Ron came up with a fun idea to use this time to see what Brynn was thinking.

Ron put the mechanical arm back away, carefully picking up the "gift" that had just been thrown away. You can't touch your skin, or you'll lose more than you gain.

According to the "gift", Ron first made something that looked exactly like this drug out of the existing materials, and wiped it on his face...

After picking it up, Ron lowered it into the ground. Then he called for a command, and called Brynn over.

When he had finished speaking, he lay down next to the thing, disguised as a calculated scene.

After a while, Ron heard footsteps, presumably Brynn. Ron waited for a good show and pretended to be unconscious.

Brynn exclaimed as she pushed the door in, presumably startled by the sight in front of her. But she's a smart woman and doesn't panic so easily.

Brynn closed the door and walked over to Ron, picking up something next to him and looking at it. Because it was something from her own home, it was impossible for her not to know it.

Ron listened to Brynn mutter, but it was too small to hear what she said.

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