Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 15 Transformation Again

That's it for Su Yue's matter.

Blind people can choose not to have a guardian when they become adults and have full capacity for civil conduct.

As a legal and independent citizen, no one can force her.

With the help of people from the police station to get her ID card, it would take two days for her ID card to come down.

In view of the situation in Su Yue's aunt's house, everyone unanimously decided to let Su Yue break away from her aunt's control from today. Although it was a bit out of order, Lan Mu couldn't let her go back no matter what she said.

Afterwards, the police told her aunt about the incident, and the couple quarreled relentlessly at first, but after all, they were at the police station, so what if they continued to quarrel?

In the end, her aunt was so angry that she cursed: "Wolf with white eyes! You have raised him for more than ten years for nothing."

"Let's just go! Starving to death has nothing to do with me!"

Lan Mu watched the couple leave cursingly, shaking his head uncontrollably, it was simply too beastly, he had never seen such relatives.

Next, Lan Mu came to the throne to check the information, but his studio has not officially opened yet, but fortunately, Ma Xiang can guarantee it, so it's not a big deal.

"Ma Xiang, let's have a snack on Su Yue's ID card. I'll go first." Lan Mu said.

Ma Xiang said: "Of course, I promise it will be done tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, he moved to Lan Mu's side and whispered, "Brother Mu, let Su Yue live in your house, don't mess around! Then Tang Jing definitely didn't talk about it, you may not be able to beat a woman crazy win her."

"Go, go! What are you thinking? I really want to help her. What do you think I miss her?"

Lan Mu gave Fatty Ma a blank look, and said, "By the way, I don't have a car yet, so why don't you drive us in a police car?"

"no problem."

Afterwards, Lan Mu took Su Yue and asked Ma Xiang to drive him back to his rental house.

But while Ma Xiang was driving, Lan Mu had a problem. Su Yue's walking stick fell off, making it inconvenient to walk.

Lan Mu said: "You put my shoulders on my shoulders? Just walk to the intersection. My friend will drive us."

Su Yue smiled slightly, reached out to Lan Mu, and gently grabbed the corner of his clothes.

So Su Yue covered Lan Mu's whole body and followed him step by step.

The two got into the police car and soon arrived at Lan Mu's residence.

Ma Xiang sent them upstairs all the way, and when he saw Lan Mu's room, he said speechlessly: "Isn't it? Brother Mu, you still have this house? This is the Lan Cheng studio you mentioned?"

"Ahem!" Lan Mu was a little embarrassed. The house he rented had one bedroom, one living room and one bathroom. The original plan was enough, but now that there is an extra girl, it is immediately troublesome.

"It's okay, she lives in my room, and I sleep in the living room."

Ma Xiang looked at the messy room with distaste, and said within a minute after entering the door: "Brother Mu, I'll leave first! You should be busy!"

"Don't worry, help me tidy up the house, and then take me to Hualong Market to buy some daily necessities. In addition, I have to go to Hualong Computer City to buy things, and you have to help me move them!" Lan Mu said.

"Damn it, don't you? Brother Mu, don't treat me like a coolie! I'm really busy. It's the case I told you about last night. I may have to go to several places with the team! Maybe I will work overtime tonight." Ah." Ma Xiang cried out hastily.

When Lan Mu heard this, he didn't make things difficult for him and let him go.

Next, Lan Mu took out the things in the bedroom and prepared to vacate the room for Su Yue to live in.

Su Yue heard the movement from the side and said, "Mr. Lan, can I help too?"

Lan Mu smiled and said, "No, I just moved my things out, and this room will be yours from now on."

Speaking of it, Lan Mu was even a little embarrassed, and took care of everything by himself, but the house was so small, and they lived together for no reason, and there was no studio yet.

Lan Mu didn't have many things, he mainly vacated the closet, piled all his things in an alley, and moved them to the living room.

"It's almost there. Let's go buy some daily necessities. The living room is quite big. It's not a problem to put a single bed."

"However, in this way, the studio can no longer be opened at home. It seems that we have to rent a big house."

Lan Mu scratched his head and said to Su Yue, "You stay here to familiarize yourself with the environment, and I'll go out to buy some things."

"I'll go too!" Su Yue insisted as if she was very unwilling to watch Lan Mu busy.

Seeing her insistence, Lan Mu agreed. "Okay, there is a supermarket downstairs, let's get familiar with the surrounding environment first."

So Lan Mu let Su Yue drag him by the corner of his clothes, and the two went downstairs one after the other, started shopping in the supermarket, and introduced Su Yue to the supermarket salesperson.

Then they went to the nearby Hualong Market and bought a walking stick and a wire bed.

Today's original plan was to prepare for the studio, but it was delayed because of Su Yue. Seeing that it was getting late, Lan Mu had to buy some vegetables and go back.

After returning home with the big and small bags, Lan Mu was exhausted, sweaty all over, and couldn't breathe well.

As soon as he got home, he went into the bathroom and transformed himself. When he came out, he felt refreshed, his waist was no longer sore, and his legs didn't hurt anymore.

"Fortunately, I decided not to change my body when it was not necessary, but I still couldn't help abusing my ability."

Lan Mu laughed at himself a little, but didn't care. When she came out, she saw that Su Yue had already rolled out the bed, and all the things she bought had been disassembled and divided.

Obviously invisible to the eyes, just relying on touch, it seems like a normal person.

Lan Mu watched quietly, seeing that Su Yue had already taken out the dishes, and touched the induction cooker and rice cooker that she had placed in the living room.

