Nomenclature of Night

Chapter 992: Last leg (2)

  Chapter 992 The Last Journey (2)

Members of the Parents' Association entered through the key gate. Freemasons Nangong Yuanyu and others, Sun Chuci and others, and time traveler students from Jingdao College stood on both sides of the gate, handing them new shoes .

  Hundreds of trucks came, which were the supplies that had been prepared long ago.

  The members of the Parents’ Association found that as long as they reported their names in advance, these people who were responsible for responding to them could even order suitable shoe sizes and clothing on the spot without measuring at all.

  Xiaoqi wondered: "How do you know my shoe size?"

Nangong Yuanyu lowered his head and made statistics on the LCD board, while explaining: "Qin Shuli made the statistics on your trek... Oh, you probably don't know, he has been in charge of keeping in touch with us, but this matter needs to be handled by you. Keep it secret, because when you walk behind the key door, there will be a new life waiting for you, which requires you to walk through the 7,600 kilometers without knowing it. I said it is not a straight line distance, but a modeled one The distance of the zigzag route is taken into account by the altitude difference.”

  The former top student of Luo Yigao, now his face is no longer immature, only the toughness like a soldier remains.

   Nangong Yuanyu continued: "Qin Shuli is responsible for counting the number of your personnel, and even counting who left, and then ensuring that the supplies we distribute here are accurate enough."

  Xiao Qi was stunned on the spot, and he suddenly realized that Qin Shuli had always known that this scene would happen as soon as they passed the Jianmen Pass.

  Qin Shuli knew that they would meet comrades who greeted them, that they would have food to eat, water to drink, new shoes to wear, and a new life.

  But the other party still resolutely became a death squad for delaying time, and disappeared into the incendiary bomb of the floating airship together with the remaining 16 members of the Parents' Association.

  The members of the parent association walked into the key door one by one. Everyone kept order, and two people entered at the same time every second, at an extremely fast speed.

   Under the guidance of hundreds of key doors, all of them passed in less than an hour!

When only Xiao Qi was left behind the door, Nangong Yuanyu asked suspiciously: "There are still more than 10,000 people who have not received the supplies. Is the error so big? Qin Shuli promised us that there would be no error. By the way, what about Qin Shuli? , He didn't receive his supplies, what about others?"

  Someone brought Qin Shuli's supplies.

Xiaoqi took the new pair of shoes in his hand, took a deep breath and shook his head: "It's not that there was an error, it's because we were bombed by a floating airship on the last day before we arrived at Jianmen Pass, and those comrades were left behind." , Qin Shuli was also left behind."

  The person who worked so hard to count the number of people and shoe sizes did not receive his new pair of shoes in the end.

  At this time, Yang Yang came over and asked, "Where is Qing Yi? Isn't he responsible for meeting you, and didn't evacuate with you?"

  Xiao Qi was stunned for a moment: "I think, he may have more important tasks... He is responsible for destroying those 12,000 war robots."

   "How to destroy?" Yangyang asked.

  Xiao Qi said: "I can't think of any way to destroy them...they are very scary."

  Yangyang was thoughtful, and in the next second, he soared into the sky and flew away in the direction of Jianmenguan!

  Nangong Yuanyu said: "Let's go, Brother Seven, you still have your tasks...can I ask you one last question?"

   "What's the problem?" Xiaoqi responded.

   "How did you persevere for the 7,000 kilometers?" Nangong Yuanyu asked, "I mean, how did you persevere when you were abandoned by the whole world?"

  Xiao Qi was happy: "We are actually gambling."

   "Bet you will succeed?" Nangong Yuanyu asked.

   "No, bet we won't regret it."

  Xiao Qi looked back at the sky in the direction of Jianmen Pass, and finally stepped into the key gate.

Behind the door was Zhang Mengqian, whose eyes were covered with a white silk ribbon. He put his fingers on his wrist with a smile. They are all here.

  In the direction of Jianmenguan, Yan Chunmi suddenly looked up, and she saw a girl with twin ponytails penetrating down from the clouds, with a little cloud on her body, like a figure falling from the sky.

  Yangyang fell in front of her and asked, "Where's Qingyi?"

