One Man’s Power

Chapter 28 Attack

"rest assured."

"The students in these camps are all golden and red, and they have served standard fetishes, so they are definitely not believers. Otherwise, how dare I bring them here, this is a place of confidentiality."

Gold red is the standard for official members.

Take the special training camp organized by the Yellow River as an example. At the end of each session, about 70 or 80 people can reach the golden red standard.

Seventy or eighty gold and red, there are only a handful of people who have the opportunity to become extraordinary.

It can be seen from this.

Extraordinary and rare, the road to extraordinary is difficult.

"It's mainly because of Jiang Lulu."

"Secretly curled up in the bed and cried softly. Instructor Yu Li accidentally found out a few days ago when he checked the ward." Li Guanglei stood at the door and explained.

Tang Hong immediately understood.

He said that with Li Guanglei's temperament, he might not be able to visit Niu Hechuan with the golden red from the camp.

It was probably Yu Li's strong request.

It has been approved by the headquarters.

Only now is this scene.

Tang Hong looked at the laughter in the room, and the chief instructor Niu Hechuan smiled so brightly and genuinely that it made people feel joy from the heart and moved for no reason. He even hoped that this scene could continue until the end of time.

Think about it.

Tang Hong said again: "Let's go, let's go and see Lao Fang together."

Hearing this, Li Guanglei was silent for a while, his expression became unnatural: "That's fine, that's fine."

He muttered a few words, followed Tang Hong, and walked to another ward... Pushing the door open, Tang Hong was in front and Li Guanglei was behind. smile.

"Tang Hong, Guanglei."

The calm and elegant voice is like spring breeze.

Li Guanglei opened his mouth, came to the bed, lowered his head and responded, "Come and see how you are now."

"Fortunately, it will be another week." Fang Nanxun raised his arms, and the golden divine power inside the skin on his body surface glowed with vitality.

In another week, the physical incompleteness made up by the fictional power of the gods will solidify and take shape, and it will be completely healed.

Fang Nanxun opened the topic: "How is this camp going?"

"not bad."

"There are already eight or nine golden reds."

Li Guanglei still bowed his head, and moved his left hand slightly by his side, as if he wanted to help Fang Nanxun up, but finally fell down, as if he was embarrassed or ashamed.

We chatted a few words dryly.

Li Guanglei found an excuse and went out to smoke.

"This kid..."

Fang Nanxun shook his head and laughed. In his eyes, he couldn't see any blame.

He knows that Li Guanglei tends to be rational, and he does not think that Li Guanglei is wrong. He firmly believes that one day he will see Li Guanglei break through to the top.


Tang Hong couldn't stand it anymore.

At the beginning, when he first met Li Guanglei, Tang Hong mistakenly thought that the relationship between the two had broken down, and there was an irreparable rift, which led to Li Guanglei's strong resentment.

It looks like now.

Where is the grievance dispute.

Obviously a student who failed badly in the exam, he didn't dare to face his parents—especially Fang Nanxun didn't have the slightest intention to blame, but instead aggravated Li Guanglei's feeling of guilt.

How respectful it was before.

Correspondingly, how much resentment was born.

If Fang Nanxun beat and scolded him, Li Guanglei's heart burden would not be so heavy.

But Tang Hong didn't understand.

Thinking in another way, he didn't perform well in the college entrance examination, and he most wanted to be comforted by his parents. Many people, including on the Internet, complain about their strict parents, but at the bottom of life, who will accompany a loser except parents.

"Li Guanglei..."

Tang Hong wanted to speak but stopped.

"Tang Hong." Fang Nanxun said: "Actually, the superhuman's reason is also part of his reason. I know that some people look down on Li Guanglei, but he didn't do anything wrong. He just longed for the approval of others. His family situation is complicated. Please understand. "

Fang Nanxun said this because he was afraid that Tang Hong would alienate Li Guanglei.


When going to war, who doesn't want someone to fight side by side with him.

Many people, including Feng Tu, the top transcendent at the headquarters, also believed that Li Guanglei did not meet the requirements for fighting side by side.


To measure a person objectively, you don't have to look at what the person has said, nor what others have said.

Tang Hong remembered that battle, the surface of the golden giant shield protruded with divine power spikes, if Li Guanglei hadn't tapped his shoulder at a critical moment, he would have been seriously injured and his life was in danger.

"Li Guanglei saved me."

Tang Hong said seriously: "If I go to war with Li Guanglei again, I don't think I will refuse."


Fang Nanxun smiled.

"all good."

Fang Nanxun was a little sleepy, closed his eyes, and fell into a deep sleep.


Extraordinary Sanatorium No. 6.

Inside the office of head nurse Lin Yu.


Suddenly the phone rang quickly, and Lin Yu was writing a report, so he picked it up.

The voice from the microphone was urgent and serious. Every word was like a heavy hammer hitting the deepest part of Lin Yu's heart.

"An accident happened to Yunhai's equipment!"

"One dangerous god and three normal gods suddenly attacked Yunhai's equipment!"

"The headquarters ordered Sanatorium No. 6 to enter the first-level alert immediately!"

"Prepare to evacuate!"

"The wounded don't move for now!"

Don't move for a while...I can't move even if I want to!

Lin Yu could only feel his heart trembling. If the treatment process was interrupted, it would mean that all the wounded would die, from the consultant level down to the standard transcendent. If one could not survive, they would all have to die here!

She spoke with a hoarse voice: "Can we find divine power fluctuations here?"

"There are no fluctuations in divine power, and there are no traces of conventional gods and dangerous gods. Please take precautions." The staff at the headquarters on the other side of the microphone said quickly, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

Lin Yu, the head nurse, nodded: "Please send more Chaofans as soon as possible."

No trace of divine power was found, which may be a good thing or a bad thing.

The most frightening are:

When the fluctuation of divine power appears, it will be a disaster in the vicinity.

At this time.

The voice on the other side of the microphone was changed, it was a middle-aged man's deep voice: "We will try our best to mobilize all the advisors in the imperial capital area, and the military will also provide the greatest assistance. I hope we have misunderstood, and if we think too much, it is best It was a false alarm."

"And suppose..."

"The worst has happened..."

"Number 4933 Registration Standard Extraordinary Lin Yu, please listen carefully. Once the situation has reached the point of no return, the headquarters will give you the approval to temporarily grant you the special authority to cut off this device and self-destruct the prison laboratory!"

The tone of the middle-aged man was unquestionable, exuding the resolute look of being in power.

Lin Yu was shocked and lost his voice: "Those consultants are still in the treatment stage, only Niu Hechuan and Niu consultants are about to fully heal."

A low and depressed order came from the microphone: "We can't release another dangerous god!"


Over there in the sea of ​​clouds.

The second advanced equipment that nourishes the human body with the body of a god has been destroyed, and the imprisoned dangerous god has come out.

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