One Eyed Monster

Chapter 643: What to do next

Although Cullen realized that they were about to face a new journey, to be honest, he didn't know which direction he should go in.

At this point, he is much worse than Cardi.

This is not a personal problem of Cullen, it is a common problem of people like them. Compared with Cardi, they are afraid of wolves and tigers, and hesitate to do everything, not as pure as Cardi.

To say that their strength is not as good as Cardi, that is not necessarily the case. The oddity may be that Cardi is relatively simple and not as complicated as them.

And this simplicity of Cardi is just because he has stayed in this mountain since he was a child. He sees people and things always there, and there are no such complicated things.

It is said that the more you see, the more desires. Desire hinders people's thinking. Looking forward and backward is because there are too many things in your mind, and it is the result of suffering.

Therefore, this pureness of Cardi is quite rare. To be honest, the gang of treasure hunters under the mountain have a lot of desires, but Cardi has not been affected. It can be seen that his simplicity will not be affected by external factors.

Cardi's innocence allowed him to have no worries about anything and became very bold.

Cullen carefully thought about it. In fact, this world is just like this. It was originally very simple, but it is becoming more and more complicated. It is the human heart that makes these things complicated.

Back to business, Cullen wanted to know what Cadi thought at this moment, but Cadi didn't know what the problem was.

Cardi is actually thinking about this other issue.

This question is big or small, but it has obvious abnormalities.

Cardi followed the lines on the Internet and reached several worlds of ideas. Cullen was not only the first to communicate with him, but also the only one who was not attacked by the dark forces!

This is where Cardi feels abnormal. Although several other people can't communicate with him, everyone's actions are surprisingly consistent, that is, they spare no effort to resist the attack of the dark power.

As for Kulun, he didn't see the figure of the dark power mind, and Kulun was actually fighting against the slaughter in his body.

Cardi knew that it was impolite and risky to ask Cullen so directly, and he couldn't act rashly now.

Cullen didn't know what Cady was thinking, he kept thinking about how to go next, while Cady was thinking about why you are different here, these two guys just misunderstood this, regardless of the urgency of time.

After being silent for a while, Cullen finally found something wrong. This is a very active person in Cardi, why suddenly he stopped talking at this time.

And that look is strange.

As the so-called simple people can't hide things, Cady's various performances have betrayed him a long time ago. This is not his true performance, so he can't manage it in many cases.

The expression is not calm enough, the eyes are not firm enough, these are what he shows, these kinds of expressions directly reveal the matter of Cady's thoughts, and fools can see that there is something hidden in his heart.

"What's your fear?" Cullen showed the concern that an elder should have, and asked in confusion.

"No, no." Cardi wanted to have it quickly. He was afraid that he would be discovered, but he didn't know that he had been discovered.

"Ha ha ha." Cullen let out an awkward laugh, he really wanted to say, stop pretending, the expression on your face is showing, why bother so hard.

It's not true that he is really not good at playing cards, and soon he gets a little tired of this cover-up.

Let it go, it's a big deal.

Cardi's fighting spirit burned in his heart. In his opinion, everything must be solved in a fight. This kind of forbearance is not suitable for him.

Originally, he wanted to try, to see if he could hide his identity perfectly like others and then quietly get the answer...

Now Cardi gave up, this job was too tiring, too delicate, and not suitable for him.

"You said why you are different from other people here."

"Why is it different." Cullen found that Cardi, who had let go of his worries, had a natural strength. This feeling was like a king suddenly coming.

"You have nothing but yourself here. How do I know if you are Kulun? You may be the dark power. Just now you swallowed the Slaughterer, the real Kulun."

Isn't Cady's rhetoric unreasonable, worrying about it naturally exists, but it's not too late to think of it now?

Cullen didn't consciously think it was funny. If he really was a dark force, wouldn't he have understood all their plans? At this critical moment, he would definitely solve Igor first, and then clean up others.

"So, do you think I am Cullen or the Dark Force?" Funny to laugh, Cullen still has to figure out what is going on, but he can't ask directly, after all, Cady doesn't know everything.

"I think you are Cullen!" Cady blurted out. He felt that this required thinking at all.

"Ha ha ha." Cullen smiled purely, and Cardi's concern was really like paper, not reliable at all.

"Oops, no, I'm not sure if you are Cullen." Hearing Cullen's laugh, Cady knew that he had said something wrong and quickly changed his words.

"Don't be funny, Cardi, you already have the answer in your mind, don't you, don't believe in yourself, you must know that your own judgment is far more important than the appearance." Cullen didn't know how to convince Cardi. He can only speak according to his own heart.

"Then, why are you here different from other places."

"Hehehe, the detail you found is very important, but I don't know why, you and I need to explore these things slowly."

"So, you are Cardi finally breathed a sigh of relief at this time, he is really not good at this kind of thing.

"In your heart, don't you have the answer early, do you still need to ask me?"

"Well, no matter who you are, I recognize it." Cardi gritted his teeth, and he thought it was all he could do now.

"Then what shall we do next?" Kulun asked, this is what he wants to know the most.

"Step by step, I will look down the line on the Internet. I want to find everyone. Well, you can see if you can follow me."

"Good." Cullen can only do this. He has no clue, but he has a hunch that Cady is hope.

Now following Cardi's footsteps, this sounds a bit weird, but it's really happening right now.

They follow the Internet and continue to go down, they have to find their own companions, and they have to find the direction of breakthrough.

Although there is no clue, there will be hope after doing it.

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