"Mo Bai, Ke Wei has already enrolled in school, and he and I were assigned to the same dormitory."

Lan leaned against a big tree, sitting on a soft green lawn, lowered his head to play with his personal terminal, constantly deleting and modifying the information box.

"It's been half a month, where have you been? Why didn't you talk to me? I went to the Central Holy See to find Christine, and she drove me out without telling me about your whereabouts."

Lan checked again, and after pressing the send button, she sat on the grass in a daze.

There was a commotion from the crowd on the calm campus, Lan Xun went to the prestige, and at a glance he saw Zhong Yue, who was outstanding in the crowd, walking out of the principal's office.

Since the Military Department announced Zhong Yue’s military exploits, people learned that Zhong Yue led the Second Army and won more in the battle against the Zerg. His popularity and attention have soared, and this week has been high.

Not to mention that this is a military school. There are a group of passionate young people gathered here. The professors of the school have long regarded Zhong Yue’s battle as a case study. The students have spontaneously studied and researched. Zhong Yue has become an idol in the military.

He appeared at his alma mater, and many of his new admirers rushed over and surrounded him.

Zhong Yue found that he could not walk away temporarily, so he stopped and chatted with the students nearby.

Lan was so far apart that he couldn't hear what Zhong Yue was talking about. He looked at the group of students with a lonely look.

It didn't take long for Ke Wei to walk out after class. He saw that there were a lot of people around Zhong Yue, so he didn't move in. He walked a few steps in the other direction, but unexpectedly saw Lan.

Lan Zheng looked enviously in the direction of Zhong Yue, Ke Wei turned his feet, walked to Lan's side, and sat on the grass like him.

Lan turned his head to see Ke Wei, his eyes lit up: "You have finished class?"

"Yeah." Ke Wei nodded easily: "Wait a while, let's go to the fighting class in the afternoon?"

Both are freshmen, Ke Wei and Lan have many of the same classes. What surprised Ke Wei was that for the first-year freshmen, there were difficult advanced and advanced courses that Lan could easily follow.

Ke Wei dared to choose because he had already studied once in advance. The purpose of returning to campus this time is to use the shortest time to obtain military qualifications after graduation.

Lan Ganxuan, in his own words, made preparations for many years in order to enter the military academy when he was working in the Police Department. The courses had been taken in advance. Lan's academic progress is eye-catching. When Zhong Yue and Ke Wei talked, they understood Lan's degree from the side. Coupled with Yue Leisi's sponsorship, Lan's entry into the Second Army and becoming their colleague was just around the corner.

Lan seemed very happy. He glanced at Zhong Yue again: "Are you going to go there? Say hello to General Zhong?"

Ke Wei also smiled: "If you don't pass, I can see him at night."

The Pope is concerned about military academies all year round, and there must be his eyeliner on campus.

Ke Wei carefully reduces the chance of appearing in public with Zhong Yue to avoid raising suspicion. His registered roommate at the school at this time is still Lan, and he does not want the Pope to know his relationship with Zhong Yue prematurely.

Lan didn't ask why, but when he saw Zhong Yue staring in their direction, he still sighed with emotion: "Your relationship is really good."

Ke Wei looked at his little eyes and suddenly wanted to tease him: "How about you? Do you have a lover?"

Lan froze for a moment, his entire face flushed with shyness, and waved his hands again and again: "No, no."

Ke Wei thinks Lan is very cute, and a few words with him are magical to make people feel better.

Zhong Yue finally saw Ke Wei and Lan here. With a smile in his eyes, he nodded at Ke Wei from a distance.

Ke Wei laughed, he stood up and stretched out his hand to Lan: "Let's go, go to the afternoon class."

After the one-day course was over, after Ke Wei returned to the dormitory in the evening, Zhong Yue was already waiting for him inside.

Zhong Yue asked for leave from the army today, and things went well. In the afternoon, he had nothing to do and went back to the dormitory. The seven or eight large boxes he brought were almost torn down by him. There was a lot of things in the dormitory. It feels a bit more homely.

Zhong Yue opened the door for him and took the book in his hand: "I will go to talk with the principal today, and he agreed to open a special case for you, allowing you to graduate early." @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Ke Wei was pleasantly surprised: "Did you really have a deal?"

"Yes, but you have to complete all combat courses in school. As for theory courses, you can complete them by means of essays and exams, but be prepared. He will not be merciless and will probably give you the most difficult exam. "

For Ke Weiwei, saving time is the most important thing. As for using super-difficult exams to test academic level, I am not afraid at all.

Ke Wei hugged Zhong Yue's waist from behind: "I will hold the course tightly and graduate in one year. This is great. What exchange did you give the principal?"

