Once the Crown Prince Joins In

243: There’s nothing wrong with a daughter following her father.

King Rong looked at Su Xinyi, and for a moment he didn't know what to say. Is it true or false?

Facing King Rong's surprised look, Su Xinyi smiled and said, "Your Majesty, you can't believe it, right? But it is indeed true, and you have seen it, and the news has been confirmed and it is true."

King Rong looked at Su Xinyi, "It seems that Qiongsi has really let go. He is even able to show his kindness to you and know how to repay his kindness."

Su Xinyi had the same thought as King Rong before, but thinking about it afterwards, it was a bit strange. She knew Yan Qiongsi's character. In her previous life, she could endure it and wait for Shang Junyan, and even smile when she saw her. If it hadn't been for later When she overheard Princess Pingjing's words, she didn't even know the truth behind it.

So, can such a person really have an epiphany and put down his butcher knife?

Maybe, but it couldn't be Yan Jones.

Moreover, the timing was so coincidental that every time she imagined it later, she felt that it was impeccable.

If Yan Qiongsi can wait for him at Changxing Bridge, what does that mean? She had some control over her whereabouts. Now that she thought about it, there were situations where she listened to her family members and did not go out anymore, but stayed at home obediently.

When she attacked Wu Daohong, she changed her clothes and left when she left home. Thinking about it now, she felt a little lucky.

She had been calculating the development of the matter back and forth in the past two days, and then she had some doubts about Yan Qiongsi's report. It was so coincidental that it made her hair stand on end when she thought about it afterwards.

Now looking at King Rong and hearing what he said, she was actually not surprised at all. Speaking of it, King Rong was actually closer to the Yan family than to the Shu family.

Therefore, when Yan Qiongsi got into trouble one after another, although King Rong was annoyed every time he dealt with the aftermath, he did not let it go.

Now, of course, she would not point out what King Rong could discover at once. She was just giving him a reminder first. If what she thought was true in the future, then King Rong would not be angry when he recalled it. She didn't remind him.

What's more, she just has suspicions without evidence, so she really can't say this nonsense.

King Rong didn't take this matter to heart, and was a little happy that Yan Qiongsi could repent. He looked at Su Xinyi and said, "Do you think the grudge between you two has been resolved?"

Su Xinyi looked at Prince Rong meaningfully, "Of course I don't have a problem, it just depends on whether Princess Runyi's words and deeds are consistent."

King Rong didn't hear the deep meaning in Su Xinyi's words. He just thought that she was doubting Yan Qiongsi's sincerity, so he said: "It shouldn't be a big problem. I'll tell her a few words later. When she gets engaged and gets married, what will happen to the business owner?" Jun Yan just let it go, what else can happen?"

When King Rong said this, he looked at Su Xinyi and then at Su Qi, "Stop talking about this, let me ask you, what do you plan to do next about this matter?"

Su Qi had long heard that there was a ball of thread in his head. It turned out that there were so many right and wrongs in places that he didn't know about. He felt very uncomfortable. He was an older brother and he didn't even know. It was all handled by his younger sister.

Hearing what King Rong said, he rarely turned serious. He looked at the other person and said, "Your Majesty, this matter will naturally be handled impartially."


Handle it impartially?

Then Su Xinyi can't go to jail?

Could it be that the second young master of the Su family is a fool?

King Rong's expression was so obvious that Su Qi naturally noticed it. He was silent for a moment and had to explain, "

Can my eldest brother be given justice for his injuries? "

King Rong thought about it and said, "That's probably impossible."

"That's it. The same is true for Wu Daohong."

King Rong:......

The people of the Su family are truly worthy of being those who have carried guns and read books. Their talk is so convoluted that it makes people dizzy!

Wang Rong knew the attitude of the Su family, and he clicked his tongue in his heart. In fact, he felt quite complicated now.

When Su Chun was still alive, he was at the age of being naughty and jumping up and down. He didn't know anything else, but he knew that Duke Qi's people were not to be offended, and Su Chun was a ruthless person. He would never leave you until he hit someone three times a day. Five updates.