This house has been there for a long time, because there is no kitchen, Lan Mu usually cooks and eats occasionally at night, so he bought it and put it in the living room.

After Su Yue touched the stove and pots and pans, she smiled and started washing rice and cooking.

After putting the rice in the rice cooker, she started the magic cooking.

She touched everything once, as if she had memorized the location, and then she took every step like a normal person, accurately putting the dishes into the pot, and adjusting the seasonings one by one, and she even knew because There was no range hood, and the living room was filled with lampblack. She even stood up and walked to the window to open it.

The whole set of movements has her unique rhythm, which stunned Lan Mu on the side.

Can't help but sigh with emotion: "As the saying goes, practice makes perfect, how many times do you have to do this to be so handy."

Soon, the meals were prepared by herself and placed on a small coffee table. Su Yue also knew that there was no refrigerator at home, so the meals were very small. Basically, two people would definitely finish a meal, and there would be no leftovers.

"Mr. Lan, please have dinner." Su Yue said, placing the chopsticks precisely on Lan Mu's bowl.

"Oh! Oh oh." Lan Mu sat down and said, "You sit down too."

It was the first time to eat a meal cooked by a woman at home, and Lan Mu felt a little unnatural, so he had nothing to say: "Well, you are so amazing."

Su Yue calmly smiled and said, "I will force myself to remember the location of everything around me. As long as I really remember, it is no different from seeing it."

Lan Mu understands what she means, so she can only say that she has 'mind', or that she has a good sense of spatial positioning.

At the same time, Lan Mu also knew that he could not place things randomly in the future. Once Su Yue's familiarity with this room was broken, it might cause inconvenience to her.

"Don't worry, I will tell you if I move something in the future."

Su Yue originally had her eyes closed, but when she smiled, her eyebrows curved. "Mr. Lan, that's not necessary, I will find out by myself."

Lan Mu was moved by Su Yue's smile, this kind of smile is so pure, it seems to be a reflection of the soul, expressing the pure smile in the heart naturally.

So much so that Lan Mu couldn't help but said: "I'm only twenty-five years old, don't call me Mr. Lan, just like them, call me Brother Mu from now on."

Su Yue nodded lightly, and said, "Understood, Brother Mu."

The two finished dinner quickly, and Su Yue insisted on washing the dishes and tidying up by herself.

Lan Mu almost went straight into the bedroom, but suddenly thought that this room was given to Su Yue, so he rubbed his nose and looked at the wire bed in the corner of the living room.

After finishing everything, Su Yue sat on the chair calmly, with her hands on her lap.

Lan Mu habitually lay on the bed, turned on the laptop, and suddenly saw Su Yue looking like she was doing nothing, and immediately said embarrassedly: "Uh, do you play on the computer?"

After talking about Lan Mu, he wanted to slap himself, isn't this nonsense! Sure enough, Su Yue shook her head.

Lan Mu hurriedly said: "Then you are usually fine, what do you do?"

Su Yue said calmly: "After tidying up like this, I will also sit in a chair and wait for orders. My aunt and the others will let me do it if they have something to do. If there is nothing else, I will listen to them watching TV."

"Brother Mu, you are busy with your work, don't worry about mine."

Lan Mu was a little embarrassed. He didn't have a TV here, and he didn't usually watch it. He would rather browse the Internet than watch TV. He didn't think it was interesting.

Now, after listening to Su Yue's words, I'm afraid 'listening' to TV is her only entertainment.

"The computer can also watch TV, do you want to watch... er, listen to something?"

Su Yue said in embarrassment: "I don't know...I just listen to whatever I have..."

Lan Mu searched for the latest TV dramas on the Internet, and when he saw that they were not all kinds of Gongdou dramas, but all kinds of anti-Japanese themes, he thought of Su Yue listening to these TV dramas carefully, and shuddered.

So I searched for a funny sitcom on the Internet, which tells the story of young people renting together.

After clicking on the list to play automatically, Lan Mu handed over the computer.

"It's all done, and the next episode will be automatic. If you don't want to listen to it, just close the computer."

"Thank you, Brother Mu." Su Yue pursed her lips happily and hugged the computer, walking towards the bedroom as if she was holding some treasure.

Before entering the bedroom, he was pulled by the computer charging cable.

Lan Mu helped her unplug the charger, accompanied her into the room and plugged it in, and said: "The laptop won't last long without charging, and this computer will be in your room from now on. I'll go buy it tomorrow."

Su Yue groaned and said, "Then I don't need it."

"Use it. I'm going to buy a new one tomorrow. I need a better computer to process video files in the future. I originally bought it today."

Lan Mu walked out of the room, listened to the sound of the TV series in the bedroom, and then lay down on the new bed with peace of mind.

He lay down and fiddled with his phone, and felt a little sleepy after a few hours, so he went straight to sleep.

However, in his sleep, he had a dream.

I feel that I am in an infinite space, surrounded by countless light balls like stars in the sky.

Suddenly a ball of light fell into his body, and he felt trembling all over.

This shock woke him up from his sleep, and when he rolled over from the bed, it was already early morning.

The moonlight outside the window poured in, and he could even feel that the moonlight shining on his face was alive and could be touched.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed a handful of moonlight!

He hurriedly opened the window, and a puff of extremely disgusting air was sucked into his lungs.

Feeling uncomfortable, he had a thought, and the moonlight in his hand filled the living room like a group of fireflies, and the air seemed to be purified instantly and became fresh.

Feel yourself carefully, a bit like transforming into a white-haired lion. The five senses are greatly enhanced, and there is even a sixth sense.

Faintly, he seemed to hear the trees beside the road saluting him.

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