Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 469: Wriggling Vortex

"It seems that you have misunderstood the relationship between extraordinary people and ordinary people."

The interrogator was silent for a moment, and said, "You were deceived, who told you this?"

"I'm not cheated, isn't that an obvious fact?"

The robber roared, "You extraordinary people, under the guise of 'guarding the dragon city and fighting for mankind', are actually riding on the necks of ordinary people and taking away everything that belongs to us, and we are powerless to resist! The rule of the extraordinary can only be at the mercy of you, let you stuff us into kennels and pigpens, eat food made of earthworm meat and monster feces, never see the hope of getting ahead, and wait to be ruled by you Save, thank you Dade!

"It's all right now, with the God Transformation Capsule, ordinary people can also have the power comparable to the extraordinary, without relying on you, we can protect ourselves and our homeland!

"A great new era is coming, we no longer need extraordinary people, Dragon City no longer needs extraordinary people, human civilization no longer needs extraordinary people!"

"You're going to die."

The interrogator gradually adapted to the robber's chaotic logic, and calmly pointed out a fact, "If you take Shenbian Capsules for a long time, the probability of death will continue to accumulate. You can't keep this kind of overdrawn state forever. If you continue like this, you will only die of exhaustion. "

"No, it won't, as long as there are sufficient cultivation resources, Shenbian Capsule can release the strongest potential of the human body, absolutely stable and safe!"

The robber screamed, "Unless, you extraordinary people who monopolize everything are unwilling to give us cultivation resources! That's right, you are afraid that ordinary people will awaken their extraordinary power and threaten your rule, so you hide all the cultivation resources stand up!

"You are the ones who are afraid of us and want to watch us die, it is you!"

The robber's eyeballs rolled faster and faster, his skin became more and more red, and white smoke came out from all seven orifices.

He couldn't move his body, but he hit the metal bed board with the back of his head hard, making a "bang bang" sound, which made people's hair stand on end.

But he was ignorant, and instead let out a grotesque laugh, his face full of madness and longing, as if he saw the advent of a new era in a hallucination.

From the soaring data on the monitoring instrument, it can be seen that his internal organs and even every cell are vibrating crazily, and he is soon approaching the verge of spontaneous combustion.

Interrogators can only increase the dose of sedatives.

But increasing it to five times the limit of ordinary people's tolerance could not make the robber fall into a deep sleep, but only slightly calmed his restlessness, turning the original hysterical roar into fragmented ravings.

The video ends here.

"Meng Chao, what do you think?" Shen Yupeng asked.

"There's something wrong with this guy's words."

Meng Chao pondered, "'Human civilization no longer needs superhumans', such a polite word, it doesn't seem like what ordinary robbers would say, but rather like some kind of written language, someone must have taught him, and even used spiritual secrets to repeat Instill it in his brain."

Shen Yupeng looked at Zhou Chong.

"That's right, what the robbers said is not the point. Anyway, the robbers have a set of robber logic that can justify themselves."

"Man-eating shark" Zhou Chong called up several brain scans from the tablet, "However, during the interrogation, we closely monitored the condition of the robber's brain, and found that his brain was in a normal state. People are obviously different."

For comparison, Zhou Chong called up a brain scan of an ordinary person, and another brain scan of an extraordinary person.

Even if Meng Chao knew nothing about brain surgery, he could still see the difference between the three pictures.

The brain scan of an ordinary person is like a slightly dimmed butterfly.

The brain scan of a transcendent looks like a colorful butterfly.

The robber's brain scan shows that the butterfly wings are fragmented, some areas are too bright in color, and some areas are extremely dark, as if scattered with small black spots.

"After comparing the robber's brain scan data with the pathological database, we found that, first, the robber seems to have been hypnotized."

Zhou Chong said, "It's not the kind of hypnosis in the conventional sense, which is muddled and at the mercy of others. The robber has a clear self-awareness and logical judgment ability, knows who he is, and believes that everything he does is from the heart.

"But deep down in his heart, someone implanted a small 'idea' - 'The Transcendent has robbed all resources, and he must take back his own things'."

Meng Chao immediately thought of "The Devil's Eye of the Abyss".

Since the monster civilization can concoct one "Devil's Eye of the Abyss", it may not be difficult to concoct a second one.

"Second, we found that part of the robber's brain tissue has certain similarities with the brain structure of addicts."

Zhou Chong continued, "His central nervous system and part of his brain tissue were corroded and riddled with holes, and he became seriously dependent on Shenbian Capsule."

Meng Chao's pupils shrank suddenly: "Senior Zhou, are you saying that Shenbian Capsules are addictive?"

"Judging from the experimental results we analyzed overnight, I'm afraid it is so."

