One Piece: Dark Sky

Chapter 241 Waiting for us

"Uncle! We caught it!"

Luffy rushed out of the forest holding Xiangnan Bird high, but stopped after running a few steps.

"what happened!"

And right behind Luffy, the others came back, and as soon as they pushed aside the leaves blocking their vision, they saw a sea of ​​naval warships!

"How did the navy get here?"

"Oh my God!"

"Wow ah ah ah ah!"

Nami and the others shouted loudly.

They quickly ran to Curricate's side, with anxious expressions on their faces.

"Uncle, are you okay!"

Luffy asked anxiously, but Kurikat didn't answer him, but stood behind Bahn, facing the crowd of warships, smoking one cigarette after another.

At this time, Robin also came over, and the faint smile he had just left the forest had turned into a very frightened expression, as if he was a child who had just woken up from a nightmare.

"This is……!"

"Devil Slaughter Order?"

Robin's face was full of horror. The scene of warships of this size gathering together appeared in her nightmares countless times. The island where the tree of omniscience grew turned into a sea of ​​flames, and people kept coming from the flames. The screams and calls for help, the friends who have been with me have been turned into ice sculptures, the death of the mother I have been looking forward to seeing...

Robin rushed to Bahn's side like crazy, dug into Bahn's clothes with both hands, and shook vigorously.

"You devil! What the hell did you do! Why did the navy's demon-killing order come here?"

There was always that indifferent expression on Bahn's face, but this expression made Robin unable to find the slightest sense of security, there was only fear!


A crisp applause spread throughout the already quiet coast...

"Miss Robin?"


Everyone looked strangely at Robin who had slapped Bahn, but after slapping Bahn, Robin slowly slid off Bahn's body and sat on the ground. Gradually, came her sobbing...

"It's over... everything is over..."

And at this time, Bahne, who still had a red mark on his face, finally reacted. He slowly squatted down, helped Robin up, and wiped away the tears on her face...

"Hey! Stay away from Miss Robin! What the hell did you do to make Miss Robin cry like this!"

Sanji was about to rush forward as he said that, but was held back by Zoro.

"Idiot, stay here and don't move!"

"Green algae kills you!"

Sanji seemed to want to say something else, but seeing Zoro's eyes, he didn't say anything...

"I'm sorry to remind you of bad memories, but don't worry, this time it will definitely not be like last time..."

As he spoke, Bahn slowly took Robin into his arms, letting her tears wet his clothes. After a while, Robin's shoulders, which had been twitching all the time, finally calmed down.

Only then did Bahn release her from his arms and push her to Kuri Kate.

Kuri Kate took a deep look at Bahn, then dragged Robin to Luffy and the others.

"The sun is about to rise... let's sail, boys!"

"But! Mr. Bahn, he..."

Weiwei looked at Bahn worriedly and said, but was interrupted roughly by Kuri Kate, who pushed Robin into Weiwei's arms and said in a deep voice.

"Hurry up and get on the boat! There is no time, do you want to ruin your chance to go to heaven for nothing? Or do you want to disappoint that guy's good intentions?"

Kuri Kate pointed at the man standing behind him like a mountain with a thumb.


"Go! Vivi!"

"Don't disappoint Mr. Bahn's painstaking efforts!"

Weiwei, Nami and the others glanced at Bahn's back and ran over.

"Hurry up and get on the boat! Your boat has been parked at the cape by us!"

"We lead the way ahead, and you follow behind!"

shouted the two monkeys standing on the boat ready to sail.


Nami agreed without hesitation, but found that there were three people missing behind her.

"Luffy! Zoro! Sanji! What are you doing! Come here!"

It turned out that from just now, Luffy and the three of them stood still!

"What are you dawdling about? Ah!"

And at this moment, the naval bombardment had already begun! A shell landed right next to Nami!

"Nami! Are you okay!"

Chopper immediately turned into a human form and helped Nami up, but Luffy and the others still didn't say a word and didn't move.


Nami who was lifted up took a deep look at the three people who stayed in place, but she gritted her silver teeth, turned her head and said.

