Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 527: Simulated combat drive ninety-nine percent

In the name of killing? Has the evolutionary body combat drive simulation reached 99%?

Wu Hao’s heart is overjoyed.

Only one difference, you can have a simulation version of the battle drive! It’s too late.

Although I have long known that this combat drive is a simulation version, it does not achieve a true full body effect, but Wu Hao is still very happy to gain new strength in the battle.

At least for sure, once the combat drive is turned on, it will inevitably increase the combat power of the evolutionary body, which is just used at this moment. Not to mention a life-saving straw, it is definitely a big aid.

From the figure of ninety-nine, Wu Hao also understands that the number of murderers has reached 99, and it is immediately a hundred people. It’s really killing a lot, but in the basaltic era, how could it not be **** hands?

In Wu Xie’s concept, if he pursues not killing people in this era, he will be tempted. In the era of peace, it is natural to ask for good thoughts, but when the soldiers are in disorder, they can't keep the suspicion of killing, but they are looking for abuse.

Ah, a hundred people, a girl, a little missed Japanese movie, the movie of the Japanese girl, who appeared in the house, and Wu Hao has a sneak peek.

Still one, and kill one, you can start the simulation battle drive. Wu Hao’s mind is trying to find which bad luck to start.

I don't know if it is obsessive-compulsive disorder. Wu Hao feels itchy.

It seems that the phone is charged to 99% of the phone, she would rather stand at the table and watch the number percentage jump to one hundred to be able to unplug the power satisfactorily. Otherwise, I feel like I am missing something, or I am worried that the power of the mobile phone will be insufficient.

The Wu national guards did not know the situation of Wu Hao, and at the moment they began to swarm up.

There are not many trees planted by Wu Hao, but the victory over the branches and the roots are developed enough to give people a feeling like a forest. She was originally a delicate figure, compared to the burly guards. However, it is easier to drill in this place.

The guards only saw Wu Hao's figure flashing, and he lost his sight for a while, and could not help but be anxious.

In fact, they are weak in observation caused by dizziness and anxiety. If you stare carefully, you can still see the blue skirt flashing. Wu Hao's body is fast, can he hide in the shape of so many Xuanwu masters? Moreover, although the trees and branches are dense, after all, they are not tight. There are still very large gaps visible.

Of course, there is a reason that Wu Hao is too weak in his body shape. Think about it, which of these guards is not five big three? In this era, it is not popular to have a creamy niche. The vast majority of men are the best in basaltic and physical strength. Of course, the aristocratic teenagers such as Shizi and Xuan Prince naturally do not need to pursue strongness.

At this time, the sky is getting darker. Because there is a cliff blocking this place, it is located within the foothills of the mountain, and the early evening is relatively early.

As night falls, Wu Hao’s body shape is easier to hide.

"Everyone pays attention! This girl's figure is small and fast!" Just the nine-star guards loudly reminded the companions.

"We don't want to leave a gap, we have a lot of people. With these eucalyptus trees going over, she has absolutely nowhere to hide!"

"They are lurking on the cliffs, and they have to be sneaked into the cold arrows!"

The defenders of the Wu State did not dare to be reckless. They have already fallen over a dozen brothers. Who has the courage to make it? Don't look at such a little girl, but it has already made the entire Wu State camp out of the sky.

The night's pull down and the twigs and vines blocked, and it also caused great trouble to the Jin Shichang and other people on the cliff. The accuracy of archery has dropped dramatically, and three bow and arrow players have shot at least a dozen arrows. But it only hurt the following three guards.

The defenders of the Wu State are not as easily injured by the bow as the ordinary soldiers. It is even less prone to casualties.

"What is the waiter? The bow and arrow effect is much worse."

"Oh, our shooting is completely incomparable to Xiao’s girl."

"Come on and help Xiao Xiao to kill the enemy!"

The Qi national strikers on the cliff asked the chief waiter.

Kim’s chieftain blinked for a long while and shook his head. “Our mission is to listen to Xiao’s girl. She has no words to let us go, so don’t mess up!”

"But there are hundreds of basalt players underneath! How can Xiao girl be able to cope with it?!" The people around him hurried.

"Xiao girl pressed Xuan Prince to Wuying, but she was able to retreat. Why do we have to worry too much?!" Jin Shichang bit his teeth: "I am waiting for the help of this, and I will do my best to keep my duty! The following Wuguo guards are Dare to jump on the top of the tree, not, the tip of the tree, we will shoot them down!"

The banyan tree is planted, the root of the tree is above...

However, Wu Hao pulled out the big tree is only a part, so there are many roots. But there are still many piles that are cut with a sword.

