One Piece: Start As Celestial Dragons

Chapter 65 The Unacceptable Bad News

"I don't know what's going on, where did your memory stop?"

"I remember that I failed to resurrect Orovia, and then left, wanting to find revenge on those two!"

Mo Yun clutched his head, could such bloody things like amnesia appear to him?

"After you left, I buried Orovia, and when I went to find you, I found that Red Bone was dead. You should be looking for Heishui. But you really don’t remember how to kill Red Bone. ?"

After all, Palo didn't even see what happened before, and he was still working hard to dig a hole at that time.

When Mo Yun was found, Mo Yun had already dealt with people.

Then the two of them started fighting.

"I seem to have a little impression, but it's vague."

"When I arrived, your whole body was pink, there were strange lines on your face, and your body was hot."

Palo recalled with a frown.

That form of Mo Yun really made him a little bit offended.

After listening to Palo's description, Mo Yun became more familiar with it.

How does this form feel like I've seen it somewhere?

"Wait, do I have any other weird places?"

"Yes, you have become stronger. Although you were tired a lot at that time, the speed was much faster than before, and there is no cooling down when you use your skills."


Mo Yun only had these two words in his heart.

He finally knows why he is so familiar, isn't this the second gear in the legend!

Mo Yun did not expect that he also had a second gear!

The protagonist's treatment is too good!

It's a pity that I didn't have any memory at all at that time, if I had a mobile phone to take photos.

Mo Yun glanced at Palo with regret.

As for why I don't have the memory of that time, it should be the ability of the fruit.

The second gear of Chaos Fruit has not been fully grasped, so I temporarily improved my ability, and my thinking is indeed confused.

After being excited, Mo Yun felt very sorry again.

If only he could develop the second gear earlier, Orovia would not die.

"That man should have escaped. I don't know if he is still on this island."

While Mo Yun was thinking about it, Palo had already drank all the soup in his bowl.

My cooking skills are still so good.

"Nothing, as long as he is still alive, I can kill him!"

Mo Yun pushed his eyes and the spoon in his hand turned into powder in an instant.

Not only the man named Heishui, but the Beasts Pirates people he will never let go of!

The source of the matter is in Kaido!

"Talking talk, what are you doing to ruin my spoon!"

Palo looked at the powder on the table with distress. It was his favorite spoon, and it was ruined by Mo Yun.


"Sorry, I didn't pay attention just now."

Mo Yun only noticed the spoon in his hand and smiled sly.

Tang hadn't taken a few sips, and suddenly he remembered another thing.

"During the time I was in a coma, was there anything like fireworks coming from the sky on the shore?"


Palo shook his head. How can he pay attention to fireworks.

Mo Yun's face sank suddenly, and he didn't know if there would be any problems on Kuina's side.

He doesn't have any thoughts now, he just hopes that his other partners are all in peace.

"Let's set off now, there are still people on my boat!"

"Your injury?"

"Nothing, it's just a transmission problem, I still have this ability."

Mo Yun said in a deep voice.

As soon as the voice fell, a small black ball suddenly appeared in his hand, and the two of them disappeared directly into the black hole.

"How can there be so much blood!"

As soon as Mo Yun arrived on the boat, he smelled a strong blood type, and what caught his eye was a mess.

There are traces of blood everywhere!

"Kuina! Hisoso! Fun!"

"Mo Yun, you are finally back!"

Hisuo rushed out first, and then fun.

When Mo Yun just came out, it already smelled Mo Yun.

"You have nothing to do, right?"

Mo Yun held Hisuo's shoulder and looked up and down, and saw the bandage still tied on Hiso's chest.

But Hisoso didn't notice the problem at all.

Instead, he eagerly appealed to Mo Yun.

"Me and Kuina are super tough, but we fought back two waves of enemies!"

"Two calls?"

Mo Yun's pupils flicked, it turned out that they had happened so many things while he was away.

"Not long after you left, a fat man came. He seemed to be a Devil Fruit capable person and turned into a tortoise."

Kuina also walked out of it, explaining the matter clearly in a few words.

And how Hei Shui snatched the tortoise fruit from them.

They told Mo Yun everything in detail.

Mo Yun didn't speak after listening, and slowly sat down against the wall.

Hisoso looked around for a long time and didn't see Orovia, he couldn't help but wonder.

"Mo Yun, why didn't Orovia come back with you?"

Kuina also turned her gaze to Mo Yun. She hasn't forgotten what Heishui said.

Just looking at the way Mo Yun looked, she suddenly became a little uneasy.

"Mo Yun, Orovia has nothing to do with it yet."

"Mo Yun, why don't you speak anymore?"

Mo Yun looked up and saw Hisoso and Kuina with big eyes waiting for him to answer.

What does this let him say.


"What does it mean?"

Kuina understood something in an instant, she stepped back in disbelief, her voice choked.

"Mo Yun, are you lying to us?"

It's a pity that it is not, it is the case.

Mo Yun's voice was a bit dry, his eyes were slightly red, "Sorry, I didn't protect Orovia, she was killed."


Hisuo screamed, seemingly hard to accept this fact.

For a while, the atmosphere on the ship became a bit sad.

"Who killed Orovia?"

"I have killed that person."

Mo Yun lowered his head and said quietly.

Even if I take revenge for Orovia, she can't come back.

Kuina stared at Mo Yun blankly. She didn't know what she thought of, but a huge hope burst out in her eyes.

"Mo Yun, Mo Yun, can't you, can you resurrect the dead? Am I the one who resurrected you? You will save Orovia again."

I saw Mo Yun shook his head slightly. How could he have not tried it, but his ability to come back from the dead has no effect on those who have been resurrected once.

Mo Yun's appearance completely cut off all Kuina's hopes.

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