Nine Sun God King

Chapter 2455: Xingyue Zhengyan

The eyebrows of the night invites snow to reveal a crescent moon imprint, which allows her to contact the Guanghan Palace and let Jian Ling marry them. Qin

The cloud looked at the big leaping book on the ground, waiting for the night to invite Xue to contact them.

After waiting for a while, the night invites Xue to open his eyes and frown: "Xiaoyun, Lingjie sister can't come in a short time!"

Then let's try both of them first! "Qin Yun said."

Linglong sisters are out! It is Xiangyun who took them out and didn’t know what to do! "Night invites snow to say: "I contacted the sisters of the city and Tianzi sister. Although they are not singularist, they can release a strong enough blood soul! ""

Ok, I miss them! "Qin Yun laughed."

Xiaoyun, Xiangyun sister with Linglong sister to go out, is definitely something important! "The night invites snow quite worried."

There is a fragrance rhyme sister, there should be nothing wrong! Qin Yun said: "In addition to Xiang Yunjie, who can play, who else will follow? ""

There is also Fengyue Wangjue, Ice Star Sister, Maiko Sister! "The night invites snow."

"If there are a few of them, then you can rest assured!" Qin Yun nodded. Qin

The cloud is now beginning to draw on the very complex space grotesques according to the Yuetian Collection.

He also let Momo come out.

Momo can record those grotesques very quickly and then draw them through her eyes. do not

Seeing Momo is a very small elf, but her blood soul power is very strong. She only needs to look at the strange patterns to remember, and then quickly draws in the air through her eyes. she was

What can't be done is to use a carving knife to engrave on a hard object. If it is carved out of the air by the power of blood, her speed is much faster than Qin Yun. Qin

The cloud is not good at space grotesque, and there is no strange spirit in this respect, so he is very slow. "

Momo, I did not expect you to be so powerful! "Qin Yun was very surprised."

I have become a lot stronger during this time! Momo smiled sweetly: "Yangyang sister, little bunny and little ants, they are all progressing, I can't fall behind!" ”

"Small Momo is really amazing!" The night invites Xue Xiaodao, she also likes this cute elf very much.

The night invites snow to release the power of the soul of the blood. She is now injecting a set of space singularity floating in the air, injecting the power of the soul of the blood, to maintain the space of the singularity does not dissipate.

Not long after, the purple city and the water are coming.

Together they were transferred to the large warehouse of Yuetiansuo, Qin Yun and the night invitation snow are also here. purple

The city is wearing a light purple dress, and the beautiful jade face of the city is faintly delighted. After seeing Qin Yun, this beautiful and beautiful girl is very excited. and

Next to her, is the water-like posture wearing a white tulle dress, the beautiful and charming face is full of smiles, the fascinating phoenix eyes and emotions, just her kind of eyes, full of souls The power of confusion. also

She is also very charming in her dress. The slender jade legs are looming under the translucent tulle skirt. The slender jade waist and the beautiful scented shoulder collar are all shining under the thin white gauze clothes. More moving. "

Xiao Xianggong, I miss you! "Water Tianzi flutters in the past, like soft warm water, buffering to Qinyun, and wrapping Qin Yun."

"Water Leprechaun... It’s messing with my heart!" Qin Yun’s heart was dark, but he was very happy, and he also took advantage of this sticky and charming thing, and kissed her forehead.

If it weren’t for the night invitation and the purple city, Qin Yun was somewhat worried that he would be more expensive by this water fairy. "

Xiao Mao, how come you are looking for us now? "Purple city resentment sighed and then came to Qin Yun."

Baozi sister, I haven't seen you for a long time... Every time I see you, I always feel that you are a little fat, let me pinch it, is it fat? "Qin Yunxiao smiled, his hand seemed to be uncontrollable, and he reached the face of the purple city."

Who is fat? Go away! "Purple city is squeaky, to open Qin Yun's hand, but it did not open.

In this way, Qin Yun's face is holding a charming and enchanting water, and the face of the purple city is in one hand, which is quite enjoyable. "

Our night sister is jealous! "Water Tianzi giggled.

"Who is jealous?" The night invited the snow to go over, pinched a thigh of water, and smiled. This

The second purple city and the water are coming, they will not go any more. Qin

The cloud intends to leave this pair of enchanting double ji, once again in the Jiuyang oracle, and beside him, can help him do something.

"Let's get started soon!" said the night snow, and then she began to arrange tasks for the water and the purple city.

This fascinating double singer is not low at present, it is a holy deity, and it is about to enter the Tao. also

There is a great change in their practice, which is not familiar to Qin Yun.

Mainly because of the changes they made during the practice of the gods, they are generally good.

