"We are completing the last few jumps in the universe. It is impossible for the spacecraft to stop in the middle." Zhong Yue nodded: "In twelve minutes, we will be there."

Ke Weique said: "Please return my communicator to me!"

Zhong Yue looked at him, and looked at him deeply, "Why?"

Ke Wei looked at him and said every word: "Before you get to a place where I don't know, I must communicate with my good friend once! If I find that I am missing, he will call the police again."

"You don't want it. My inexplicable disappearance will make things worse, right? Let me talk to him and I will explain to him. He will listen to me and won't go to the police."

Zhong Yue said neither good nor bad. He just looked at Ke Wei and couldn't see what he was thinking.

There is no way to conceal the death of Jin Ran.

Zhong Yue will tell him the truth about this, but not now.

It's just that the army assembly order has been issued and time is urgent. Zhong Yue thought of Ke Wei. After he personally escorted the people to his base camp, after ensuring Ke Wei's safety, he must rush back to the army non-stop.

He didn't have time to accompany Ke Wei, so he would never let Ke Wei suffer the blow of losing Jin Ran alone.

Not to mention that he had just forcibly emigrated Ke Wei. When Ke Wei first arrived in an unfamiliar environment, he would definitely feel uneasy in his heart.

So Zhong Yue said indifferently: "Do you think that in this case, I would be so stupid to watch you send out the information?"

Ke Wei bit his lip to hold back, and stopped making a sound.

Twelve minutes later, the spacecraft arrived on the legendary planet of Ai Bino on time.

There was no light in the Aibino Galaxy at three o'clock in the morning, and the sky was dark. After the spacecraft fell, the roadside lights all lit up, illuminating only a straight passage leading to a heavily guarded building not far away.

A man in a long coat greeted him personally from the gate.

When he came out, Ke Wei's eyes stuck on him. This person was a colleague who was a gentleman's friend in his previous life, Zhong Yue's think tank meeting. This person could not attend in person most of the time, but would always occupy one of the seats in the form of remote projection.

Zhong Yue called his name: "Xuan Mian."

Xuan Mian strode past and didn't see Ke Wei on the hospital bed, so he opened the door to Zhong Yue and said: "Boss, I don't have any money, what should I do?"

Zhong Yue: "..."

The subordinates are too sincere, and in front of the boss's sweetheart, they directly dismantled the boss who is now a pauper.

However, Xuan Mian can barely pretend for a while in front of outsiders, but standing in front of the knowledgeable boss at this moment, his natural stupidity in his bones can't be pretended.

Zhong Yue knew that this subordinate's style of painting was the same for both his life, and it has always been this virtue, and he cannot force anything. Zhong Yue waved his hand weakly and saw that Ke Wei was pushed into the bunker. He couldn't hear their conversation at all, and he signaled Xuan Mian to continue.

Xuan Mian: "We have just built here. I just worked out a mixed application of hydroponics and low-temperature technology, and finally the food problem can be solved."

Zhong Yue said: "Isn't this great?"

"But it will take a quarter at the earliest before the first batch of food we grow can come down! A few days ago, the boss waved your hand and brought back several batches of refugees. I have counted them. There are more than 11 thousand in total. People. All of a sudden there are so many mouths. We have to expand the breeding base and increase capital to expand the infrastructure. On my side, the research you just arranged will burn money..."

Zhong Yue said with a headache: "Okay, do your research first, and give priority to the resettlement of these immigrants. I will figure out a solution for the funds, don't worry."

Xuan Mian, who was assured by his boss, finally shut his mouth. He looked around for a moment, and then asked with afterthought: "Boss, you said that you would send me someone, so you just pushed to that one?"

Zhong Yue: "I'll pass on his information later. His name is Ke Wei, and he is still hurting. Wait until he gets better... No, wait a minute."

Zhong Yue suddenly realized that Ke Wei was a prisoner and suspect on the planet Aibinuo. If he treated him too favorably, he would surely discover something with his cleverness.

Zhong Yue estimated that his meaning was indeed quite obvious, but he somewhat did not want to expose his mind prematurely.

If he had been pinched by Ke Wei so early, he would have been eaten to death by Ke Wei as he did in his previous life.

"You don't need to wait for him to get well. You will send an interrogator to the trial today and ask him two things. First, after he got the box, who did he show the information in the box? The second is the key point. Ask him why he went to the abandoned factory at No. 391 B32 Street in the East District and the process before and after his attack."

Xuan Mian: "I see."

"I will send you an analysis report of the incident. Pay more attention to his body. He has just been injured. Ask him to rest. Don't put too much pressure on him, and you must not use torture."

Xuan Mian asked suspiciously: "Huh? Boss, didn't you say that you will be interrogated? So gentle, what can be interrogated?"

Zhong Yue glared at him.

Xuan Mian shut up, and he realized afterwards that... the boss was something wrong today.