  Yan Chunmi responded: "He left Jianmenguan to perform the detonation mission. They will detonate a small nuclear bomb when the barrier is loose."

  Yangyang frowned: "Is it a suicide detonation?"

  Yan Chunmi smiled and said: "No, no, don't worry, they will retreat to a safe distance after placing the nuclear bomb, and there will be no danger."

  Yangyang breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

  Before Qing Chen went to complete the last life-and-death test, she asked her to take care of the East Continent. What Yang Yang is most worried about now is that Qing Chen finally returned, but found that all the people he knew before are gone.



   Outside Jianmen Pass, three airships are still flying.

  In the ship cabin, Qingyi looked at the holographic sand table and asked, "How long will it take us to reach the edge of the barrier? I want the exact time."

   "1 hour and 20 minutes," Song Niao replied: "At that time, the airship we are on will be the first to land, and after the defensive line is set up on the spot, the airship carrying 'Greedy' will land."

   "How long will it take to set up the remote detonation program?" Qingyi asked.

  Song Niaoyou replied: "Soon, it only takes 1 minute, and there is no difficulty."

  Qingyi asked again: "How long will it take from the thawing of the barrier, the recovery of the war robots' ability to move, to the time we detonate the 'greed'? Will we give them a chance to solve the 'greed'?"

"No, they have no chance at all. After pressing the remote control, they will detonate with a delay of 0.01 seconds," Song Niao said, "The equivalent of this greed is very small, and we only need 12 minutes to withdraw to the safe place after completing the setting." The anti-electromagnetic pulse coating of the floating airship is sufficient to resist radiation and aftermath.”

  Qing Yi loosened his suit and tie: "That's good."

  At this time, Qing Yi was wearing a black suit and a white shirt, just like Qing Chen's attire when he was in the intelligence department.

  When he is not working, he will change into white sportswear.

  Colleagues in the secret spy department occasionally feel that the new boss is subconsciously imitating the boss Qingchen all the time, maybe even Qingyi himself is not aware of it.

  The three airships arrived in the airspace on time. Qingyi came to the airship carrying 'Greedy', and used his iris, fingerprint, and voiceprint unlocking program to activate the miniature nuclear bomb, and it was ready to detonate at any time.

  Qingyi smiled suddenly: "Just now when my father thought I was going to detonate it with my life, it seemed that he was really anxious."

  Song Niao nodded aside: "Yes."

  Qing Yi thought it was very interesting, and Qing Kun used to tell him when he was a child: Don’t be too ambitious to participate in the shadow fight, the money your father earns is enough for you to be a **** for the rest of your life.

  Other parents hope that their child will be more competitive, but Qingkun hopes that he can eat, drink and have fun.

  The other rulers of the Qing family treated their children harshly, but Qing Kun encouraged Qing Yi to play games every day.

  Qing Yi has determined to be a different person from his father since he was a child, and he will never be as sloppy, unambitious, and thinking about small things every day as his father.

  But later he realized that his father Qingkun was actually a very remarkable person, a person whom he couldn't catch up with no matter how old he was.

  Qing turned and left after starting his greed, without delay: "Retreat."

  However, when they were about to return to their airship, Song Niao suddenly said, "Wait, I seem to see a war robot in the barrier move!"

  Qingyi looked up at the sky suddenly: "Enlarge the holographic sand table for me!"

  When the holographic sand table locks on a certain war robot, everyone sees that the body of that war robot is trembling, and the pulse engine on the back and palm is also trying to ignite again, ejecting blue energy!

  Qing took a deep breath, the worst happened, that is, they just brought greed here, but before they had time to leave, the enchantment loosened!

  Song Niaoyou used the trembling frequency of the war robots to quickly model: "I'm afraid they will be unblocked in 4 minutes and 31 seconds! We have no time to retreat to a safe distance!"

  Qing scolded with a smile: "Fuck, what a bad luck!"

   As soon as he finished speaking, he was stunned for a moment, obviously he had always regarded Qing Chen as a role model to learn from, but at this critical moment, he cursed first like Qing Kun did.

   "Boss, what should we do now?" Song Niao asked.

