The military headquarters of Capital Star held a secret meeting.

As the chairperson of the Second Legion’s Senate President, Hossaron, he solemnly announced a message: “Based on the data return, we can be sure that the Zerg is migrating from the edge of the star map to a huge Zerg group.”

All the sergeants attending the meeting silently watched Hoshalen on the star map, drawing a shocking area.

"The location of the Zerg has caused danger to the area where humans live and activities. We must take immediate military action. If this area is allowed to fall and become a breeding base for the Zerg, the lives of nearly 10 billion people in the adjacent area will be affected. Estimated threat."

The elderly Hoshalun sternly said: "The parliament has agreed to issue a war order for extermination in three days. Because the Second Army has not recovered from the previous battle, this battle will be fought by the First Army, and the Third Army will not follow the route. Change, patrol as usual."

Zhong Yue sat in the conference room, he looked at the star map with his hands in his arms, and was silent.

The speed at which the Zerg multiplies and expands makes people deeply disturbed. The bizarre Zerg attack of Ai Bino, and the desperate struggle of the Second Army attrition of more than half, this has just ended a month, and a large number of Zerg is ready to move again and invade the human border.

"After discussion and decision by the Military Ministry, Zhong Yue, the deputy commander of the Second Corps, was transferred to the First Corps to assist in the battle."

Zhong Yue was taken aback and looked up at Hoshalen.

Hosharon nodded slightly at him.

On the other side, Ke Wei personally sent out Jasmine and Xuanmian.

After all the calculations, Xuan Mian was about to set off to return to Ai Bino, because Jasmine wanted to see the original copy left by Master Zhong Yue, Xuan Mian took her back along the way.

Before leaving, Xuan Mian had been looking around.

Ke Wei said: "What's wrong with you?"

Xuan Mian said inexplicably coyly: "Then who, didn't you come?"


Xuan Mian was a little disappointed: "Oh, it's nothing, I'm going back. You don't have to give it away. Go back and have a good rest."

"It's much better, and it doesn't interfere with my daily activities." Ke Wei said with a smile: "When you come next time, I'll find a chance to take you to play here."

Xuan Mian was a little envious: "Okay, I haven't been to Capital Star for so many years. When I come next time, you can take me there for fun."

When Ke Wei said goodbye to Xuan Mian, Jasmine was already seated, and a small light screen was unfolded in front of her. She seemed unwilling to waste a minute and devoted herself to the current research wholeheartedly.

Seeing Jasmine's appearance, Ke Wei couldn't help thinking about her final outcome that Zhong Yue had personally said before.

Zhong Yue said that Jasmine asked him to use a warship to tear open a cosmic crack, and she dived in. From then on, there was no news in this life.

Jasmine's move was tantamount to suicide. Her Quantum Life Detector also showed that there was no trace of life after she entered the crack.

No one knows what's on the other side of the cosmic crack. The cosmic crack has some properties similar to small black holes. After being involved, no one has ever survived thousands of years of records in history.

For this reason, the Galaxy Census Bureau will directly declare dead people who accidentally get involved in the black holes and cracks in the universe.

He didn't know what Jasmine had researched from Master's relics, but this time, he would let Xuanmian participate in the whole process and report on the research progress at any time. No matter what Jasmine finally knew in her previous life, Zhong Yue would know for the first time.

Ke Wei sighed and watched Xuan Mian's spacecraft leave.

In the previous life, he never knew that Zhong Yue had a master, but Zhong Yue did not know that he was behind the Pope. Is this a tie?

After the meeting, Zhong Yue and Hoshalun talked alone, and Zhong Yue asked: "Why didn't you say anything in advance, so you let me go out suddenly?"

Hoshalen seemed very tired, and threw a document to Zhong Yue, saying: "Look at the parliamentary proposal for yourself."

Zhong Yue flipped through a few pages, frowning and said: "If you want to go out to fight the Zerg, you can give such a small amount of armament funds. Is this a beggar?"

"The reason is that the detected Zerg is a brand-new species. According to the frontline report, because it has not actively attacked humans and concluded that it is not aggressive, I use this pit to force the reason to save money... This is really... …"

Due to his own age, Hoshalun was really not good at talking in the face of young people.

"Go to the special parliament and the Holy See." Zhong Yue said with a smile for him: "If you don't feed the cows, let the cows do the work, so you let me go and fight?"

Hoshalen patted Zhong Yue on the shoulder and said with satisfaction: "The sergeants of the empire are already familiar with you, a general who wins more with less. I hope you will turn corruption into a miracle, and then fight a legendary battle."

Zhong Yue listened to Hoshalen's serious nonsense with a smile. Hoshalen estimated that he had already noticed that he wanted to squeeze Zhong Yue's undisclosed sources of funds, through his private channels, to support the mid-to-long-term battle on the front line.

Zhong Yue thought to himself that if he wanted money, he had to go back to coax his Jin|Lord Ke Wei.