"Chopper, let's go!"


"Let's go!"

Nami roared and pulled Chopper's arm and ran to the Meili, but when she said this, Nami's tears flowed down.

Another round of shelling by the navy has begun!

Dozens of shells shot straight at the island!

"Asura Evil Light Slash!"

Bahn directly pulled out the first-generation Onikiri from his waist, and without charging, a huge red slash appeared in the sky, directly cutting through more than a dozen shells!

And the few remaining ones did not land on the island.

"Rubber rubber! Balloons!"


"Ham kick!"

Sensing the three people standing beside him, Bahn smiled.

"Master Bahn, don't let everything be robbed by you."

Luffy smiled like an idiot.

"Is this the Navy's Demon Slaughter Order? It's a bit rare."

Sauron also took off the green turban on his arms and wrapped it around his head, biting He Dao Yiwen and said excitedly.

"Anything is fine, beat them away quickly, Miss Weiwei, Miss Nami and Miss Robin haven't had breakfast yet."

Sanji lit a cigarette, said while moving his ankle slowly.

"Everyone, wait for us!"

The four of them said in their hearts at the same time...

And Kurikat, who was sitting on the tree stump, looked at the backs of the four of them but snuffed out the cigarettes in his hands, and the cigarette butts in the ashtray beside him had accumulated into a hill...

"These idiots."

Even though he said such words, there was a smile on Kurikat's face. After he stubbed out the cigarette in his hand, he immediately shouted loudly.

"Ape Mountain United Army!"

"Oh squeak!"

"This mission can't be messed up!"

"No matter what! Escort these bastards to the end!"

"Oh squeak!"

After saying this, Kuri Kate also ran to the cape, and said to Nami who was directing everyone to sail.

"Nami, I have something to say, please help me bring that kid to Luffy.\


Nami looked at Kuri Kate strangely and asked.

"There is one thing that can never be wrong!"

"That is, no one has ever proved that the empty island and the golden country do not exist. Maybe some people will laugh at it as fallacy, but it doesn't matter...It is because of dreams! Romance can be achieved!"

"...I will definitely bring it."

Nami nodded seriously.

"Goodbye, comrades!".

"Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel! Found the target on the shore! And the Straw Hat Boys from the Straw Hats are with the target!"

On the warship at sea, a soldier who had just put down his binoculars hurried down and said to a man wearing a cloak of justice standing on the bow of the warship.

"Straw hat boy? Just an ignorant little thief, start a full-scale bombardment!"


The number of shells this time is more than before, like a dense barrage, but this time Barn and the others did not shoot down those shells, but jumped up, constantly leaping over the shells, coming On to the warship!

"Hey, Flying Squirrel, long time no see."

Bahn squatted on the bow, the first generation Onikiri in his hand pointed at the flying squirrel and said.


"The waves suddenly changed!"

Weiwei hugged the railing tightly and said.

"Whoah! We're sinking!"

Usopp hugged the mast and shouted helplessly.

"This is a precursor to the outbreak! Miss Navigator! What's the matter with the record pointer?"

Robin asked aloud.

"Keep pointing at that cloud above!"

"It's tailwind now, and the cumulus cloud is moving towards the center of the vortex!"

"Hey! Brother! We seem to have hit the jackpot this time!"

The salvage king who has been escorting outside the channel said excitedly.

"Yeah! The scale of the outbreak was perfect!"

"Enter the vortex! Don't reverse the rudder! Go deep into the center of the vortex!"

"Ah? But Luffy and the others haven't come back yet!"

And just when Nami thought that Luffy and the others couldn't catch up, there was a huge whale cry on the sea!

"It's Rab! Mr. Barn and the others are back!"

Weiwei immediately said excitedly!


Fitz, who stayed on the boat, also shouted excitedly.

"Rab! Wait here for my return! Haha!"

Bahn carried the fainted Luffy on his back, Zoro, and Sanji directly jumped onto the Meili that had just entered the vortex using moon steps!

"Huh... caught up with..."

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