Qingyi looked at the war robots that were loosening: "The old man said when he handed over this coin to me, these twelve thousand war robots must stay here forever today. So there is no reason to escape, we have no time to evacuate We have reached the safe area, and you have no chance to evacuate, everyone is waiting here for them to loosen completely, and then detonate greed."

   This is the worst case scenario. They could have waited patiently dozens of kilometers away, but unexpectedly, the time came at such an embarrassing time.

  It seems that fate has arranged everything, no matter how prepared you are, you can't escape.

At the last moment, Qingyi asked Song Niaoyou to bring the radio communication equipment, and first connected to the airship that Yan Chunmi belonged to: "Let the Qing's troops at Jianmen Pass continue to evacuate, and tell Gingko Mountain, I will definitely complete the Task, the war robots here don’t have to worry anymore, none of them can escape today.”

  Yan Chunmi was puzzled: "Did any accident happen?"

  Qingyi replied: "The barrier has loosened ahead of time."

  Yan Chunmi was stunned, she knew exactly what this sentence meant.

   Qingyi continued: "Help me tell my father that he is the best...Forget it, don't tell me, why are you talking about this, I expect greed to detonate in 1 minute and 12 seconds."

  Yan Chunmi Chi asked: "Is there anything else you want to leave?"

   "No, I've already made mental preparations," Qingyi said before hanging up the radio call.

  However, Yangyang's calm voice came from inside: "Don't detonate greed in advance, wait for me to arrive."

  Qing was stunned.

  Yangyang said seriously: "Trust me. If Qingchen is here, he will choose to believe me. Stay by the greedy side, delay a little longer, and if I can't save you, you can detonate it."

  The next moment, Yangyang soared into the sky from Jianmen Pass, and on the ground where she took off, a huge magnetic field pattern suddenly appeared, as if her unique power imprint.

   There was a bang, and Yan Chunmi shrank her neck subconsciously: "Wait, her speed can already break through the sound barrier? Can the flying speed of an A-level force field awakener break through the sound barrier?"



  Yangyang shuttles quickly in the air. She is still A-level today, but the A-level of the force field awakener has obviously exceeded the cognition of many people. In the past, she has always been hiding her clumsiness.

   But Yangyang knows very well that this battle is definitely not as simple as rescuing Qingyi from 12,000 war robots, but must complete the set task and destroy those 12,000 war robots!

   Otherwise, the plans on Ginkgo Mountain will be completely messed up. There is no backup plan to deal with them. All forces are gathering to the north of City 5, waiting for the arrival of the Duke of Storms and the orc army.

  If these war robots are not resolved, then everyone will face a two-sided attack, and everyone has no spare power to solve these war robots.

   Grade A is not enough.

  Yangyang suddenly took out a revolver from his pocket in the air.

   Taboo ACE-055, a revolver that has nothing to do with fate!

   There are six kinds of bullets in total: blank bullets, grand fireworks bullets, frozen buff bullets, accelerated and petrified skin bullets, upgrade bullets, and downgrade bullets.

   You must shoot yourself once a day, and you can only shoot once. Once the rules are violated, there will be one more real bullet in the revolver after each violation, and the host must be shot after shooting.

  However, Yangyang insisted on shooting himself every day, but he never saw an upgraded bullet!

  She took advantage of Qing Chen's opportunity to rank first in the superconducting world, and was promoted from B-level to A-level. She hoped that she could use this taboo to touch the demigod's domain once.

  As long as she touches it once, even if the upgrade effect only lasts for a day, it is enough for her to step into that threshold, and promotion will happen sooner or later.

   But her hopes were dashed.

  Yangyang is still far away from the barrier, and I am afraid it will be difficult to reach it before the barrier is completely loosened.

   Shoot? Right now, I can only bet that she is lucky enough... But if there is a downgrading bullet or a decelerating bullet, I am afraid that Qingyi is really hopeless.

  She only hesitated for a second, then raised the revolver and pulled the trigger at herself suddenly!

   Fireworks are blooming in the sky!

  The grand fireworks are blooming in the sky. Even if the sun is shining at this time, the fireworks will not be affected by the explosion of gorgeous fireworks.

   The once-a-day opportunity has been used up with nothing to gain.

  Yangyang pulled the trigger again without hesitation.

