One Piece Comics Heritage System

Chapter 110: Heart-To-Heart With Vegapunk

This was also his first time entering this huge research room.

The layout here is based on what he remembered in Blue Star's memory, divided into dozens of departments, large and small. In the middle is a central console, which can carry out various experiments.

This center console was collected and produced based on Blue Star's technology and took a lot of time and energy.

Because the main job is research, the accommodation space inside is not very large and can only accommodate hundreds of people at the same time.

But this is enough to meet the needs of Vegapunk, and Vegapunk does not need many assistants.

"Hello Vegapunk." Carl smiled and extended his hand to Vegapunk.

"Let me get to know you again, I am Karl." Karl's eyes were full of expectation. He hoped to establish a good cooperative relationship with Vegapunk, which would also help the two of them in their subsequent conversation.

"Hello, Mr. Carl, I am Vegapunk."

Vegapunk also responded with a smile, his eyes full of curiosity. He wanted to know what Carl wanted from him, and even went so far as to kidnap him.

Carl looked at Dr. Bega, and he knew that this guy called Frankenstein had wisdom and creativity beyond ordinary people, and his research projects would have a profound impact on the entire world.

Carl looked at Quinn and Guysa who were doing experiments and motioned to Clay to take them away.

After the three people left the center console, Karl found a stool and sat down, looking at Vegapunk in front of him.

His eyes were full of expectation, and he hoped that Vegapunk could provide him with strong support, which would speed up the time for him to complete the mission.

Vegapunk also sat down and looked at Karl, his eyes full of doubts.

He didn't understand why Karl came to him, but he could also feel Karl's respect and expectations for him, which made him a little uneasy.

"I want to build a world that is peaceful, fair, full of justice, and free of pirates. People here can work at sunrise and return at sunset, without closing the door at night or picking up lost items on the road. I hope Dr. Vegapunk can help me realize it."

Karl's eyes were full of determination, and his words were full of longing, hope and determination for the future.

And the addition of characters like Vegapunk can speed up the time for him to realize this wish.

Vegapunk looked at Karl, who looked sincere, and he was a little moved.

I remember that at the beginning, he kindly built floor heating for his hometown and even invented various technologies, but he was met with confusion and complaints.

Then due to lack of funds, he never paid attention to the people in his hometown after leaving his hometown.

Hearing Karl's words today, he was immediately touched. He actually wanted to create such a world, but he had no chance.

"If that's the case, I'd like to help you."

Vegapunk stood up, walked to a device on the center console, and called up a screen.

"This is a technology I'm working on."

Vegapunk's eyes were full of excitement.

"It's called the blood factor."

"Bloodline factor?"

Karl couldn't sit still anymore and hurriedly stepped forward and looked at the DNA linked list flashing on the screen in front of him.

He knew that Vegapunk was forcibly arrested by the World government because he developed the blood factor. The purpose was to make him work for the World government.

Carl couldn't help but sympathize with the original Vegapunk. He naturally knew the greatness of the blood factor technology.

With ancestry factors, different genes can be added to a person.

You can even extract the blood of Demon Fruit Power and clone a corresponding Devil Fruit.

The Devil Fruit eaten by Momonosuke in the original work was created by extracting Kaido's genes after eating the Blue Dragon Fruit.

Although Vegapunk said that fruit was a failure, looking at Momonosuke's performance, it was obvious that the technology was successful.

"Has this study been completed?"

Hearing Karl's urgent question. Vegapunk smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Not yet, it will take about ten years."

"The main reasons are the shortage of raw materials and the capital chain..."

When Karl heard that it turned out to be a problem with raw materials and funds, he immediately reached out to interrupt.

"Dr. Vegapunk, don't worry, I already know all your troubles. Problems with raw materials and lack of funds are not problems. I will help you solve them."

Vegapunk was a little surprised: "Oh? What can you do?"

Karl patted his chest and smiled confidently: "For the problem of raw materials, you contact Clay and he will help you raise it as soon as possible. As for the shortage of capital chain, you don't have to worry. I will invest 10 billion Bailey first. It is not enough." Use me to continue adding."

Vegapunk didn't expect that Karl would take this issue so seriously. You must know that he is in MADS and is always in short supply of raw materials and funds.

"That would be great. In this case, I will try to get the results within five years."

Seeing that Karl actually frowned, Vegapunk quickly explained.

"Don't think that this experiment is simple. Even if the raw materials and funds are sufficient, it will take at least five years."

Karl stretched his brows and shook his head slightly.

He knew he was a little too anxious.

We also understand that Vegapunk has its own clear plans and goals for science.

Although the research and development of bloodline factors is very important, Karl also knows that Dr. Vegapunk needs enough time and space to conduct research and experiments.

I also believe that Dr. Vegapunk will do his best to complete this research, because he also completed this research in the original work.

All he needs to do now is give Dr. Vegapunk enough trust and support.

So he smiled and said to Vegapunk: "Don't worry, Dr. Vegapunk, time is not a problem, it's all up to you to decide."

"Okay, then it's settled."

When things were settled, Vegapunk started to chase people away. He is a mad scientist.

As expected, Punk looked down at his watch and said apologetically: "Captain Carl, thank you very much for your support and understanding, but I still have a lot of research work to do, so I can't continue chatting with you."

Chatting with Karl for so long has already wasted a lot of his research time.

Karl nodded in understanding.

"Okay, Quinn and Guysa will be your assistants, and they will also assist you in completing the research and development of the bloodline factor."

"Dr. Vegapunk, I'll take my leave now. You go about your business first."

"no problem."

Karl slowly stood up from his seat, his eyes revealed an aura of intelligence, strode towards the door, and glanced at Quinn and Guysa outside.

While Carl was unleashing his oppressive momentum, he looked at them and said in a serious tone: "Quinn Guysa, you must fully assist Vegapunk's research next."

"As for your own research, I will give you enough funds and materials after the research carried out by Vegapunk produces results."

Young Quinn and Guysa are still a little afraid of Karl. After all, Karl has a vicious reputation.

It was said that Karl was so cruel that he even tore Admiral to pieces with his own hands. They didn't want to get on his bad side and get killed.

Feeling Karl's fierce aura, they had no choice but to reply respectfully: "Okay, Lord Karl."

"go in!"

Karl nodded, indicating that they could go in.

Watching the two of them run in at a trot, they turned around and walked directly outside, with Clay following behind.

"The safety of Vegapunk is the top priority, I stress it again."

Clay immediately replied: "Understood, Lord Carl."

Next it was time to meet Rocks.

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