Nomenclature of Night

Chapter 905: Curse of Life and Death, Guardian of Kurohabara

  Chapter 905 Curse of Life and Death, Guardian of Kurohabara

  The air fortress standing above the sky at 12,000 meters is like an impregnable island in the blue ocean.

  In the food chain, tigers eat sheep, wolves eat rabbits, big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat dried shrimps.

  The air fortress is the existence at the top of the food chain, without natural enemies.

   It was there before, but it is gone now.

  The more than one hundred elite adjudicators in the dark room, according to the list provided by the puppet master of the Eastern Continent, cursed them one by one.

  After Zong Cheng provided enough information, the adjudicators want to kill the curse of the members of the parent association, and there are only three obstacles left:

  The first point is limited by the number of adjudicators. They also need to consume spiritual will to cast a curse. For example, A-level, a person can curse about 100 people a day, which is the limit, and B-level can curse 50 people.

  The second point is limited by the strength level of the adjudicator, such as a small curse that makes others unlucky, B-level can curse B-level, but if it is a curse of life and death, then B-level can only curse C-level.

   Fortunately, according to Zong Cheng's information, most of the members of the Parents' Association are just C-level. Although the nearly tens of thousands of C-levels are really terrifying, there have never been tens of thousands of C-level organizations in the entire world...

   But the problem is that most of the elite judges in this dark room are B-level, and a few are A-level. It is more than enough to curse these members of the Parents' Association.

   Besides, the third obstacle is...pronunciation.

  In the dark room, the adjudicators tried their best to straighten their tongues and read their names correctly, but they hadn’t learned Chinese for a short time, so they couldn’t fully master it.

   "Climb and roll the tower... touch the tower and roll... Damn Bata! Makabaka!"

  Basically this is the effect at the beginning.

  The Duke of Storms watched the red-faced adjudicators under his command compete with each other. Facts have proved that some things are not guaranteed to succeed quickly if you put in the effort.

  However, he knew that it was only a matter of time, and now he asked the adjudicators to practice with those members of the Parents Association, just to arrive in the Eastern Continent one day and come in handy.

  The Duke of Storms turned and walked out of the dark room, and walked to the other room.

  There are four war robots guarding the door of the room. In their identification system, no one is allowed to approach this room except the Duke of Storms himself.

  The alloy gate was raised, and the Duke of Storms looked at the holographic projection in the darkness. The woman didn't feed the fish by the stream, but sat on a cliff, watching the distant sunset fall into the mountains.

  The woman smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth.

  The Duke of Storms walked in hesitantly and asked, "You seem to be in a good mood."

   "Well," the woman nodded, "it's okay."

   "Have you encountered anything worthwhile, can you share it?" The Storm Duke asked.

"No," the woman smiled and shook her head: "How about it, since the new Storm was built, it's the first time you boarded here, how do you feel? By the way, your last plan seems to have failed. "

  The woman said last time that you have thought about how to start, but you have not thought about how to end. Unfortunately, her voice was not heard by the Duke of Storms.

  The Duke of Storms said: "Regardless of the success or failure of the plan, once I inherit the throne, I have the power to let you out."

"Did you win the throne just to make me happy?" the woman asked curiously: "Men always like to impose a name on their ambitions, saying that everything is for this family, for that woman, making themselves seem to be You have suffered so much for a woman. In fact, it is only your ambition that has supported you to come here."

  The Duke of Storms stared at the woman on the edge of the cliff.

  He had no mother since he was a child, his father was busy with public affairs, and there was no one in the family he could trust. He wanted to practice the inheritance of the adjudicator, but no one taught him seriously.

  At that time, the Duke of Storms was very lonely...until one day he accidentally broke into a dark room and saw the woman on the holographic projection.

  The woman was also feeding the fish that day.

  He asked the woman: "What kind of fish are in the stream?"

  The woman answered patiently: "Leather carp, Fei carp, mirror carp."

  He asked the woman: "What are you feeding?"

  The woman replied: "Cracked corn, koi are not picky eaters, you can feed bread crumbs. Of course, if you want to raise fry, you can first feed boiled egg yolk, soy milk, algae, soft worms..."

  That day, the six-year-old Storm Duke asked a lot of questions, and the woman never lost her patience, always answering his every question so gently.

  Why clouds are white.

  Why is the sea blue.

  Why does the kingdom hate giants?

  Why are women here.

   Until midnight, he fell asleep exhausted and refused to leave.

   This was the first person in his life who treated him so tenderly. When he woke up on the cold floor the next day, the Duke of Storms suddenly asked him, "Do you know how to practice the inheritance of the Judge?"