  The silver roulette was spinning crazily. At this moment, there was already a real bullet in the roulette called fate.

  Yangyang wants to gamble!

   Bet that she will not be chosen by one-sixth of the bad luck in fate!


  Another firework bomb exploded in the air.

  Yangyang gritted his teeth and pulled the trigger again.

  There are already two real bullets in the roulette wheel, and the chance of death is one-third.


   Another firework bomb.

  The rich and intense fireworks bloom in the sky, and the rice seedlings seem to be walking through the fireworks ceremony, like fate sending them off.

  Yangyang pulled the trigger again without hesitation!

   The silver roulette spun wildly again, making crackling noises among the guns!

   1/2 chance of death!

   This time it is no longer fireworks, but acceleration and petrified skin bombs!

  Although she still hasn't encountered the upgrade bomb, at the current speed, it is enough for her to rush to the battlefield in time!

  Her speed suddenly increased, roaring in the air, rumbling across the sky like a meteor!

  The force field dominated by will trembled and buzzed around her, and all the power was under her control. One of the original rules of the world was like a girl's armor, the surging air flow was like a war horse, and the scorching sun in the sky was like a spear in her hand.

  The girl is like a knight in the Middle Ages, bending over, breathing, just pinched the horse's belly lightly, then held the reins tightly and charged, and the scorching sun fell into the valley with her charge!

   The stars are moving!

   On the other side, all the war robots in the barrier have been revived. When they fell to the ground, the pulse engines behind them all restarted and flew into the sky again.

   After observing the environment briefly, the war robots immediately locked their targets on the three floating airships docked on the ground.

  The densely packed war robots swooped down one after another, as if they knew what was hidden in the airship on the ground.

  Song Niaoyou asked: "Boss, is it detonated?"

  Qingyi hesitated for a moment: "Yin..."

  Before he finished speaking, he heard a roar coming from a distance, and everyone turned their heads to see that it was a shooting star arriving as promised.

  Qing Yi said loudly: "Wait a little longer, Song Niaoyou, go and guard your greed. Once we can't stop it, detonate it immediately!"

In fact, this decision is very stupid. Any hesitation in the war will lead to defeat. The strategic significance of these 12,000 war robots is far higher than the value of their lives. The most sensible way is to eliminate them at the safest time, but Qing When I think of what Yangyang said, I always feel that I should wait.

  Just because Yang Yang said that if Qing Chen was there, she would definitely believe her.

  The war robots rushed to the ground like a swarm of locusts, but Yangyang came to the sky above the airship one step faster than them.

  But she saw her standing in mid-air, calmly raised her head to look at the oncoming robot swarm, and instead of retreating, she rushed forward to meet the swooping war robots!

  When the two sides meet, the force field around Yangyang's body is fully opened, and the flight vector of the war robot in the front row is suddenly changed. The complete torrent is split into two by her, and it flies out of control to the side!

   It's like a monstrous flood pouring down, a hard reef resisting all the sand, river water, life and death!

   Then, those war robots wanted to go around Yangyang to destroy the airship on the ground, but they saw Yangyang's open hands clasped again, and the war robots who intended to bypass were pulled back by her!

  Yangyang hit the war robots in the air with her bare hands. She didn't have a weapon in her hand, but she seemed to be wearing a three-meter transparent boxing glove.

  Three meters in the air and swung a punch, under the impact of the invisible force field, the war robot was smashed to pieces.

  She once said to Qing Chen that when facing a transcendent, because the transcendent has a life force field to counter her force field, she cannot use the full power of a force field awakened person in battle.

  But it is different when facing a machine. In fact, twelve thousand war robots are not much different from twelve thousand stones of equal weight.

Yangyang's figure was tossing and turning quickly among the war robots. No war robot could hold a punch or a kick in front of her. As long as the invisible force field spread, the war robots would immediately fall into pieces like rain. Fall to the ground.

   One person VS 12,000 war robots. This classic battle scene is unforgettable. Qingyi and the others stood still and even forgot what they were going to do, or in other words, they couldn't do anything at all.

   In just five minutes, Yangyang destroyed 720 war robots, and none of them could break through her force field!

  A war robot launched a miniature missile at her, but when the missile met her, it was like two magnets with the same polarity, creating a repulsive force that could never get close!

