Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1255: Against the sky

Chapter 1255

Qin Yun released a lot of blood carving grotesque, which is very dangerous because it will make him very weak.

Fortunately, there is nothing that can be close to the mountain.

The powerful existence of the mountain is high.

If there is a stranger who sees it next to him, it will definitely be amazed by Qin Yun.

When Qin Yun carved the grotesque, the stone was actually suspended!

At this time, Qin Yun entered a state, holding a cloud of clouds, and concentrating on carving the grotesque. The stone was used as a paper, and it seemed to have the same spirituality.

The stone consciously cooperates with Qin Yun, suspended in the air, and can also move with the mind of Qin Yun, to facilitate Qin Yun to engrave the strange lines.

Unconsciously, the stone is getting smaller!

Until Qin Yun carved the set of strange lines, the light on the stone was gradually dimmed, and at this time it became a big slap!

"Strange, this is obviously a stone. After I carved the curious lines, it became a character?"

Qin Yun did not know what was going on, and he was surprised to see this strange robbing symbol.

"The things in this mountain are weird. It seems to be able to match you into what you think! Of course, the state when you are carving grotesque is very rare, so the mountain will match you!" Ling Yun said.


Shenshan suddenly vibrated, Qin Yun suddenly felt a strong impact from the inside of the mountain.

Calling, Qin Yun was shocked by a wave of gas.

In the blink of an eye, he was shocked to the distance, far away from the mountain.

"What is going on here? How did I get so far away from the earthquake?" Qin Yun originally planned to rest in Shenshan for a while.

“Shenshan let you stay away from it?” Ling Yun said again: “I just felt that there is a strong spiritual fluctuation, and there is spiritual inside the mountain!”

Ling Yun can be in contact with all kinds of spirits, so she can just sense the mountain spirit, but she can't communicate.

Qin Yun looked at the sign in his hand and sighed: "I remember that when I got the soul of the sun, I was once looked at by the sun, causing the strong wu shortage to be forced away!"

"Yes!" Ling Yun said: "This time, it should be the sun is helping you!"

Qin Yun took out the star tour tower and entered the rest.

When you have a good rest, try the robbing character.

Its daybreak!

Qin Yun sat in the lobby of the first floor of the Star Tour Tower. Suddenly he felt that his mirror was shaking, causing a burst of spiritual fluctuations, prompting him that someone was contacting him.

After he took out the mirror, he heard a cold woman's voice coming.

"You are Qin Yun?" Qin Yun looked at the mirror, only the three words of Xiao Caifeng.

"I am Qin Yun! Who are you? You are not Xiao Caifeng!" Qin Yun asked.

"Who am I, you don't need to know! I am in contact with you through the mirror of the slave girl!" The voice of the woman reveals a arrogant and arrogant, thick and scornful tone, which makes Qin Yun feel very Not comfortable.

"I am Qin Yun, what's the matter?" Qin Yun asked coldly.

"I heard that water is like a friend, isn't it?" The woman asked in a cold, arrogant voice.

"Yes, what is the relationship with you? Right, I want to talk to Xiao Caifeng and return the mirror to her!" Qin Yun is very dissatisfied with this woman and does not want to continue talking.

"The slave is outside, now I am talking to you alone!" The woman's tone suddenly became even colder, but also with anger: "You are not a fairy, not allowed to be so rude to me! ”

Qin Yun broke the contact and didn't want to talk to this woman again.

However, his mirror quickly shook again.

It was the arrogant woman who came here: "Qin Yun, listen! If you are clever, give me a little farther. Don't be near the water again! If you pass it out, let people know that water is like this low-lying thing. Making friends will only affect her reputation..."

"Go to your mother!" Qin Yun roared.

"Hey! You wait for me, I will send someone to teach you something rude!" The woman was very angry and broke contact.

Qin Yun put away the mirror, his eyes were cold, and his heart said: "Who is this woman? She will not be willing to give up!"

He continues to rest, to ensure that he spends the best of his life in the midst of the seven cents!

After a long time, there was a loud explosion outside!

Someone is attacking the Star Tower!

When Qin Yun opened the door and saw it, he saw five people. He was a big man in the middle of the year. He came to the Nangong Shuiru last time.

"What are you doing?" Qin Yun's voice was cold.

"Kid, get out quickly! Water is like let us kill you!" The singer sneered: "Because she said that you are thin!"

"Don't want to lie to me, is a woman sent you?" Qin Yun faceless, holding the robbing symbol in his hand.

"Do you know that you are afraid? Do you know who the woman is? She is a cousin like a water, she is a fairy! And her husband, also from the dragon family! She does not allow water to meet you like this guy! ”

"She doesn't want you to have any fantasies, but go to the Nangong family to harass the water, so let us come here to get rid of you, you will die today!" The zhong year said, and took out a long knife.