Compared with that Demon King, he felt how kind and cute he was.

You said that his father could look at Su Chun like a flower, but he always looked at him with displeasure. Don't make this difference too obvious.

But after Su Chun died in the battle, the Duke of Qi's palace was different. His sharp edge suddenly dropped, especially the way Duke Su Mi of Qi acted. What can't be done? Give up and be the first.

But now it seems that the Duke of Qi when Su Chun was still alive has returned, and he has become that family again who is not afraid of anything.

King Rong glanced at Su Xinyi again, hey, there seems to be nothing wrong with Fourth Master Su's daughter.

The daughter follows her father.

King Rong stood up to leave. Before leaving, he looked at Su Qi and said seriously: "Take good care of her and don't let her go out to cause trouble during this period. My elder brother said that she is not allowed to go out until Wu Daohong's case is concluded. If something goes wrong, don't blame me for not warning you."

Su Qi:......

Su Xinyi:......

Su Qi raised his hand and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty. I will definitely take a good look at Sixth Sister."

If it's Prince Rong's words, you can discount it, but if it's His Highness the Crown Prince's words, then you have to take them seriously.

After King Rong left, Su Qi made eye contact with her sister, and then said: "Anyway, the fifth sister is getting married soon, and the family is really busy. The sixth sister should not go out recently, and help the fifth sister prepare for the wedding."

What else could Su Xinyi say? He forced out a smile and said, "Okay, I'll listen to everyone."

She doesn't want to be regarded as the culprit. Does she like to cause trouble when she has nothing to do?

It's not like things are chasing her, she's just being forced to fight back.

Su Xinyi said goodbye to her second brother and went to her grandmother first to say something back, fearing that her grandmother would still be worried at her old age.

After listening to Su Xinyi's words, Mrs. Tai said after a while: "You have all grown up and have your own ideas. I, an old woman, can't take care of that much anymore."

After listening to her grandmother's words, Su Xinyi couldn't sit still. Just as she was about to speak, she heard her grandmother say again: "When your father was alive, he would go around causing trouble for me like this. I would follow him around all day long. People are apologizing, but it sounds like you are better than others, and although you have caused trouble, you don't need my old face to go out and apologize again."

Su Xinyi:......

The madam smiled and said, "Xin Yi, grandma knows that you do things in a measured way, but I still hope that you will think twice about what you do in the future. Good luck does not happen every time. If you do things based on luck, one day your luck will run out."

Like her little son.

Su Xinyi watched her grandmother get up and said seriously: "Grandma, don't worry, I will remember your words."

How could she rely on luck? She has never been a lucky person. Every step she takes is carefully considered.

"It's good that you know. Since you have to stay in the house during this period, you should talk to your fifth sister more. The elders will naturally handle other matters."

"Yes, I listen to you."

Su Xinyi now knew that the person in charge of the trial was Shang Junyan, and suddenly he was not so worried. He had come back just like him, and he knew more about the matters in the court than he did.

Although he didn't know who was secretly targeting the Duke of Qi, he definitely knew who was standing behind Liang Ju, but there was no evidence.

But there is no evidence, and there are ways to do it without evidence. Shang Junyan is not a weakling. This person is full of black sesame seeds when it comes to official matters. The two of them are barely half allies now, and they should not capsize their own ships. .

Since she couldn't lift her own, she could only lift other people's, so she just waited and watched the excitement.

After Su Xinyi left, Mrs. Tai held her forehead and sighed, then smiled softly.

Mother Yu said from the side: "Madam, are you relieved this time?"

The madam spoke slowly, "The old lady is right. Let Xin Yi disturb the family, and sure enough, a new atmosphere has emerged. Now several children are not afraid of hardship when practicing martial arts, because their eldest brother was injured, and the brothers worked together. . Sometimes, misfortune comes when good fortune depends on it, so let them toss it around."

This group of children belongs to this group of children sooner or later.

While they still have a handful of old bones and can still support them, let them toss themselves hard.

