Official Immortal

Chapter 27: West wind pressure east wind

"It's easy to talk," Chen Taizhong faced his immediate boss, and naturally wanted to sing a high-profile. Anyway, he had made up his mind a long time ago to get some political achievements. Li Fanding is not there, and it is right for him to show his hands and feet. The road is the top priority, the economic construction of the village is the top priority, and everything must serve this goal!"

   This wish is naturally good, but as soon as the mayor Zhang left, Chen Taizhong discovered the damage.

   The dwarf named Bai Jie, the owner of the three machines, never left Donglinshui. He led the drivers to sit at the accountant's house in the village, asking for construction fees.

   Seeing the mayor Zhang leave, Bai Jie took the driver and blocked the door of the village committee. “There is someone who can be the master, Mr. Chen, should we settle the construction fee?”

   This town chief is too fucked, right? Chen Taizhong was very dissatisfied. You said that you didn't pay a little to come over, so forget it, but didn't you take this evil away to me?

   Still expecting me to build the road as soon as possible? What is it!

   "That is the matter of Village Chief Li, I can't control it," Chen Taizhong frowned. How could he accept this kind of hard work? "Moreover, there is no money in the village, I can't help."

   "Mr. Li went to visit relatives, I'm still looking for you on this matter," now and then, either the east wind overwhelmed the west wind, or the west wind overwhelmed the east wind. Now that Bai Jie is in the limelight, his words are naturally a bit arrogant.

   Moreover, he said the word "visiting relatives" extraordinarily, and the meaning inside is self-evident. I can force him to run away. What can you do as a deputy?

   Chen Taizhong is straight-tempered. In the face of the leader, he might be able to say a few words crookedly. How could he be polite to him? Frown, "Well, speak well, I'm kind of looking forward to seeing you with this expression."

"I will wait to see you, then I will do whatever you want," Bai Jie was very arrogant, looking up at the acting village chief who was much taller than himself. "However, three machines, three thousand nine a day, three days is one. In case of one thousand and seven, by tomorrow, it will be fifteen thousand and six."

   "If you don't go to work, you can make money?" Chen Taizhong was a little dumbfounded. "Didn't you just work for one day?"

   "I only worked for a day, but we didn't drive away the equipment," Bai Jie replied plausibly, "I'm not at your disposal, in the wind and the sun. You can't afford this loss. Do I have to bear it?"

   "I think you are a little bit too deceitful," Chen Taizhong took a breath of air, what the **** Li Fanding left me?

   Of course, even with the lessons of the past, he still didn't put the short man in front of him in his eyes. He pointed his nose to the other person, "This one thousand and seventeen, whoever you like to find someone to go."

   "As for the explanation, from today, I have the final say, so, now I can inform you that your excavator and pusher can be driven away, we can't afford it!"

   "You want to be beautiful," Bai Jie shot up, although he is standing and sitting, the height is actually the same, "If you don't pay, I will never drive away, I will see how you build the road!"

   "Don't leave? Are you sure?" Chen Taizhong looked at him strangely, "Aren't you afraid of losing it? I haven't been here for a long time, but I heard that the folk customs here are not very simple."

"I'm not looking forward to seeing you with this expression," Bai Jie glared at him in a manner to show his ambiguity, "If you have the ability, you can call someone to smash the equipment, I don't believe it yet. I can't find a statement, how to say..."

  His mouth turned to the police car at the door of the village committee, "How do you say, is it a society under the rule of law?"

   You are looking for death! Chen Taizhong was finally provoke by the squad in front of him. It is already too much for you to learn from me. The fairy Luo Tianshang speaks, can you be a little man to learn?

   It's great now, you dare to threaten me with the police! If I don't give you anything, you really don't know Erlang is the third eye, right?

Once he planned to count people, Chen Taizhong's brain became extremely dexterous, and his face instantly became polite, "This comrade, um, your name is Bai Jie, right? I'm very curious. When the Chief Zhang was here, Why don't you ask him for money?"

   "The mayor Zhang said, you are building roads, not in the village," Bai Jie saw that he pressed the other side, and he was very satisfied, "Since you are benefiting, of course you are paying for it."

   After saying this, he could not forget the threat of Chen Taizhong, "However, if you don't give an explanation, I will naturally find a way to go to the village."

   You don’t know what to say earlier! Chen Taizhong frowned and sighed. I knew I could get you to the buddy, do I have the time to talk to you?

   Now, the anger of the buddy has been up, everything is late, isn’t it? Gee, you know at a glance that you don’t have enough emotional intelligence!

   It is a pity that Bai Jie thought that the acting village chief’s sigh was because he could not find suitable funds, so the last chance was missed by him.

   At the same time, someone in Phoenix City was sighing. It was Zhao Maobin. "Lin Zi, don't worry about this. I will help you out of this head."

Lin Haifeng had his left hand cut off and he was lying on a hospital bed for infusion. He came in under the name of a "work-related accident". Hearing this, a wry smile appeared on his face, "Mao Bin, count. Yes, I admit it, I don’t want to mention it anymore, I hope... I hope the operation can be more successful."

His hand was cut with a pig knife. It was extremely sharp. Moreover, after it was cut, it was immediately soaked in milk. Therefore, he would definitely be able to pick it up. However, it is impossible to say how much it can be recovered. Up.

This is considered to be his speculation. Since Chen Taizhong was going to chop his hand, then Brother Biao had no guts not to chop. But then again, Chen Taizhong did not allow him to replant his arm. Zhao Maobin came up with such an idea for him. For this kind of son, taking advantage of loopholes is an art.

   As for the money for the operation, it is naturally from the Zhao family.

"Hmph, you can't bear it, I can't bear it," Zhao Maobin showed a grin on his face, "this time, buddy, I want him to have a big somersault, hey, it's great to have Duan Weihua back up? "

   Duan Weihua, naturally the dignified mayor of Phoenix City, Chen Taizhong thought that he was his opponent, as everyone knows, someone had already included him in the Duan clan in advance.


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