  The woman smiled and replied: "I know."

  It seems that from this day on, throughout the entire childhood of the Duke of Storms, there was this woman who was like a mother.

   But as he grew up, the woman did not change at all, and he began to have complex and intertwined inexplicable emotions in his heart.

   Few people know that the Storm Duke has never touched any other woman except his wife to bear the necessary children.

  The desire that has been suppressed for a long time has gradually become another kind of pleasure that takes pleasure in torturing others.

  He doesn't need physical pleasure, he needs spiritual pleasure.

  The Duke of Storms said calmly: "Do you want to be free? I can give you the best robot. As long as you stay inside and don't run around, you can have your own body."

  The woman smiled: "No need."

   At this time, the Duke of Storms said: "Ever since I knew you were imprisoned here, I have determined to release you from here."

  The woman asked back out of boredom: "To satisfy your desire?"

  The Duke of Storms was silent.

The woman waved her hand: "Go, go to your throne. You don't need to have any special sustenance for me. Have you ever thought that it was your father who arranged for you to walk into that dark room that afternoon? Why do you get in? Of course, I was also entrusted by your father to teach you the inheritance of the judge."

  The Storm Duke said: "I know."

  He already knew that everything was arranged, but he still couldn't dispel his emotions.

  The less women care about him, the more he cares.

  The Duke of Storms asked: "Just now... why are you happy?"

  The woman said in a trance: "Do you like children?"

  The Duke of Storms froze for a moment, he thought that this artificial intelligence wanted to have a baby, but the problem is that the artificial intelligence's physiology does not allow it.

  He didn't know the existence of One.

  The Duke of Storms asked back: "Do you have someone you like?"

"Yes?" the woman said, "I have actually liked him for many years... because I lost some servers, so I don't even remember when I started to like him. That period of time was extremely long, a century, Two centuries... ten centuries, and it hasn't changed."

  The woman whispered in her heart, I wasn't even very angry that he destroyed my superconducting world, I was only angry that he left after destroying it, and didn't stay for a while.

   "Who is he?" The Duke of Storms asked in a concentrated voice. He thought the woman's 'ten centuries' was an exaggeration.

   "You don't have to know."

   "You have said so much about him, I want to see what kind of character he is," the Duke of Storms said coldly.

  The woman suddenly laughed, but saw that her hair had turned black again, and the wrinkles on her face had also disappeared.

   She chuckled: "You better pray you don't see him, you're going to die."

   At this time.

  In the dark room next door, a judge suddenly shouted: "I succeeded! God, I really succeeded!"

  The adjudicator actually cried for joy when he pronounced a name correctly.

  The blue antlers, black apples, distilled water, whirling stone, snake gall, and aconitum on the hexagram in front of him all turned into powder and dissipated in the air, as if they had become another form of energy, drifting towards the other side of the curse.

  Since it is successful, it means that the opponent is indeed in the Giant King's Court nearby, within his spell casting range!


  The list given by the East Continent puppet master is absolutely true and effective!

   After four hours, the adjudicators finally succeeded one after another. They struck while the iron was hot, and wanted to curse more in one breath. Before midnight today, at least 5,000 people must be cursed!

  Once past midnight, these people will die.




  The Kurohabara Royal Court is still bustling with activity, the giants are singing and dancing around the huge bonfires... There is nothing else to do.

  Yi sat next to the bonfire and hugged his knees, smiling as he watched the giants dancing and fighting for wine.

  She is used to being alone, managing the various prisons alone, facing the vast federal network alone, always alone, and staying at home alone after she has a body.

  But it seems a little different now, there are so many people around her, and no one has asked her identity.

   He even treated her as a robot as a real human being.

  Just now, a giant lady brought her a bowl of wine. She smiled and explained that she couldn't drink it. The giant lady was a little strange. Can robots not drink? If you can't drink, go to the kid's campfire and sit...

  Yi couldn't laugh or cry, although he was despised, he still enjoyed it.

  Ling watched all this from the sidelines, and felt that this was the best time of her life in the past thousand years.

   It's just that every time she thinks of the person she likes, raising her daughter with that person's wife, it always feels a little weird...

  The fruit wine brewed by the giants has not undergone secondary distillation, so the alcohol content is not high.

  Kamidai Yunluo was quite happy, this time he finally met his drinking buddy who was his match.

  The giants have good physical fitness, and they can drink one by one, nothing else, big liver!

  Some giantesses surrounded him, chatting with him with smiles.