No matter what, it won't be worse than now.

After Mrs. Tai said this, she felt happy and said to Mother Yu: "I didn't expect that the boy from the Yin family was pretty good this time. He sent the letter as soon as possible without thinking of avoiding suspicion. This time, the marriage between Xixian and him will start from me. Add more things to her private treasury. The Yin family's financial resources are too thin, so we can't openly subsidize it, but it's the same thing for Xixian."

Mother Yu was happy, "Mr. Yin has become a member of a thousand households, so the family has to save money no matter what."

Otherwise, how dare you marry the girl in their house.

"What's the difference between family wealth and family wealth?" Madam Tai asked Mama Yu to take her private treasury booklet, and she slowly turned the pages in front of the light. "It doesn't count as a wealthy family if there are only a few things to support the house. Besides, the Yin family is indeed not a wealthy family."

Relying on military merit to rise through the ranks, without the blessing of his ancestors or the support of his clan members, even though Yin Ru is a member of a thousand households, in fact, he is the only one in their family, which is too thin.

In case of a storm, such a family is the least able to resist.

Mrs. Tai sighed when she thought of this and said to Mother Yu, "It's a good idea or a bad idea about the Yin family's marriage."

After all, Xixian was wronged.

If Aunt Weng hadn't been making trouble one after another, the family could have slowly chosen Xixian. Thinking of Aunt Weng, Mrs. Weng's eyebrows turned cold.

Mother Yu looked at Mrs. Tai's expression and immediately said with a smile: "It doesn't matter if the Yin family has a lower financial background. Look at these young men in our house. From now on, it will not be all the fifth girl's help. With such a group of brothers here, Yin Qianhu will definitely be kind to the fifth girl."

Mrs. Tai picked up a pen and circled a few things on the booklet. Mother Yu's eyelids jumped as she looked at them, "Mrs. Tai, these are all your dowry back then."

"But they are all dead things. If you keep them, they will be thrown in the warehouse. A hundred years from now, they will not belong to these children. They will be given to them in the morning and in the evening. It is the same." The wife didn't care much, "I give it to you now. Xixian will be more dignified when she marries, and her husband's family will respect her more. She will have a good start in life so that everything will go smoothly in the future."

Mother Yu said with a smile: "If the fifth girl finds out, she will definitely come and kowtow to you."

The madam smiled and said, "With such an aunt on the stall, it's rare that this child is sober. It's good that she is a sensible person and knows the way to go."

Mrs. Tai handed the brochure to Yu’s mother, “Go and do it quietly, don’t make a big fuss.”

"Hey." Mother Yu agreed immediately, "Madam, I will help you to lie down."

Mrs. Tai nodded and entered the bedroom. After Mother Yu helped Mrs. Tai lie down, she then went to the warehouse and asked someone to open the warehouse to get the things. After carefully checking the books, she put them aside and waited until dark before sending them to the fifth girl. .

Su Xinyi went back from Mrs. Tai's place and went to sit with her mother for a while.

After listening to Xin Yi's explanation, the fourth lady said, "That's all we can do now. You stay at home for now. Your second, third, and fourth sisters should be back in two days."

Su Xinyi was very happy, "Really?"

The Fourth Madam looked at her daughter's happy look and nodded, "Now that they are in the limelight, your aunt will not allow them to come back, otherwise they would have come back long ago."

Su Xinyi nodded hurriedly, "You really can't come back at this time. Auntie did the right thing."

The fourth lady looked at her daughter and liked her more and more. She couldn't help but say, "If your father were still here, he would definitely praise you if he knew you did this. He also has the same temperament. You are exactly the same as him."

Su Xinyi's eyes were sore. She hurriedly lowered her head to collect herself. Then she raised her head and said with a smile: "My daughter, Father Xiao."

The fourth lady said: "That's right." She looked at her daughter with some worry as she said that, "Would it be okay if Prince Shang was in charge of the trial of this matter? I heard that when she was a doctor in the Ministry of Punishment, she cleared up old cases. Very capable."

