“Wait, what are they holding?”

It was in this beautiful atmosphere that the people of the dark faction made a move.

They were very vigilant and very careful, and poured the small bags they carried into the pool not far away.

What is visible to the naked eye is a powder of something shiny.

The two ignored the current division, but squinted their eyes at the same time to observe carefully.

Flohn, who had a certain knowledge of pharmacists, only felt that it was some kind of inhibitor, and judging from the iron cage, the things in this waterhole should be cannibals.

“Added the inhibitor of the magic stone powder to let the monster fall into a deep sleep…”

“You mean, this is where they hide monsters?”


Fear of the other person’s impulsive revenge, especially when you are not around….

So Flohn concealed some conjecture.

The problem of connecting the underground water reservoir, and the “giant flower seedbed” of the 30th and 24th floors of the “food bank”, then here… Perhaps another transit point for ground transportation.

Set on a safe floor like the 18th floor, it is completely dark under the lights.

No one would have guessed that there would be a large number of monsters on the 18th floor!

And this conjecture also coped with it just … The question of why Reevis was able to summon so many piran-eating flowers to invade Rivera on the 18th floor. Doors

Chapter 222

“Let’s do it, since you have already guessed their purpose, there is no reason to keep them anymore.”

As soon as Floen’s voice fell, Ryu’s figure had disappeared from his eyes.

“Can’t wait?”

Whispering , Floren’s eyes slightly complicated.

“You… Who are you!

In just a few seconds, there were noises, screams, fear, panic, and fighting sounds from the waterhole ahead.

To say that it is a battle, this is still a more glorified statement, the real situation is….


, boom, boom, boom…” The wooden knife on the waist is always flying in the vengeance, and the wooden knife made by the branch of the Great Saint Tree can not only increase the power of magic, but also be the strongest second-level weapon.

In the face of a group of Lv.1 and Lv.2 minions, Lv.4’s wind is simply unilaterally slaughtered.

A knife tore the chest of the enemy in front of him, and his hollow eyes looked at the enemy in front of him indifferently.

“The remnants of the [Dark Faction], I can’t imagine that you reptiles dare to appear in front of me, let me go and pay tribute to my friends!”


Blood flew everywhere, and the fairy-turned figure turned into starlight, constantly flickering in the opponent’s camp.

Every flicker will take away the enemy’s life, absolutely ruthless and ruthless.

“No, no!!!! Don’t kill us!

“Keep, haven’t you recognized it yet! The other party is the one who destroyed us 5 years ago, quick, take the fire stone! ”

[Fire Flame Stone]?

Hearing the name of this item, Flohn’s pupils shrank sharply.

Instead of letting Ryu vent alone, he shot quickly.

“Stop them, Ryu! These guys are dead men!


The few remaining enemies, their crazy eyes gradually turned into madness, they were not fleeing, but they attacked the two like crazy!

“[Flame Volt! After

grabbing the girl’s slender waist, the two quickly distanced themselves from each other, and then Flohn used quick attack magic to detonate the dangerous items in the opponent’s hands without use!

“Boom-” A

deafening explosion rang out, affecting all the plants in the forest.



“What sound?”

In the camp, Bert suddenly paused as he bit the roast and shook the wolf’s ears.

“Hey, Angie. Did you hear that!?

“Yes, Mr. Burt, it seems like an explosion.”

“That direction, it seems to be Flohn and that goblin…”

“Che, I don’t know what the hell is going on.”

Just as the two were communicating, Ace had already stood up silently and rushed out.

“Oops ? Ace? Wait for us!

And behind her, there were also Diona and others.



By a messy pool, Flohn and Ryu looked ugly at the corpses on the ground.

At the center of the explosion, it had completely turned into black charcoal.

Not to mention identifying identity, even the favor behind it cannot be seen.

“These guys are still so decisive.”

“Flohn, did you meet these people before?”

“Ah, I was commissioned to investigate the 24th floor monster riot before, and one of the parties was the ghost they did.”

“I’ve heard Asphie say that.”

This surprised Flohn a little, the incident on the 24th floor should be kept secret, how did Ryu know?

Or do you say… Ryu has its own intelligence channels.