  However, Song Youyou hastily analyzed: "The speed of Yangyang's shots is gradually slowing down, and the degree of destruction of war robots has changed from being completely destroyed to only destroying their power cores first."

  Qing observed carefully, and found that what Song Niaoyao said was correct, Yang Yang's speed was also slowly decreasing.

  Yangyang is not a demigod after all, A-level strength is still too small for a frontal war, even if she is facing 12,000 stones, she cannot lift them up in the sky with one breath.

   "We can't help her," Qingyi said calmly, "The swarm of war robots is still too large."

  He was grateful for Yang Yang's presence, but it wasn't enough.

   "Look, the direction of Jianmenguan!" A secret spy said loudly.

   Qing turned his head to look, and saw more than 300 floating airships approaching quickly.

   It was Qing Kun, he did not withdraw with Qing's troops, instead he rushed in after Yang Yang returned to the battlefield.

  In this war, everyone has no shortage of companions.

  Qing Yi asked on the radio: "Commander Qingkun, do you know what you are doing? Retreat quickly, I am about to detonate greed! Repeat, your department must retreat now!"

  Qing Kun’s laughter came from the radio: “I’m on the same level as you, you just have a high level of secrecy, so it’s not your turn to order me.”

  Qing Yi was silent, he knew very well that he could not change Qing Kun's decision now.

   But, he couldn't wait any longer.

  But at this moment, Qingyi looked up and saw Yangyang took out the forbidden substance ACE-055 again, a revolver that has nothing to do with fate.

   "What is she going to do?" Song Youyou was puzzled: "I know this taboo. She has already fired three shots in violation of the rules. There are already three real bullets in the revolver. If she shoots again, she will probably die on the spot."

  But as soon as the words fell, Yangyang turned the roulette quickly.

  The delicate silver roulette was spinning rapidly, and the corners of Yangyang's mouth slightly raised: "Let me think about what he would do if it was Qing Chen?"


  She stood in the air, and pulled the trigger without any hesitation!

  Extremely brilliant fireworks are blooming in the sky behind Yangyang, but all this splendid can only be used as the background board of the girl. In this minute and second, nothing can overwhelm the host.

  Song Niaoyou said in a daze: "She won't shoot again, right? The moment she pulls the trigger again, a fifth bullet will appear in the roulette."

   What no one knows is.

  When Qing Chen walked into the last dream of becoming a god, his spiritual will was already huge enough to affect the world in turn. As an independent world, he was equal to the will of this world.

   That dream was also huge enough to pull Yang Yang into it.

  So Qingchen stayed in the dream for ten years, and Yangyang also forgot everything and stayed there for ten years.

  Qing Chen once mentioned this dream to her, but she was only a listener and never participated in it.

   This time, she was also in the dream.

  Every day at 7:35, she would get on the bus from Ginkgo Station as agreed, stand beside the boy, and walk across the city.

Yangyang saw He Jinqiu become a teacher, Li Xiurui became the principal, Qingchen walked with Zard and Xiaoliu, Wrench became a biology teacher, Shanzha became a geography teacher, Iodo became the student union president, Wang Yuchao, Zhao Ming But he became the most mischievous student in the school.

  She saw too many people who had left in that dream.

  At the graduation ceremony, she saw Qing Chen hugging those who had left one by one, but she couldn't remember who these people were.

  It wasn't until the moment of the dream that Yangyang realized that the last knots on Qingchen's road to becoming a **** were those who had once been brilliant.

  When she woke up from the dream, she didn't know where Qing Chen was, but felt a faint pain in her heart, which was not her pain, but Qing Chen's.

   There can be no fewer people!

   Absolutely not!

  Yangyang suddenly pulled the trigger, this is her last chance to pull the trigger!

   "Are you betting on your own success?"

   "No, we bet we won't regret it!"

  Song Niaoyao, Qing Yi and the others looked at Yang Yang trying again and again, of course she knew that it was the forbidden substance ACE-055, but she never thought that this girl would dare to bet her life!

   Sure enough, the girl who can make the inspector like it is as fierce as the inspector.

  In an instant, Song Niaoyou only felt that her body was light and light, as if the earth had lost gravity, and her figure was slowly floating towards the sky.