"It doesn't matter, mother, he has no evidence, just like we have no evidence when our eldest brother was injured by Wu Daohong." Su Xinyi said.

The fourth lady said: "That's good. Your eldest brother is also unlucky. Your eldest aunt said that she is going to Daling Temple to burn incense to ward off bad luck. I will accompany her tomorrow."

"That's good. You and your eldest aunt just happened to go to Daling Temple to relax. I can't go out recently, so I won't go with you."

The fourth lady was happy, "You should stay at home with your fifth sister."

The eldest lady said it would be faster to burn incense, and a day later she actually went out with the fourth lady. Su Xinyi's life is very regular now. She receives a letter from His Royal Highness the Crown Prince every few days. Yang Jin sends it quietly every time. Then she practices martial arts with her brothers every morning. Then she goes back to the study to read and spends the afternoon with her. The fifth sister embroiders the dowry.

The wedding dress does not need to be embroidered, and even if it is embroidered with her skills, it will not fit on the body. In fact, what is embroidered is a pair of pillow covers, shoes and socks for the mother-in-law, and handkerchiefs for the sister-in-law. Ready-made four treasures of the study are prepared for the brother-in-law. , no need to get started.

She had been embroidering just these few things for almost two months, and before they were finished, Su Xinyi was convinced.

When she went over that afternoon, she saw Su Xixian undressing an embroidered quilt at the window. She went over and saw that the embroidery was broken again.

"Fifth sister, if you embroider and embroider like this, I'm afraid that people are already married and haven't finished the embroidery yet. It's almost done. The Yin family also knows that you are a person who has no fingers in the spring water, so they can really look at you. The embroidery won't work." Su Xinyi persuaded her with a smile.

In fact, in her opinion, Su Xixian had already done a good job in embroidery, but she was too demanding.

Su Xixian put down the embroidery fabric and sighed: "I don't want to either. I just feel that getting married is only once in my life, so I just want to do a better job."

The two sisters sat down to talk. Haitang and Jasmine tidied up the room, brought some refreshments, and went to guard the door.

Su Xixian coughed lightly, looked at Su Xinyi and said in a low voice: "The night before yesterday, my grandmother gave me a few things, which shocked me."

Seeing Su Xixian sneaking around like a thief, Su Xinyi suddenly became happy, "Just keep what grandma gave you. Why are you so sneaky?"

"Bah, who is being sneaky? Didn't Mother Yu send this here after dark? She obviously didn't want others to know." Su Xixian showed a tangled look on her face, "Do you think I should tell my mother?"

Su Xinyi looked at Su Xixian's tangled look, thought about it seriously and said, "Fifth sister, you live not far from Third Aunt. Think about it, does Third Aunt know what is going on here?"

Su Xixian became even more worried, "That's right, so I wonder if I should say this or not?"

"It goes without saying that third aunt must know that grandma sent you something, but since she didn't come to ask, it means third aunt didn't take it to heart. Besides, how could third aunt not know that grandma meant to send it after dark?"

Su Xixian thought about it and said, "Then I won't tell you. Among the things my grandmother gave me was a kang screen. It was made of red sandalwood and carved with ivory. It scared me so much that I couldn't fall asleep for half the night."

Su Xinyi didn't expect that Su Xixian would tell her something, so she smiled and said, "You don't worry about me feeling uncomfortable if you tell me this."

"You are going to be the crown princess, and your dowry will definitely be the first among our sisters. How can you still like this from me?" Su Xixian asked her.

Su Xinyi was unable to refute.

Su Xixian was happy, "Even if you are not the princess, with your temperament you don't care, why can't I tell you? Besides, the fourth aunt's family is rich, and you are just a daughter, I will definitely provide you with everything when the time comes. .Even if you are not the princess, no matter who you marry into, your dowry will be the first among our sisters."

When Su Xinyi thought about it, it was true. In her previous life, her dowry was very rich, and everyone in Pingjing County Prince's Palace was surprised.