"Kids, we are all immortals, the strongest is also the five people of the immortal world, you are a small and a half fairy, hurry out, we give you a happy! If we wait for us to break this tower, you will certainly be born to die!" Another Youth, the face is cloudy.

"What is the name of the cousin like water? Just tell me, I will go out!" Qin Yun has already inspired the catastrophe, as long as it is posted on him, you can know whether it is successfully robbed.

"Speaking out of fear of scaring you! Her name is Nangong Xueli, and the husband is a dragon blade! Is it scared?" That year smirked.

"Is she sent someone to kill me?" Qin Yun fisted a hand.

"Not bad!" After the zhong year, he took out the magic mirror and contacted Nangong Xueli.

"Hurry up and get rid of that kid, don't make extra money!" Nangong Xueli came with a cold voice, and the few people were all looking at the mirror, a very respectful look.

Qin Yun will affix the robbery to the body!

And empty, suddenly there is a golden cloud!

Shenshan releases a thick golden glow, turning into an aerosol, densely covered in the sky.

The year of Zhong looked up at the sky and felt a burst of pressure and some tremors.

"Big brother, what is going on?" a young man took out a big knife and asked in horror.

"I don't know, it may be on the other side of the mountain!" Zhong years frowned.

"This kind of pressure is a bit like a half-robbery!" the young man said with amazement.

"Half-small robbery? The robbery clouds of the semi-fair robbery are all black, this is a golden cloud, and it is a gathering of divine power! It can't be a semi-fair!" That year, Zhongxiao smiled: "We will quickly complete the mission and go back to life!" ”

Qin Yun knows that he has succeeded, and finally ushered in his own half-seven rob!

At this time, the robbery cloud is condensing, covering a thousand miles of the mountain.

The beasts and immortals near this mountain of God were all scared by this pressure.


Nangong Shui is near Shenshan. She comes out from a small house and floats to the empty sky. Looking at the golden sky, Liu Mei is locked.

The world is surging, and there is a gust of wind blowing. With the Tianwei, the Nangong water is dancing like a white dress.

"Water is like a sister, how is this going?" Xiao Caifeng asked curiously, staring at the watery eyes and looking at the sky.

"Do you have a magic mirror? Look up!" Nangong water is like a whisper.

Xiao Caifeng immediately checked it and quickly found a lot of things. He was surprised: "Some people say that this is a robbery against the sky! The people who confronted the sky, think of ways to attract their own half-seven robes, to reverse the heavenly feathers. Fairy!"

"Who is the robbery in the end?" Nangong water is like a low road,

This incident spread on the mirror, and many of the Emperor Xiandi were very surprised.

Xiao Hei also knows, secretly surprised, did not expect Qin Yun to attract half a fairy seven.

The catastrophe that appeared here is a sensation!

Because it is very uncomfortable to attract such a robbery against the sky, if it can be spent, it will be even more terrible!


"Boss, this is a robbery against the sky, I don't know who is nearby!" A young man through the mirror, also figured out the situation of Jin Yun.

"Take him! Anyway, it won't be near us!" At the door of the Star Tour Tower, the zhong year shouted at Qin Yun: "Get out of the way!"

Qin Yun slowly went out, and he waved the star tour tower.

"Go to hell!" The zhong year saw Qin Yun coming out, flew in the past, and slashed his sword to Qin Yun.


A golden thunder suddenly fell and shook the entire land.

The golden thunder, hit the body of the zhong!

The body of the zhong year, together with the knife, suddenly disappeared.

Several other young people were scared and stumbled.


Another golden lightning fell, hitting Qin Yun!

"Ha ha ha ha..." Qin Yun was robbed and thundered, and suddenly laughed.

Because his half-seven catastrophe has finally arrived, it means that he has finally taken another step on the road to the sky, which makes him extremely excited.

The people who want to kill Qin Yun, although they are all immortals, are scared to death!

Those who want to go against the robbery of the heavens are actually the ones they want to kill!

What scares them most is that this person is facing such a terrible catastrophe, but he is so proud of his grandeur, not afraid of this terrible catastrophe!


The robbery fell and hit the body of Qin Yun!

Qin Yun is painful, but more excited and excited.

He looked at the young people and sneered: "You want to kill me? Heaven can't kill me, can you kill me?"

Against the sky! Heaven must be smashed!

However, after several days of thunder, it is impossible to kill Qin Yun.

The zhong of the five-year-old fairyland was instantly vaporized.

Qin Yun flashed, rushed to a young man, lightning bolted to the throat of the young man.


The robbery fell and hit the body of Qin Yun. Through the body of Qin Yun, the amount of violent thunder power was transmitted to the young man.

The young man was too late to scream, and was shattered by the power of thunder and turned into ashes.

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