  Everyone feels like they are in the universe!

  The gravel on the ground slowly floated up, like floating meteorites!

  The thick white clouds in the sky are pouring down to the ground like a waterfall!

  It seems that this world can only have one gravity, and that is the girl in the center of the world!

  Yangyang is demigod!

  Qing said in a daze, "Are they all so ruthless?"

   As soon as the voice fell, Yangyang raised her hands facing the war robot. She opened her palm, and when she held it tightly, 3,600 war robots were suddenly squeezed into a ball in the air.

  The infinite gravitational force is like a black hole, pulling them together completely, and the steel bodies between each other make a creaking sound.

   "Go down!"

  Yangyang will forcefully press down on the ground, and the 3,600 war robots squeezed together completely lost control and smashed to the ground.


  When they fell to the ground, the surface not far from Qingyi and the others was smashed into a huge deep pit as if hit by a meteorite.

   Yuanfang Qingkun saw this scene in the floating airship, and subconsciously exclaimed: "Fuck! Patriarch Qingchen is ruthless enough, and his wife is still a demigod. Let everyone play?"

  He suddenly felt a little strange. Since there are such ruthless characters, the Awakened force field is invincible in the field of air control, even if there are 12,000 war robots!

   It is a matter of time before Yangyang wants to solve those war robots.

  Qing Kun was just wondering, didn't the God's perspective in the western continent and the heaven and earth chessboard in the eastern continent not see this scene?


  The revolver that has nothing to do with fate...could it be the result of pulling the trigger of this revolver, something invisible in fate? Otherwise why such a weird name?

   Moreover, it has never been recorded in the Hu's information who named this taboo object.

  If it is said that Yangyang has completely escaped the apocalypse of fate when holding this forbidden object, it would make sense!

  At this moment, the war robot swarm quickly calculated the situation, and they suddenly found themselves powerless against a force field demigod like Yangyang.

  So, they immediately divided into three teams, and one team rushed towards the seedlings, launching all the missiles carried in their armor.

  The other two teams took advantage of the moment when Yangyang was attracting attention, one team attacked the floating airship on the ground, and the last team fled to the distance!

   The artificial intelligence programs carried in the war robots are specially designed for war. No matter how they analyze it, they think that they can no longer win this battle.

   This is the result that West Continent never thought of!

  However, when thousands of miniature missiles hit, Yangyang stood in the air calmly, without changing his expression.

  She stretched out her palm again, only to see that thousands of tiny missiles turned around in the sky and went straight to the escaping war robots.

   This move looks very much like Qingchen's Wumo, but Yangyang is blocking and guiding the missile at this time.

   There was a roar, and the fleeing war robots burst and fell.

With a wave of Yangyang's hand, all the war robots rushing towards her lost their sense of direction in the air, spinning around like thousands of headless flies. The force field around them was like a labyrinth with no exit, no matter how hard they struggled. Don't even try to escape.

The Awakened of the force field system is born to be the king of superhumans. Li Shutong was surprised when he saw Yangyang. There may not be a superhuman in a hundred years. It was not until the moment she was promoted to a demigod that the world could understand that she has great abilities in the field of air control. What dominance!

   This is the dominance of the force field awakened!

  Yangyang looked down and saw that the last team was rushing towards Qingyi.

  She felt the power in her body draining quickly...but it was enough!

  In an instant, just as 2,400 war robots were about to arrive in the sky above Qingyi, they stopped abruptly.

   Immediately afterwards, they flew upside down and flew towards the sky, as if someone covered them with an invisible net, and then pulled them hard!

   Qingyi and the others looked at this scene in shock, Song Niao asked: "This..."

  Qingyi said: "Turn off the greedy detonation program, we don't need it anymore..."

  They just looked up and watched Yangyang deal with those war robots like killing chickens and dogs, and felt unprecedented joy.

  The East Continent has been suppressed for too long, every army has been wiped out, and every familiar person has disappeared.

   The day Yangyang entered the demigod, although it was only a short day, the Eastern Continent finally fought a big victory that could be recorded in the annals of history.



  North of City No. 5, field forces have been moving rapidly.