"Just go through the scene. I have sent Yuelais to the Capital Star to investigate Ke Wei. After getting this box, the time after Ke Wei returned to the Capital Star was very short. During this period, the surveillance records of the hotel have proved him. I haven’t seen anyone in person, and I checked his personal terminal records. Those few hours were blank."

Xuan Mian looked at the boss suspiciously, and found out that there was no suspicion. Why did he ask himself to try?

Zhong Yue showed a standard smile with eight teeth: "I just find a reason to do a compulsory immigration for him. You come to help me complete the follow-up procedures, it seems more convincing."

Xuan Mian: "..."

After sending away Zhong Yue, the boss who was in a hurry, Xuan Mian went back confused, and made a special detour to watch Ke Wei, who was treated specially by the boss.

Ke Wei pushed into the isolation medical room. At this time, it was still in the middle of the night. He was quarantined again. He didn't see a person for a long time. After all, he saw Xuan Mian probed into the brain and smiled slightly.

In his previous life, Ke Wei worked with Xuanmian under Zhong Yue for more than ten years. In the past, Ke Wei always thought that Xuanmian was too obsessed with scientific research, in order to save commuting time, so that he always couldn't see people.

It now appears that it is mostly because of Xuanmian's management of the Abino planet. He must abide by strict policies and cannot leave the Abino galaxy at will.

Xuan Mian did not have any military ranks for a long period of time. He is a scientific research talent hired by Zhong Yue in his personal name. There is no problem calling Zhong Yue as his boss.

In the last life, Zhong Yue changed from deputy commander to commander of the Second Corps, and then became the first commander of the three legions, and finally allowed the Parliament controlled by the Holy See to separately approve a military scientific research organization controlled by the army for Zhong Yue. .

He named Xuan Mian to take over this organization, and Zhong Yue also gave Xuan Mian the rank.

Xuanmian is a force hidden behind the scenes by Zhong Yue. In his previous life, Ke didn't know about the existence of Xuanmian, and he only learned about it from Zhong Yue after he officially established his relationship with Zhong Yue.

When he first met Xuan Mian, Zhong Yue was already an official marshal, and everyone called him "Marshal Zhong". So now Xuanmian's title to Zhong Yue's "boss" is very fresh in Ke Wei's eyes.

Xuan Mian was spotted, and he simply showed up and nodded to him.

Except for Zhong Yuehou, Xuanmian was the first colleague Ke Wei met after his rebirth. At the moment when he saw Xuanmian, Ke Wei naturally felt a little cordial.

Xuan Mian pointed to himself, and said concisely, "I am Dr. Xuan Mian."

It was the first time for Ke Wei to communicate face-to-face with Xuanmian at such a close distance. Ke Wei looked at Xuan Mian who was not as tall as he was, with a baby-faced Xuan Mian growing up in the sky. He didn't feel any sense of oppression, and said politely: "My name is Ke Wei, I am glad to meet you."

Xuan Mian couldn't help but look at him curiously-did this man feel that he was caught by his boss and would never be able to go back in the future?

Not nervous at all, feel that he is in a better mood?

Seeing Xuan Mian not speaking, Ke Wei asked: "Zhong Yue... Where is General Zhong?"

Xuan Mian flipped through the information just passed by the boss on his personal terminal, saw the boy's clear biographical notes, and heard him calling the boss by his name, and felt that there was something wrong with it.

Xuan Mian replied: "The boss has already left. You should rest first. When it's dawn, I have some questions for you."

After the onlookers, Xuan Mian left soon. Ke Wei wanted to ask him if he could contact Jin Ran? However, he guessed that the question was for nothing, and he still had to find a chance to start with Zhong Yue and get his boss first.

When Zhong Yue sent him over, Ke Wei slept all the way, but now he is not sleepy. The surface of his wound has been healed under the action of the treatment device, but the injured muscles and bones, the lost vitality must be slowly made up.

For Ke Weiwei, although his wound hurts, he was a soldier in his previous life, and he was not uninjured on the battlefield. Such pain is still within a tolerable range.

Ai Bino was too far away from the sun, and it took three days to come all the way from Capital Star. Ke Wei is certain that the central body of the Aibino Galaxy is not the sun.

Ke Wei opened his eyes, watching the bright day outside the window descend on the earth.

He was deeply shocked by the planet Abino.

The surface of the planet Aibinuo is a pure white ice sheet wrapped in snow and ice.

The near-infinite storage of water resources on the planet proves once again that water is a magical existence in the chemical world, and it also gives this ice-white world an amazing beauty.

After dawn, the mystery of the central celestial body in the orbit of the Aibino galaxy was finally revealed-at sunrise, two luminous stars appeared on the boundary line between the earth and the sky.

In his two lifetimes, Ke Wei had never seen the spectacle of "two suns rising".

This is a binary celestial body with unknown structure, which can replace the sun and send sunlight energy to the surrounding planets.

There are two white light bodies hanging on the sky, and the Ebino is shining brightly under the light, like a castle carved out of ice.

Aibino deserves the reputation of the immortal masterpiece of the gods.

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