Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 38 Life and death showdown?

Fang Moqi walked forward and walked to the shore. The 'wood' was only one meter away from the shore.

He stretched out his bamboo pole and patted the 'wood' to tease him.


The picture changes from extremely quiet to extremely dynamic, the wood flies out, and the bloody mouth goes straight to Fang Moqi. It really is a big crocodile.

The crocodile is about 2.5 meters long including the tail. It is an adult Marais crocodile.

Fang Moqi reacted quickly and stepped back preparedly, narrowly avoiding the crocodile's first bite.

The bamboo pole slapped the crocodile's abdomen, making the crocodile stiff. The moment it hit the ground, it crawled on all fours again, making a quick impact, and its huge mouth opened to the limit.

Fang Moqi's cat waist avoided the front, and at the same time, the bamboo pole hit the crocodile's upper jaw with sharp teeth, causing the crocodile's head to deflect, and the second bite was empty again.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Moqi pounced neatly, lying on the crocodile's back, pressing down on the crocodile's big mouth with both hands, and riding on it.

Fang Moqi teased the crocodile twice and dodged backwards, just in time to lead the crocodile ashore and entered a better home field for combat.

"Don't move around, I'll eat you for lunch today!"

Fang Moqi pulled out the Xiannui knife, pressed his chest and right hand on the crocodile's mouth, and exhausted all his strength.

The remaining left hand held the knife against the armpit of the crocodile's foreleg, and was about to stab it into the crocodile's heart.

Suddenly, there was a chaotic sound of water behind him, and Fang Moqi's hairs stood on end.

You don't need to look back, you also know that there are crocodiles attacking it behind you!

At this time, Fang Moqi's posture was very bad, his whole body was pressed against the Marais crocodile, and he had already exerted all his strength with a knife in one hand. It was the time when Xinli was making a living.

Without looking back, he rolled up without the slightest hesitation, stabbed the knife into the Marai crocodile's heart with his left hand, followed this force, rolled to the left, and let go of the Marais crocodile under him.

The Marai crocodile's heart was pierced, and it twisted its huge body frantically, flicked its tail a few times, and died with its mouth half-opened.

The crocodile that attacked him from behind just now was three meters long and was lying on the back of the dead Marai crocodile with its mouth closed.

In the nick of time, Fang Moqi only needs to slow down by a second, and he will be bitten by it.

Being bitten by a crocodile is almost a death sentence, because the crocodile's bite force is amazing, and it will never let go of its prey, and it will also perform a death flip.

The fragile human body will be crushed in an instant, and then dragged into the water and drowned, there is no way to save itself.

Fang Moqi dodged the blow from the back, and only had time to look at the situation on the field, and then found out in horror that there were more than one crocodile rushing up.

There was also a two-meter-long Marai crocodile rushing out of the water, almost following the one in front of it, with an interval of less than two seconds, giving Fang Moqi no time to stand up.

I saw Fang Moqi kicking his legs and making a backflip posture, but his upper body remained on the ground. When his lower body rose into the air and avoided the crocodile bite, Fang Moqi almost only supported his whole body with his shoulders and back of his neck. .

He made a somersault, lay down on the ground again, raised his face, and faced the crocodile's bloody mouth.

Continuously dodging, Fang Moqi's movements were almost at the limit, and the others would have died long ago.

Before rolling over with the force of stabbing the knife, and then doing somersaults back and forth, he had already given up the knife.

At this time, Fang Moqi's hands were empty, and his face was less than two feet away from the crocodile's mouth!

I saw two crocodiles crawling crazily on all fours, sprinting extremely fast in a short distance, with a big mouth full of fishy smell.

This almost blocked Fang Moqi's possibility of dodging, and he had no weapons, so he was almost desperate.

Seeing that Fang Moqi was about to die in the mouth of the crocodile, his eyes suddenly changed, becoming extremely sharp, as if he were a wild beast.

Muscles all over his body were tense, blood vessels and veins burst, like a wild wolf about to pounce.

At this moment, an arrow shot with the momentum of thunder and wind, right in the middle of the crocodile closest to Fang Moqi, the arrow shot obliquely from the crocodile's mouth, and went out through the brain.

When Fang Moqi saw the sharp arrow, his eyes were surprised for a moment, but his body exploded without slowing down.

The violent Fang Moqi punched the crocodile under the chin, forcing it to shut up, and immediately arched his right leg before stepping out.

He stood firmly in a strange posture, leaned forward and put his shoulders on the crocodile, knocking it over in one fell swoop.

Fang Moqi didn't stop, his hands were astonishingly fast, he hugged the crocodile and threw himself on the ground, pressing on the crocodile.

With his right hand, he reached out and pinched the knife that was still stuck in the heart of the Marai crocodile before, raised the knife and dropped it, pierced into the crocodile's heart with a puff, killing it instantly.

After killing the crocodile, Fang Moqi stood up with a sigh of relief, looked at the river at first to make sure there was no fourth one, and then smiled at everyone.

Everyone looked at him in surprise, and couldn't believe that this was an action that humans could make.

The whole movement is too quick, quick and sharp, and it is the limit reaction of human beings from the beginning to the end.

From the time he fought the first crocodile to the death of all three crocodiles, the whole process took no more than seven seconds.

It was so dazzling that many people didn't see clearly what happened just now.

Because the crocodile's attack and Fang Moqi's counterattack were too fast, Zheng Hui was probably the only one on the field who understood what happened.