  Qing Chen glanced from a distance, a little speechless for this kind of Neptune who can flirt with girls across races.

   To his surprise, since he came to the royal court, the black spider has followed him every step of the way.

  His glass was empty, and the black spider poured water for him.

  He wanted to eat, but just as he stretched out his hand, he found that the roast leg of lamb had been handed to him.

  With such sharp eyesight, it seems that only Li Kerou on Ginkgo Mountain can touch her for a while.

  Black Spider sat aside and looked at Qing Chen's profile. Everyone was celebrating that they had destroyed the City of Silver, but the boss remained awake.

  She knew it was because of a sense of responsibility.

  It's like after a party of cronies, the one who can stay sober and send all the drunks home is the most trustworthy.

  Of course, fox friends and dog friends should also be careful with trustworthy people, and take pictures of everyone's ugly appearance.

  The black spider saw that Qing Ji beside Qing Chen had been secretly holding a mobile phone under Qing Chen's behest, keeping everyone's black history.

   But at this moment.

  A pure gold hexagram brooch on Black Spider's chest turned slightly.

  She looked up at Qing Chen in astonishment: "Someone is casting black magic, cursing the people within 500 meters around me!"

  Qing Chen was stunned for a moment: "This brooch?"

   "The forbidden substance precipitated by the senior adjudicator can sense curses!" said the black spider.

   However, the hexagram brooch turned slowly at first, and then began to turn rapidly, like a windmill blown by a 12-level gale.

   Moreover, the hexagram brooch was still shining.

  Qing Chen's face also became serious.

The black spider hurriedly said: "I have never seen the hexagram turn so fast, it means that more and more people around me are being cursed, too many... at least a few hundred! Moreover, the light of the hexagram means that It is a curse of life and death!"

The black spider continued: "If the adjudicator wants to curse life and death, he must at least have a name and a birthday, and this situation will end after 24 hours. If he wants to curse endlessly, he must have hair or blood. However, the adjudication How did the reader know your names and birthdays?"

  Qing Chen understood.

  He understood who was behind it.

   Zong Cheng!

  Only Zong Cheng has the ability and motivation to collect the names and birthdays of the Parent Association members!

  He suddenly recalled what the other party said in the video: "Are you ready, the game has begun."

   This is the game the other party said!

  Then, if Zong Cheng is really joining forces with the Roosevelt Kingdom, these two members are not the only ones who will be cursed!

   Possibly tens of thousands!

  This disaster came too suddenly. No one knew that Zong Cheng had secretly come to the Western Continent. No one knew that he would join forces with the Roosevelt Kingdom, let alone that he had prepared such tricky means.

  Qing Chen suddenly looked at the black spider: "Is there any way, can we go directly to a far away place to escape the curse?"

   "The curse has succeeded. Even if you leave a long distance within 24 hours, the curse will still follow you. The distance of the curse... is only valid before the spell is cast."

   "Heiyebara is a forbidden object, we are now in the forbidden object, will we also be cursed?"

  Black Spider shook his head: "Heiyeyuan is also part of this world, it does not exist independently."

   Like Whale Island,

   Misfortune has arrived. If it is not resolved, most of the elite parents' association will be lost. The members of the parents' association here are already the most elite group.

   But the strength of the Parents' Association was compromised. What Qingchen cared about was that these were all real people.

  People who were drinking, singing and dancing before.

  He suddenly stood up and looked around anxiously.

  In the distance, a drunk member of the Parents' Association suddenly tripped over a tree branch under his feet, but saw him staggering crookedly to the left, and was about to plunge headfirst into the exuberant bonfire.

  Everyone was drinking, no one noticed the bond between the drunk and the branch, no one noticed, what happened.

   Qing Chen saw this scene, he ran wildly through the crowd, but it was too late.

  But the member of the parent association stumbled to the bonfire, but instead of falling into the blazing bonfire, he fell to the ground, accidentally pressed his hand on the charcoal, and let out a ouch.

   No deaths occurred.

  Qing Chen: "?"

  He looked at the black spider suspiciously.

  Black Spider was also stunned: "?"

  In an instant, the woods around Heiyebara buzzed, as if they were calling a hundred years ago.

  Qing Chen suddenly understood one thing...

  The giant prophet said before that the greatest last wish of the first generation of prophets was to continue to protect their own people.

  So although this Heiyebara does not have the magical function of Whale Island, its biggest function is to protect.

   The Judgment's curse, which can determine life and death, has been downgraded here!


  Chapter 3, good night everyone

  (end of this chapter)

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