I just don’t know how much time this battle will take. If he is lucky and catches up with the fighter soon, then he may be able to go home in half a month, but if he is not lucky, he may have to spend three times there. Four months.

He missed the days when Ke Wei was on the warship, but it will take him more than half a year to graduate. When Ke fails to enter the army, he will immediately get Ke Wei by his side, just like in his previous life.

"Chief of Staff Hoshalen, can you elaborate on the characteristics of these new species of Zerg?"

Hoshalun spread out the information and unfolded the holographic video: "These insects are facing the human gathering area, and they are lying on the surface of the planet in batches. Apart from eating and breeding, there seems to be nothing else that can attract their attention. "

Zhong Yue looked at all the videos and came up with a preliminary guess: "They look like they are engaged in some kind of collective activity that we can't understand. This scene is really unspeakable weird." @无限好文, Do In Jinjiang Literature City

"The whole army will go out in five days. You can prepare yourself these few days. When you get there, remember to be more careful and proceed cautiously."

At the same time, on the same planet.

Christine is also very worried: "The old cabinet of Parliament said that the Zergs gathered on the border and didn't know what they were doing."

"...You said that the alien zerg gathered more than 100,000? I think I probably know what they are here for."

Christine was surprised: "Your Majesty!?"

Mobai appeared in Mansha's studio. He held his head and felt uncomfortable: "These bugs have woven a signal network of Zerg with their bodies. They share electric waves and continuously increase the signal frequency range..."

"What's wrong with you?"

Mo Bai said coldly: "These bugs, detected that I am in a human gathering area, are trying to turn on my resonance and use me to monitor the human activities of Capital Star."

Mansha was surprised: "Your genes..."

Mobai continued: "My human genes are only 43%, Christine, what's your situation?"

Christine: "89%"

Mansha said: "54%, I am also on the cordon."

"Where is Lan?"

"He stayed at 92%," Mansha said. "It's the best situation among us."

Silently nodded, seemingly relieved, and said: "When something happens on my side, I will return to Huangxing immediately. These bugs do have an impact on me."

Christine looked respectful: "Is there anything you want here, do you need our help?"

Mo Bai shook his head: "No, I can do it alone."

At midnight, Zhong Yue rushed home. When he opened the door, he saw Ke Wei holding a book, sitting in the living room watching and waiting for him.

The warm light makes it feel like home.

Zhong Yue was stunned, then smiled and said, "Didn't I tell you that I don't necessarily come back at night? If I really don't come back, you just wait here for me all night?"

Ke Wei put down the book and greeted the past: "It doesn't matter, I can't sleep anyway."

Zhong Yue apologized: "There have been a lot of things recently, and you may not be able to come back these days. You go to bed early at night, don't stay up late to wait for me."

Ke Wei asked softly: "Is it going to go to war?"

"Yes, I have to go for a few months. It is not with the Second Army. My Army is still recruiting and training new recruits. It turned out that the military headquarters pressed the corps commander to prevent me from being promoted because it wanted me to follow the First Army. action."

Zhong Yue looked at his lover standing in front of him, and said softly: "When in the army, I can't meet with you, and I can't communicate with you."

Ke Wei took the initiative to ask him: "Is the military expenditure enough?"

"You also know the virtues of the parliament. For fear of giving us too much money for the army, we will restrict it every day, and we won't cry if we don't see the coffin."

Ke Wei unzipped his military jacket, held it in his hand, and said, "Then your clothes will belong to me, and I will settle the military expenses and supplies for you."

Zhong Yue laughed: "Wait, I'm telling you when it's not enough."

He looked at Ke Wei holding his clothes, his eyes became eager, and he smiled ambiguously: "Then I will give it to you too, do you want it?"

Ke Wei keenly understood what he meant, and said politely: "I can't exercise vigorously these days. Feel free to find a solution by yourself."

"Actually..." Zhong Yue said slowly: "Even if you can't exercise vigorously, we have methods and postures to solve the needs of two people at a time..."


Zhong Yue's eager suggestion: "Why don't you be on top? If I don't press you, it should be fine? You can control the intensity and rhythm by yourself..."

Ke Wei blushed and barely continued the unscrupulous dialogue: "I hurt my waist. Don't think about it. It's almost three o'clock in the morning. Go to bed. You are going to the First Army. Some of you will be busy tomorrow morning."

"No, I will be late tomorrow morning. Mo Bai has already come to Capital Star. I will ask him to come over tomorrow morning to see if he can help you and if he thinks of anything, but don't worry, I will be by your side. "

Zhong Yue hugged Ke Wei's waist from behind, and slowly kissed him around his neck: "Baby, I'll be leaving soon, I can't take you with you, I will really miss you."

Ke Wei felt that looking at Zhong Yue's clingy spirit, he felt that it would be difficult to end this situation.

Just as he was about to sternly refuse, Zhong Yue suddenly said: "I thought of a way that you don't need to move at all... We have never played before. Would you like to try it?"

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