Not Cold [Interstellar]

Chapter 66: TheNewEnd06

After leaving Ai Bino, Ke Wei and Zhong Yue spent a year in the army.

The battle with the Zerg is endless. They have no holidays and no time to repair. They have been expanding their army non-stop, moving around the border of the star map to fight in all directions.

Jin Ran stayed in Ai Bino for a year, which was somewhat unexpected to Ke Wei. Jin Ran has always liked to be lively. After everything in his body showed normal, he didn't even ask to return to the Capital Star. Instead, he tolerated the desertedness of the planet Ai Bino and stayed there honestly.

The research of Xuanmian and Mrs. Jasmine gradually advanced, until one day, Jasmine and Zhong Yue said that she had nothing to study, and hoped to return to Ai Bino when Zhong Yue was free recently.

At this time, Zhong Yue decided to take a vacation.

He knew that Jasmine had made the same choice as on another timeline.

There was no big battle in the army, so he went back to see this old man for the last time.

Zhong Yue and Ke Wei also decided to take a vacation in the military. They have short vacations, and they have to go to many places like rushing to the market, but they have very little time to rest.

At their first stop, Zhong Yue decided to take a detour two years ago, and promised to take Ke Wei to the alien space.

"In fact, this time is just right." After leaving the army, Zhong Yue drew red wine on his two spaceships. Because of Mrs. Jasmine's affairs, he seemed to be in a heavy heart: "This alien space is not something you want to go to 365 days a year. Only this year, these few days, is the best time to go here. "

Ke Wei cooperated and said: "Oh, there is still a time limit?"

Zhong Yue said solemnly: "Your statement is correct. Even if it is the same geographical location, I may not be able to enter. In addition to the three-dimensional coordinates, it is necessary to add time calculations. Before leaving, Master gave me a mark. Out of all the time available for entry in 500 years."

"Ectopic space." Ke Wei shook the wine in his glass and looked at the clear reflection on the surface of the wine: "Why is it called the ‘Ectopic’ space? Is there really an eccentricity in this universe?"

"When I was very young, Master took me here once. He has not been here for so many years. This is the first time I have found him by myself." Zhong Yue fell into deep thought: "My Master is an Anta civilized person, but he looks , Is no different from our human beings. He only told me his identity before he left. I asked him why he came to our human civilization? Do you know how he answered?"

Ke Wei listened very seriously, and Zhong Yue seemed to be thinking about his answer many years ago: "He told me, ‘collect information’."

"What information are they collecting? I never figured it out. I asked him at the time, how did I find him, he didn't answer me, but the next day, he disappeared from this world, and I could never find him again. "

Zhong Yue said: "I have searched for the Anta civilization for many years. No matter how I investigate, I haven't been able to find any clues. Until on another timeline, Jasmine voluntarily entered the cracks in the universe, but it made me understand one thing- My master, Mr. R, he may not be in the universe where we are long ago."

"This alien space." Zhong Yue took a breath: "What kind of alien technique is it? If I have a chance, I would like to try it myself. But it doesn't work now-the war against the Zerg cannot do without us."

Ke Wei also said: "I don't know why the Zergs are so rampant. I clearly remember that in another 6001, I was still studying with peace of mind, and there were not so many Zergs on the border."

Zhong Yue also felt deeply: "And it's not so difficult to fight. The terrifying improvement of the quality and quantity of the Zerg is obviously not good news for us humans."

"The armament factory over Matthew has been built. At least we don't have to pay all out of our pockets to produce armaments."

Zhong Yue also said: "Although the Holy See and the Parliament tried their best to obstruct our expansion of armaments, unexpectedly, an influential elder of the Parliament turned back in court and expressed support for the bill proposed by Yue Lai. Those of us in Capital Star are passing a few months of happiness."

After three months of fighting for the same kind of insects, Zhong Yue and Ke Wei unexpectedly discovered that they had evolved a carapace that was slightly resistant to human particle cannons.

Ke Wei seemed worried: "Although we are all changing weapons technology with each passing day, the speed at which the Zerg has evolved is really shocking."

Zhong Yue also said sternly: "Yes, at this speed... the possibility of human survival in the future will be much lower than the world we were familiar with before."

Ke Wei sighed and said: "The current situation is really very serious. Even the government members who have frequently been against our military have seen the situation clearly and no longer make proposals against us as they did in the past."

"But this has something to do with the Pope's serious illness." Zhong Yue said: "The physical condition of the Pope has caused some pro-Creationist parties to wait and see. My influence has risen rapidly. This is actually for us in the Parliament. The expansion is very beneficial."

When Zhong Yue said this, there was a slight gloat: "Although I don't know why the pope suddenly became seriously ill and looks worse every year, I still have a little hope that he should just stop it."