As for Lan Mu, he didn't see clearly in front of him, but when Fang Moqi was besieged by two crocodiles, he transformed into an arrow in an instant and shot one to death.

With the elf's eyesight, he could see how Fang Moqi killed a crocodile in the end.

The crowd cheered to welcome Fang Moqi, and helped drag the crocodile corpse with all their might.

Only Zheng Hui and Du Yu looked at Lan Mu, because when everyone was watching the battle stupidly just now, only he reacted and shot an arrow instantly, killing a crocodile in seconds.

Zheng Hui didn't know how powerful Lan Mu was, and looked at Lan Mu in amazement, not believing that he shot the arrow just now, since Zheng Hui himself didn't react to help.

On the other hand, Du Yu worshiped Lan Mu blindly and praised him without hesitation, but Lan Mu didn't care.

Fang Moqi walked over covered in blood, ignored the cheers of the others, but reached out and patted Lan Mu on the shoulder.

"Thank you, although this arrow is useless, but I accept your love."

After hearing this, the others remembered that someone shot an arrow just now, but it was too fast, killing the crocodile directly, and then Fang Moqi made a series of counter-killing moves, which confused everyone's attention.

"He shot that arrow just now? I thought it was Zheng Hui!"

"Isn't he a reporter? Killed the crocodile with one arrow?"

"It seems to be true. If it was Zheng Hui who shot him, he would have screamed."

Lan Mu ignored everyone's words, and said to Fang Moqi: "Accept my love? From what you say, it seems that I don't need my help."

Fang Moqi smiled, and did not answer Lan Mu immediately, but first called everyone to deal with the crocodile corpse.

"Zheng Hui, you teach everyone how to deal with crocodiles, I remember you can do it."

"Fire on the spot and have a crocodile feast at noon. Hurry up, the crocodile carcass will rot in five hours."

"Lan Mu and I will go back as soon as we go, you guys do your own thing."

After saying this, Fang Moqi raised his bow and arrow and led Lan Mu into the jungle. Big trees covered their figures, and everyone looked at them, but obediently did not catch up.

"What's the matter? You can't say what you want to say in person?" Lan Mu was surprised that Fang Moqi pulled him into the grove.

Fang Moqi smiled mysteriously and said, "You react very quickly, I mean you react very quickly in critical moments."

"Without actual combat experience, even a talented person may not be able to display his true strength in a critical moment."

"I have seen many powerful shooters. They panic when they encounter real beasts that are good at fighting. They can't even use half of their strength and die or become disabled. In the end, they leave a lifetime of psychological shadows and can no longer become real. Hunter."

Lan Mu nodded, and said: "It seems to be like this. As the saying goes, no matter how strong the theoretical school is, it may not be strong in actual combat."

"That's right, the body is used to the intensity of training. When encountering a life-and-death fight, the muscles will relax and cannot respond, or fear will destroy the calm and the brain will go blank. All these are lack of actual combat training." Fang Moqi said, While looking at Lan Mu and smiling.

Lan Mu asked suspiciously, "What exactly are you trying to say?"

Fang Moqi raised the bow and arrow in his hand and said: "I want to have another duel with you! It really allows actual combat archers to distinguish between superior and inferior shooters!"

"Shoot? You shoot me, I shoot you, who is faster?" Lan Mu was even more confused.

Fang Moqi said with a smile: "Of course not, do you know that I once won the second place in the Global Bow and Arrow Amateur Competition?"

Lan Mu nodded, he had heard of it, but just by hearing the name, he knew it was not an official race.

Fang Moqi said seriously: "This is indeed just an amateur competition. Although it is global in nature, the sponsors are just a group of chaebols who pay for it. There is no sense of public welfare. It is purely for non-professional shooters around the world to conduct a competition. Ranking match."

Lan Mu said: "In order to decide who is number one in the world?"

"Well, you can understand it that way." Fang Moqi suddenly became sad for some reason.

Seeing that his mood became depressed, Lan Mu thought to himself that such a powerful person like him participated in an amateur competition, but he was only the second place. Who is the first?

So he said: "Don't be depressed, isn't it just the second place! What do you make other losers think? It's okay, I will win the first place next time and come back."

Fang Moqi shook his head with a wry smile and said, "There is no chance, and I will never have the chance to become the real No. 1 again."

"Why?" Lan Mu asked.

"Three years ago, when I was still 29 years old, I already became famous and became a world-renowned extreme hunter. I was invited to participate in the global bow and arrow amateur competition. I refused at first, but later I heard that this competition is not ordinary. It is not an amateur game, but the highest honor for a real combat shooter."

"The participating players are all top actual combat shooters, leaders from various countries. They have life-and-death duels and actual combat shooting in various venues. They are each other's hunters and prey. The players' hand speed, moving speed, reaction, and strength are tested. , awareness, skills, experience, strategies..."

Lan Mu was startled and said, "A life-and-death confrontation? An actual combat shoot? Could it be that you will kill someone to the death and the blood will flow like a river?"

Fang Moqi sighed and said: "That's not to say, the organizer still doesn't want too many people to die after all, so everyone is required to put a steel plate on the heart to protect the front and back from being pierced through the heart. Can shoot."

"In fact, this kind of protective measure is meaningless, because in the eyes of real combat shooters, there are too many vital points on human beings."

"So that kind of competition is only an amateur after all, and it is not recognized by any official, because many people will die every time."

"After all, two masters with similar strength can only decide the winner in a real life-and-death duel."

"Some people, for the sake of glory, have already put life and death aside."

Having said that, Fang Moqi let out a long sigh.

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