Remembering the goddess at the top of the Tower of Babel and the lady of the tavern, Flohn suddenly realized.

‘Is that so?’

“The clue was cut off, these guys…”

Compared to Ryu’s discomfort, Flohn’s mood was even more disgusting.

‘There’s no ‘that’ on these guys? And also carry the fire flame stone with you? This Nima is clearly an abandoned son, and the leader of the other party, Yagen, does not want them to go back! Did you know that the [Loki family] was here, so in order to reduce the risk?

“Flohn, what’s going on here?”

Not long after the explosion, the partners rushed over.

“Ah, bumped into a few little minions.”

Looking at the broken white hooded cloaks on the ground, Ace’s eyes instantly sharpened.

“[Dark Faction] Remnant Party?”



Originally, because of the incident on the 59th floor, the expedition team should have rushed back to the ground as soon as possible, if it were not for the poisoning that delayed the trip, everyone should have enjoyed food and wine a long time ago.

After everyone returned to the camp and reported the situation, Finn immediately decided to set off immediately.

To Florne’s surprise, Bell Cloney’s team and the team that came to rescue them unexpectedly returned with their expeditionary team.

When Flohn heard the news, he was a little crying and laughing.

Sure enough, variables still appeared



There are no dangers along the way, which is different from when you came to the 18th floor after a lot of hardships, overcoming difficulties and almost losing your life.

Hanging behind the golden thigh of the [Loki Clan], including the two pillars of the gods, he easily returned to the Tower of Babel facility.

“It’s the first time I’ve returned to the dungeon so easily.”

Bell Cloney looked enviously at the team of Loki’s dependents and sighed.

“I originally thought that Floen’s guy was a monster, but I didn’t expect that Loki’s clan was full of monsters like him, and the difficult Minotaurus couldn’t take two moves in their hands, and he was easily defeated.”

Compared to Bell and Welf, Lily is much calmer.

“The expedition team of the [Loki Clan] is all upper-level adventurers, in other words, their lowest level is Lv.2, and the cadres and leaders are Lv.5 and Lv.6, and exploring in the “middle” and “upper” areas is basically no different from shopping for them. This is the strength of the strongest clan in the city.

“But Lord Bell don’t be discouraged, you are already Lv.2 now, and in Lily’s opinion, you will soon be able to become like them.”

“Ahahaha, Lily don’t say that. Compared to Brother Flohn, I’m still far behind!

Unhindered, the whole team returned to the ground before dark.

“Although this has been the case every time I return from an expedition, I still have to say one thing… Long gone, sky!

“This hooking wine smell, I really want to drink it!”

“Hmph, people have to eat a lot of roast meat, suck it… Eating in the dungeon is too light.

Compared to the Amazon sisters, Florn looked at the dusk sky and the fiery red sky, and was slightly relieved.

The oppressive environment of the dungeon can really make people crazy after staying for a long time, but it is more relaxing for him to be able to look at the sky like this.

“So, guys. We said goodbye again!

“Thank you for saving them Bell, adventurers!”

Just thinking about it, the two heavenly gods offered their leave, and at the same time… Thank you to Flohn.

“No need to thank me, in the dungeon, trying to save your compatriots when you have the ability is originally an unspoken rule, and I believe that if you change to someone else, you will do the same.”

With that, Florn waved his hand to everyone, so that the other girls could leave together.

It is worth mentioning that Florn and Ace took a slight detour to the same road and went to West Avenue…

Chapter 223:

After sending Ryu back to the “Mistress of Plenty” and saying goodbye, Flohn and Ace also returned to their long-lost base camp, the “House of Dusk”.

After returning from this expedition, it was not as noisy as the last time, just the opposite.

A series of events made everyone exhausted, even if they stayed on the 18th floor for two days, they could not relieve their tense nerves.

Only a home belonging to the family can completely relax and calm down.

Therefore, everyone who returned one step earlier had already fallen on the bed and slept into a mess.

“Good night, Ace, have a good dream when you get home!”

“Well, so is Flohn.”

On the third floor of the south tower, Flohn was no different from everyone, throwing his equipment casually to the ground, and directly fell on the bed and slept.

This sleep, it was not until the next day that I woke up in a daze.

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