"While frightening him, while temptation, agreed to come over to be a guest professor for one semester, the principal can only accept a grievance. Now that I am so popular, if I come to teach, I will show our mother principal more face."

Ke Wei laughed when he heard it. Zhong Yue took Ke Wei hung on his body and walked to the kitchen with a shaking step. He took a big pot to catch the water: "Ke Wei, wait a while, Xuan Mianhui will come over."

Ke Wei was a little surprised: "Xuan Mian?"

"Well, Matthew brought him here, Xuan Mian came to me to explain the reconstruction project of Ai Bino, and see how much money is needed."

"No wonder you prepared more ingredients today."

Zhong Yue smiled and said: "It's rare to have time today, and I'm in a good mood. I'll be seen when I go out and eat out. It's better to do it yourself at home."

Ke Wei washed his hands: "I'll also help. Will Mr. Matthew come with me?"

"I don't know, I prepared his share, have you met Matthew?" @∞好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Ke Wei thoughtfully said: "I haven't seen it before, but the first time I saw this name, I felt familiar."

Zhong Yue prompts: "Hanton Planet, Verne Family."

Ke Wei suddenly realized: "I remember, when I was still studying, I had seen news reports about him, he was the legendary..."

"The son-in-law who succeeded in getting into the wealthy family by his face is also a sensation." Zhong Yue put the cleaned fish into the steamer, and said at the same time: "The Verney family has a single pass. The young lady wants money and money, looks good, and there are more pursuers like crucian carp who cross the river."

"The eldest lady picked her personal career from her family, she picked her up and down, she picked the most handsome of the suitors."

Ke Wei smiled and said, "Does she and Matthew have a good relationship?"

"Until the end of me... well, they both have been very good. In terms of time, the eldest lady of the Verne family should have been pregnant with her and Matthew's daughter by now."

When Ke Wei listened to these words, he found it interesting, but at the same time he found it strange and unbelievable.

Only Zhong Yue and Ke Wei can speak freely like this, talking about things that have really happened in another world that are closely related to them, without feeling strange.

Zhong Yue smiled and said: "Their daughter has inherited the good genes of her parents, and she looks really beautiful. But she has a very fierce personality. When she was ten years old, she was able to beat and cry children of the same age. Once. , Matthew and Miss Verne took their daughter to play at home, the little girl, let us..."

When Zhong Yue said this, he suddenly got stuck strangely.

Ke Wei glanced at him strangely: "What do you do with us?"

"... I chopped up all our robots. With such a sturdy character, I don't know who is going to follow. Okay, baby, you help me wash the dishes. Time is running out, we have to prepare quickly. "

There is smoke on one side of the universe, but there is only virgin forest on the other side.

A badly damaged spacecraft landed on a tropical planet covered in green with difficulty.

The door opened, and a man stumbled down inside. He held the trunk of the tree and couldn't help retching.

"I've taken it. People who I never get airsick will be hit and thrown up."

He complained bitterly, and after a short rest, he walked around the one-meter-long plant leaves and shuttled through the knee-length grass.

The dew wetted his clothes, but he didn't care and walked towards the distant water pool.

The water rushed down from the high cliffs, and the crisp sound of running water pierced far away. There was a group of four-horned rhinos beside the pool under the waterfall.

"This cosmic first-class ecological protection planet park is really... the original ecology."

He sighed, and leaned over, drinking with the rhino in the water.

He seemed to be extremely thirsty. He wiped his mouth after drinking and got up from the pool.

He saw yellow fruits on the tree next to him, his eyes lit up, he climbed up quickly, took a fruit, wiped it on his sleeve, and ate it with his mouth open.

"It's delicious." He ate a few bites, threw the core down the tree, and hit a short-legged mouse on the ground.

The short-legged rat gritted its teeth in anger, and expressed its sincere anger and condemnation at the human beings on the tree.

However, the short leg was painful, and it couldn't climb up the tree to bite him as a punishment. After waiting for a while, seeing the **** didn't come down, so it had to go away angrily.

There was a scream in the sky, and he looked up to see the Ezot pterosaur passing over his head.

"What the **** is this place?" He watched the pterosaur fly over the mountain inexplicably, waited a moment, and sighed: "Am I going to the wrong place again?"

He climbed down the tree and walked to the pond, washed his face with water, and after the clear water calmed down, he adjusted his hairstyle to an acceptable level, and finally smiled with satisfaction: "Hey, this is almost the same."

He returned to his dilapidated spacecraft the same way and sat in the driver's cab again.

He held the hand of the engine push rod and looked very determined.

"Ke Wei, wait for me." He smiled: "With me Jin Ran, you won't have any trouble."

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