Ke Wei thought of the potion that the pope forced him to drink, so he could only smile bitterly.

He never told Zhong Yue about this.

Since all the medical equipment couldn't detect his physical condition, he didn't want to drag Zhong Yue together to fear him.

After all, it is the Pope, and none of the things he can bring out is simple.

Ke Wei sighed silently.

After a long voyage, they finally reached the coordinates of the alien space.

The nebula was magnificent, but he didn't see any aircraft or planets nearby. Ke Wei couldn't help but wonder: "Is this the place?"

Zhong Yue seemed to be a little skeptical: "It hasn't arrived yet, I'll take a look in the nebula."

The spacecraft shuttled among the colorful nebulae made up of charged cosmic particles, and the fragments of light pounced on their faces. They moved forward for a while, and finally saw a very strange-shaped building in the nebula.

It is half a small planet, connected to half a base building.

A complete planet and a complete building are like being cut into two completely different halves with a merciless knife. So it is not an exaggeration to say that it is only half.

And the nebula is also broken into two distinct areas here.

The planets and buildings facing them are full of colorful nebulae, and on the side of the disappearing planet, there is nothing with light, only a black hole of darkness.

And when they were outside the nebula, they couldn't see the peculiar landscape here.

Ke Wei called up his personal terminal and shot a holographic video remotely.

Zhong Yue looked very serious: "Master once told me that if I want to come here, I must enter from the front door. Absolutely, I must not go to the side or enter that area without light."

Ke Weiye looked at the unknown black area and muttered: "Alien...Is there really an alien in the universe here?"

They entered through the main gate, and when Zhong Yue walked to the main gate of the base, the gate opened silently.

Zhong Yue took the lead in walking in.

The alien space is empty and disturbing.

It was a vast expanse of invisible margins, no rooms, no people, and nothing.

There is only one passage at the entrance, and a long passage leads out. The passage is crystal clear, almost making people suspect that it is the road paved for them with the white fog.

Zhong Yue and Ke Wei intertwined their five fingers and embarked on this path. The road that they walked behind, shattered like dust.

Ke Wei stopped and looked behind them.

The entrance has been hidden in the white light, there is no way out.

"Don't worry." Zhong Yue still looked calm: "Before my master left, he permanently opened his office area for me. We can go to him."

They walked forward, this place was unspeakable weird, all the existence was not in accordance with common sense, walking inside, feeling that time has stagnated into an abstract concept.

I don't know how long it took before I reached a white round platform.

White light emerged from the soles of the feet, covering Zhong Yue and Ke Wei respectively under the bright cylindrical beam.

Feeling the back of his hand, Ke Wei squeezed tightly, Zhong Yue rubbed the back of his hand with his other hand, softly comforting: "It's just confirming our identity, don't be afraid."

The light beam covering Zhong Yue disappeared, and in the void of the white light on the right, the white mist began to shrink, almost out of thin air, opening an entrance for them.

Zhong Yue let out a sigh of relief, and some slight cold sweat came out on his forehead, and he finally relaxed at this time: "Baby, this is my master's work area...what are you looking at?"

The light beam surrounding Ke Wei still did not disappear, but Ke Wei did not look at Mr. R's office area.

His expression was a bit wrong, his hollow eyes looked at the endless white light in the distance.

Zhong Yue felt uneasy, he walked over and grabbed Ke Wei's shoulder: "Ke Wei?"

Ke Wei raised his hand and said softly: "Look."

As Ke Wei's voice fell, the white light in the distance dissipated like rain and mist, revealing a gray road.

At the end of the road, from gray to pure black, it was a darkness leading to nothingness.

Zhong Yue remembered what they had seen from the outside, the other half of the split base.

In his ears, it sounded like what the master had said to him.

"Never enter the area where there is no light."

The light beam around Ke Wei turned gray, but spread into a gray wall of light.

The characters appearing on the light wall do not exist in any human language.

Zhong Yuecang said: "Translator!"

A piece of equipment flew out of Mr. R's work area and was caught by Zhong Yue.

Zhong Yue took a leap and rushed into the area where Ke Wei was.

The gray light wall accepted Zhong Yue, so their hands were still clasped together.

The translator translates the string of characters into human language: "The identity of the target is confirmed, and it is the second test subject of S reagent."

Zhong Yue suddenly turned his head to look at Ke Wei: "What experiment!?"

The translator's voice is flat: "The target has met the'death' condition, and the mirror world channel is established."

Ke Wei said blankly: "...what is it talking about?"

No one answered their questions.

On the dark end, a black shadow was split from the black.

It walked out of the darkness, drawn into the appearance of a human body, without facial features, just step by step, approaching in their direction.

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