Zhou Chong said, "In fact, 'spiritual energy' itself has a certain degree of addiction. When we swallow psychic energy, cleanse the marrow, cleanse the scriptures, and cleanse the brain, the incomparable pleasure cannot be replaced by any enjoyment.

"Many superhumans live in luxury and wealth, but they want to cultivate crazily, and even go to fight in the mountains of corpses and blood, just to taste more and more intense pleasure.

"However, Transcendents slowly upgrade this pleasure during the long years of cultivation. The so-called way of cultivation is a very important subject, which is to subdue our desire for spiritual power and learn to enjoy and control this pleasure.

"The users of the Divine Transformation Capsule are mostly ordinary people, and very few of them are low-level superhumans with a residual star or a one-star spirit pattern.

"The Divine Transformation Capsule can crazily stimulate their brain cells, allowing them to taste the pleasure that can only be tasted by the heavenly realm or even the strong in the Divine Realm in a short moment. How can they not become slaves of the Divine Transformation Capsule?"

Meng Chao and Shen Yupeng looked at each other.

At the same time, he thought of Ning Lang's confession.

In a foreign world where the weak prey on the strong and the winner is king, ordinary people's desire for power is a hundred times that of the earth era.

Coupled with the strong addiction, Shenbian Capsule is simply the most terrifying stimulant.

"That is to say, there is indeed a mastermind behind these robbers?"

Shen Yupeng frowned and said, "Can you find out what method the other party used to hypnotize these robbers? Judging from the confession of another robber from our side, the mastermind behind the scenes and the robbers should have never met face to face. "

"You don't need to meet in person, just email."

Zhou Chong called up a screenshot of an email.

The content of the email is very simple, it is the locker number of a supermarket in a downtown area with a lot of traffic.

It should be for the robbers to go there to get the magical capsule, or weapons and equipment.

However, the shading of the email is a swirl.

At first glance, it seems to be the graffiti of elementary school students, circles of uneven thickness, randomly entangled.

If you look closely, the vortex has a strange suction, as if it wants to absorb the soul of a person.

Even Meng Chao and Shen Yupeng subconsciously approached the tablet, wanting to see it clearly.

When they reacted, the two couldn't help breaking out in cold sweat.

"What a powerful pattern, what exactly is this?" Meng Chao clicked his tongue secretly.

"This is an email that our technicians recovered from the robber's mailbox on the deep web. Unfortunately, the deep web mailbox has multiple shredding mechanisms, and we have no way to recover more data."

Zhou Chong said, "As for these swirl-like shading patterns, according to our research and judgment, they should be some kind of very ancient runes, which can subtly hypnotize human beings and implant specific ideas."

"Implant ideas through patterns?"

Meng Chao couldn't believe it, "Isn't it too exaggerated?"

"It's not an exaggeration at all. In fact, there are many examples of implanting ideas through patterns in life."

Zhou Chong said, "Showing an ordinary person a picture of a skeleton or a rotting corpse guarantees that he will have creepy thoughts, and maybe he will have nightmares for a few days; but showing him a picture of a lively beauty will not only implant Thoughts can even trigger changes in one of his organs; not to mention, the advertisements everywhere in the streets and alleys are designed to influence human thoughts.

"These vortexes are the same, but they are more advanced than the pictures and advertisements we usually see.

"Don't look at it as simple as a primary school student's graffiti, in fact, the amount of information contained in each vortex is a hundred times more than ultra-high-resolution pictures and videos!"

Zhou Chong said, zooming in on the screenshot.

At first, Meng Chao didn't notice anything unusual. He only felt that the brush strokes that formed the swirl were neither uniform nor smooth, but rather fluffy.

It wasn't until Zhou Chong magnified the screenshot ten times that he could barely see that the strokes that formed the vortex were also composed of small vortexes.

Countless small vortices with a diameter of no more than 1 mm are densely crowded together to form a huge vortex.

It is clearly a static screenshot, but these tiny vortices seem to have life, are wriggling, and even emit black smoke.

Meng Chao even suspected that these millimeter-scale vortices were also composed of countless smaller, nano-scale vortices.

Meng Chao felt a tingling current rush through his cerebral cortex.

In the depths of the brain, there seemed to be countless whirlpools.

Suddenly, a beam of strange fire appeared in front of him, and a pale golden message popped out:

["Mystery of the Demon God" mission progress +1%, current progress 47%]

"This is--"

Meng Chao's thoughts turned, and he immediately understood that his guess was right, a new demon god had appeared.

The one who wrote these emails, concocted the magical capsule, and controlled the human robbery behind the scenes must be a brand new demon god, a guy more terrifying than the "Abyss Demon Eye"!

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