One Eyed Monster

Chapter 791: 1 push (down)

Cardi fell silent, and this thing of love was a relatively strange thing to him, he still couldn't understand it for the time being, and he needed to digest it for a while.

Not everyone can understand this kind of thing, and Cardi doesn't. He is not Igor. He has heard many stories of this and that, and he can still hear about love. He is completely blank.

So for Cardi, the inequality between Hiso and Bigas is incomprehensible.

Cardi can only use the general principle of equivalence exchange to judge the relationship between Hiso and Bigas, which makes him very confused, because neither party seems to be equivalent.

In the eyes of Cardi, love is a kind of existence. This thing makes the originally unequal things suddenly equal, which is simply a very unusual thing.

Igor is probably the only one who can regard this question of Cardi as a problem. Other monsters seem to care nothing about Cardi's performance. It seems that in their normal lives, Cardi often raises such questions.

This kind of problem is very strange, it is difficult for you to explain what is going on. Moreover, normal thinking people will not ask such abstract questions. The same normal thinking people will not answer such questions.

Cardi and Igor belonged to the kind of people whose thinking was very different from normal people, so after they talked at this moment, the others were also excluded.

Originally, other people couldn't intervene. The topic they discussed was a bit too weird, although they couldn't tell where it was weird, it felt weird anyway.

At this time, it is a bit wrong to discuss the illusory things like love, and the discussion person is still two unreliable boys.

This made these monsters feel very novel, and it was a good time for these monsters to pass the boring time. Their story between Hiso and Bigas just reached the culmination of boredom. At this moment, Cardi helped them to transfer. This sight. Cardi asked them to be the people who eat melon again, but this time Cardi will become the focus of the matter.

Cardi’s question made him the protagonist of the incident. Igor naturally became a supporting role, and the things they discussed became things of interest to everyone.

Cardi said: "How powerful is love, can he be stronger than the force of nature?"

In Cardi's eyes, the force of nature is an incomprehensible force. This force is powerful because it cannot see any shape, and it is here from beginning to end.

But how could love this thing be powerful, he couldn't figure out this.

This is what he is arguing with Igor now.

"This cannot be compared together. Love is created, and it can be as ubiquitous as the force of nature." Igor explained.

What was originally discussed about Hiso and Bigas suddenly turned into a discussion about love. This span is really a bit large, and the people who eat melon can't grasp the point.

For a while, and for a while, they found that Igor and Cardi's ideas were really broad, and the jump was still so big.

Facts have also proved that Igor and Cardi's jump is a bit big, which is why they started to discuss the matter between Hiso and Bigas.

"What you mean is that they all have love in them, so they keep repeating a meaning." Obviously, Cady has also discovered this thing. He always feels that there is something wrong with the development of this thing.

He originally thought that the problem was that he did not follow the principle of equivalent exchange. Now it seems that no, it should be based on Igor's analysis, and it is not the reason.

"Love has a strong stickiness. I guess it's this stickiness that keeps the two of them in this state." Igor shrugged. This is his inference, although Hisuo has always been showing one. It was a ruthless state, but Igor could not feel any decisive taste, instead he could feel an inseparable taste floating in the air.

This is how Hisoso and Bigas feel.

If Hisuo was really so unfeeling, he would definitely not dare to look into Bigas' eyes.

His avoiding eyes showed one point, indicating that he was still pretending to be Bijiasi in his heart, and for fear that he would hurt Bijiasi, he kept avoiding eye contact.

Sometimes, the eyes can tell everything, of course, Igor and the others have not been able to fully understand this truth.

But Igor and the others were able to come to a conclusion through this messy reasoning, this is also a kind of ability, but this kind of ability can't say what it is.

The monsters are all sighing, it turns out that sometimes the boys who are not in love can know what love is.

Igor and Cardi were engrossed in discussing the analysis. They have now come to try to verify whether their analysis is correct.

"You said that both of them still have love in them?" Cardi thought this was a bit exaggerated, because Hiso had always been showing the ruthless side, so Cardi would question it.

"This is just my guess. We have to verify if this is the case." Igor shrugged, he is used to shrugging this way now.

"You said how we should verify it!" Cadi naturally knows nothing about verification, but Cadi also has an advantage. As long as you tell him how to do it, he will do it for you.

"This is the answer I want to know!" Igor was also helpless. He had already thought of a lot of ways, but never thought of it.

"Hey, these two guys are interesting!" Kevin suddenly came out on the side, mainly because he saw that Igor and Cardi were discussing something interesting and seemed to make sense, so he just interrupted.

"The thinking of young people is really different from ours!" The great tutor suddenly became emotional.

Unexpectedly, this discussion between Cardi and Igor made the monsters see something different.

They originally thought they were powerless in front of Hiso and Bigas But after listening to the messy analysis of Cardi and Igor, they found that they could still do one thing.

This is what Cardy and Igor said to verify.

How to verify it, they naturally have a way.

As for verification? Hehe, need to say, of course it is the love that Cardi and Igor have been discussing!

It is actually very simple to verify whether Hiso and Bigias still have love for each other.

All they have to do is a light push.

In fact, they all knew the answer in their hearts, but they didn't want the lovers who were in love with each other to separate so vaguely.

The monsters of Gulu Mountain looked at the confused faces of Cardi and Igor and laughed involuntarily: "Hahahaha, you two will just wait and see, how amazing this so-called power of love is." Monster

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