Chapter 3478, Adding to the Scenery 243

He is very tall, even if the bullet is really shot, he will be the first to shoot him.

Yun Shi Shi and You You will be safe and sound.

Mu Yazhe is almost instinctive and wants to protect them safe and sound.

Yun Shishi was in a panic, but did not notice the special position of Mu Yazhe. Yu You was aware of his perseverance and noticed it all at once.

Mujac is protecting them!

You can't feel the strange feelings in your heart!



Five flavors and miscellaneous!

"Go here!"

Mu Yazhe pulled the arm of Yun Shishi, and Yun Shishi protected Yuyou. The three men ran towards a place where people gathered.

The siren came and the police car and the medical car received an alarm and quickly rushed over.

On the other side of the square, facing the street of the road, a large group of people gathered.

All the people have flown here and left the square, this is a temporary safe zone!

Youyou saw many people lying on the ground, or kneeling on the ground, crying with a headache.

Many people were injured and did not hurt, but they shed a lot of blood.

Some people are out of danger and call their family and friends for the first time.

Some people talked on the phone while crying and screaming, and the fear of the rest of the robbery has not been able to slow down.

Some couples are holding together, while others are holding their injured partners and are afraid to cry.


"There are wounded people here! Doctors? Nurses? Help me..."

There are still many children in the crowd, and they are so scared by this sudden shock.

Parents are constantly soothing and holding on to you.

Yun Shi poetry led Yu You all the way to run over, exhausted, determined to arrive safely arrived, scared to sit on the ground, no more effort to say a word!

Mu Yazhe also fell to the ground, Yu You looked at him, but was shocked by the blood on his shoulder!


You You gaze straight at him and pointed at his shoulder and said, "You... your shoulders are all blood."

Yun Shishi heard it, and looked back at Mu Yazhe. He was scared by his blood-stained sleeves on his shoulders.

She rushed toward him, staring at the sleeves of his blood stained on his shoulders, nervously, "What happened?"

"Nothing, don't worry, it's probably bruised by bullets."

When he ran all the way, he didn't realize that he was injured. He only knew that he would leave the danger zone as soon as possible, so he did not respond and he was injured.

Yun Shishi did not know how to be good, but Youyou first ran over. He gently pushed the poems of Yun Shi, and said to Mu Yazhe, "Sit down."

He is too tall!

He can't perform his actions!

Mu Yazhe disapproves, "It doesn't matter!"

"sit down!"

Mu Yazhe had to sit down.

Yuyou pinched the ends of the sleeves and tore open them hard. When they saw the wound, they breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought he was hit by a bullet.

I looked at the wound, but I was scratched by bullets and I ran a lot of blood.

He cleaned the wound a little, and tore off the cloth from the clothes, simply wrapped the wound and pressed to stop bleeding.

Yun Shi poetry is stunned.

Youyou knows what she is astonished and explains, “I have learned some basic dressings and hemostasis.”

These are not difficult. At the crucial moment, if it is injured, the first priority is to stop bleeding.

This is what Lisa taught him, and it is the most basic first aid.

At first, he was not willing to learn, but Lisa forced him to learn.

(End of this chapter)

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