"Without our guidance," Shang Yinhe shrugged disapprovingly, "the current direction of public opinion would not reach this direction, maybe some people would justly complain why the brave didn't come to save them——Aren't you the savior? Isn't saving us something you were supposed to do in the first place?" He imitated possible sayings on the Internet, pinching his throat and complaining.

"Maybe, there are many such people in reality, and there may be such a situation—" Lu Tinglin shrugged and squeezed her throat, "How can Mr. Brave live up to our enthusiasm? We have been waiting for you for so long How could you not come for a long time?"

After the two people complained, they spread their hands at each other and continued to devote themselves to the hard struggle.

For Shang Yinhe, this behavior actually has two important purposes.

One, of course, is to regulate the behavior of brave fans.

There is a word called killing, but it is a trick that has been used a hundred times in society from ancient times to modern times.

Why did the little prince become mentally retarded in ancient times, and finally waited for his behavior to be too arrogant, and then he would kill Ma Su with tears. The iron pen in "Chunqiu" recorded "Zheng Boke Duan Yuyan", that is, after Zheng Zhuanggong spoiled his younger brother and uncle Duan to heaven, he came again "Unrighteousness, infidelity, thick generals will collapse", just like this, the behavior of being able to give in to his younger brother because of his scruples about his mother's feelings, is called "pure filial piety" by history books.

And spoiling the ex-wife's child into a fool, and raising the brainless stars of the entertainment industry to high altitudes... You know, the higher you stand, the worse you will fall. If there are no thick steps under your feet, floating on the clouds will be a dead end sooner or later. Character. Now these fanatical fans, once they lose their fans and turn back, they will definitely be more black fans than black fans.

Of course, maybe there is no hidden meaning in the society to deliberately praise and kill the brave, but Shang Yinhe always needs to take precautions before it happens.

Taking advantage of the best time for the end of the tenth level, guide the public opinion well, so as to avoid any major problems in the future.

What he wants is a more rational and calm belief, not this kind of fanaticism that is like a headless chicken and is very easy to be led by others.

Because, the more fanatical, the easier it is to lead to chaos. Didn't you see that many traffic stars in the entertainment industry were embarrassed by the behavior of fans who begged for hammers, trampled on them indiscriminately, and kowtowed everywhere, and some even fell into the altar because of this.

Shang Yinhe can fully imagine what kind of chaos may happen in the future if the worship of the brave is not properly guided.

In addition to this important purpose, Shang Yinhe also has a second secret goal, which is also his long-planned idea:

He wants to establish the worldwide influence of the Braves Support Club.

The brave man in the video is a god; in reality, Shang Yinhe is a human being. He still can't reach the height of that kind of god. He will die if he falls from a high altitude, he will die if he is hit by a bullet, and the atomic bomb and other big killers are even more damage that he cannot stop.

And the secrets he has grasped are too terrifying and powerful, almost with the ability of one hand, he can play with the world between applause.

Therefore, before he has enough ability, he absolutely dare not reveal his real body, he even dare not let the little cloak avatar appear in front of the public for a long time in a non-game materialized posture.

You know, when the game is realized, the hero clone is almost invincible, strong enough to ignore the height of 100 meters, ignore the gun battle, and travel freely to every corner of the world;

But when the game is realized, the hero clone is even weaker than him now, and some abilities that use live broadcast points cannot be shared, and only small abilities such as wind blessing and door teleportation can be used.

Once the avatar of the little cloak came forward directly, it was found that it was not that strong... Shang Yinhe shook his head and waved away those useless imaginations.

He won't let this happen.

But since the brave can't show up for a long time, there is no way to form a worldwide brave-related organization, and Shang Yinhe actually doesn't want the brave to get involved in a large organization. After all, some people will have intrigues, and intrigues will greatly affect the character of the brave man who is now aloof.

So, under so many restrictions, is there a way to use the worldwide influence of the brave?

There is still a way.

The solution lies in the student club of the Brave Support Club that Shang Yinhe participated in initially forming.

Because it is a student association, he can become a senior member of the association and exert influence; because it is a student association, he has a strong ability to expand. Under the repeated operations of Shang Yinhe, the influence of the Brave Support Club has flooded from the university. To China, and after this operation, it will even spread to the whole world.

This is why Shang Yinhe was unwilling to die at the beginning, and turned the Brave Support Club into an official organization of Huaguo.

In his conception, he could have extended the influence of the Brave Support Club to the world.

He will not lack this ability, nor will he lack this opportunity.

Now is an excellent time.

First, through this large-scale battle, the reputation of the Brave Support Club in the world was established.

This is only the first step, but the second step...

Back at Shang Yinhe, where he was renting, he looked at the little cloak, thought for a while, and was still a little uneasy, waved at it, and said:

"Come on, let's practice again."

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