  Ling sat in the command car and stared at the holographic sand table: "Qingye, according to the planned time, has greed detonated?"

   As soon as the voice fell, a phone call came in: "Greed did not detonate, Chen Yangyang became a demigod, and destroyed 12,000 war robots by himself, great victory!"

  Lian Ling froze in place: "Huh?"


Too strange.

  She has seen the episodes of fate, so she knows that when Qingyi reaches the edge of the barrier, the barrier will loosen, and Qingyi will not have time to evacuate.

   But greed will detonate, and the war robots will be completely destroyed.

   This is a script written in Destiny, but now it has been changed beyond recognition.

  In this battle, the victory should belong to the chessboard of heaven and earth. Because the God's perspective of the Western Continent must focus on the living, so even the life master can't know what the outcome of the war robot is. Logically speaking, it should be invincible.

  But the Heaven and Earth Chessboard let the Qing family see the war robots in advance, so they carefully prepared a miniature nuclear bomb for them... But it was useless?

"Interesting," Ling said with a smile, "I ordered all the Qingkun troops in Qingyi and Jianmenguan to withdraw and join us. Then I ordered Qingyu's air force fleet and land army to advance another 50 kilometers north. Give the Tempest a chance to penetrate the defenses and attack the city."

  Qingye asked: "Would you tell Yangyang to join us as soon as possible? The force field awakened demigod may even be able to shoot down the air fortress."

Zero shook his head: "She only became a demigod for a short time. Now we don't even know where the Storm is, and the Storm City Air Force has disappeared. Sooner or later, she will become a demigod again, but I'm afraid it will be too late in this war. "

   "Is it too late?"

Zero said affirmatively: "Well, if my guess is correct, the Duke of Storms will not delay the war until six days later, because he knows that the Onmyoji Shikigami will have to cultivate for seven days after returning to Shenqiao, and now there is still time before the Hundred Hundred Eyes will appear again. In 6 days, he will not give Baibaimuigui a chance to see the light of day again."

  At this time, another message came from the command vehicle: "Commander Qingyu's army vanguard has encountered the orc army, but the orc army is not the main force, but is just dealing with our vanguard in the northern mountain forest!"

   Zero frowned: "Let them retreat... No, it may be too late."

   "Is it late?"

"Have you ever heard a story, a lone traveler met a lone wolf on the mountain, and just as he was confronting the lone wolf, another wolf had already sneaked around behind him," Zero said: "This orc army has The hunting nature of wolves, even if there is no one to command them, their group combat ability is extremely good. Before there was no queen ant, they regarded the Roosevelt royal family as an enemy, but now with the taboo queen ant, they have become the sharpest weapon of the Roosevelt royal family .”

As soon as the voice fell, the news came one after another: "The vanguard troops were ambushed, and more than half of them were killed or injured in just 2 minutes! They finally sent news that there was an old man in black robes in this orc army. The vanguard troops didn't take him at all. method, the opponent will feel like they are in no man's land on the battlefield!"

  A vanguard force with an establishment of 500 people failed to last even 2 minutes before being defeated.

   This army, which is composed entirely of A-level orc warriors, is already terrifying to the extreme.

   "Do you want to cover it with missile fire?" Keino asked.

  Ling shook his head: "I'm afraid there is only a small army of orcs there. The real main force will not risk exposure until they see us. They will force us to fight hand-to-hand so that we dare not drop weapons of mass destruction."

  The most critical information is that the Duke of Storms has begun to awaken the old monster in the golden coffin.

  Adding the Duke of Storms, there are seven playwrights and demigods.

This vanguard force had just been wiped out, and the field regiment stationed 310 kilometers away suddenly received news of an attack. Almost at the same time, the first line of defense of Qing's troops in the north began to collapse, even though they had modern warfare Weapons are also useless against this highly mobile orc army.

   No, to be precise, the orc army itself is also a kind of biological weapon, and it is also the top level of human genetic science.

  Ling sighed: "The rout came faster than expected, tell Qingyu to retreat."

  Without satellite communication, even the extreme micro-manipulation that artificial intelligence is best at can’t be used. When the Duke of Storms destroyed the satellite chain, he seemed to know who his opponent was.

  (end of this chapter)

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