One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 221 Hammer Special Forging Class

At the Navy Elite Training Camp, looking at the trainees training downstairs, Tiechui couldn't help but recall a little.

When he first came here a few years ago, wasn't he also training here?

The serious teacher Zefa, the hardworking Sakaski, the silly Dorag, and Borsalino who cheated with him.

Haha, the four of them were scolded a lot at the beginning.

Zefa scolded Sakaski for his poisonous views, Dorag for being the same as his father, and called him and Borsalino two bastards.

Time flies.

"What? Remember yourself back then?"

Zefa smiled at Tiechui who was staring at the playground.

Tiechui nodded.

"Yeah, back then, the four of us were chased and beaten by Teacher Zefa."

"Damn Hammer, I did that for your own good. Except for Sakaski, you, Dragon, and Borsalino are just three salted hairtails!"

"Okay, okay, old man, give me your arm armor quickly."

When Zefa heard this, he didn't hesitate and took out the Iron Wave Plus Fist very quickly.

Hao, there are a lot of scratches.

"Don't underestimate your strength."

"Especially your last punch, which made me feel the feeling of facing Whitebeard directly. The destructive vibration force is definitely the most destructive."

Iron Hammer himself didn't expect his attack to cause such great damage.

After all, the attribute of the Iron Wave Plus Fist can reduce the consumption of Armament Haki, which is definitely the best attribute for old man Zefa.

His strong Armament Haki is the basis for his position at the top. With the rich Armament Haki, can he actually cause such damage to the Iron Wave Fist?

"I am far worse than Whitebeard. I use the vibration triggered by the collision of hammers."

"And Whitebeard's vibration is a casual one. There is no comparison."

"I use it as a secret, and he just hits it casually. Oh, it's terrible."

A bunch of well characters appeared on Zefa's head instantly.

This bastard boy, that is the power of vibration, and Whitebeard ate the Tremor-Tremor Fruit.

You, a hammer swinger, can achieve vibration by developing it yourself. This is already a genius!

Forget it, can't be angry, what can I do with my own child?

"It's cleaned up, can it be repaired?"

"Of course, not only can it be repaired, I can also make the effect of this arm armor even better!"

Iron Hammer promised solemnly. If it was before, he might not be able to do it, but now there is a material like Iron Cloud.

It's too easy to repair the Iron Fist.

"I'll take this arm armor first. Come to the Arsenal to get it in three days."

After that, Iron Hammer picked up the Iron Fist, opened the window, and flew towards the Arsenal on the Moon Step.

Zefa's mouth twitched.

After arriving at the Arsenal, Iron Hammer did not forge it immediately, but called Lance and others over.

"Iron Hammer, have you recovered?"

Lance looked at Iron Hammer and couldn't help but think of his crazy look at that time.

Wow, he was so cruel, a general, a marshal, a former general, plus these people, they didn't suppress him at the first time.

"Well, I was a little confused before."

"Lance, I have to help Zefa-sensei repair his arm armor these days, you guys come with me."

"After all, your abilities are very suitable for forging."

"I will teach you the forging technology, especially you, Lance."

"Don't underestimate the Thunder Fruit, the strength of this fruit is beyond your imagination."

"And in my opinion, it is very suitable for blacksmithing!"

The more Tiechui spoke, the more excited he became. All he thought about was electrometallurgy. The ability to reshape with high temperature was definitely born for blacksmithing.

Lance was confused.

How did his natural Thunder Fruit become a special ability for blacksmithing? ?

Shirley and Tina were also confused. They didn't understand what Tiechui meant.

After all, their fruits both belonged to the Creation System, one was a shield and the other was black iron, so it was reasonable to say that they were close to blacksmithing.

But Lance's was the Thunder Fruit.

"What's that look on your face?"

"Don't believe me?"

"Hmph, you'll understand when Lance's lightning reaches a certain level."

"Do you know about electrometallurgy?"

"Forget it, there's no point telling you a bunch of poor students about this, you'll know when the time comes."

Iron Hammer looked at the three people and shook his head speechlessly, completely ignoring the pound signs on their heads.

He led them into the forging room.

Except for Tina, who had been forging iron with Iron Hammer for a while, Lance and Shirley were completely newbies.

"Don't stand there, I know you two don't know how to forge."

"It's okay, I've already thought of a way for you to get into the business."

"Shirley, make an iron shield."

Shirley nodded and used her ability to create a shield.

"Lance, use your electricity to melt this shield."

Lance: ! ! ? ?

"Why are you still standing there? I said use your electricity to melt the shield!"

"No, Hammer, are you serious..."

"Of course I am serious, hurry up! Increase the current intensity, make the current reach a high temperature to melt the steel, just do it."

Hammer casually threw the shield to Lance, then turned to look at Shirley.

"Shirley, your shield fruit is to create a shield. The shield itself is an output forged object. I can also make it."

"So what I ask of you is to start breaking down and shaping the shield."

"First of all, I want you to carve a pattern on the shield, do you understand?"

"Well... let's just have Lance's face and put his head on the shield."

Shirley:! ! ? ?

"What does this have to do with my abilities, Hammer Nissan."

"Why not? Haven't you heard a saying? Keep improving!"

"If you can make every shield as detailed as possible, your abilities will be greatly improved!"

Ignoring the tangled expressions on Lance and Shirley's faces, Iron Hammer walked towards Tina.

"Tina, you have been forging with me for a certain period of time. I think you can start forging alone."

"Here, you can use the forge over there as you like and build it with your black iron ability. Finally, I will give it attributes."

"Okay, let's get started, everyone!"

"The Hammer Special Forging Class is formed!"

With a loud shout from the hammer, the four people started their respective work.

Lance's hands turned blue and held the shield.

Shirley frowned and held the shield.

Tina held the forging furnace with a black hammer in one hand and black iron in the other.

Iron Hammer took out Yunbei and began to repair the Fist of Iron Boga.



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