Looking at Su Xinyi's appearance, Su Xixian smiled and said: "Xiao Liu, although your life is not good in the first half of your life, you will definitely be fine in the second half of your life if you are able to survive."

Su Xinyi couldn't help but say, "Actually, I had a really good life before."

She grew up in the countryside and suffered a lot, but she never felt that her life was not good. Her biological mother really gave her everything she had.

She never complained.

When Su Xixian heard this, she said, "Don't think that I feel more sorry for you just because you said that."

Su Xinyi's sadness was washed away, and she returned to the topic and said, "Grandma gave it to you. I think it may be because the Yin family's financial resources are too thin, so she gave you a few good things to prop up your appearance. Third Aunt must have thought of this too. If I have a little, I won’t argue with you. In fact, I think it’s possible that when you get married, Third Auntie will give you a little more.”

The third lady really gave it to her in her previous life. Su Xinyi didn't understand the third lady's mentality at that time, but now she seems to understand a little bit.

Su Xixian smiled and said: "I will be filial to my mother whether she gives it to me or not. If my mother didn't decide my marriage, I'm afraid I would have to marry back to the Weng family. What's wrong with the Yin family being poor? They have a simple family, but I can get by if I marry her. I am happy to be able to live my own life in peace."

The third sister is also a concubine. Although she is married to the son of the minister of Dali Temple, even if she is raised by Mrs. Butcher, she is still a concubine. She married Yin Ru. Although the Yin family had a poor family background, Yin Ru was capable and had the support of her natal family, so she would definitely be able to live a good life in the future.

No marriage is perfect, and you should be content if you can get more than half of it.

Besides, although the sixth sister will be the princess in the future, if we really talk about it, she may not be able to live a life of her own.

Everyone has their own last resort, so don't be too greedy.

The two of them were chatting and laughing, and simply had dinner at Su Xixian's side, but Su Chu came over halfway through the meal.

Su Chu didn't expect Xin Yi to be here, so he smiled and said, "It's a coincidence. I don't have to make another trip."

After saying this, he saw Su Chu put a box of snacks on the table and gave another box to Su Xinyi.

Su Xinyi smiled and said: "Thank you, Fifth Brother, for the snacks from Baizhenzhai, which are not easy to buy."

Su Xixian was also happy, "Fifth brother, please sit down and have some food together? I'll ask someone to change the table."

Su Chu really hadn't eaten yet, so he said, "There's no need to change. Didn't you just eat?" He asked someone to bring more bowls and chopsticks.

The three brothers and sisters were sitting and eating together, and Su Xinyi asked: "Fifth brother, how is Wu Daohong's case?"

Su Chu said: "The case from the Ministry of Justice has not yet been finalized. It is said that Mr. Shang is investigating Liang Ju's side. I don't know what exactly he is investigating. Sixth sister, why do you think Mr. Shang is investigating Liang Ju's side? This is a little bit It’s unreasonable.”

Su Xinyi said: "Wu Daohong is Liang Ju's subordinate, but Liang Ju's subordinates are not just Wu Daohong. There must be others. What if they want to label us because of internal fighting?"

Su Chu:......

He looked at Sixth Sister in surprise. Such a serious lie actually sounded very reasonable. Maybe Lord Shang was really so suspicious.

"If so, that would be interesting. Do you think we can find out something about Liang Ju?" Su Chu suddenly became interested and asked.

Su Xinyi shook his head, "It's hard to say."

This depends on whether Shang Junyan had any news about Liang Ju in his previous life. If he knew something, it would be easy to check. If he didn't know, it would be difficult. Maybe it was just a formality.

However, if Liang Ju was able to raise his childhood sweetheart into a foreign wife and have a foreign wife who was older than his legitimate son, he would definitely not be clean in other aspects, so it was up to Shang Junyan.

"It's just a pity that the matter in the outer room can't cause a lot of trouble to Liang Ju." Su Chu said regretfully.

Su Xinyi smiled, "Who said that? It doesn't matter now, maybe when the building is about to collapse, this will be a sharp knife."

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