In particular, they are more powerful in the use of mental power, able to condense the power of the soul, and some special flames. she was

They usually follow Jian Ling with them and help them with what they do. I

I will also go to help alchemy. Although the combat power is not particularly strong, there is a lot of experience in the alchemy of the alchemy. she was

What we are going to do now is to stabilize the space singularities that Qin Yun and Momo have made. Note

Enter the power of the soul to keep the space in the best state. only

When there is a good state, the night invites snow to let the strange lines blend, so that it can be better integrated.

They used to invite snow to merge the strange lines, so they are very experienced in this area.

"Right, what did Linglong sister do for them?" Qin Yun asked: "Buffy sister, do you know?"

"It’s Xiangyun’s sister who took them! I don’t know what they are going to do!” Purple Allure shook his head. "

Before Feng Xiao, I told you that they might have to go to the gods! "Water Tianzi said.

"I remember that Xiang Yunjie said before that the blue sky that appeared in the days of the gods and gods should be useful, but I still don't know how to use it! She is now with the exquisite sisters, they are going to study. This!" The night invitation snow is also a sudden realization. Qin

Yun also listened to Yue Xiangyun said that he intends to integrate this space grotesque, and after a little transfer of the magic weapon, he will immediately go to the gods.

Go to the gods and gods to see if you can see Xie Qirou, and then go to the Tiandao **** shop to go to the meeting to compete for the control of the Tiandao **** shop.

With the help of Momo, Qin Yun only spent a day, and all the 30 space singular patterns within the Yuetian Collection were drawn. three

Ten groups of space grotesque, shining with a touch of white light, seemingly intricate many silk thread floating, but if you look carefully, you find it is very mysterious, even if you don't understand the strange lines, you can see that it is very Mysterious strong grotesque. "

Momo, you should go to rest first! After the integration, you still need help! "The night invites snow to Momo."

"Well, I will be able to recover soon!" Momo also entered the Jiuyang shrine to rest. Connect

Down, Qin Yun will paint the sun, star and moon.

"Xiaoyun, Xingyueyang, these three kinds of strange lines, which three strongest you want to use?" asked the night snow.

"Of course it is a star totem, a moon totem and a sun totem!" Qin Yun said with a smile: "These I have, I can definitely match the space grotesque!"

Let's get started! "Night invites snow to smile lightly: "Let me see the strongest star totem, moon totem and sun totem! ""

The strongest... no problem! Qin

Cloud eyes suddenly flashed blue light, he used the heart of the Royal, inspired the power of the gods, to quickly condense the strongest star totem.

Night invites snow, purple allure and water heaven, now they are watching Qin Yun, they want to see, what is the strongest star totem!

What surprised them was that there was no star totem in front of Qin Yun, but a beautiful figure appeared, and then a charming long-legged woman appeared! This

It is the star-shaped ghost of the shape of the star, and the form is the star god! star

God is the same as the water, and it is a natural and charming thing. Do not

The same is that the kind of charm of the water, like water, soaks the human heart. and

The charm of the star god, with a delicate and beautiful, can also be fascinating. "

Xiaoyun, the form of your star singularity, is actually the star **** sister! "Water Tianzi eyes are blurred, and smiled: "I haven't seen Star God sister for a long time, and I don't know where she is!" ”

"She is retreating at me!" Qin Yun said.

"It turned out that you hid the star **** sister!" Water Tianzi softly chuckled.

After Qin Yun released the form of the Star Monster, then began to engrave a very complicated star totem! star

The totem was completed very quickly, and then the star was flying around the strange pattern. During the flight, the shape of the star was sprinkled with white silk and wrapped around the star totem! With

The fascinating star **** phantom gradually disappears, and the star totem completed by the star jun is completely formed! this

The star totem of time is like a huge spiral galaxy, which is slowly swirling. This is the Taoist star totem!

If you look carefully, there are many odd-grain nodes in the galaxy, which are all star-studded stars. recognize

After watching it for a while, it seems to be in the sea of ​​stars! "

The star totem is complete! Next is the moon totem! "Qin Yun began to paint the moon totem."

The form of the moon Jiqi spirits should be Yang sister! "The night invites snow."

Qin Yun uses the strange spirit to form a form, and then into the totem, which makes the totem stronger. very

Fast, Qin Yun engraved the moon totem, just like before, through the moon Jiqi soul, condense the moon Ji form! Such as

The fascinating long skirt beauty is the form of the moon Jiqi spirit, exactly the same as Yang Shiyue! "

Sure enough, Yang sister! "The night invites snow to laugh.

Qin Yun, like before, will transform the shape of Yue Ji into the moon totem, making the moon totem stronger. Now

The monthly totem is also the Taoist totem of the Taoist, constantly changing, from the crescent moon slowly to the full moon, and then back to the crescent moon, constantly changing, very magical. "

Next is the Yang Totem! "Qin Yun wiped the sweat and smiled: "You guess, who is the shape of the Yangdi strange spirit?" ”

"Xiaoyun, do you have Yangdi strange spirits?" The night invites snow to eat.

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