At that time, she was also randomly planted, and some directly cut the plum pile. Some are hard-boiled and pierced the ground with a canopy, leaving the roots on top. Some branches are littered, leaving only the stumps of the polished poles inserted into the ground.

These three types of trees are replanted here, not only as a weird place, but also as if they are in a complex battlefield.

"Leader!" The three shooters immediately followed suit.

They were on the cliff, and they were ruthlessly violent for the martial arts guards who dared to leap over the top of the banyan tree. In a short while, it caused an arrow injury to the other two guards.

"Damn!" A guardian wanted to climb a tree stump cut out by Wu Hao, and wanted to stand on a high ground for a wide range of searches. The arrow that was quickly shot by the chief of the tree on the cliff was so untenable. He had no choice but to land, and his feet had not touched the ground, and he felt that his heart was cold.

"Ah" screams.

A sharp-edged blade with a green sword was revealed from his chest. The eight-star guard has been swayed by Wu Hao from behind.

"She is here!" The surrounding Wuguo guards rushed over.

"Save, save..." The guards also tried to ask for help, and Wu Hao's sword was stirred, and he quickly retired.

Although Wu Hao has already smashed his lungs, his temperament is not low, and he has been born from a small cross-practice. He has actually resisted the cut of the heart of Liu Bijian with the strength of the muscles.

The eight-star guardian vomited blood and twitched and twitched.

Even if he didn't die immediately, his lungs were destroyed. Sooner or later, he couldn't escape. He just got a temporary linger.

Wu Hao’s decision was good. Her hearing told herself that the surrounding guards had approached quickly. A slight delay in breathing will make you immediately entangled and hard to get out.

She does not want to be an object of being besieged. The current situation is not in the military camp. At that time, Xuan Prince began to give birth to Wu Hao to play, and now she has no doubt that these guards will slash.

Still don't take risks, it's rare that the days are getting dark, let alone the home environment created by yourself. When it is a one-to-many, street fighting is a very good choice. Therefore, Wu Haoqiang endured the probability of 99%, forced himself to withdraw and retreat, and then sneaked into the hidden place to swim away.

The banyan tree planted by Wu Hao himself naturally has a clear understanding of all terrain in his mind. In the mind of the evolutionary body, there is a precise map of the game. She can even lurk in her eyes with her eyes closed, and she has turned this place into her own home of killing.

The guards who were pierced by the chest and lungs fell to the ground, and the air intake was less ventilated, and the blood bubbles were sprayed from the mouth. Several well-coordinated guards came to the rescue and were treated with various medicinal herbs for traumatic treatment. They only played a minor role.

Wu Hao thought that his figure was hidden in the night, but the Wu national guards have already raised their vigilance. At this time, seeing her figure flashing, how can she let it go? Dozens of people rushed over regardless of the blockage of the roots of the branches.

Fortunately, these guards did not join hands in this kind of environment, and they were even less familiar with the terrain. In the end, Wu Hao took advantage of the opportunity to escape from an omission.

Fortunately, she has now switched to a blue outfit. If it was white earlier, I was afraid that I would not have the chance to escape.

"It was escaped by her again!" The guards watched the encircled people gradually gather, and could not help but be annoyed.

There is a guardian: "I was able to feel her sigh of sighs just now, but after the outbreak, it was silent like a quenching."

Many guards scratched their heads: "Yeah, how is this good? I can't think of her mysteriousness to send and receive as much as I can, just like playing."

The mysterious outburst of the ordinary warrior is a bit like a burning fire. There is a continuous half-sleep state on weekdays, and others can judge the star level as long as they are of similar rank or higher. In the outbreak, it was like pulling up the bellows suddenly, and the fire would suddenly rise. If it is re-suppressed, it can only slowly reduce the fire.

However, Wu Hao’s mysteriousness is like a lighter that switches freely. This feature adds to the difficulty of the guards searching her.

"Let's pick up the torch, or you can't see it clearly."

"But when the fire started to ignite the forest caused the mountain fire, I am afraid that it will be difficult to pass a few hours."

"That's right, you can only touch the black. In fact, we can't see clearly, she can't see."

"Right, we set the torch, and it must have become the target of Xiao Ruoyao."

"These towering towerings are so good and hateful! We pull them out!" There were guards full of grievances, heading straight to the nearest eucalyptus tree, and carrying the mysterious sigh to a big banyan tree.

The branches of the tree he picked have been cut off, which is better.

The guards hugged the big banyan tree and the trunk was thick and thick.

The trunk swayed slightly, and the guard had not waited for more strength. Suddenly, he screamed: "It’s hot!"

I saw that his palm seemed to touch the hot copper column of the gun, and several blood bubbles had been burned.

No, it seems not as simple as a blood bubble. I saw that the skin is constantly festering, it seems to be poisonous. (To be continued...)

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